I just published my list of Substack’s “Top 137 Covid Contrarians and Freedom Writers.” Some Substack readers might be interested in this information, which might be a good resource for those on “our side.” FWIW, this newsletter (of course and thankfully) made the list.
I restacked that. Then there's this! Debunking Einstein Part 7 by Chris Edwards ft There is no Evolution, Big Bang, Nukes, Gravity, Splitting Atoms, Asteroids, Space, ICBM's, Molten Core, Plate Techtonics, Dinosaurs, Carbon Dating, Virus's, Satellite's, Space Debris, UFO's, Aliens, Moon Landings ft That's Scientifically Impossible! https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/dear-elon-musk-you-believe-in-god
I remember it began with Laurel and Hardy kind of films of people falling over in China
Then we were supposed to be scared of the terrible virus there.
But they didn't close the airports so people flew in from China.
And Ferguson was asked to predict the numbers - I knew then nobody would believe it, not after Foot and Mouth, this man didn't know the difference between sheep and cows! But No! They followed his numbers... and we had
Lock downs what a joke - shut up the healthy?! Stop working?!
Then Boris said 'I have to tell you some of your loved ones will die early' and they wouldn't let the Care Home Residents go into hospital and locked them up and kept their relatives out and dosed them with midazolam and morphine which Handoncock boasted on Telly to mate Dr Luke Evans he had bought up all the stocks in Europe so they could have a good death. Yes of course they died 'early'! Then the numbers came out and the ave age of dying from covid was older than the ave age of dying normally. What's more, covid din't cause any excess deaths but it stopped any flu happening.
Eventually the terrible deaths and awful illnesses the vax would cause were leaked on a slide to a talk to the Health Employees in the US and the warning certificate for Staff in the boxes with the injectable mixture was leaked and we all knew the Makers knew it was about as safe as a swim in the river Pripyat in May 1986.
But still the sheep wore the masks and clapped on Thursday and the nurses danced and we were called antivaxxers and risked being shot at dawn for killing Granny even though I am Granny and I am trying to keep my grandchildren alive.
It was a salutary year. I learned to be scared not just of the government but of neighbours and even of those close to me. In the autumn of 2021, I saw those I love looking ten years older as their faces grew drawn and haggard. I stopped mentioning to my family my time when I buried myself in research papers and learned about genetic medicine and the hunt for an RNA based vaccine. I cut myself off from people.
I saw some videos like you're talking about, but they were supposedly people who'd had the VAX... I don't know. Doesn't matter much at this point, except some people died by nefarious means.
I don't doubt you. I'm not saying you're wrong, either. There was a LOT of stuff being offered to us by who knows who. I just remember the ones I saw, or SOME of them, at least, were said to be ppl who'd had the vax. Maybe the videos were the SAME ONES and just re-purposed!! Who knows.
Thank you Dr Yeadon, you have been a trusted voice for me from the beginning. Sub’d to your ss. If you ever do a deep dive into the above mentioned deceptions, I’d gladly purchase a ticket! Thanks so much.
I was sitting on the side of a hill in the Great South Land at 3AM, mesmerized by the majestic display of stars in the sky, when suddenly an arc of light appeared in the NW outer star field. I thought it was a falling star at first, but quickly realised it was not, because it was not falling but arcing at incredible speed earthwards! In seconds - not sure how many but not many - this streak of light seemed to be proximate to earth, slowed to appear like a circle of light elongated to the rear, still traveling at considerable speed. This ball of light slowed and moved much slower pulsating light for a few seconds a few times, then accelerated and disappeared into the star field in the SE in seconds! This object clearly evidenced the exact capabilities of the Millennium Falcon of Star Wars! I sat there astounded! No I was not drunk, hungover or hallucinating! This was real.
Although I am skeptical of many things with good reason, I am convinced that Millennium Falcon technology exists. Are there aliens? I am guessing that there are, simply from my assumption that this spaceship was not from earth. Which is totally inconclusive I admit. Do we have the technology? I am guessing that we do not. Again totally inconclusive. This experience convinced me that I have to integrate the reality that UFOs do exist, whatever the actual facts are.
The "aliens" are demons. Check out Chuck Missler, he is dead now but solid guy. He became a pastor later in life and understood even back then where things were headed. The Bible tells us a lot of information. And yes, it involves "aliens" demons. An excellent solid series by Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry is also an excellent solid series. Stephen Armstrong died a few years ago after getting this great series done. And some other solid people to follow in this area of Bible understanding but also aware of the worldly aspect are Dr JB Hixon, he can be found on Rumble and most of his videos are on Rumble. Pages of them. And if you find his different series going back a few years he explains the Luciferean Agenda. His Rumble channel is Not By Works. Might be a couple of them but it's the one with lots of videos. He also got kicked off of u tube bc he speaks too much truth.
When you get the full picture of how this ties into the Bible it actually makes quite a bit of sense, but it's important to have a solid Bible person explaining it bc much deception in this area. But when they can read the verses and not twist them, then you know you have a solid person. God wants us to understand and God isn't saying multiple things, He has a main message. And an excellent book is The Footsteps of the Messiah by Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum, contains almost all of the Bible verses Old and New Testament
pertaining to the big picture that God wants you to know.
Yes there is this diabolical evil luciferean agenda going on through vaccines and other evil means, but what's the big picture, how is it going to end, WHY is this happening. ITS ALL IN THE BIBLE AND GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW. Satan on the other hand wants you to miss the main point and stay focused on the lesser points which seem like the main point but they aren't. They are the lesser points. I look forward to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Which will probably be explained away that ufos took us.
There is much hope to be had when you understand the big picture that God wants you to know. And oddly, I don't have fear bc I do know the big picture. It's all in the Bible. If you truly are seeking and wanting THE truth, ask God to show you and start reading your Bible... but bc time is short, I'd do the Stephen Armstrong study and The Footsteps of the Messiah book so you find the verses most pertaining to this. There is a God and He has a plan and He shared it with us and He so loves us but sin entered the world so He provided a Saviour for us. The ONLY way to be found acceptable to God is to accept the Saviour He provided bc that Saviour out of love died for our sins so that we wouldn't have to. By realizing we are sinners and repenting of sins and receiving the free gift of what Jesus did for us on the cross, reunites us to God. There is no other way to be saved but through Jesus.
So many more details, so many. But it will covered in the sources I left. But it's not by being good, its a Holy perfect God, we could never be good enough. That's why he provided the perfect sacrifice for us through Jesus. But what he desires is a relationship, He wants a relationship with each of us. He wants us to love him with all of our heart, soul and mind bc He is worthy. And He wants to reveal to us His plan, and its all in the Bible. Don't have to be a scientist or a Dr, although those people can possibly marvel at God's awesomeness in ways more simple people like myself won't understand, OR the really educated can wrongly think this Bible stuff is too simple for me and reject it. That's a scary thought but we are left with freewill which partially explains the mess we see going on.
Yes, Chuck Missler was awesome! I have listened to so many of his teachings. He came to our church one night and talked about , future Babylon, aliens (being demons) etc..
Reportedly Yahshua said: "Now is the time for this world to be judged, now the ruler of this world will be expelled." [John 12:31 - Rabbinical Hebrew Sacred Writings]
Don't forget to add "meteorology/weather science". You look at that and the numbers don't add up- with 29cL of rain disappearing into 1, and all the modelling is based on previous modelling = your daily weather report. As a farmer, it's telling me, "Don't believe your own eyes". Total BS.
I tried to absorb your vast quantity of info above but must find a time when I can give it full attention.
Meanwhile, I have something to offer which, albeit a little old-fashioned I believe has fundamentally made the truth possible to understand by our human brain. The man is a Zoology Professor of some repute whose life course is interesting having been a Catholic, Atheist, Hippy, and now a Seventh Day Adventist. He's now in his mid 70s and has made a huge number of videos about the Bible and God. I love them as they are entirely Bible based and show how world history has followed the prophesies of the Bible. Actually he made a series of 8 lectures called Genesis Conflict.
I think 7th Day Adventist was founded by Ellen G White and is NOT solid. My grandma followed this and has some very legalistic teaching. See what you think of Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry. It doesn't require as much gymnastics to see the truth I feel. More of a clear Bible teaching.
It would be even better, imho, to put it in a searchable, scrollable, sortable by any column table like you can do with datatwrapper.de, (just enter an excel table) where a link to the stack is one column, and yes/no answers to a few 'wedge' questions are the other columns.
I have a modest example of such a table but it doesn't have the stack column, there aren't 137 rows, and the rows are different contrarians.
More Opinions On Wedge Issues
of some well known commentators, as far as I can tell...a work in progress
I spend less & less time online these days because it feels like akin to stamp collecting now: doesn’t change anything.
Also, while the questions are in my view well intentioned, some aren’t as useful as some might think. For example, the question on viruses. That word doesn’t mean what I thought it meant to everyone. So a yes or no answer isn’t informative.
Having realised that, I may not be interested in adding replies, because it’s not always appropriate to seek yes/no responses.
“Akin to stamp collecting now.” What a great line! I shared your information with a local woman who makes natural, old-fashioned concoctions for ailments. She said, “I KNEW IT!” Meaning intuitively. I shared with many more but I loved her response in particular. Thanks so much for acting with courage and integrity.
Dear Dr. Yeadon, you must know that I was responding to another person’s comments and them referencing THEIR stack as being not in the right place to “self-promote”. This is YOUR SS and thus I felt like (after reading the nefarious troll’s comment) that it would be sheer redundancy and idiotic for me to say, “This is your SS, Dr. Yeadon! Please don’t say anything here to let us know of your opinions!!” Social media etiquette dictates that the Author, YOU, are the lead story and that others should not take advantage of you.
Can you follow the lines on the left of the screen? Those are called response threads which you so glaringly ignored. I am NO tool, and you are the FOOL.
Unfortunately it looks as though the cabal of hell have moved into the next phase what with the fires and wars.
I was moved by your spiritual experience. I too had a revelation when I had a PPH at the birth of baby no.1. Since then I have known we do not die but leave our body. While here I think it's important to be 'true to yourself'. I'm old now and not much use but I always know God is near.
By the way, the devil, Lucifer, Satan etc in the Bible is always marked by his lies! The devil is Master of deceit! It's how he works. So it's no surprise these evil people depend on getting people to follow them by lying to them. It means they want to get rid of anyone who tells the truth of course.
Take care and never forget to call on God if you need some help.
It seems this is what's nearing and I can't wait!!!
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. So many more details but an excellent series is by Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry. He is dead now but really good and timely. Chuck Missler is solid too and also dead now. Amazing times coming for those who are His!
Thanks to UK Column for airing this, and many thanks to Dr. Mike Yeadon for this excellent clear and convincing interview! Already reposted widely! Keep up the good work!
Really good to hear you again Dr Yeadon, including bits I have never heard you mention before. I will share this, and hope and pray that one in particular of my adult children will listen to you. Back at the beginning of The Nonsense I wrote him a long letter attempting to show him how dangerous the jabs could be. It took me a week to compose, and after all that I got a one line reply, which is not like him at all. I think his two very young children have probably had the convid jabs, as they are in the US, and they are on the vaccine schedule. I have asked him, but he has not replied.... It's heartbreaking. Thank you for all you do and have done.
Mike - have followed your concerns from the beginning. Sent yours and Dr Wodarg's letter and proofs to my local MP. All he said was that he forwarded it to the Health Dept. Of course I received no response.
So incredibly grateful for your selfless and tireless red flag waving. Have sent your thoughts and spoken to everyone i know. Some have listened. Most not. But they are awakening now. The dots are connecting. We must keep shining light know the evil darkness. It is evil.
"Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so."
"The medical Mafia: How to get out of it alive and take back our health & wealth Paperback – January 1, 1995" by Guylaine Lanctot (Author).
Dr. Lanctot lost her licenses in the US, France & Canada in the 90s after publishing this book.
That's where she crushed the germ theory and as far as I could tell, she had zero support from the medical establishment. She saw what was coming 30 years down the road and warned those who wanted to listen.
I won't accept lies just because 99.9999% of the population accept them as truth!
I wrote to UKC so many times to fill them in on sustainability and medical problems coming our way. 10 years later they finally report on them . The problem is we have to make a name for ourselves first. It's a real hindrance to progress that you cant just get info out for it's own sake. Newspapers wouldn't take stories either. Still, UKC do a far better job than most.
It was indeed an excellent interview, Dr Yeadon, thank you. I'm always listening to things with half an ear to what it must sound like to the not-awake. There was nothing here anyone could argue wasn't true or a 'conspiracy theory'.
Thanks to UK Column News for this tremendous interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon, a model of courage and integrity.
Anyone with the slightest interest in exploring the truth and facts about Covid and the vaccine rollout should take the time to listen to the experts—not just the award-winning medical professional in the pockets of big pharma— but to people like Dr. Yeadon who has walked away from a successful career in favor of exposing one of the greatest crimes in human history,
The money that has been allocated to censor him could probably feed the entire homeless population east of the Mississippi.
Many of his past interviews have been censored and deleted but like a passionate song or piece of music that you can play over and over in your head, his words are indelible and will be remembered for the lives that they’ve saved long after we’re all gone.
The fact that you did not added to your credibility. I learned that Cluster B personality disordered people often have quite a history with filing lawsuits. Frankly, I stopped following Dr. Malone when he filed suit against the Breggin’s. We should be adult and civil enough to disagree without litigation in many cases. I actively seek out those who have been censored,smeared, maligned. There is usually something important that they have to share. Your interview was fair, I could comprehend what you said without a biochemical background. Thanks. It was fantastic.
I still keep abreast of BBC R4. I support a fit for purpose national broadcaster. I wish we had one.
Let Emma Barnett go; she is immaterial. Your time and money is better spent elsewhere.
I would love to see you re-visit JJ Couey. I discovered him via Paul Alexander. JJ's 'pissed-off' with most everyone. I knew covid1984 was bollox from the outset and I just watch paint & ink dry. Talk to JJ. I think it would be constructive. I'd love to see UKC talk to JJ.
I was very happy to see UKC host Mike Yeadon today. Charles Malet is a considerable asset to the platform.
He's unsure about you too. Yes, he's abrasive. He's pissed off and angry. He has kids he allowed to be vaxxed and regrets it. He does refer to you as Mr. Sparkle; it seems a huge complement. He persuades me he understand biology as well as most, if not better.
As Brian Gerrish might say, I gently suggest you give JJ a return go. Paul Alexander has commented to me on his Substack that he still regards JJ highly.
I watched James Roguski (very gentle by comparison to JJ) warmly reach out to JJ. James Roguski is a friend of UKC.
Thanks for the reply. Your early Talk Radio interviews (was it J H-Brewer?) were so important to me and others.
This was responding to M. Yeadon's comment, not Elizabeth's. I find this glitchy SS thing, STILL, to be really aggravating! [And hindsight is 20/20... to Mike's comment]
Could be. I no longer purport to know. I used to say, “I know” a lot prior to spending a decade unlearning everything I’d been taught or brainwashed to believe. I only knew not to get injections of any sort from my former career. For today, though, I’d rather just think about music as it brings me joy. I used to think I could stop people from injecting/poisoning themselves and their loved ones via valid information, books from people who are brighter and more seasoned than myself. I have resigned myself to the fact that many find it easier to trust their televisions. Maybe I’ll take up stamp collecting, haha. To that end, I am rather with Dr. Yeadon in staying off the internet as much as possible as it benefits my overall health to do so. Have a great day.
Thanks for your comment. I so understand what you’re saying. But I am called, it’s a DEMAND, to DO something. I don’t feel I have a choice, as this is a question of many, many lives in the balance. I simply need to find my way through HOW TO COMMUNICATE what needs to be the biggest red flag EVER. I can’t just quit, and this is made more and more urgent as I myself am subjected to more and more EMF’s, I’m already damaged, and I’m in the “thick of it” big time. I don’t say this to make you feel guilty. I say this because it’s my truth. It may not be yours.
Indeed, same here. It's hard to keep it up, it's been nearly FIVE YEARS now.
So thanks for that, Mike, thanks for what you do, you're able to have a platform... I've been on your side since the first time I saw you, all beat up (emotionally, professionally), because your integrity is REAL. There's a solid, albeit relatively small, group of us, and we don't even know each other, mostly! So here's for you...
And somebody called Erin got REALLY upset with me, blocked me, and I don't see the comment(s) I made that got him/her all upset, so I can't apologize or anything.
Unfortunate. I AM capable of making mistakes! Oh, well, I can't fix what I can't reach.
Now there is an experience I know well. For reasons I don’t fully understand yet , I lived in the glare of the headlights even after the “ evil light bearer “had moved on .
My guess is this was possible because of my age at the time of the initial assault.
A bronze statue of Dr. Mike in the town square.
One day.
Riding a motorbike and doing a wheelie.
There's a very difficult time ahead, we have to survive it.
Afterwards, brave men like Mike will receive their due.
You don’t get it. He’d hate that
You’re totally right. But we’d do it anyway.
I just published my list of Substack’s “Top 137 Covid Contrarians and Freedom Writers.” Some Substack readers might be interested in this information, which might be a good resource for those on “our side.” FWIW, this newsletter (of course and thankfully) made the list.
The top 12 are not so much contrarians as perpetrators in sheep’s clothing! But it’s a great list.
I restacked that. Then there's this! Debunking Einstein Part 7 by Chris Edwards ft There is no Evolution, Big Bang, Nukes, Gravity, Splitting Atoms, Asteroids, Space, ICBM's, Molten Core, Plate Techtonics, Dinosaurs, Carbon Dating, Virus's, Satellite's, Space Debris, UFO's, Aliens, Moon Landings ft That's Scientifically Impossible! https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/dear-elon-musk-you-believe-in-god
It’s remarkable isn’t it, the extent of the deception?
Some of those I’ve dug into and yes, they’re lies.
If anything important was told to everyone, it is a lie. I’ve found no exceptions yet.
I remember it began with Laurel and Hardy kind of films of people falling over in China
Then we were supposed to be scared of the terrible virus there.
But they didn't close the airports so people flew in from China.
And Ferguson was asked to predict the numbers - I knew then nobody would believe it, not after Foot and Mouth, this man didn't know the difference between sheep and cows! But No! They followed his numbers... and we had
Lock downs what a joke - shut up the healthy?! Stop working?!
Then Boris said 'I have to tell you some of your loved ones will die early' and they wouldn't let the Care Home Residents go into hospital and locked them up and kept their relatives out and dosed them with midazolam and morphine which Handoncock boasted on Telly to mate Dr Luke Evans he had bought up all the stocks in Europe so they could have a good death. Yes of course they died 'early'! Then the numbers came out and the ave age of dying from covid was older than the ave age of dying normally. What's more, covid din't cause any excess deaths but it stopped any flu happening.
Eventually the terrible deaths and awful illnesses the vax would cause were leaked on a slide to a talk to the Health Employees in the US and the warning certificate for Staff in the boxes with the injectable mixture was leaked and we all knew the Makers knew it was about as safe as a swim in the river Pripyat in May 1986.
But still the sheep wore the masks and clapped on Thursday and the nurses danced and we were called antivaxxers and risked being shot at dawn for killing Granny even though I am Granny and I am trying to keep my grandchildren alive.
It was a salutary year. I learned to be scared not just of the government but of neighbours and even of those close to me. In the autumn of 2021, I saw those I love looking ten years older as their faces grew drawn and haggard. I stopped mentioning to my family my time when I buried myself in research papers and learned about genetic medicine and the hunt for an RNA based vaccine. I cut myself off from people.
An eloquent and poetic commentary. Thank you. The same here. I’m grandpa.
Me too .
They count on our need for each other and then use this to force compliance….if we allow it.
I saw some videos like you're talking about, but they were supposedly people who'd had the VAX... I don't know. Doesn't matter much at this point, except some people died by nefarious means.
Early on, the videos were supposed to be of people dying of the virus. It was the first red flag, even Ebola will take a couple of days to kill you
I don't doubt you. I'm not saying you're wrong, either. There was a LOT of stuff being offered to us by who knows who. I just remember the ones I saw, or SOME of them, at least, were said to be ppl who'd had the vax. Maybe the videos were the SAME ONES and just re-purposed!! Who knows.
They had DECADES to put it together.
Thank you Dr Yeadon, you have been a trusted voice for me from the beginning. Sub’d to your ss. If you ever do a deep dive into the above mentioned deceptions, I’d gladly purchase a ticket! Thanks so much.
ICBMS? ...?!
Yeah but ...
I was sitting on the side of a hill in the Great South Land at 3AM, mesmerized by the majestic display of stars in the sky, when suddenly an arc of light appeared in the NW outer star field. I thought it was a falling star at first, but quickly realised it was not, because it was not falling but arcing at incredible speed earthwards! In seconds - not sure how many but not many - this streak of light seemed to be proximate to earth, slowed to appear like a circle of light elongated to the rear, still traveling at considerable speed. This ball of light slowed and moved much slower pulsating light for a few seconds a few times, then accelerated and disappeared into the star field in the SE in seconds! This object clearly evidenced the exact capabilities of the Millennium Falcon of Star Wars! I sat there astounded! No I was not drunk, hungover or hallucinating! This was real.
Although I am skeptical of many things with good reason, I am convinced that Millennium Falcon technology exists. Are there aliens? I am guessing that there are, simply from my assumption that this spaceship was not from earth. Which is totally inconclusive I admit. Do we have the technology? I am guessing that we do not. Again totally inconclusive. This experience convinced me that I have to integrate the reality that UFOs do exist, whatever the actual facts are.
The "aliens" are demons. Check out Chuck Missler, he is dead now but solid guy. He became a pastor later in life and understood even back then where things were headed. The Bible tells us a lot of information. And yes, it involves "aliens" demons. An excellent solid series by Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry is also an excellent solid series. Stephen Armstrong died a few years ago after getting this great series done. And some other solid people to follow in this area of Bible understanding but also aware of the worldly aspect are Dr JB Hixon, he can be found on Rumble and most of his videos are on Rumble. Pages of them. And if you find his different series going back a few years he explains the Luciferean Agenda. His Rumble channel is Not By Works. Might be a couple of them but it's the one with lots of videos. He also got kicked off of u tube bc he speaks too much truth.
When you get the full picture of how this ties into the Bible it actually makes quite a bit of sense, but it's important to have a solid Bible person explaining it bc much deception in this area. But when they can read the verses and not twist them, then you know you have a solid person. God wants us to understand and God isn't saying multiple things, He has a main message. And an excellent book is The Footsteps of the Messiah by Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum, contains almost all of the Bible verses Old and New Testament
pertaining to the big picture that God wants you to know.
Yes there is this diabolical evil luciferean agenda going on through vaccines and other evil means, but what's the big picture, how is it going to end, WHY is this happening. ITS ALL IN THE BIBLE AND GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW. Satan on the other hand wants you to miss the main point and stay focused on the lesser points which seem like the main point but they aren't. They are the lesser points. I look forward to 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Which will probably be explained away that ufos took us.
There is much hope to be had when you understand the big picture that God wants you to know. And oddly, I don't have fear bc I do know the big picture. It's all in the Bible. If you truly are seeking and wanting THE truth, ask God to show you and start reading your Bible... but bc time is short, I'd do the Stephen Armstrong study and The Footsteps of the Messiah book so you find the verses most pertaining to this. There is a God and He has a plan and He shared it with us and He so loves us but sin entered the world so He provided a Saviour for us. The ONLY way to be found acceptable to God is to accept the Saviour He provided bc that Saviour out of love died for our sins so that we wouldn't have to. By realizing we are sinners and repenting of sins and receiving the free gift of what Jesus did for us on the cross, reunites us to God. There is no other way to be saved but through Jesus.
So many more details, so many. But it will covered in the sources I left. But it's not by being good, its a Holy perfect God, we could never be good enough. That's why he provided the perfect sacrifice for us through Jesus. But what he desires is a relationship, He wants a relationship with each of us. He wants us to love him with all of our heart, soul and mind bc He is worthy. And He wants to reveal to us His plan, and its all in the Bible. Don't have to be a scientist or a Dr, although those people can possibly marvel at God's awesomeness in ways more simple people like myself won't understand, OR the really educated can wrongly think this Bible stuff is too simple for me and reject it. That's a scary thought but we are left with freewill which partially explains the mess we see going on.
Yes, Chuck Missler was awesome! I have listened to so many of his teachings. He came to our church one night and talked about , future Babylon, aliens (being demons) etc..
He is missed dearly.
Reportedly Yahshua said: "Now is the time for this world to be judged, now the ruler of this world will be expelled." [John 12:31 - Rabbinical Hebrew Sacred Writings]
Don't forget to add "meteorology/weather science". You look at that and the numbers don't add up- with 29cL of rain disappearing into 1, and all the modelling is based on previous modelling = your daily weather report. As a farmer, it's telling me, "Don't believe your own eyes". Total BS.
I tried to absorb your vast quantity of info above but must find a time when I can give it full attention.
Meanwhile, I have something to offer which, albeit a little old-fashioned I believe has fundamentally made the truth possible to understand by our human brain. The man is a Zoology Professor of some repute whose life course is interesting having been a Catholic, Atheist, Hippy, and now a Seventh Day Adventist. He's now in his mid 70s and has made a huge number of videos about the Bible and God. I love them as they are entirely Bible based and show how world history has followed the prophesies of the Bible. Actually he made a series of 8 lectures called Genesis Conflict.
Anyway try,
or maybe just one lecture;
but I can't remember that one very well...
good luck
I think 7th Day Adventist was founded by Ellen G White and is NOT solid. My grandma followed this and has some very legalistic teaching. See what you think of Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry. It doesn't require as much gymnastics to see the truth I feel. More of a clear Bible teaching.
That is a great list.
It would be even better, imho, to put it in a searchable, scrollable, sortable by any column table like you can do with datatwrapper.de, (just enter an excel table) where a link to the stack is one column, and yes/no answers to a few 'wedge' questions are the other columns.
I have a modest example of such a table but it doesn't have the stack column, there aren't 137 rows, and the rows are different contrarians.
More Opinions On Wedge Issues
of some well known commentators, as far as I can tell...a work in progress
Mike Yeadon has a row, but he hasn't yet answered the updated questions. Hopefully he will? 🙏🙏🙏
I don’t think I’ve seen any updated list.
I spend less & less time online these days because it feels like akin to stamp collecting now: doesn’t change anything.
Also, while the questions are in my view well intentioned, some aren’t as useful as some might think. For example, the question on viruses. That word doesn’t mean what I thought it meant to everyone. So a yes or no answer isn’t informative.
Having realised that, I may not be interested in adding replies, because it’s not always appropriate to seek yes/no responses.
“Akin to stamp collecting now.” What a great line! I shared your information with a local woman who makes natural, old-fashioned concoctions for ailments. She said, “I KNEW IT!” Meaning intuitively. I shared with many more but I loved her response in particular. Thanks so much for acting with courage and integrity.
I did tag you about changes:
As a guide to the thousands of substacks, I think its useful. It also highlights possibly unexpected areas of agreement.
Also, changing awareness != stamp collecting. Raising awareness is key, and we are replacing the legacy media.
The Open World Assumption applies, and you can add comments that are referenced in the table.
Hope you change your mind, but anyway thanks for all you do.
Dear Dr. Yeadon, you must know that I was responding to another person’s comments and them referencing THEIR stack as being not in the right place to “self-promote”. This is YOUR SS and thus I felt like (after reading the nefarious troll’s comment) that it would be sheer redundancy and idiotic for me to say, “This is your SS, Dr. Yeadon! Please don’t say anything here to let us know of your opinions!!” Social media etiquette dictates that the Author, YOU, are the lead story and that others should not take advantage of you.
Who are you calling a 'nefarious troll'? Me? Bill Rice Jr?
No!!!! Not you, either! 😊
I'm feeling a similar thing... to the stamp collecting analogy.
You may not think it changes things, but each person who hears from you is affected in a positive way.
Well done, Bill!
While I am on MY side, this is not the place for self-promotion. I have been noticing how envious you are at gaining followers. It’s a very ugly look.
Referring to one of the first posts! Not Dr. Yeadon!
That's bullshit. I've seen Mike Yeadon ALL the way along this path, and he's NEVER been about self interest. You're clearly a tool.
I was NOT referring to Dr. Yeadon!!! Please observe the thread before making comments that you will be embarrassed about!
Can you follow the lines on the left of the screen? Those are called response threads which you so glaringly ignored. I am NO tool, and you are the FOOL.
The program was really good Mike Thank you.
I hope you and yours are keeping well.
Unfortunately it looks as though the cabal of hell have moved into the next phase what with the fires and wars.
I was moved by your spiritual experience. I too had a revelation when I had a PPH at the birth of baby no.1. Since then I have known we do not die but leave our body. While here I think it's important to be 'true to yourself'. I'm old now and not much use but I always know God is near.
By the way, the devil, Lucifer, Satan etc in the Bible is always marked by his lies! The devil is Master of deceit! It's how he works. So it's no surprise these evil people depend on getting people to follow them by lying to them. It means they want to get rid of anyone who tells the truth of course.
Take care and never forget to call on God if you need some help.
With my deepest thanks.
It seems this is what's nearing and I can't wait!!!
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. So many more details but an excellent series is by Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry. He is dead now but really good and timely. Chuck Missler is solid too and also dead now. Amazing times coming for those who are His!
Thanks to UK Column for airing this, and many thanks to Dr. Mike Yeadon for this excellent clear and convincing interview! Already reposted widely! Keep up the good work!
Our family regards you as a true modern hero! <3
Really good to hear you again Dr Yeadon, including bits I have never heard you mention before. I will share this, and hope and pray that one in particular of my adult children will listen to you. Back at the beginning of The Nonsense I wrote him a long letter attempting to show him how dangerous the jabs could be. It took me a week to compose, and after all that I got a one line reply, which is not like him at all. I think his two very young children have probably had the convid jabs, as they are in the US, and they are on the vaccine schedule. I have asked him, but he has not replied.... It's heartbreaking. Thank you for all you do and have done.
Sorry to hear this for you. This requires a deeper level of compassion from those of us who 'see' and who 'know'. Best your way ❤️
Mike - have followed your concerns from the beginning. Sent yours and Dr Wodarg's letter and proofs to my local MP. All he said was that he forwarded it to the Health Dept. Of course I received no response.
So incredibly grateful for your selfless and tireless red flag waving. Have sent your thoughts and spoken to everyone i know. Some have listened. Most not. But they are awakening now. The dots are connecting. We must keep shining light know the evil darkness. It is evil.
You are blessed among men.
Thank you.
With grace and gratitude.
That was beautifully done sir! Especially when you, very simply asked ‘how does one know something’
Two ways:
1.you have understanding obtain Knowledge from your experience.
2. You trust someone else’s knowledge.
Lovely how you delivered this as humble(which the process of ‘knowing tends to elicit) with confidence 💕💕💕💕
A shift in this technique in all people does seem to be taking place.
Not fast enough I sense though 🫣.
Grateful for your inspiration for me to stand firm against the monsters yet open to opening others to see what is going on.
"Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so."
Bertrand Russell
He was a nasty piece of work if ever there was one!
Wow. I was not aware of that quote.
"The medical Mafia: How to get out of it alive and take back our health & wealth Paperback – January 1, 1995" by Guylaine Lanctot (Author).
Dr. Lanctot lost her licenses in the US, France & Canada in the 90s after publishing this book.
That's where she crushed the germ theory and as far as I could tell, she had zero support from the medical establishment. She saw what was coming 30 years down the road and warned those who wanted to listen.
I won't accept lies just because 99.9999% of the population accept them as truth!
Dr. Yeadon is not alone in this battle.
Well done !! V good interview :)
I wrote to UKC so many times to fill them in on sustainability and medical problems coming our way. 10 years later they finally report on them . The problem is we have to make a name for ourselves first. It's a real hindrance to progress that you cant just get info out for it's own sake. Newspapers wouldn't take stories either. Still, UKC do a far better job than most.
Best for the New Year Dr. Yeadon. Unfortunately it will be another difficult one I suspect. Thanks for your voice.
It was indeed an excellent interview, Dr Yeadon, thank you. I'm always listening to things with half an ear to what it must sound like to the not-awake. There was nothing here anyone could argue wasn't true or a 'conspiracy theory'.
I will second that.
Mike is a Mensch.
Thanks to UK Column News for this tremendous interview with Dr. Mike Yeadon, a model of courage and integrity.
Anyone with the slightest interest in exploring the truth and facts about Covid and the vaccine rollout should take the time to listen to the experts—not just the award-winning medical professional in the pockets of big pharma— but to people like Dr. Yeadon who has walked away from a successful career in favor of exposing one of the greatest crimes in human history,
The money that has been allocated to censor him could probably feed the entire homeless population east of the Mississippi.
Many of his past interviews have been censored and deleted but like a passionate song or piece of music that you can play over and over in your head, his words are indelible and will be remembered for the lives that they’ve saved long after we’re all gone.
Profiles in Courage: The COVID Era Whistleblowers
I listened. Mike was a huge source of support to my ears at the outset of covid1984.
Dr. Mike Yeadon: There Was No Health Emergency
Emma Barnett was mentioned. She really is a useless tool...
The BBC Trust & Verify The BBC
I really wished I’d taken legal advice as to whether I should have sued her.
It was four years ago though. I was a rabbit in the headlights.
The fact that you did not added to your credibility. I learned that Cluster B personality disordered people often have quite a history with filing lawsuits. Frankly, I stopped following Dr. Malone when he filed suit against the Breggin’s. We should be adult and civil enough to disagree without litigation in many cases. I actively seek out those who have been censored,smeared, maligned. There is usually something important that they have to share. Your interview was fair, I could comprehend what you said without a biochemical background. Thanks. It was fantastic.
Thank you, that’s helpful feedback.
Robert Malone is a CIA operative. A bam.
I still keep abreast of BBC R4. I support a fit for purpose national broadcaster. I wish we had one.
Let Emma Barnett go; she is immaterial. Your time and money is better spent elsewhere.
I would love to see you re-visit JJ Couey. I discovered him via Paul Alexander. JJ's 'pissed-off' with most everyone. I knew covid1984 was bollox from the outset and I just watch paint & ink dry. Talk to JJ. I think it would be constructive. I'd love to see UKC talk to JJ.
I was very happy to see UKC host Mike Yeadon today. Charles Malet is a considerable asset to the platform.
Everyone, chin up!
I’m unsure about JJ.
I’m inclined towards him but he can be abrasive.
He's unsure about you too. Yes, he's abrasive. He's pissed off and angry. He has kids he allowed to be vaxxed and regrets it. He does refer to you as Mr. Sparkle; it seems a huge complement. He persuades me he understand biology as well as most, if not better.
As Brian Gerrish might say, I gently suggest you give JJ a return go. Paul Alexander has commented to me on his Substack that he still regards JJ highly.
I watched James Roguski (very gentle by comparison to JJ) warmly reach out to JJ. James Roguski is a friend of UKC.
Thanks for the reply. Your early Talk Radio interviews (was it J H-Brewer?) were so important to me and others.
This was responding to M. Yeadon's comment, not Elizabeth's. I find this glitchy SS thing, STILL, to be really aggravating! [And hindsight is 20/20... to Mike's comment]
The comment to Elizabeth is re Malone.
Could be. I no longer purport to know. I used to say, “I know” a lot prior to spending a decade unlearning everything I’d been taught or brainwashed to believe. I only knew not to get injections of any sort from my former career. For today, though, I’d rather just think about music as it brings me joy. I used to think I could stop people from injecting/poisoning themselves and their loved ones via valid information, books from people who are brighter and more seasoned than myself. I have resigned myself to the fact that many find it easier to trust their televisions. Maybe I’ll take up stamp collecting, haha. To that end, I am rather with Dr. Yeadon in staying off the internet as much as possible as it benefits my overall health to do so. Have a great day.
Thanks for your comment. I so understand what you’re saying. But I am called, it’s a DEMAND, to DO something. I don’t feel I have a choice, as this is a question of many, many lives in the balance. I simply need to find my way through HOW TO COMMUNICATE what needs to be the biggest red flag EVER. I can’t just quit, and this is made more and more urgent as I myself am subjected to more and more EMF’s, I’m already damaged, and I’m in the “thick of it” big time. I don’t say this to make you feel guilty. I say this because it’s my truth. It may not be yours.
I recognise what you’re saying.
I confess I have never known what to do, so what I’ve done is the result. It’s not a strategy.
Yes, in our own ways, many of us feel compelled to try.
If enough people try, we will divert this in some way.
Indeed, same here. It's hard to keep it up, it's been nearly FIVE YEARS now.
So thanks for that, Mike, thanks for what you do, you're able to have a platform... I've been on your side since the first time I saw you, all beat up (emotionally, professionally), because your integrity is REAL. There's a solid, albeit relatively small, group of us, and we don't even know each other, mostly! So here's for you...
And somebody called Erin got REALLY upset with me, blocked me, and I don't see the comment(s) I made that got him/her all upset, so I can't apologize or anything.
Unfortunate. I AM capable of making mistakes! Oh, well, I can't fix what I can't reach.
Sorry, Mike.
Best you learn the glitchy rules here! Are you an AI Bot? Controlled op? A egregore? I’ll wait while you spend ten minutes looking up the terms.
Now there is an experience I know well. For reasons I don’t fully understand yet , I lived in the glare of the headlights even after the “ evil light bearer “had moved on .
My guess is this was possible because of my age at the time of the initial assault.
You're a hero! Thanks for posting
God bless and protect you and your's!