I forgot to include in my summary one absolutely vital piece of evidence that confirms to me that this has been but Part 1 of a continuous assault upon humanity.

We’ve known long before injecting billions of people with mRNA based products that these are unavoidably harmful.

Why, then, are Pfizer & Moderna expanding their manufacturing footprint all round the world, building new production facilities everywhere?

Why have several governments proudly announced that they have struck desks to purchase sufficient doses to inject every citizen a further ten times over?

Add to this the constant warnings about “the next pandemic”, when there haven’t been any real pandemics?

Add further, the steady push towards a requirement to have & to display a new form of international digital ID, like a farm or companion animal?

Also, the symphony of voices from the central bankers that cash is out-dated and is to be replaced by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)?

A future world, if we let them bring it into being in which we disappear as unique humans and become mere avatars represented by a QR Code. These avatars can easily be forced to get injected repeatedly as a condition to maintain the validity of their digital ID, with which no person may buy or sell.

You may have come across such a scenario before.

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Mike, you ask “Why, then, are Pfizer & Moderna expanding their manufacturing footprint all round the world, building new production facilities everywhere?”

These plans would have been in place years ago, as part of the agenda.

We now have to foil these plans…anyone with half a brain cell shouldn’t want to use their products, we have to kill the market.

We have to make sure voluntary informed consent comes to the fore, that coercion, intimidation and mandates can never be imposed again.

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Plans in place years ago?

How about well before 1992 (eight-minute segment linked below)?


Pelosi was not that bright, she was propped up 'cause she would read anything they put in front of her (even if not that well): https://x.com/SteveLovesAmmo/status/1749160834398376409

Just added that last Pelosi one in here 'cause of the link to Agenda 21/Rosa Koire as mentioned in the previous link with the Patrick Wood explanation of the bio-pharma agenda that was already well underway as far back as 1992, since the Kissingers and the Attalis of the early '70s had already back then established that they would be using "vaccines" at some point to cull the population (if that is new to you, I might be able to find you links, but I suspect you're already familiar with this).

Oh, just a few quick links:




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Mike - I would really like your opinion on the 'Wellcome Leap R3' mRNA injection programme.

It says the aim is this:

"a ‘living biofoundry' capable of.....delivering 20 BILLION DOSES PER MONTH of vaccine in a global outbreak event."

What on EARTH? They must be planning to inject all humans and all livestock?

The quote is from Page 6, here:


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ALL mRNA based products will be toxic.

I can only assume the perpetrators intend to destroy the food chain and starve those they fail to murder with injections.

They’re motivated by evil, as there’s no rationale to do any of what they’re doing,

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Hard to accept.....but I think you’re right.

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As I always ask, would someone please come up with a plausible, benign interpretation!

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There is no benign interpretation.

Is the horrible conclusion.

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Also, I believe Hedley Reese (or Reece!?) who is a career expert in manufacturing complex biological drugs, has much more to say about Wellcome Leap.

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Thank you! I’ve had some conversation with Hedley since all this started. I’ve emailed him today to get his views. R3 sounds frankly terrifying. :-O

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It’s Rees of course. Sorry Hedley!

Brain fade on my part.

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A true rabbit hole is Sept 11, 2001 - You need to contact Andrew Johnson in the UK - http://CheckTheEvidence.com - He'll introduce you to the work of Dr Judy Wood

- The most silenced 9/11 scientist in the world, that did the ONLY independent forensic investigation on WHAT happened at the WTC.

She then filed her evidence in a RFC (Request for Correction) to NIST, which made her a whistleblower in 2007. This allowed her to file a Qui-Tam case against 23 NIST subcontractors for SCIENCE Fraud and ended up filing it with the US supreme court in 2009. The best is, the 9/11 truth movement DOES NOT want to address the evidence she has presented to a court of law.

Wikipedia's block listed 9/11 scientist.

Cancelled by Wikipedia for 14 years and counting.

Link to article: https://substack.com/home/post/p-140549877

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I watched a long presentation by Dr Judy Wood who, during it, only made observations & asked questions.

Whatever happened, it definitely wasn’t what we were told.

Beyond that certainty, I need no more details.

I’d like to know why this is all happening, but as time goes on, I have a deeply unpleasant sensation that I do already know (broadly).

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Dr Yeadon, thank you for replying...

Andrew Johnson, will be able to explain it to you in more detail. He is in the UK as well and it will be an important conversation to have. I'm in contact with Mike West and I can arrange with his so that you and Andrew could make contact.

Please read this article: 9/11 Truth Suppression Timeline

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." - Vladimir Lenin

Article: https://911revision.substack.com/p/911-truth-suppression-timeline

With regards to the technology used on 9/11, MOST are missing the bigger picture!

Just as the hazardous and wasteful technology behind a nuclear bomb can also be used to provide hazardous and wasteful nuclear power, the technology which caused the clean and effortless molecular dissociation of the twin towers could also be used to give the whole world effortless clean energy.

Exposing this clean free energy technology means and end to the ruling elite's ability to control and exploit the general population through scarce, expensive, dirty and inefficient resources such as oil, coal, nuclear and "renewables".

Any group with an interest in maintaining the current paradigm of artificial scarcity and crappy energy technologies, which keeps the general population enslaved, would have an interest in helping to maintain the 9/11 cover up, because exposing the crime also exposes the TECHNOLOGY to commit it.

Maybe the people who did 9/11 operate under a code of conduct where they have to show this technology to the people, so they have the opportunity to claim it.

And if the people are too stupid or apathetic to show any interest, they will then feel justified in keeping it for themselves and continuing to control and exploit the human herd, like the CATTLE they have shown themselves to be.

You might think it's insane, and it is, but remember we're talking about a group of people who are willing to turn skyscrapers to DUST, live on TV.

In the final analysis there is no "grand" deception" or cover up.

There is only BLUFF!

Because everyone can see what happened to the buildings was clearly and PROVABLY NOT a structural failure (collapse) or a conventional controlled demolition by ANY thermal or kinetic mechanism!

Official narrative – Jet fuel.

Option behind door no 1 – explosives,

door no 2 – thermite,

door no 3 – buried or mini nukes.

Just don’t look at where the EVIDENCE points to.

Read Dr Wood’s book: Where did the towers go? https://www.wheredidthetowersgo.com

Andrew Johnson's two FREE E-Books on 9/11:

1. 9/11 – Finding the Truth - http://www.checktheevidence.co.uk/pdf/9-11%20-%20Finding%20the%20Truth.pdf

2. 9/11 – Holding the Truth - http://checktheevidencecom.ipage.com/checktheevidence.com/pdf/911%20Holding%20The%20Truth%20-Andrew%20Johnson%20-%202017.pdf

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Their entire project crashed and that is why they brought back the Cold War.

The Genocide which they have allowed to take place in Palestine and are still allowing to unfold was and is a n attempt to start a world war for to escape the arrest warrants.

Not, is not just the who and the wef cabal, the UN is also headed by the first promoter of the scamdemic as well as nearly completely captured.

And yes they have just activated the new type of grid so that they can spy on everyone even without internet connections.

The system is called “mesh network”, and as of this month, is being updated to all android devices. “Worldwide”.

It works via Bluetooth, and allows transfer of data packages between devices without a internet need for Wi-Fi or cable.

“Bluetooth is also used to scan for nano tattoo technology”

Ho and yes, the idea is that they are releasing it “allegedly” for their track and trace and pandemic prevention bs”.

Nevertheless, like their digital cov ID 19 project, it’s a busted one as they have no actual way to control it nor to truly verify the data’s source or to prevent the hacking of their AI “artificial idiocy” open network computers and systems.

Like bullies, their powers are based on fear mongering, but in reality, when people are aware, they got nothing.

After nearly three years of draconian and criminal mandates and lockdowns People have woke up from the deception, and the few sleepy ones are also quickly waking up.

Thank you Mike for keeping us informed and for sharing your precious info.

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Sadly my sister told me that my brothers 38 year old pediatric dietitian Wife now has breast cancer. 38 year old women don’t get breast cancer unless they have been poisoned . I am certain this is “” turbo cancer

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Sent your letter and vid to man running for mayor of San Diego. He was giving a speech in one of families commercial properties right next to be studio. Will see if he responds. This Larry Turner. Good guy or asshole?!?

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One of my family’s

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Even AZ - makers of the disastrous and silntly withdrawn 'proudly British' vaxx - are expanding their 'vaccine' production and research facilities in the UK, in Liverpool and Cambridge.

Multiple injections per annum are clearly planned if one looks at the production forecasts, although some may be for export or animals.

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It’ll injure the animals too, if they’re injected, smashing the food supply chain.

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I'm afraid you are right Dr Yeadon: certainly, no secret is made of their intention to more or less eliminate meat and dairy production, and substitute (patented!) ersatz foodstuffs of poor, indeed negative, nutritional value.

I believe they are working on this at Oxford for example 'new foods that can be brewed like beer'! As well as worms and crickets, seed oils, etc.

Starving, shocked, that we will gladly accept anything offered is their hope.

Once wrecked, how could the meat, dairy and poultry sectors easily be resurrected?

They believe they can triumph in a world wrecked and then re-shaped in their image: the scale of the project and their hubris is mind-boggling.

For this very reason, many will refuse to see what all the evidence indicates.

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May 1
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They've got a huge seed bank and underground bunkers to hide in until it's safe for them to come out. I can't fathom if depop is the main agenda because less people means less vaccine profits, but total control, through mandated monthly "wellness" jabs may be the way they go. The deaths and injuries so far are just collateral damage. We are being hacked to be mind controlled and, from apathy of those I try to engage, I think it's already begun.

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May 2Edited
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I agree with your thinking. One other aspect is the cost of extracting energy, a finite resource, so they say, which has already peaked, and will become scarcer, and more expensive. The world has not reduced it's use, even with short life wind mills, solar panels, EVs, which are not reliable, use tremendous amounts of fossil fuels in manufacture, installation and required to produce when the sun don't shine or the wind don't blow, or blows too much. I think, for the few thousand of them, they have already got their huge estates, islands, organic lifes. They will have loyal staff at their beck and call, including engineers, trades people, and live like feudal Lords, as they do now. It doesn't explain how the infastructure is maintained, but Rosa Koire's book, Behind the Green mask, explains how ordinary plebs are coralled into 15 min cities, to "save the planet." One other plan, Kalergi, from a century ago, is the destruction of white europe, including where they emmigrated to. The goal, by immigration, was/is to inter marry, resulting in new peoples who forget their original culture, customs and religious beliefs, so that they can be moulded into what is desired. One historian believes north America was the first experiment in different nations coming together.

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May 2
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I agree with you. I see not the slightest genuine rationale for what I see happening.

Occam’s Razor takes me to dark interpretations. These aren’t helpful but nothing substantial occurs without a reason. The ostensible ones given are bunk.

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I don't know and I don't believe anything coming from official sources anymore. I've learned how the world really works since Covid so I'm inclined to believe it's about power and control as well as greed. Looking at the Time article, re better crop yields, I've read these seeds have to be bought together with sprays and cost the little farmer too much and as the land taken over by giant mono culture, other things are lost.

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The earths so-called limited resources are a lie we don’t even know what how big the Earth really is it’s not what they tell us I can assure you. Try landing at 7:37 max 800 120 miles an hour on the supposed runway that’s moving in an Is Eastern direction ( like NASA says , Earth spinning 1000 miles an hour east at the equator )at let’s say 500 miles an hour and see what happens. Crash, boom, bang every time

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As Arthur Jones, the inventor of high intensity strength training and Nautilis equipment once said “please don’t ask me to explain the behavior of Irrational people, if I could it wouldn’t be irrational “

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These world economic forum motherfuckers are completely psychotic and believe they are gods. Most of the stuff we hear is most likely false like NASA like SpaceX like nuclear weapons . This shit doesn’t exist, but poison does and they’re going to depopulate us as much as they can and then put us into a kinetic war and kill a whole bunch more through starvation and the disease that follows when you don’t eat correctly . How they mean to save themselves who the fuck knows like I said they are fucking psychotic murderers. The top echelon have probably had literal communications with demonic entities

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Because this guy who wants to be the San Diego mayor is a wanna be politician he is probably the latter, that is an asshole, rather than the former but I will give him the benefit of the doubt. He is also a cop ( generally a bad thing ) so after reading my text on the depopulation agenda the fact that Covid is fake as are all viruses , He will probably seek by incarceration in a room with padded walls wearing a jacket that buttons up from behind

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This was a trial run of fear porn . Never forget. Thanks Dr. Yeadon for all your efforts and standing up ⬆️.

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As long as people keep believing in unicorns ( viruses, bacterial contagions ) The controllers will continue this nonsense and the ignorant masses will fall for it and roll up their sleeves for more poisonous injections

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I would encourage all red pillars of truth to stand up and shout from the mountaintop I do not think we have much time left Before we are trapped in another lock down and 15 minutes City’s .

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Here’s a novel idea: use the 15 minutes cities against the establishment powers. Each 15 minute city can become a decentralised power centre of it’s own, form mini governments which communicate with each other and form a proper opposition to the current authoritarian uni-party. Get rid of the corrupt councils and use the talent within the “City States” to provide services in exchange for local tokens from local banks, trade with each other, etc, etc. Stop relying on the uni-party to provide for you, that only enslaves you to their will. Stop being consumers of the establishment BS. I could go on, but I think you’ve got the general idea.

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I like the way you think. We have to use our brains to use all their BS against them. Too many people are not thinking creatively about this situation.

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It sounds like a good, but dangerous, idea. I'd never buy into the 15 minute cities idea. I do think some mini governments are a good idea. What if those around you are all in on this stuff. That's probably true for some.

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I doubt if the plan is for us to "buy in" to the idea.

We'll be TOLD to get the hell in there, and no choice.

They've been planning this for a loooong time... digital currency, destroy manufacturing, destroy small farms, get everyone into cities, onto the coasts... Did I mention DIGITAL CURRENCY?

We'd all do well to get back to cash, ASAP. CASH cannot be denied, tracked, withheld, or even taxed, if you're smart enough.

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I realize that's their plan. I don't plan to comply.

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Love your comment but cities (plural) not city's (possessive, as in "a city's streets").

You're far from the only one making this mistake these days.

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Welcome to my world, LOL.

It's not for its own good, is it? Yours is not mine, it's not its own, yours is not their's, either. OMG. The apostrophe catastrophe. ;)

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For sure!!!

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Join me for a cuppa joe.

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The so-called controllers try to make life successful impossible. Fear this, fear that! lookout contagion this contagion that you need are drug you , need your surgery. Bullshit ! Living in Ancestral lifel, without fear and you will live long, ( and unbelievably fit and healthy ) and then you will drop dead end of your story.

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So true Chris

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Plandemonium "In the Crosshairs of Covid-19 Scientology Operation" - Reiner Fuellmich and an operation to silence a CoS-Critc https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plandemonium-in-the-crosshairs-of

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Yes. And people need to understand the smith mundt modernization act of 2012. Propaganda from the top, and it’s legal.


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That is stark, isn’t it? The “Modernisation” permits the covert services to covertly propagandise their own people in whatever way suits the interests of their sponsors.

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Yes…that’s how it looks to me. And I recall Vivek Murthy’s report on ‘misinformation’


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Wow thank u

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I need to correct myself here because new info was brought to my attention in conversation today with my local congress office. I called to bring my concern around this act. The office shared my concern and as we looked at it together he noticed it is tabled, not yet voted on. We agreed to each do some further investigation on the status and other issues. It does appear that other acts or bills accomplished the same intent, but I need to do more research before saying anything more. I offer an apology for jumping the gun… I was very much under the impression that the act had already been passed into law.

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I looked at that link, and it appears that it prohibits propaganda (domestically only)?

"Amends the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1986 and 1987 to prohibit funds for the Department of State or the Board from being used to influence public opinion or propagandizing in the United States. (Under current law such provision applies to the United States Information Agency [USIA].)"

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My understanding based on what I’ve read: originally, as spelled out in the original smith Mundt act….

propaganda programs were allowable ONLY outside US borders, intended for foreign audiences, but not allowed within the us. These influence programs were intended only for foreign audiences, and prohibited for use against Americans. The 2012 act made it legal within our borders.

I read one argument in favor, saying that it was necessary to reach terrorist groups living/operating within US borders. Another weak argument in support says that since the internet offers US citizens access to foreign websites, these state department “programs” (propaganda) are accessible anyway, so it should be accessible here on U.S. based websites, media, entertainment channels, etc. Its a very weak argument in favor of a democracy type government using false info (“misinformation”) to influence minds, not to mention action, of its own US citizens.

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Never let them do this to us . Polyvagal autonomic nervous system response … ie : fear porn . https://www.verywellmind.com/polyvagal-theory-4588049

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Re the future threat that the “WHO can tell each of our governments to lock us down, to restrict our ability to travel, to mandate testing and even injections and to restrain those who refuse to comply”.

It’s already happened…


‘Our own governments’ already did this to us, certainly in Australia where we were locked down, forbidden to travel, subject to testing, masking and surveillance, with the main goals to make people submit to vaccination and social control. Those who refused to comply were discriminated against and ostracised, punished for exercising critical thinking,

It’s been the most diabolical betrayal.

Treacherous politicians, bureaucrats, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, scientists, the legal system and the mainstream media all facilitated this crime to steal people’s personal autonomy and bodily integrity.

People were deliberately lied to about the threat, it was ‘public health terrorism’.

But here’s the thing…it was all done without our consent.

We need to rise up now and identify the specific perpetrators who did this to us, bring them to account for the theft of freedom.

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You are right, of course. Our governments have indeed done all of the things you described.

Though most of us didn’t know it at the time, what our governments did was illegal. I believe that, in U.K. at least, a number of people refused to pay fines for some made-up breach of illegal regulations & their appeals were successful, on the grounds that there was no legal basis for their application in the first place.

I believe many people now understand that they’ve been lied to by their governments, public health officials and agencies & will be uninclined so easily next time to follow such orders.

In that event, I surmise that governments wish to have on their statute books the power to do all these things and more.

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Mike, re the US PREP Act, I’ve sent the email below, requesting clarification re criminal liability:

For the attention of:

Secretary Xavier Becerra

US Department of Health and Human Services

Dear Secretary Becerra, please could you advise to what extent the PREP Act provides immunity from criminal liability for administrators of medical countermeasures, that would arise where battery and clinical negligence occur due to a failure to obtain valid informed consent for medical countermeasures?

I look forward to your response on this matter.

Yours sincerely

Elizabeth Hart

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I cannot make like button work but quite correct. I tried to wake people up by telling them the so-called rules were just guidance. It was ridiculous so I ridiculed it.


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Resistance is NOT futile.


xo xo xo

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The worlds governments have declared war on “ their people “. They are invalid completely invalid. They should not be a obeyed under any circumstances , they are trying to murder us in our children!

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You have a very beautiful country I’ve been there and have relatives there but unfortunately your men have turned week . They need to screw their balls on real tight and get ready to fight to the goddamn death because that’s what it’s about to come to I can assure you it’s going to be very unpleasant very very soon

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It became fashionable to have their balls removed so a lot of them did. The permanently debagged then got given high-ranking roles in government.

Wish I could be making this up.

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Yes, elizabeth - we must become the government. You are right. What we have here is a power deficit. We must run for council, run for state govt, run for federal and start getting together and winning. If we do not replace them and then sack those responsible then they will do the same again or worse.

Have a look at the Biosecurity Act 2015 - used for the first time during covid

During the human biosecurity emergency period, the Health Minister may:

• issue any direction to any person (section 478)

• determine any requirement (section 477)

that the Minister considers is necessary to:

• prevent or control the entry to, emergence, establishment, or spread of COVID-19 in Australia

• prevent or control the spread of COVID-19 to another country or

• implement a WHO Recommendation under the International Health Regulations

They can also detain you or evacuate any area. They aren't allowed to use force to give you a medical intervention - but they can detain you until you agree to have it

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I would hope they would not use force in order to inject an unwilling person, but I wouldn’t count on it. They could just jab a person and then release them, claiming you consented.

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In April 2022 Australia, ATAGI released a guide providing retroactive permission to physicians to “vaccinate” any person without consent who was under sedation for non-covid concerns without liability.

As a result, my husband chose to hold off on his surveillance for intramucosal esophageal adenocarcinoma for a few years (he has now resumed and is still clear with our next 6 monthly procedure in a few days).

He has 20+ years of literacy (quite an eye-opening journey for me when we met as my world view was gently dismantled). When you first appeared to us on the world stage he immediately identified your tenacity, earnestness, sincerity & humanity and has championed your message and journey since and watched each step of the way as you looked around in horror and then jumped immediately into action to protect both your own and all of us.

What a different place we would be in today if all our previously trusted medical community had your conviction and heart.

It’s an honour to have you with us Dr. We love you.

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Robyn, Most kind. If I’ve helped, I’m very pleased. Best wishes, Mike

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I suspect that if they haul people off to quarantine camps, they’ll force-inject on entry.

They’ll just say: “Every inmate must be vaccinated” & they’ll do it.

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Poor Solihin Milin is trying to do just that and has been at this since the 'Pandemic'. He has been relentlessly pursuing a court case. "A trial date has been set in the Melbourne Magistrates Court for a 'Covid Debate' on the 17th and 18th of July 2024 which will highlight the total covid fraud perpertrated by the Australian Governments and their Police Forces on the Australian people". You can support him and his team at 'makeaustraliahealthyagain.org'.

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And it’s gonna get worse 😁

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Just this morning I tried to write my state representatives about the dangers of the WHO pandemic treaty - for the fourth time - and just as I was about to hit send, it disappeared. I was writing within an online app that uses google analytics. Beware, it's a minefield out there.

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Lesson learned?

Whenever writing anything of any length, if possible, write it in a doc. Then just paste — less gnashing of teeth, less cursing, less stress.

My sympathies.

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That's what I do for my Substack posts.

I used that platform the previous 3 times with no problem.

If google is using a word search algorithm for censorship, whats to keep them from deleting it after it gets pasted? Are you saying to paste and hit send asap?

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Banish Google from your 'putie.

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Pretty much.

Perhaps the "send" is quicker than the censor's sensor.

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Okay... and isn't the censor ever-ready to strike on the receiver's end?

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Good question.

I don't know, but if pushed to presume, I would presume it would depend on what filtering systems/algorithms the receiver had in place.

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Huh?! I had no idea.... "They" are reálly petrified of dissenting voices, aren't they? Not a very strong position to find themselves in, to say the least.

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In early 2021 google instigated a word search program across all their platforms (gmail, youtube etc) looking for anyone using words that suggested they might be dissenters on covid policy. I began writing about covidcon on Substack 11/2020. I had a gmail account at the time and soon found myself banned from youtube. Because they share lists, I was then censored on facebook and twitter. I dropped gmail like a hot potato in early 2021., but they still target me any way they can.

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Forget it! They are in on it

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Send him a nice knife and asked him to disembowel himself for our sake

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Mike, the information you distill and post here is important to us all. Thank you.

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THANK YOU Dr Mike Yeadon, from Australia I have watched as many of your interviews as I could find. You're a brilliant speaker - organised, calm and clear. Thank You for this summary page. I recently included a quote from you in a submission to the Australian Government's Covid Response Inquiry. The Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet, which collected and published the public submissions used AI to censor them for privacy, profanity, defamation and the like. They blacked out your entire quote from your open letter to the EMA asking for the product to be halted back in 2020, and even your name from my submission (along with the later and unrelated use of the words Pfizer, Moderna, and even "Bradford Hill" Criteria of Causation). I have a story on that up on my Substack now.

Australia (and likely other countries) intend to use the AI to censor the internet and all social media.

This first attempt wasn't really effective but they will perfect it in time.

I suggest everyone print out in hard copy the excellent resources above such as Dr Yeadon's letters and submissions, and share them widely.

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Just when you thought things could not get anymore clusterfucky. While I'm thankful for anyone who protested against this unconscionable tyranny, there are people who will always be special heroes to me, standing up from the beginning to tell the unvarnished, horrifying truth while others pussyfooted around certain aspects of the deceit in an attempt to avoid bringing down the wrath of big pharma, the media, and the governments who collaborated. You were not one of them--which is why I think you've been unfairly singled out and not given the same platform as, say, Peter McCullough, enjoys today. That straightforwardness surely made you a target for their ire, and yet you're still here, exposing these criminal frauds for the execrable humans they are. Thanks for everything you do.

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Honour Dr Mike Yeadon by getting active. Start a weekly walk in the park with local like-minded people. Help someone run for council and win or get elected yourself. Nobody is coming to save us from just getting the word out. We have to become the government, starting local and working upwards from there. We have no choice now even if we hate politics.

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Thank you Dr. Yeadon 🦋

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Big time kudos and thanks for bringing your wisdom and experience to bear in arming the public to fight this cabal of spectacular liars driving us toward unrestrained corporate rule.

The process of negotiating global government was underway in the TPP Agreements in 2015 when WikiLeaks published the drafts. Public outrage over the corporate coup derailed the process.

WikiLeaks founder & editor Julian Assange has been jailed and tortured in Belmarsh - UK GITMO for the past 5 years without being guilty of any crime except embarrassing and exposing the crimes of the powerful. Unlike the Robert Koch carefully worded statement, retaliation for the whole truth has been slow motion execution of the greatest journalist of our lifetime.

Reading the pharma portion of leaked TPP confirms this inversion of rights to permissions and destruction of individual & national sovereignty was always the plan. #FreeAssange Free us all<3


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I think the idea of Global Govt. goes waaaaaaay back, well before 2015, maybe before WWII, but definitely right after that. Probably goes back to Sumeria, lol.

Nice to see you here, my friend. ^_^

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That's right! Those insane TPP agreements. I forgot about them, but they fit in very well. I didn't understand why Obama was so keen on them, it was all negotiated in utmost secrecy. Slowly but surely everything is being exposed. That's a healthy sign!

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“ Everything they said about COVID was a lie. They lied about where the virus came from. They lied about funding. They lied about...you were called a White supremacist if you were right about that. They lied about heard immunity. They lied about natural immunity. They lied about transmission, and contraction. They lied about social distancing. They lied about lockdowns. They lied about masks. There wasn't anything they didn't lie about."

Jimmy Dore

The Duran

April 17, 2024


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They lied about viruses being an actual thing! They lied about contagion. They lied about pasteurization. They lied about pharmaceuticals. They lied about vitamins. They lied about tight socks, even!

They lied about Damn. Near. Everything.

I do like Jimmy Dore.

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Let no man lie about raw milk!

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Raw milk cost more than gasoline (15 per gallon) and I drink a gallon per day ! My wife and two children also drink it I’m gonna have to raise my rates very soon 😁

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And they still lie about the existence of “viruses.” No “virus” has been proven to exist. Ever.

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His heart is in the right place but everything you said is incorrect. There are no viruses, there is no who heard immunity, there is no immune system, there is no transmission . There is only fear and a poisonous injection. Don’t take the injection, you’re good to go

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The perpetrators greatest weapon on Humanity is irrational fear

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Maybe any kind of fear. It changes the brain chemistry.

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Fear can destroy logic if you let it in

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"The only thing stronger than fear is hope". The Hunger Games. They always give you clues in their movies.

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Plandemonium "In the Crosshairs of Covid-19 Scientology Operation" - Reiner Fuellmich and an operation to silence a CoS-Critc https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plandemonium-in-the-crosshairs-of

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They also lied about HCQ, about IVM, about “everyone” being at risk, about the numbers dying ‘from covid’.....


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Yes, they did lie about everything. That is why I find it hard to understand why many good doctors went right along with some of the basic bold lies from the beginning. It was all wrong and all bad and all lies from the beginning.

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Plandemonium "In the Crosshairs of Covid-19 Scientology Operation" - Reiner Fuellmich and an operation to silence a CoS-Critc https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plandemonium-in-the-crosshairs-of

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Kary Mullis being unalived in 2019 speaks volumes for what happened next!

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Yes, how convenient that he died just before his invention was used to support lies on a global scale.

They would NEVER have got away with the PCR scam if he’d been alive.

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GOD's blessings to you Dr. Yeadon - one of my favorite Truth Warriors. In GOD we Trust ...

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God helps those who help themselves and each other. It's not enough to pray you have to act. Now is the time to find like-minded people, walk, talk, support each other and most importantly run for government office - councils, state or federal. We must become the government so we can change the laws that allowed this to happen, and prevent it from happening again. We have no choice we must get organised.

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Some of us are still facing the heartbreaking ongoing trauma and tragedy of the covid lies.

Our loved ones are trapped in nursing homes, still being subjected to covid injections without informed consent; false tests; isolation and ongoing fear trauma. They are being subjected to ongoing danger, at the hands of health care workers and medical professionals, who claim to be following government recommendations. Administrators are highly likely to be unresponsive at best, antagonistic at worst, to appeals based upon sound scientific or medical facts, or even just basic human care concerns. Any attempt to reason with administrators is likely to be counter-productive, and may even lead to being banned from the home and being unable to see loved ones.

The only way to protect our loved ones is to remove them from nursing homes. If no one can provide 24HR care for loved ones; they and relatives are uninformed and unaware of the danger; relatives are also intolerant of what they consider to be destructive conspiracy theory input; then our loved ones remain in danger in homes. Many have suffered at least possible, if not probable adverse reactions to the injections, even deaths, which are not even being considered. Euthanasia is also possible, via morphine injections to calm down distressed or difficult patients, which can lead to rapid decline and death.

No one in one nursing home suffers from colds or the flu in any season, only repeated outbreaks of covid, leading to recurring testing and masking mandates for entry. Staff masking has probably contributed to repeated high levels of staff illnesses, leading to almost constant understaffing, lowering the quality of care significantly. This in turn has led to obvious, increasingly high levels of foreign staff employment, under the pretext of correcting understaffing.

Those responsible for this regime are criminals or criminally negligent. Those of us suffering the ongoing trauma of being unable to protect loved ones, must fervently hope that this nightmare will soon end somehow, and those responsible for the tyranny be swiftly brought to account. Otherwise, we can only appeal to a higher power for justice.

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nobody is coming to our rescue. WE have to be the change we need. You must get together with others - find like-minded people and start a weekly walk in the nearest park if only to support each other. Run for council and win. We have to elect people in who will represent our interests over the Oligarchs. Start at council level, then state, then country. We have no choice but to become the government now. Even if you never liked politics you just have no choice but to get involved.

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Fruitless activism does not calm the trauma, of having loved ones in the hands of murderers, posing as health care workers and medical professionals.

Appealing to the One, who presides over the High Court of the Universe, is our best hope I think.

Many are pleading for merciful intervention.

We are in jurisdiction but we do not have standing.

Those who endorse infanticide are not in a position to object to genocide.

We can repent.

Or go on suffering and dying until we do.

Our choice.

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Plandemonium "In the Crosshairs of Covid-19 Scientology Operation" - Reiner Fuellmich and an operation to silence a CoS-Critc https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plandemonium-in-the-crosshairs-of

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Thank you for writing on substack Dr. Yeadon. I always read you on telegram, and I am grateful for that, but telegram makes it difficult to dug out something when I try to convince someone about what is going on.

While here on substack it's so easy!

I take this chance to ask you (I do trust you 100%) what do you think about the claim of several people who are making research on the blood (of both vaccinated and not) and find lots of strange things in both?

Like @davidnixon here on substack?

I am so afraid.

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Don't let FEAR be your guide. You're on Substack. There are ways to detox. Ask around.

Here is a Tibetan chant, maybe you know of it... Do it often, it's a good thing and will help you to put the fear away.

Emaho! (It is marvelous!) Penno, Penno! (Let it be Beneficial!) Soha! (So be it! Or, Let it be!)

Cheers, m'dear, and Hold Fast. xo xo

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The "elected" representatives had and have all the information about the "epidemic" and the events related to the "vaccination" of the last 4 years! They have the real, non-falsified data! They haven't done anything in 4 years and they won't in the future. Because these crimes also needed them! Just like governments, doctors, media, courts, police and military. (Look at Australia, how they persecuted people! Or Canada!) However, they passed all the laws that allow people to be forced, arrested, executed... This cannot be solved legally!

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They have sold us out( spent all our money ) and want most of dead!! The rest of us can be their slaves In their 15 minute cities( ghettos). Happy time are on the way 😁

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It's FIAT money anyway. We can just have them print up more and carry on as usual. ;)

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We don’t want them printing anything we just want them to disappear so we can live our lives like real human being

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That’s the whole problem they’re blue pill matrix system, we need to take a red pills and get back to the basics

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? We don’t need their system sucks and it’s corrupt from the very beginning. We need to system based on honesty and the intent to truly help our fellow human beings. There’s nothing wishy-washy about that. What I do for a living increases peoples functional ability. End of story do they pay me a lot of money yes do I give it all to the government unfortunately yes and they don’t deserve a goddamn penny of it. To “the words of Arthur Jones the inventor of my system, “when I was poor the government did nothing to help me, and when I became rich the government did everything they could to hurt me “ true words

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It will be solved on multiple fronts. Courts CAN be helpful... I think we should have a PEOPLE'S COURT, multi-national.

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Corporate courts, like corporate governments, serve corporate interests.

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Yeah, no shit. That's why I said a PEOPLE's Court.

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Yes many agree with you.

We have a far better chance of keeping a local court clean, but even there wolves will infiltrate, unless we are very diligent.

Once justice become divorced from effective oversight, integrity and accountability are inevitably compromised and likely to be lost eventually.

The solution to this longstanding dilemna is elusive.

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You got one word that seems almost FOREIGN to Americans: DILIGENT.

When a country is flouridated, drugged, fed crap food, uneducated (yeah, I know there are schools), beaten down with shit jobs while our manufacturing is sent overseas, while our everything is sent overseas... CAPITALISM is NOT a good way. Our forebears knew this and fought against it. The Muckities recognized they'd have to give us SOMETHING, but we got peanuts and bullshit like "pull yourself up by your bootstraps."



Can we smell the coffee yet????? $95 BILLION just passed our defunct, fuckedup Congress for ISRAEL (Pathological Genocidal Maniacs) and Ukraine (Pathological Nazi Criminals). While our borders are OPEN OPEN OPEN to any lowlife that wants to come over, and they're FLOODING IN.

My dear people, the PLAN is to destroy America. It's WORKING. How long before we stop this insanity??? What are we going to do? I DON'T KNOW, but it's gonna take some serious activity, not sitting around playing fucking video games. Sorry, I'm kinda pissed off right now!

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And after all that spew (sorry, I am kinda bouncy today) I STILL SAY, there is hope, and we are NOT stupid... Even tho they've tried to dumb us all down, some of us are still functional. WE NEED A PLAN.

NOT WAR. Sabotage might be better.

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Lawyer s and judge s are weak pussies! I know, I train them! Forget it! How about some balls, brass knuckles and I will to use them 👍

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Dr. McCullen and mercola are both selling some BS detox from the spike fake protein nonsense. It will last you about a month and then drain your bank account even more. And if you took those god-awful shots you’ll probably still drop dead . Disgraceful how people who took the Hippocratic oath will sell out for 30 pieces of silver

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I’ve sent your last letter out to so many friends and family I will have no one left to talk to you anymore I’ll be talking to my walls in my studio ! Although I’ll be in good Company, for only his divine mother in Saint James believe him to be Christ God, all others of his adopted family found him to be a frog that is to say Christ Jesus , not to mention he is a Palestinian !!!!

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And you’re very correct those who are now saying not to take the death shot ( but you probably were a few years ago ) are still pushing the virus/germ theory agenda. This at least keeps TV, like big tree and McCullen and does not quite put them in the box of pure “nuts” As far virus/ germ Theory deniers . But they are still either misinformed or just outright liars. Only they and God knows. As long as the mass public still believes in the fraudulent germ hypothesis the controllers will just keep recycling pandemic after pandemic after pandemic, shot after shot after shot . They will never stop it’s just too easy to get people to kill themselves

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Great vid on bitchute! You’re more honest and more of a natural path than almost any natural path I’ve ever met. Most of the NDs or just closet Germ phobic . When it comes down to brass taxes they’ll tell you you better take your shots just in case. And I’ve never met one who’s willing to rip apart some raw meat with your teeth like I do ! I honored your truth telling, A true rarity among men unfortunately

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Thanks for that new video On bitchute about the non-existence is a virus!👍

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This is the solution!

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Give me 3 1/2 minutes and I’ll get whatever information I want out of them

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If More men lived the spartan way, These globalist motherfuckers wouldn’t have dreamed about doing what they have done! Their lockdowns just would have not been tolerated. No real man would shut down his own business and watch his family suffer under any conditions. Not using reason, combine with tenacity which comes from natural testosterone to protect those weaker than you. I never shut down one day and I was welcoming any Bureaucrat or police officercrowd to come into my office piece of shit To try to shut me down and become decapitated within three seconds with my machete. They could forget the swat team it would need the goddamn seal team to take me out

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JUST what the Nasties WANT. WAR. So they can PROFIT further, AND we can kill each other, so they don't have to.

Knee-jerk macho marching around with a big mouth will get you, and a lot of others, dead. I fail to see how the SAME answer to the SAME manipulation is going to solve our problems. FFS, we're talking about NUCLEAR WAR now.

Are you for real? Or are you part of the program/problem/Bad Guys?

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Why should there be a court? They killed, sickened, lied, robbed, terrorized, and they continue to do so! In better places, killing even 1 person is punishable by death... Identification and judgment on the spot!

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So, you're saying Be Like Them?

Even if you know someone is guilty of murder, doing a Mussolini is functioning from a very ugly place, and it soils the soul. Why should we become vicious, too? Why not listen to what everyone involved wants to say, and THEN the lethal injection? (I do think Lethal Injection would be poetic justice!)

Think of it this way: If it were Jesus, or a Buddha, or any spiritually advanced person that we consider wise and good... Would they rush in a murder people? I just think we should hold on to our souls and do things without hatred and ugliness *to ourselves*.

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I ask, which pollutes your soul more? If you love the killer more than his victims? The past and the future... And if you allow him to continue killing and destroying others? How much do you love his victims more than the killer? If you put the murderer in jail? Then the families of the victims feed, drink, clothe, etc... After all, their taxes also go to this... How sympathetic is he to the victims and their families in this case? Can't the victim say you hate him?

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I think you don't understand what I said.

No, I don't want to fill myself with HATRED. How is that a good thing for anyone?

I want peace, and that means we STOP murderers and torture. We don't have to BECOME LIKE THEM in order to stop them.

Get it?

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No.read political ponerology.

It is essential the psycopatic triad cluster bs be removed. They ARE NOT LIKE US.

they have no empathy. We are just appliances. You let them proliferate and society becomes Cluster B.

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