You really see what's coming don't you? No government or person is coming to save us... They pre pardoned Fauci for genocide...

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If you want to be Free; Get rid of your Smart Phone and sell what ever is needed to get out of Debt! These are the links which forced so many into getting Jabbed.

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I have 2 kids in the their early 20s where their lives already seem to revolve about their ruddy smart phones - even the wife AND wife's mother (in her 70s) are "addicted !?" to them. All even cycle, walk up the stairs staring at the screen etc etc... snapping photos of stupid - inane things and other baffling things non-stop. With the digital onslaught, people have got rid of their home landline phones and do not talk anymore... 1 EXAMPLE = whereas I was shouted down for dinner, the wife texts the kids 1 floor up FFS.

I am a so called conspiracy theorist, yep a tin foil hat wearing nutter and have been for the last 10 years or so, have strong views and not ashamed of gobbing off. Dr Mike's article is spot on, but I think it will be EVEN WORSE than both him and me can imagine.

I was quite "positive !!" at first noting that at least 23 percent of people in the UK ignored and said no to the covid jab, but the jab was never FORCED on anyone - it will be next time. No jab, no Dr appointment or visit...

Not sure of the point I am trying to make, but we (me, you, others etc.) have really tough times ahead of us, even though I believe it is truly aimed at our kids and future generations... who are in the main - dappy and indoctrinated as sh1t.

PS IN the UK, High street banks have shut and towns may have 1 cash machine; where I live it is in the supermarket THAT NO LONGER ACCEPTS CASH - err what ????.

My lad states, entry to nightclubs requires ID via phone QR code NOW =TODAY and they all go along with it, get a beer - QR code etc.

UNLESS we stand up now; we have lost. But then as a tin foil hat wearer I ask = is that what they (the globalist elite parasitical scum) want ? -read the MSM, cahos on our streets... but out of chaos comes order and the ignorant masses call for it.

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As a tangent, when I get called “a tin foil hat wearing nutcase, mate”, I softly mention that my hat, so far, has done a better job at protecting me and my family than your mask or jab”.

They can really lose it at that point.

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It's best to take an insult and turn it around, by baffling them with the "science" they all love and prostrate themselves before.

"Actually, it is extremely logical to wear a tinfoil hat.

It's all to do with the Faraday Cage Effect.

When propaganda is broadcast at you 24/7, you can prevent it from gaining access to your brain by earthing yourself.

See these shoes?

They have conductive soles .... "

And so on - make it up as you go along.

They're fine and in control whilst mouthing the platitudes they have been taught, but flip the script slightly, and watch the mouths begin to droop, and the eyes widen and go all glassy ...

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Brilliant !

Excellent !

oh, hahaha, to be a fly on the wall during that interchange.

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Haha Bob; I would really like to say "Don't worry'. But, if we care about others and Civilization, then we must worry. I'm no longer offended by the "Smart phones", now I'm just sad that people can be so impotent they need such an umbilical. We just try to insulate from such weakness. This is so fragile, it will only last till the first cosmic accident or war. After that a "Phone" would be a useless trinket from the past. I really laugh to hear people pontificate about "Sustainability" ...While constantly monitoring their Phones??

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Yep... err... ish. Take the jab for instance - those who have had it have changed beyond belief TO ME.. my wife for instance seems to have lost memory, etiquette and manners - for example= she literally walks THROUGH PEOPLE, without an "excuse me" or.. . I do not think we have seen the worst of it yet though especially with the newer generations (fertility rates / sterilisation . death).

"first cosmic accident"... green man ?

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Thanks. Sorry about your Wife. I've heard about such changes.

You are correct, 'about not seeing the worst yet'.

PH well; we will hang in to see if we can "Help" later. We can't help those who don't yet see a problem. Stay healthy.

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It takes 3 percent of us, to make a revolution; that is all,

Read the subtitles (and I hate the French in general),,,,, I am all for it; BUT WAIT...not now.

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Unfortunately, it matters not whether you are "debt free". Since people aquieced to the concept of governments printing money when necessary, they unwittingly agreed that debt was uncoupled from something tangible and there fore it essentially became a "status" or "free text field". This means that in the new world order, you can be PENALISED for NOT having debt.😐

Besides the laws are already in place that should a financial "state of emergency" occur, your house regardless of status (ie mortgage free or still paying it off), can literally and legally be taken from you.😐

I respect Mike greatly, but even his future sight is not completely grasping the 20/20 vision. It doesn't matter whether you say no to digital id or not.We passed the point of objection 5yrs ago. People will accept it because they cannot accept a world without their lords and masters. Without someone telling them what to do. Freedom, authentic sovereign freedom, means full responsibility. Complete acceptance of self resilience. 😐🤨 The only way this doesn't come to pass is if EVERYBODY, in EVERY nation globally, says NO. 😐🤔

Isn't it ironic? The only way to stop it is to have complete an utter global consensus, regardless of creed, gender, politics, culture, etc.🤨🤯🤬

All the things the UN, WHO, WEF and rest of the morons proporting to care for humanity yet have been systematically destroying humanity for decades. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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I don't give a damn about 'Legal trickery' and niceties. My sovereignty is not based on arcane common law, but rather on my moral identity. I do not recognize Authority imposed upon me by entities which do not abide by The Social Contract. Any Entity which tries to exert force upon me for no moral reason, will be defeated if I can. My home is inviolate and will be protected to the max.

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Exactly…. as per Mike: the hill to die on….👍

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LOL. I'm no Martyr. I'm not looking to "Die". I just refuse to let some bastards ruin my nice life!

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I was made painfully aware of two things.

Of legal taking of assets by David Rogers Webb, a smart & gentle person.

Of just how much of a mess we’re in, too. I see it looking around me.

I’m also clear that refusing digital ID would, at best, prompt our adversaries to take one of the other half a dozen measures they’ve got lined up to enslave us.

But they won’t need to do any of that medieval stuff if enough sign up to digital ID. So it’s worth a shot. It’s an obligation to warn of its dark power.

There’s worse even than that to come, I know.


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Dark but unfortunately true.

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Yes...I could not agree more.

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Yes but pretty sure Fauci never mis-gendered someone

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Not even with sex effecting, sterilizing jabs?

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Yes but the difference between Fauci and people with no scientific or gender-determining standing like me is that if he designates the gender that's the gender. Case closed. The science has spoken:)

When you're not a scientist with standing you're relegated to a life of pointless guessing

But when you're the science all that ambiguity is gone:)

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If he did mis-gender anyone, he's been pardoned in advance now!

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I often think about the comment which I can only paraphrase, probably attributable to Jefferson

Our system is dependent on a virtuous people

Votes, pardons, judge orders, a few other things, judgement and honor based

THAT'S the bottom line. And as we've allowed the slide towards everyday depravity go far beyond any reasonable boundary we are seeing how near impossible it is to defend against the ambient depravity of the culture. You MUST have some notions of honor and decency else we're toast because things like pardons depend so much on a sense of honor and ethics. IE "The POTUS could do that but we TRUST that he won't because in our culture we can be confident they'll stay within certain inviolate boundaries".

Then one day you find your government is advocating and funding the removal of kid's genitals while minors and without parental consent. Huh?! Did I miss something?

Welp, we're getting a real lesson on what happens when you throw all sense of decency honor and integrity out the window. The pardon process has become so cringe and disgusting it looks little more than a mafia operation. It is embarrassing that the world can watch as we pre-emptively pardon mass harm that perhaps amounted to mass murder while we all go around pretending we're the good guys because we signed and ignored the Nuremburg accords. The pardons have become one of the most bust out transparent pay for play disgusting exercises of power out there. Abuse of special privilege paves the road to some day losing it.

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Yes, they did. But he's old & not the one calling all the shots, so to speak. I could go back in history & name many events that culpability was evaded.

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Nazi order followers were culpable because they chose to follow orders. That's why Fauci is culpable for his crimes too.

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Perfectly (tho sadly) stated.

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They pardoned him. And he wasn't acting alone. It's like when folks blame the alphabet agencies--they, like the military, take orders from above. Trump won't prosecute Fauci or any of the Natzis.

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Adults who knowingly commit crimes are guilty whether they thought it up or not. That's basic Common Law, applicable in every jurisdiction in the world.

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Of course they are guilty. Did the govt ever pay & take care of those harmed by agent orange? Etc, etc

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I've lost all faith in most governments. The majority of them are detrimental to their nation's population... and the COVID scamdemic years have proven beyond reasonable doubt that they are inflicting a deliberate democide on unsuspecting citizens. Governments are just as psychopathic as trans-national corporations.

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"Nazis" is a jewish name for jewish behaviour.

Don't believe me?

Look for three seconds at what they're doing in Gaza, and starting to do in the WB.

The WW2 Germans were never guilty of such behaviour - the "Allies" were, though.

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Controlling governments + owning transnational corporations is how the central banksters conspire to impose neo-feudalism upon the unsuspecting and ignorant masses.

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Telling people to refuse digital ID is pointless in a scenario where there's no support structure for people who refuse. Can/UK/Aus all had large amounts of people lose employment and be put into very difficult situations. If there's one lesson that many people have learned is that opposing these mass agendas is often too costly to bear. How "free" is somebody without an income, digital ID notwithstanding? It seems that people are a lot more interested in pontificating about what they know and can see, rather than actually building support structures to resist tyranny. This is understandable considering how much the system discourages actually building meaningful connections.

Speaking as somebody on the younger end of the spectrum, I think people vastly underestimate the demands the 'freedom movement' puts on the youth that are already struggling with a very predatory economy with little sympathy much less support. So I'll ask again, what opportunities are we working on to help give people a place to retreat TO when digital ID starts becoming mandatory for employment or other necessities? It's important to remember it's not just the youth who are struggling, many older people are being effectively forced out of the workplace with age discrimination.

This isn't an attack on you, you've absolutely highlighted the actual solutions many times. I just want to caution against people thinking "well I won't get it, so I'll be fine." Institutions have a lot riding on the implementation of Digital ID (lots of serious cybersecurity issues have been left un-addressed to create a pretext for it) it's worth considering what capacity actually exists to resist before rushing to condemn people for their choices.

It also helps to be clear that digital ID isn't just a single thing. If Elon Musk truly does turn X into the "everything app" then all the people waiting to refuse a government digital ID while they've already KYC'd on X, will have been tricked into the same thing. Pardon the angry rant, but this has been well understood for years and there has been little to no meaningful movement on this front.

Edit: I have no patience for people who care more about sounding badass over the internet than taking what's at stake seriously.

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Here’s an intermediate stance, the same one I urged people to use when coerced into accepting an injection.

Delay your decision. Resolve not to comply initially.

If they threaten you, merely for not clicking on some website. For not adding one more means of identification to the many you already have. To indicate they will take away your means of supporting your family for delaying doing something that you’re told is absolutely benign and being introduced solely for your benefit, don’t you agree that others will find that extremely concerning?

If you, today, resolve not to comply INITIALLY, no matter what in the end you decide to do, you’ve helped others make the same decision.

Please don’t box yourself in on day 1 because you reason you’ll eventually be forced to. That’s really helping the tyrants take everything from you without doing anything.

Deferring comes at a much smaller price. Let them show their hand. Let others see what happens. You’re still in command of your own life at that point. Afterwards, you’re nothing but a passenger.


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Thank you Dr Yeadon.

Precisely what I initially told my doctor and specialist- I was waiting to see if Pfz would be better suited than Az. Both accepted and since ( couple of times I’ve seen the doctor) she accepts I have no intention of getting any ja b.

Next month I should be receiving the pension. Already went thru process but dig Id is mostly in place so no govt money coming my way anytime soon. Hubby is on pension and does cash work after we lost our business and most of what we had whilst being shut down like other businesses. Grow some fruit and vegetables and chat with family and a few that know.

Very tough times ahead but I refuse to feel defeated.

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Just a small example of doing this, Mike.

A few years ago in the UK there was a decree that went out that all the world should be taxed - or at least, its equivalent - a census was commanded.

I decided that no "government" had any right to ask me things that I considered to be impertinent, so I didn't fill the form in.

A month or so later, a woman came around and told me that it was "a legal requirement" to do so - if I remained obdurate, a fine would be levied - something scary like £1000 was mentioned.

All I said to her in response was "It may well be a legal requirement, but it is not a lawful requirement," at which point, she said nothing, turned around, went away, and I never heard any more about it.

The crucial thing that people need to understand is that none of the things they command are lawful; and that they fully recognise this - Theresa May stated whilst Home Secretary, that "In the UK, all government and policing is by consent," ie if you put the cuffs on yourself, they will turn the key.

Your slavery then, is voluntary - so never consent, resist.

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"well I won't get it, so I'll be fine."

I won't get it but I don't expect to be fine. I fully expect to starve, at some point, or be interned (and bumped off, probably). As you infer, easier to say when you're older (I'm 72). I have no idea what I could advise my children. They don't believe anything terrible is going to happen anyway, and I've been asked not to talk about it because it's upsetting - one said I was damaging her mental health. 🙄

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“one said I was damaging her mental health”… I got the same from my daughter and one of my sons when I tried many times to disway them from getting Con-vid shots or any others. It’s the new way of trying to guilt us into shutting up. Yes, big🙄! And they did not heed my warnings.

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Sorry to hear that they didn't heed your warnings. It's very difficult to watch friends and family succumb to fear-mongering propaganda and harmful injections.

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There's a buddhist rule that you should never pay lip service to unwanted scenarios. I've found it useful. Its like a superstition. Lets at least try to assume we wil find a way through. You sound far too nice to go hungry. They'll be eating bug-burgers anyhow so we may as well try to do better than that :) .

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I was going more with the Stoic tradition: face the worst possible scenario in your mind, deal with it (in your mind) and get on with your life, knowing that whatever happens won't come as a shock. Not saying I'm especially nice, but I don't know how being nice would stop one from being starved to death. Quite the opposite if you can't turn anyone away when they come to ask for a share of your tiny stock of imperishables! Anyway, all the best to you and we'll all do our best at whatever presents itself.

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What Mike wrote, old-timers knew for at least 7 years already.

Here, practical solutions:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


The key: we need to start minting our own asset-backed bills.

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Zen is the stoic version of buddhism.. I lived that way for a few years . It's harsh but it does work. Its a last resort of creativity fails :/ Godd luck us :) .

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Well, we saw what happened with the supply issues during Covid. The powers that be were probably laughing at people struggling to find TP.

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Weirdly, although it ran out in supermarkets, our little corner shop always had it!

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This is one commodity I'm well prepared with this time :) :)

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I've wondered about that "lip service." Could it be that our "imaginings" of the future CREATE the future? If so, we need to THINK POSITIVELY. So saith the dog.

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It does work to some degree .

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Maybe it's not what we think it is, because there's so MANY of us.

Just pokin' it, I donut know. ;)

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it is fascinating to wonder what would happen if we all thought the same thing at the same time..

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And again, my comment links to someone else than I meant!!! This is to SheilaB.

(SUBSTACK. FIX THIS, PLEASE!) Maybe you will survive, and poor fools like most of us have, in our family or elsewhere in our lives, will not. Death is not the enemy, TYRANNY IS THE ENEMY.


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I agree death is not the enemy. And survival, in a tyranny, is not life. Good luck.

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Thanks, you too.

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I understand that the globalists like guillotines and the WEF website contains a number of electric models. They like to experiment with the neurological system. Beheading offers many opportunities.

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I assume, that the 'electric models', ARE, run off of Renewables?

Note; They're called 'Renewables', because of All of the NON recyclable parts replacements!

FEMA has no issues about 'Heads for Numbers'- Already has 'Billing code' for death by Guillotone = ICD9- E978.

Wellness - John D,

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Why do I find I’m no longer surprised by anything these days 🤔

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(Excuse my French...)

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I 'assume' that this is Similar to > 'WTF'!/? & it's NOT What The FuctCheckers! = LOL! If, somehow, 'you're' worried about 'billing Codes' for FEMA, IT, is in Plain sight! - Google or DuckDuckGo whatever search, for 'Plain' results. OH! AND that's U.S F.E.M.A = The SAME Dropkicks, that CAN NOT DO, their Acronym Mandated responsibilities (Maui/ Kentucky/Virginia/ now L.A), because just like I.C.E ( BOTH SUB 'Agencies' of that Other OXY-MORONs = Homeland Security), HAVE shifted their Mandates, & BLOWN their Collective budgets on 'Shipping/Clothing/Financing/Accommodating' - ILLEGAL 'Immigrants'!! And, apart from Residing in the 'WELL SOUTH' - OZtopia(Australia), it's an Back to - 'IN plain sight' - for inquisitive Folks! Biling Code - ICD9-E978. I assume IT, applies to ANY/ALL of THE F.E.M.As 500 Plus 'Quarantine -ISOlation Camps/Facilities'- Mainland U.S.A!

Last; Entertainment value only. WHEN, the U.S 'CULTural Groups', were somehow 'Nark'd Off' by French 'Lack of Support' on Dubious grounds of U.S Foreign Policy, THE 'Mericans, repaid said French by dropping references to cuisine(Aka; 'French' Fries' @ fast food franchisees= OH DEAR! How worrying! LOL), BUT, apparently were still entertained with the 'Blade' Device (Vampires Not inclusive, young Wesley Snipes), FOR, 'That extra close shave', Not provided by English 'Wilkinson Sword' shavers! Maybe the U.S /Euro exchange rate was better- to go French!(Fries aside) - Check billing code!


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Close... WTAF = What The Actual F*** !!!

I believe you about the codes. THEY use legislation to conspire against us in plain sight... because THEY believe that the plebs don't read. More accurately, hard-working plebs don't have the time or energy to read convoluted legislation.

Who was it who said words to the effect that...

"When tyranny becomes legalised, rebellion becomes duty."

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I heard that somewhere too, and about the existing billing code that JD mentions below. The Nazis seemed to be into guillotines too, among many other things. Sophie Scholl, her brother and their friend (all part of the White Rose peace movement) were guillotined. Also, although it's fictional (but presumably based on something), the protagonist in Alone in Berlin.

Not trying to be gory or anything, but I can think of worse ways to go (having your house incinerated, LA/ Maui style, with you in it, for instance). A guillotine is quick. You wouldn't suffer the fate of poor Mary Stuart, for whom it took three whacks of an axe to separate head from body. 🙄

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I believe ‘Gray State’ did shift the guillotine back into public focus. Timing, pertinence and fallout. It is gory, but packed with symbolism. The very end has the critical reveal, too fast tracked for the average viewer. It flashes the guillotine and the executioner, wearing a certain apron in a split frame.

Gray State Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy7FVXERKFE

“In 2010 David Crowley, an Iraq veteran and aspiring filmmaker began production on his film Gray State. Set in a dystopian near-future where civil liberties are trampled by an unrestrained federal government, the film’s crowd funded trailer was aired to raise funds for the project and sparked much interest. In January of 2015, Crowley was found dead with his family in their suburban Minnesota home sparking speculations that Crowley was assassinated because he was getting too close to the truth.”

The significance of the guillotine is exposed in some Noahide and Torah interpretations, which has been adopted by every US president since Reagan. Research the origins of the Lubavitcher movement, Zionism and inherent laws, indicating a line of separation exists in the executions of disobedience between ‘goy’ and ‘jews’. Specifically naming the guillotine as the tool of justice for goys. The whole thing gained momentum when Trump promised to introduce the death penalty for the crime of voicing antisemitism.

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You , 'JUST CAN'T, GET, GOOD HELP THESE DAYS'! Mary Stuart, Was Probably 'Chopped Up', by a PRE- D.E.I 'AxeMan>WombMan>He/She/They - 'Singular' - LMFBJ(loss)IQ-Infinty AlphaBet 'UNIT'! IF, only, 'They' HAD Chat GP A.I, in the Day! - OR!!! PALANTIR TECHNOLOGIES - Project MAVEN. SOOOOOooo, the Movie - 'The Gray Man' - Had it 'Rght'! = LOL!> ALL 'Jabbed' CONvid/MSM, 'Need not Apply' for Clarifiation.

Wellness > 101!

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Incredibly stupid to advocate for peace when you know bolshevik maniacs are at the door.

I wonder what Sophie would have thought about her activities once the mass rapes in Germany began.

I wonder if she read other people's pamphlets before printing her own, eg "Kill!" by the jewish bolshevik propagandist Ilya Ehrenberg, who had them dropped onto the advancing soviet hordes.

John Updike said something about the female mentality which has much resonance.

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Revelation 20:4.

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Same here SheilaB. No one wants to hear it. And, unfortunately, most are not willing to go to jail, or be without to stand on principle. See you in the re-education camp! We can share a can of bug meal together! ;-)

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Yes, we can have 'discovery sessions' where we find out who everybody is and which Substacks they read!

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I'm young enough to be your daughter.

But I suffer a chronic illness and require massive supplements because my digestive system cannot process micronutrients. Even if I found a community to take me in, I wouldn't last long without the mega vitamins.

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So sorry to hear that. It must be hugely worrying for you. I have a friend who is dependent on thyroxine, without which she would not last long. I wish I had answers. Good luck.

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It will be every man women and child for himself, just like it was during the plandemic.

What you are asking for are new societies, new communities that can survive and thrive outside of the cbdc/fifteen minute cities.

This is exactly what we need but I suspect these will be built day by day as we try to survive. Some have started communities around me but that's .0000001%

I appreciate the post ❤️

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"What you are asking for are new societies, new communities that can survive and thrive outside of the cbdc/fifteen minute cities."

This is actually partially what needs to be pushed back against. Too many people are thinking "when digital ID comes, then I'll resist" if there's one thing we need to consider is how much can be done in advance to make mass resistance more effective. Is the goal to actually oppose the agenda, or survive it alone in obscurity? Our societies and communities can exist intact if we just prioritize in favor of independent support systems.

"It will be every man women and child for himself, just like it was during the plandemic."

I appreciate your reply, but this is akin to saying "nobody could have resisted 2020/21" Many people did, with varying consequences. If anything we should have so many more plans and ideas on how to do much better 'this time around'. Defeatism isn't the answer, even if I concur with your analysis.

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Gabriel, I do realize the indoctrination camps (schools) you and your age group had to attend left you bereaved of sovereignty. Because you never experienced the power within, but were bathed in an ideology of collectivism. A pseudonym for communism and group-think. And the same goes for the purposeful creation of heavily obese bureaucracy layers, streamlined into obedience and compartmentalized thinking. Consider this: had people had the spine and independent thought you found prior to confined life and identity imparted by electronic slabs (which isn’t the dinosaur era btw, it is about 20 yrs ago), we would all have individually (not collectively) thought about what we finally come to know as a dangerous 2019 pandemic hoax, would have said ‘stuff it’ and gone on with our lives. We would have never known the shackles now dangled in front of our noses. The prison of collectivism, reliance on external fact checking, social policing instead of individualism and false virtue led us down this narrow, lane we are in. And adding more collective virtue will not back us out.

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There were groups who resisted successfully though. The governor of my state was the first in the USA to amend our constitution to prohibit forced closing of churches. You know why? Too many churches in Indiana refused to stay closed.

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The control happy billionaires who have military backing, planned this for years. Kind of hard for those who are just trying to exist day by day as normal humans.

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You're so full of it.

You make too many assumptions about people you don't know.

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No, I read what you write.

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Gabriel has proven himself a scoffer.

BRK7_2, I have no idea if you follow Scripture, or not, but my Scripture tells me to not reprove a scoffer, lest he hate you. If you want to be hated, well carry on. I've seen all of Gabriel that I need to see. I could say even more about him then you have because it's so clear but in his arrogance he has reproved the one who sought his best good and tried to reach out to help. Unless he can find humility, there is no hope for such.

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Gabriel, you were written about over two thousand years ago in the Bible. Yes, I will copy/paste the verses so you can read it for yourselves. He is spoken of at the end of the last verse.

Revelation 13:3-4 (KJV) And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and "all the world" wondered after the beast. And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

I added the quotation marks. Some may question "all the world", but let me help explain. "All the world" is those who have not been redeemed or saved. The 'redeemed" are "in" this world, but they are not "of" this world. 1John 5:4 for example.

The redeemed are "overcomers" already, even if it cost their life.

Those of the world will be caught off guard and have no choice but to say, "what use, who is able to make war with this beast"?

I encourage you to seek God while He may still be found.

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You're misunderstanding my point.

Like somebody else here you make assumptions of my character without listening.

I understand why losing the world to keep your soul is the ultimate objective.

But too many are happy to let their "allies" languish in the face of tyranny.

We are called to do more than just lecture people on their suffering giving them purpose.

Remember Matthew 25:35-40.

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Right on.

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Just say No.

I'm ready to die if I can't have my freedom.

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There is no life with compliance, so why not keep your soul?

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You agreeing with me, or misunderstanding me?

I will not comply.

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It all starts with .0000001% every time. Revolutions which spring into action planned and ready made, just signify "A New Master".

If you want support, you had better stand up and shout in public; Whatever the outcome! Nobody "Wants this" but very few have the courage to shout?"

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I am well hated by the 99% "Unawares"

"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose" ~Janis Joplin

They've taken most everything from me, I have very few reasons to keep my mouth shut. ❤️

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They can only take your soul if you let them! My Freedom is my soul.

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I've always loved that Joplin lyric!

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It was actually Kris Kristofferson - Joplin's cover got more coverage! I still have the original on CD and on my iPod. 😁

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Right. Janis version was the popular. What I didn't know (from American songwriter): "Kristofferson revealed he wrote the chorus to “Me and Bobby McGee” while he was working as a helicopter pilot. “I was working the Gulf of Mexico on oil rigs,” he explained. “I’d lost my family to my years of failing as a songwriter. All I had were bills, child support, and grief.”

He added, “I was about to get fired for not letting 24 hours go between the throttle and the bottle. It looked like I’d trashed my act. But there was something liberating about it. By not having to live up to people’s expectations, I was somehow free.”

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The ring of Truth ❤️

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We should get together! ^_^

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I would be in ONE MORE BAND... ^_^

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Exit and Build. Derrick Broze, John Bush, Freedom Cells. Intentional communities have the template.

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There's ALWAYS a way out of SHIT, even if it's not currently visible.

THIS is the ingenuity of Human Beings. There's ALWAYS a way out of SHIT.

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Herd Woofer, why don’t you go lecture children from Gaza with their limbs blown off and families buried under rubble. I imagine that is not your smart world.

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How cruel you are.

Why would you say that?

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Cruel is this: https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/it-impugns-the-conscience?

Not me pointing to that it is happening or me offending your mind band-aiding it. See above.

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You think you know me? You know jack. Nobody who talks like you has any business trying to teach anybody about compassion. But I doubt that's your game anyway.

Now peas off.

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I am revolting? Why so, Tim? Because I dare point to what is being done by others ? Let me add some visuals for you then, because exposure is fair and needed for what lies buried under, and is propagated by, a heap of woke hopium brain dope. All I am saying is: go, tell these children and parents who have been trampled for 70 yrs that ‘There's ALWAYS a way out of SHIT’. Maybe we can crowd-fund a plane ticket. Maybe the evil at play is not well understood by well-fed, pacified, western hypothesizing. Grab your rosy shades now, because this is real:


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Because a nice gentle person gave you a nice positive comment and you out of the blue straw manned by switching to the Genocide in Gaza.

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The world will be Gaza if we fail to stand up for each other, but continue to be held hostage in contemplative platitudes fed to us by the mind-war propaganda machine. Social nicety policing is a big part of this - ad nauseam, Tim. Are we still doing the ‘don’t hurt gramma’ routine 5 years on? Yes? No straw-men where doors are opened into reality.

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... and it always happens ;)

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Unfortunately there us no “We”, beyond your close family and friends, IF they’re awake.

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Mike. We can't keep writing articles and not doing anything of merit.

You need to start talking to us in universal community trust and help us get the solutions out there.

There has to be participation otherwise it's just an echo chamber of waffle and no solutions.

Saying no isn't enough.

There has to be a universality that involves consent and we provide that with our natural law jurisdiction.

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I agree, but you know, so far, I've seen nothing but complete disregard for anyone's rights, or for the law, or anything at all remotely resembling *decency*. I agree, too, that we need to move offline and INTO real life (not saying we shouldn't BE online ever!) and rediscover community... and save the children who need that community, and who are highly endangered by the pedophilia that is creeping in and propagating everywhere... Horror.

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Blimey. You really don’t understand this at all.

Nice people make the best Nazis

Best if we just let tyranny kill our children eh?

You spineless coward.

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There’s never been a ‘support structure’ for courage. That’s why they call it courage.

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We will need to find a way to live (or try to live) outside their systems. Without their social systems, currency, or technology. Apart from their IoB. Outside their 15-minute/smart/freedom cities. It will cost us though. What troubles me is how people refuse to make any exertion or deny themselves comforts or conveniences. Anything we can throw together will be primitive. Because of this, many will refuse to believe the truth and sign up for their "free" imprisonment.

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Hear, hear.

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I'm with you. Dammed if we do, damned if we don't.

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what is kyc’d?

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When you've handed over your identity documents to an online platform. Usually you have to send a photo of your government ID & selfie. It's shorthand for "know your customer" which is what many financial institutions (think crypto exchanges) are regulated to require.

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Yes, I've noticed that. Waaay back in like, 2013, when I first got on FB, there was no photo of yourself required. Now there is. I sent in a photo of a dog. But I lost interest in getting on FB, lol. I oughta go and see if I can, but I donut give a rat's patootie about FB. I only wanted access to people I know.

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How "free" is somebody without an income, digital ID notwithstanding? Very free.

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You are an interesting felllow.

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I would love to read your useful inspirational diatribe against standing strong against Tyranny Gabriel but unfortunately I have to buy a pencil.

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One step at a time. That's how they're doing what they want to us.

Thank you for this!

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Yes, indeed.

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My daughter works in Copenhagen and already has Danish and Norwegian digital ID as required for her job. It can be hopeless trying to get through to the younger generations. I dread what's going to become of my children.

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the kids enjoy it ! A cousin of mine has every little digital thing that comes out. Like all those going on Facebook and Twitter and laying their lives open. They think it is all for fun. They don't even think of the consequences of having a card with both all your personal info, medical, financial, everything... that the govt can just snap up and see what you got. Some European countries have limits on cash ! You can only have 2000 or so in cash or you get called upon to prove where that money came from. Of course Elon does not pay cash.

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My daughter told me 'digital's not all bad, you know'. Famous last words ...

She hasn't used cash for years. I gave her some while she was over, because she'd lost £40 or so (from being unused to carrying it!). She thought that was a reason for sticking with a card. [sigh] I keep some cash in the house, but when they crash the system, cash won't be any use anyway. As for gold and silver, I live in a flat with a garden shared by another 7 households - I have as much chance of secretly burying precious metals as I would have of secretly burying a corpse. 🤣

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Young relative of mine told me i was daft and there's nothing wrong with being wired into a machine :( . I suspect my techy ex partner would consider that to be his kind of heaven. I think such a life might simply kill them, rapidly and without much care. So sad that they would choose it.

Hide your jewels in your corset? I think its your only option :)

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But ya can't eat jewels.

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you use them to trade … i’m told !

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Yeah, or sell 'em. But I can't see how these yobbos can think that people won't use CASH. Why would we do that? lol And we could also BARTER.

They always think they've got every base covered, but they never cover them all.


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You do make me laugh SheilaB. Your dry wit and exasperation with your children is funny, in a non-funny world. Keep on being strong, and funny. Have no fear, we will not be subdued. 😁

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You are too kind, Adler. I'm an introvert and not particularly brave - I think maybe dry humour is my psychological defence mechanism! I also have an exasperating normie husband, who has been described on a few Substacks (he is not aware and would not be amused. He's not three feet away from me as I write, bless him. 🤣)

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Love IS a funny thing isn’t it? 🥰

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I bury all my corpses in the back garden at 0315, and have rarely been apprehended whilst doing so.

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Elon is a traitor. Sniff, sniff, smed the BS! ;)

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Put not thy trust in billionaires!

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My thoughts exactly! And I've said so, but... Look at all the recent new arrivals to Substack... And they seem to ALL be Elon "fans." (Vomits discreetly behind the screen.)

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The way the young live, none of them will ever have $2000 at any one time. They all crave Debt like it is a "Status Symbol"????????????????

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the younger generations are sitting ducks, and the Gov knows it. Ripe for the picking

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Because they've been TRAINED to be... :(

And now they're training the Littles to be sex toys. This MUST END, if ONLY for that reason, it MUST END.

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Yup-a few years back I cautioned family re exposing all online as well as the "23 & Me." But I was laughed at for being silly & too protective.

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They were raised on this shit. They don't see it, and young people are like the rest of us... a small percentage actually question things. 🙄

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:( Let's hope we can TURN THIS INSANITY AROUND.

We DO outnumber the Rat Bastard Psycho Globalist Slime ... by the BILLIONS.

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To Sharon Wood, just BELOW my response.. ?!?!?

WE intervene. WE DO. Haven't you noticed, in all the HELLS we've seen, we've never seen "God" actually INTERVENE... It's always people. INSPIRED by God, maybe. But, WE will have to do the work. It's what we do.

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Dear Dr. Yeadon,

Thank you for setting out so clearly all the ramifications and horrors of what they plan to do with the aid of CBDC's .

I can send this to everyone I know so that they can be clear and not feign ignorance.

You give me hope when it seems like there is none.

God bless you, xo

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I'm not worried anymore Mike.

They underestimated humanity.

What they tried to do with COVID showed how naturally resilient we are, even if delayed and not conscious.

We are witnessing evolutionary psychology in motion.

This is what they gambled on and almost succeeded in doing. But because they lost, we gained knowledge of the predator class, even if subconscious like animals do.


That's why now they are on a blitzkrieg of propaganda of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. People are no longer reacting to it like they used to. And we even reacted differently to past generations. Genetics the same, but the environments were different.

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Yeah, maybe we will, as some have supposed, actually EVOLVE suddenly and weapons won't be required! I don't know, but I ain't gonna lie down and submit, I'm not a hamster.

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We've evolved to not need war.

The league of nations was designed to prevent war after the horrors of WW1 which in itself was manufactured by propaganda.

(They didn't start the war about an unopular Archduke Ferdinand.)

The league of nations experienced character assassination and disbanded.

The UN was the Mafia alternative after the manufactured WW2.

Notice how they gave only a few countries, the security council, the ability to veto anything (even peace treaties!) with a single vote.

The UN is the neutered and underfed thing that we could have had to prevent violations of human rights.

That's why the UN is full of WEF type assholes that always play games when there's a genocide going on.

And then they cry that it couldn't be stopped because bad guy USA vetoed it.

Hello mother fuckers, why the fuck can't you override that?

Sorry but it's total bullshit and fuck all of them for not calling out this authoritarian veto bullshit.

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I agree. And being the kind of dog I am, I think they were like that BEFORE they pretended to be all cool UN guys and WEF gets the blame... I think they were ALL of them (pretty much) just bullshitting us from the get go... They used WWII as a TRIAL RUN. That's what I think and No, I'm not cynical at all, not me, not this mangy dog...

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Dr.Mike - Good On You! Post EveryWhere!

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We are already there. You barely can do anything without a cell phone, not even make a doctor's appointment. You call in, but then you have to confirm on your phone. some computer moves only work with confirmation on your phone. If you have no cell phone nowadays, you don't count anymore. Dad, almost 91, found out last year!

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I'm 67.5 and no cell phone and no interest in getting one thank you very much. I do just fine. Didn't wear the face diaper EVER during the big scam and haven't let the bastards stick ANY needle in me for over 35 years now!

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Yes I noticed this - various attempts to force phone ownership.

Then "they" have a record of exactly where you are, etcetera.

I took "my bank" to task - you are interfering with MY ACCESS to MY FUNDS!

Oh no - we would never do that - we are just protecting your security!

Yeah right!

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They don't even like old people. Now THAT is just WRONG.

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Yep, this is the set-up for the beast system in the Biblical book of Revelation. The digital ID will be the first step toward the final goal, which is the mark of the beast to "buy or sell" and participate in society. They desire absolute power and control over the human race. Satan is behind this plan. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince people he does not exist. The same people who say he does not exist will still acknowledge the presence of good and evil. Sadly, many will be deceived. I hope and pray many shall awaken from their slumber and have eyes to see and ears to hear. It's long past time to repent and trust in Jesus Christ.

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Satan may be behind this plan.

The One holds the master plan.

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There's a few thousand of 'em. They're inbred to be psychopaths. Put them all in one area, and you get Satan.

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I hope I am strong enough. It is a bit like a song, "you can check out but you can never leave".

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I agree with you, Dr. Yeadon. The noose has been tightening for quite some time now.

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noticeably since 2020

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I was writing songs about this in 2021. I'm all over it and Mike is bang on. People who are able to resist should do it as hard and long as possible. I'm buying salt, sugar, vinegar, canned goods, diesel etc. my chainsaws are sharp my vegies popping off. This is gunna be tough or I'll just be embarrassed. I'd rather mitigate against slavery than worry about being wrong.

The time to act is upon us.


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Couldn't possibly agree more with this!

Allow me to be very blunt:

Since the start of WWIII almost five years ago now, our side (team humanity) has had ZERO wins and almost no meaningful achievements of ANY kind.

That is a very unpleasant truth but it is the truth nevertheless.

As we enter the sixth year of this "unrestricted warfare" world war, it MUST change and THIS is the issue which it MUST change on.

This is our Normandy and failure is not an option!

A win on this front MUST be secured using ANY means necessary, including total and complete "scorched earth" approach if all other means fail.

If it comes to that, we must be willing to destroy the Internet, destroy the global financial system and even bring down the electricity grid as a last resort.

We cannot fail under any circumstances on this no matter what. If we lose on this front, we are all DONE!

This is the first step:


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Your put it in frightening but starkly honest terms.

We’re facing what look like two totally unacceptable futures.

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They just have to kill me cause I ain’t signing up for no fucking see digital fucking whatever you said and I sure aint fucking getting no vaccinations on a regular basis they can fuck off go ahead and shoot me with bullets. I don’t give a fuck I’m not gonna comply to any of their bullshit. They can shoot me with bullets all day long instead of giving me a vaccine fuck that I’m ready to check out anyway so come on with it so tired of this tyrannical bullshit that they’re trying to force us. And I don’t think Trump’s gonna be any better, he’s a billionaire. You can’t be a billionaire without being in the club and us poor motherfuckers ain’t in their club.

And on a sidenote, I just went into Walgreens and they are still advertising for those COVID-19 shots for three year olds and. Surely these pharmacist by now know that that shot is deadly. It’s been all over social media about COVID-19 not even being a real disease and that the injections are killing people and they’re still advertising it. I wonder if someone can sue a pharmacist?

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Unfortunately most won’t have the discipline to buck this, Mike. Not even prepared to look for life outside of Android or Apple, though alternate OS are common now. It’s a very, very narrow convenience tolerance. And most will struggle to UP their credits through super compliance, ratting on others and whatever is offered. That’s reality and the bastards had us all figured out. There is a very small ‘us’ vs ‘them’ cohort, the rest are trampling each other (and you) freely for immediate personal gains. Appreciate you for your humanity and acting on it.

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If we give our cell phones to the Grave, we kill two very nasty birds with one stone: The surveillance and tracking, not to mention the EMF's coming from those damn phones, but then we take down those ever-fucking TOWERS, that are COOKING US, the CRITTERS, the INSECTS, the PLANTS... We're COOKING ALREADY, we're being HARMED right NOW...

We got nothing to lose and everything, LIFE ITSELF, to gain, by making this move to enslave and kill us FAIL.

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Of course, the CBDC and the digital ID are unacceptable, but nobody will be asked (not that anyone ever is) and commoners cannot do a darn thing about them, either.

For me, the hill to die on came up nearly five years ago:


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If you're not dead yet, there's ALWAYS another hill to die on.

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Oh, nice try, Ray, but I ain't readin' DAT.

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Sounds like you have a very strong sense of ‘helpless victim’ complex.

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Sounds like you are good at obfuscation too. 😀

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Generalization without saying anything specific about the trolling techniques in my link is another trolling technique, but to your credit, you haven't banned me yet (for that alone, I am placing a "Like" to your comment), which is not my objective. Instead, a fair discussion might work, and here are the "scientific" conditions for that (it never happens); I call them "The Rules of Engagement":


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I’m not impressed Ray.

You treated my honest observation that thinking we have no chance is a victim mentality as a trolling technique.

This was pure obfuscation - a way of straw manning the issue.

You were disingenuous when you tried to imply it was trolling. You know full well it was not.

Then you try to make out that my calling out your obfuscation was something to do with ‘Generalising’ about your article when you knew perfectly well it referred to your playing the fake troll card rather than address the issue properly

More strawman ing!

Why would I, who knows damn well I was fighting your apathy to protect the children, want to read an article about why you think i was trolling?

I may read your article when I have time but I have not read it yet .

I’m not terribly impressed with all your behaviour in this thread. Though I have liked and shared much of your work in the past.

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Not trying to impress you. :) Still another "Like" for not banning me, but if you care to conduct a fair dialogue, it can only happen about one item at a time, and only about specific problems.

Accusing your opponent of something you are doing ("straw man" argument) is just another trolling technique...

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Painting honest comments from people of clear integrity as trolling is one of the most effective trolling techniques. 👍

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Well, would you like anyone to psychoanalyze you? :)

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Nobody psychoanalysed anybody. You are acting as a victim by saying that!

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Eleven hours ago, you posted,

"Sounds like you have a very strong sense of ‘helpless victim’ complex."

What was that, if not "psychoanalysis"?

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You know damn well I am a serious scientist Ray Horvath. You know damn well I don’t troll. This is you trying to convince yourself.

To save time I’ll take it as read that you’ll post the exact same comment back to this 😀

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I am a "very serious" Cognitive Scientist with two doctoral degrees, which I happen not top brandish, because I believe everyone, including me, must prove themselves at every turn. :)

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Forget ‘authority’

We collect Green stuff and Pink stuff compatible with it.

And keep them separate

We go to source and look for ourselves, understand for ourselves.

When we assess alleged green stuff offered by others an assessment must be made from all the clues how much in

A) good faith they are - are they honestly offering green stuff as far as they are aware

B) Non-delusional - are they actually offering green stuff or pink stuff

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So sry you had a difficult youth. That sux. But it sounds like it made you wise & wary.

I love the self defense & think all growing up should do. But what astounds me is those who think they can stand their ground with karate chop it a gun. When u are up against navy seals or armed drones or drones spraying biolab lovelies or fire or Elon's satellites tracking it all...I'm not saying to give up. But as Clint Eastwood used to say, "A man's gotta know his limitations."

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