“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

― Mark Twain

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Likewise, never try to teach a pig to sing. It won't work and it annoys the pig.

--Who Knows

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also "Never fight with a pig. You both get dirty and the pig likes it." ~anonymous

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And then there's "Never trick a dog, or expect protest left in your shoes, and a certain amount of your bootox getting chewed to ribbons." --Some Wildass Bitch

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That's the one I remember!

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Good stuff!

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"Never argue with a fool, lest a bystander be confused as to who that is".

"Nothing is 'foolproof'. You would be surprised at how ingenious a fool can be".

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Sadly, we are surrounded by them, eg Number 10, the NHS, etc etc.

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We may like and comment as much as we please, and find we agree, yet we dont have the power in our hands, can only ghost the trust in truth to stay afloat in this sea of lies and those who would rather keep their job, while the ship sinks beneath their feet. May these few who see become the many who hold on

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Amen. Do not comply.

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I think we should ALLLL of us take our money OUT of central banks.

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You know, when Moses brought down the tablets from the mountains, there were two Commandments that got broken arf on the way down...

11: Get Over It

12: Let The Dogs Out

ha haa haarf! ;)

xo xo

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While I have you here, and I'm not being a smart-ass, but why were "antivirals" like Ivermectin and stuff like zinc and Dr. Zelenko's protocol that were said to keep the virus from entering the cell and build immunity seemingly effective against "covid"? What's their actual effect? Placebo?

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Viruses do exist, it makes evolutionary sense - if something is not impossible it will come about. Viruses replicate in the cells of other creatures. Zinc in the cell blocks viral replication. Hydroxychloroquine helps zinc get into cells. It is the inflammation due to infection that can cause a lot of damage, ivermectin reduces inflammation as well as other effects. I have taken supplemental vitamin D3 (with K2 and magnesium) for many years and have suffered no significant respiratory infections. Vitamin D is vital for effective immune function and also moderates inflammation. I used to have ‘cold sores’ occasionally, also a viral infection. Since improving my vitamin D status those have not appeared again. My own guess is that if there was a sars-cov-2 virus it caused just another influenza like illness and every respiratory infection that people showed up with was labelled as ‘covid-19’. Some people became very ill and died, especially the old who had other comorbidities such as diabetes or lung diseases, but not in exceptional numbers. However, whereas in the past people would have some ordinary medication to alleviate symptoms and help with bacterial infections (like pneumonia) they were persuaded there was no hope except through a vaccine so suffering and death became publically explicit. People were put on remdesivir for which there was zero evidence and that caused kidney damage that killed some people, or were sedated and put on intubated ventilation that damaged lungs and killed some people – whereas early intervention, maybe with steroids to reduce inflammation would have given them time to get over the infection. People in nursing homes with breathing difficulties were give morphine and midazolam, which in an end of life situation is a legitimate way to give people a painless death, but otherwise is likely to kill people who would otherwise have lived. Fear was created and fear itself is a killer.

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It's a logical fallacy to say "Viruses do not exist." It's also a logical fallacy to say that "Unicorns do not exist." However, we CAN say that, to date, there has been absolutely no evidence that either viruses or unicorns exist. You may believe that viruses exist, but you cannot use Science to prove it. You would need a thing called Evidence, and if you actually study the topic, you would see that the pseudo-science of Virology has been called out and found wanting. If you can disprove this, you would be a hero to the establishment, but if the existence of viruses were a fact, it would have been evident by now, especially to people like Mike.

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"Viruses do not exist" is not a logical fallacy, it is a hypothesis with observation and experiment to determine as true or false. It may be that some illnesses we attribute to a virus are not so. I can believe that some illnesses classed as ‘contagious’ are in fact not due to pathogens. However, images such as https://www.utmb.edu/virusimages/the-virus-images I don't have a problem with. Pathogens are endemic, we are covered with bacteria and other micro flora. People pass their micro fauna & flora to others, often beneficially as when during normal birth mothers pass such to their sterile babies. It’s hard to believe that pathogens have not evolved to exploit this route. I agree that our healthiness determines whether or not they cause us illness. For me vitamin D status is probably the biggest factor. There is evidence for me that many respiratory infections are not spread in the way that people think but are triggered by environmental factors like lack of sunshine in winter.

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I largely agree but sunshine status may be even more important than vit. D status. This is especially so for people who aren't adapted to living at latitude 52 degrees north.

Apparently dermatologists classify even 'white' skin as types 1, 2, 3 & 4. I'm type 3 or possibly 4 and testing suggests that I need to take vit. D tablets all year.

I wish I could buy a strong enough sun lamp, i.e. enough UV-A and UV-B. 40 years of the false 'skin cancer' scare seems to have driven them off the market.

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That's what we've accepted, but Dr. Yeadon has a different story we are trying to digest. The difference is a totally new paradigm on what's been called infectious disease.

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Ya know, I’ve tried to accept this “viruses do not exist” thing, I’ve tried over and over, but then I think “what about rabies?”, “what about journal entries from hundreds of years ago describing giving blankets used to cover dying smallpox victims to unsuspecting populations in order to make them sick?” I mean, there are Egyptian hieroglyphs that tell stories of contagions, and “quarantining” the sick. The “sick room” has been in practice since the dawn of time. Ppl have instinctively separated the sick from the healthy, without ever hearing the term “virus”. The ancient Chinese, too, understood something about contagious pathogens.

I’ve never understood why allopathic medicine dismisses the role of nutrition in maintaining health, or why doctors aren’t trained to see the body and mind as a whole, interdependent system, nor can I understand blaming pathogens and contagions for every illness. I also can’t understand the extreme opposite belief that these pathogens do not exist, or can’t be passed from one person to another. I don’t believe that respiratory illnesses need interventions like “vaccines”, they are certainly self-limiting, and the introduction of this transfection agent they call a vaccine has clearly stirred the evolutionary pot in very complex ways. But I have a hard time accepting that human knowledge passed down from one generation to the next, all of which suggested that they knew something about how ppl got sick (such as ppl during black plague holding poseys to their faces, or wearing “plague masks”, bc they thought the sickness was in the air). I don’t need an image of a virus cell to prove to me that SOMETHING exists simply bc we humans have been programmed to instinctively recoil from contagions. There’s a reason we pull back from things we perceive to be contaminated. “Malaria”, or “mal” “air”, translates to “bad air”, and the term was coined by ppl who believed that “swampy air” was making ppl sick. Well, almost right, considering that mosquitos live in swampy environments. They didn’t need “proof” of a virus to understand that swampy places led to illness, and they didn’t have to know the vector of that disease. There’s also the fact that white Europeans didn’t travel to the interior of Africa bc of how quickly they would die of malaria (average was less than a year). I understand that this isn’t human to human transmission (thankfully), but it does point to quite a bit more than equilibrium being thrown off. I don’t claim to have the answers, I can only say that two things can be true at once—it can be true that the “flu”, and “covid”, isn’t what the establishment claims they are. It can also be true that what we call “viruses” are sometimes passed from human to human, even if we lack the understanding to know all the mechanisms by which that occurs. I’ll put it this way—I won’t throw out someone’s opinions simply bc they’re in one camp or another on the existence of viruses. If they’ve accurately (at least a majority of the time) predicted the course that something like Covid would take, then they know SOMETHING legitimate, and they have a model that has been rooted in the hypothesis that viruses exist, they are contagious, but they can be mitigated with diet, exercise, vitamin D, zinc, etc, and co-morbidities increase the risk of severe illness and death. If their predictions were based on the hypothesis that a respiratory virus was spreading from human to human, and they got 95% of their predictions right, then it would be natural to say that the evidence supports the claim that viruses exist. To say that they don’t exist means that a person has a LOT of explaining to do about what we’ve witnessed and experienced. It’s an assumption that complicates the issue instead of simplifying it, and from a logic point of view, it doesn’t make sense to me.

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I know why allopathic medicine dismisses the role of nutrition in maintaining health, and why doctors aren’t trained to see the body and mind as a whole, interdependent system, because IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY MONEY! But, it's not that easy and you make very valid points and ask very valid questions. I think the central question may be...what is the vector? We see the results, but we don't know the vector. You can't see a virus, unlike a bacteria. It was the discovery of bacteria that set the model/paradigm for the same conclusion of contagion with the proposal of a critter called a virus. What is this virus said to do? Well, it's not actually a living organism as such, but it gets into a body cell and hijacks the cell's genetic works to replicate its own DNA. And once that's done the victim is contagious and exuding this whatever-it-is....this DNA grabbing package we can't see. Now I know that sounds like a real moron level analysis, but isn't that what we're told? What else could be producing these effects, if they are in fact occurring? That's a serious question, because we see the domino effect of the condition "spreading."

Bubonic plague was/is a specific bacteria that is characteristically found in the bodies, and nowadays on the petre dish smears, of people, all presenting with a discrete set of god-awful symptoms, but what I hear is that a VIRUS has never been isolated, certainly covid wasn't, and could be a sort of chimeric cash cow invention. If that's true, then we have to account for what DOES cause conditions that certainly appear to spread by contact. If I understood him, Dr. Yeadon said in a post that it's not so necessary to account for the cause as it is to eliminate the fake (viral) cause. Ok, job one. But, to me and you, the real cause is the next natural question and needs an answer that's more convincing than the viral one. Like you, I'm not a biologist or specialist and I'm just trying to put together the pieces. If we're not being reasonable, maybe that falls to specialists who don't explain well enough. There's a quantum physicist who maintains that if you can't explain it to a seven-year old, it's probably not true. And there's a theory that the simplest solution is probably the correct one. Sherlock Holmes said, "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth," whatever that means. Posters here have suggested many possibilities for causes of disease that are no doubt true, but the central question is about the existence of a contagion-causing virus... or not. Covid isn't a good case to use, contrary to what people might think, because there was so much overt deception and agenda involved it would be hard to get good data...false tests, coercion to diagnose covid regardless of what the person had or died of, hospital murder for money IF the decedent could be said to have died of covid. No wonder it looked like a contagion, but it was a contagion of lies. The lies were endless because what it really was doing was setting the stage for a genocidal vax full of unnatural substances and bots to force on the population. Now there's a cause for disease! But what would make a good case to investigate if you can't even see the alleged virus? How would you test it? Do colonies of viruses appear in petri dishes? How could they appear on a test or on a mask that is supposed to be filtering them out? How do you test for a virus?? Maybe there are ways I don't know about....but if one has never been isolated what the hell are they talking about?? So, as we see the issue is complex and as you say, there is a lot of 'splaining to do. But such is the nature of our medical deceivers, I'm open to things that could give the appearance of contagion and not be the virus they're claimed to be. I don't know what else to say. Sorry this is so long but the topic doesn't lend itself to 28 words or less.

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Ginny: Go here:


That will completely answer your rabies question.

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I think ivermectin was pushed (under the guise of being pushed by the resistance) in order to make it look as if covid is a thing and as if viruses are a thing. Btw, have realized that maybe I need to change my labels for illnesses. I get chills; the label chill seems all right. But I also get a chill that includes a high temperature and sore throat? And I think I need to stop calling it flu. I get both chills and the high temp illness when I have been in a draught or freezing air con or a cold damp room or have been too long in the freezing weather. And some other people get the same illness, but that is because we suffered being in the same cold and damp conditions. Anyway, I still think ivermectin has its uses. Before I understood that there was no virus, I got thoroughly deformed...

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In my opinion you don’t need to rename your or others illnesses, only adjust our understanding of what they are and are not.

For example, flu or influenza is as good as name as any for the collection of signs and symptoms we can develop. The insight new to me since 2020 is that it isn’t infectious, or caused by a “virus” or is contagious, any more than a headache or chest pain is.

In my opinion, they’re endogenously generated as a result of a disordered equilibrium which, brilliantly, is normally maintained.

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I'm sure you know that Traditional Chinese Medicine organizes disease quite differently from allopathic medicine. The condition Fiona describes above might be called "wind cold." They look at disease as a result of various "pathogens" overtaking the balance of the body, like wind, cold, damp, heat and such. It's all about balance, of yin and yang complexities and the energetics of the five elements of fire, water, metal, earth, and wood. Of course that's a vast oversimplification, and there's a huge literature going back two millennia. The language sounds strange and archaic, reminiscent of "humors" and such, but the ideas and connections of the concepts relate to energy and are far more profound. And dang if the conditions don't clear up when acupuncture points along the electromagnetic energy channels of the body associated with the imbalances are treated with a variety of techniques. The energetic flows and points actually can be demonstrated to exist with instruments measuring electromagnetic conditions. While the descriptions of disease still use a very ancient lexicon, TCM is actually advanced energy medicine. It may be that the future of medicine will be frequency medicine that borrows from TCM. Our current allopathic concepts, so arrogant and often corrupt, will go the way of bloodletting and linking the bumps on a person's head to their personality and character. Bring it on!

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See https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18298852/ about Dr Edgar Hope-Simpson, a UK GP. He made careful observations all his working life on the incidence of influenza in patients and he reported openly on them, i.e. truly in the spirit of the scientific method.

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I should add that the bottom line cause of disease in TCM is unbalanced emotions. Those lead to vulnerability to the various "pathogens." An emotion has a frequency that travels along the energy meridians which also have frequency, as do all things. When the emotions are not resonating in balance, bodily chaos ensues. That's a little wild to our ears, but no wilder than little never-verified critters that invade cells and hijack their DNA, resulting in a need to buy big pharma drugs. ;-) Frequency is the vibe of energy and of emotions. Quantum-mechanics-wise, the flip from wave (frequency) to particle (object) hinges on the observer and what the observer's framework is. Might that not be a good place to take a look for the cause of disease? The observers framework? I don't know if your work pursues causes of disease as much as eliminating the virus as causal, or even as existing. Does it? I apologize for not knowing the scope of your work and acknowledge that you've bitten off a huge chunk without approaching cause.

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Your question is accurate. I am not a MD and I can only speculate. As you might know, Anna Mihalcea who is a MD has pointed out the effects of nanoparticles of metal and especially graphen oxyde. And there was a lot of graphen oxyde in the masks for example, and that has been official. So the clue for her is to boost our immune system, and to destroy those nanoparticles. May be Ivermectin and Zinc, and hydroxychloroquine do help your body to destroy those nano peace of sheets! I am waiting the explanations of Dr YEADON on this matter with great exepectations!

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We're in an entirely different stew with the vax nanoparticles. I'm not sure the immune system can get a grip on such stuff. Completely unnatural and machine like. The graphine oxide is like mini-razors. And those self-assembling bots or whatever they are! We see the results in reports now coming out almost daily.

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About graphene oxyde nanoparticles:

1. It is not only in the vax, according to many studies, but also in the masks, that was official, and in dental anesthesics and may be in some other drugs and food, according to quintacolumna team on Telegram.

2. Andreas Noack, who was à chemist working in UK and living in Österreich has found graphene hydroxyde in the vials, which is diferent to graphene oxyde. According to him, graphene hydroxyde would act as a razor balade as you mentioned. Graphene oxyde has électromagnétic effects, and can produce blood clots, AVC, Mac adress But after his vidéo, Noacks died very suddenly..

According to Dc Anna Mihalcea, long covid 19 illness and vax injuries are similar. And the Best way to get read of those injuries which could be caused by the graphene is chelation, EDTA, and detox with strong anti-oxydant like NAC. Perhaps Dc Yeadon can help us, with this? Thank you by advance for your help.

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I'm hoping that RFK will take a look at not just the usual chemicals in food, but the kinds of bizarre things you're mentioning as well as mRNA contaminants. It's very disturbing to feel like you're eating your own death and have no choice because you hear that even organic food is contaminated. I wish we could get some good studies proving what foods these creepy things are in. Maybe RFK will have studies done and expose it. I feel like a lot of the information we now have is hearsay.

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I often reflect on the "those who would rather keep their job..." and wonder if I would be one of those if I was younger or had a bunch of debt. I like to think I would still stand on principle regardless. I was watching a TV show recently where 2 of the characters were working at a hospital. One of the characters told the other, "I fought for you to keep your job, all you have to do is pretend like the deaths didn't happen (the hospital had "accidentally" killed several people and were trying to cover it up)." The other character promptly walked into the hospital board office, slapped their ID on the table in front of these monsters and said, "you can keep your job, I will have NO part in this!" Just imagine how much differently our world would be *right now* if even 25% of the population would have said, "oh hell no!" in 2020? Freedom isn't free. Sometimes we have to be willing to give up everything for liberty. I'm not trying to muster a pat on the back, but I was one of those in 2020. I had every opportunity to stay at the job I loved (high paying, etc) but I would have had to "test" every week and wear a "mask". I told them NO. Granted, I don't make the money I used to make now, but it's all good. I don't regret standing on principle for one second. I believe we can see where people's hearts are by what's important to them. If someone would rather ignore insanity and tyranny to keep their boat, their swimming pool, their 2 cars, their vacation, their cruise, their snow mobile, their Harley, and all of the other garbage they think is more important, then we really know what kind of person they are. I was screaming throughout 2020 and beyond, "we are going to lose everything anyway because of mass compliance, it would be much better to lose everything on *our* terms and have the opportunity to regain what we've lost under a system of liberty and freedom, but if we lose everything on "their" terms we will *never* have an opportunity to regain what we've lost!" I still believe this today, and I truly don't think the engineers of society are done with us by a long shot. Will we stand up next time? Well, according to "Doktor" Bill Gates, it sounds like we're going to have an opportunity to find out soon...

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Everything you said I said and felt as well. I gave it all up! Heck, my husband and I moved across the country with our two children- where we knew no one - to get out of a woke west coast city and into the safety and sanity of East TN. Never, never forget. And never, never compromise your principles. Fight for freedom with all your might and yes, I will say it - you DO deserve a pat on the back.

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It is difficult for a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.

-- H.L. Mencken

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There is too much information out there especially in the controlled congressional hearings. People have lost the critical thinking skills and if it is not on the mainstream media then they will not believe us even with solid proof COVID 19 is a military exercise turned into a war crime.

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Too many people are unfamiliar with how government is organized and that DoD is under the POTUS as Commander in Chief.. there are many rogue elements in Washington DoD is not one of them and operational deployment does not equal direction.

This was a globalist psyop under Biotech Mafia headed by Bill Gates WHO with enough practice and compromised elements from NGO to media decades in the planning.

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Because people don't know history anymore. Yes most history is written by the winners, but not all history.

The truth is written in parts, here and there, but because history is not taught like it once was (same as philosophy), people have lost their ability to recognise the patterns to link the truthes together.😐🤦‍♀️

So then they don't know what they don't know, there in lies the damage.😫😶🤦‍♀️

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There's another factor. Short attention span created by (1.) rapid fire video games (and the continuous crisis action movies/TV, even books, that mimic them) and

(2.) news bytes rather than analysis. People can now attend only for a short time and so their knowledge is superficial and there's no depth wherein the deeper dots can be connected. As a former teacher, I noticed this starting with kids in elementary school. When you add it all up...skewed history, completely omitted history and short attention span to process even that....well, you get what we have. This is serious across the board, but most imminent is the failure to grip our proper constitutional processes, to know and hold onto our rights and take control of our government. Case in point, the Fed, the IRS, and the incorporation, all of which we let slide in back in the day before all of this was a problem. (Granted that the secrecy around these bankster harvesting ops was murderous.) Constitutionally, the last bastion of protection of the republic is the people.. in any age. We've failed at that for over a hundred and fifty years, so it's nothing new. But we're still doing it. Earlier on, the problems may have been distance and a dearth of information, something our lying msm provides us now. But we always had a lying press. Thomas Jefferson complained about it. Our immediate task is to get rid of those 3 bankster ops and to understand that the harvesters are our most basic problem. Do we have the depth now, when our forebears didn't have it then? Tsk, tsk, "A republic if you can keep it...."

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Very true and clueless, self proclaimed research experts make it worse!! :~)

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Then there's the fact checkers.

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The damage and danger. Those who cannot recognize the patterns are more likely to be used by the the government and they do not even realize they are a pawn.

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On the predator factor, there's a saying that a democratic form of government is like when two wolves sit down with a lamb and decide what's for dinner. We've been there for a while which is how we got covid and the vax.

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"If it doesn't appear in the media, it didn't happen." --Vladimir Putin

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And that is how they see it. Even with a science degree and DNA research presented to the Nebraska Academy of Sciences they still looked at since 2020 saying why isn’t on the news then, the news said what your sharing is fake news, and the news said we are not to listen to people like you and they will bring us the news.

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Yes, the hot-potato-passing-lying-sacks-of-shit factor.

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Doctor, I admire your fully transparent honesty - so much needed in this dreaded world!

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Hi Mike,

I have heard Dr Jonathan Engler say many times: “There was no pandemic” I’m sure there are many tweets and Substacks where Jonathan has written this too. Jonathan, has been very clear and firm on this.

Indeed everything that Jonathan has said to me, has been probably the closest to your views on the science of what happened.

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I agree. That’s what makes it particularly sad.

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Makes what particularly sad?

Jonathan Engler is my co-author on a number of articles. Like most of us, his thinking has changed over time as the result of careful and earnest study and questioning. His "No Pandemic" position couldn't be clearer or better-documented. HART Group may comprise members with varied views, but they were the first to make a formal statement about "No Pandemic." https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/there-was-no-pandemic-in-2020 It was bravely done and few other groups in any country have done likewise. We have no organization in the U.S. saying anything like this, TMK.

We agree there was no sudden-spreading novel pathogen adding risk of illness and death to any group of people in late 2019/early 2020 and go further than "No Pandemic" to say the New York and Bergamo events are staged, iatrogenic/Democidal, and involve all-cause mortality data manipulation. We don't know of any other serious analysts who have made such an assertion - and done so substantively. If we're wrong, so be it, but there's nothing "sad" at work here.

I'm more than fine with criticizing people's positions publicly (which my own Substack articles prove in spades). But the criticism should be at least be warranted and rooted in reality.

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I’m not criticising.

I’m observing that many highly qualified people with excellent discriminatory skills chose not to say that not only was there nothing, no pandemic, no new illness, nothing spreading, but there cannot be, because of this extensive empirical evidence & therefore, the entire affair was planned to frighten and remove people’s freedoms and crucially to inject them for no reason other than <insert possible reasons>”

It’s not as if I haven’t tried extensively over years to point out the evidence for this position and then got all sad about it. That’s not what has happened.

Your collaborative work is excellent, by the way. The focus you’ve both shown is important because it blows up the “but there was a public health emergency, mistakes were made” kind of apology for the intentional, planned assault in which we continue to live.

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The key words here are ...."No only was there nothing.......there CANNOT BE anything"!!!! I capitalized this to emphasize the point Dr. Yeadon makes. .

It couldn't have happened as it was presented to us. From beginning to end the entire debacle was a FRAUD.

Given the severe economic outcomes and the resulting injuries and deaths from locking down etc etc--not to even address YET the horribly toxic injections....there should be giant lawsuits ongoing against the perps. All of them...(Including DJT of warp speed fame}....If you see your neighbors house burning while he is at work is there a moral obligation to call the fire department?

We all know the answer...of course there is. Even if there is no such law. One burning house could spread to more burning houses--pretty soon you have another Lahina happening.

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Thanks for replying.

I know you and I appreciate one another's work - and the record shows you have been supportive of Jonathan in the past.

The focus of the press conference was clear and (in my opinion) Jonathan's message well-suited to the purpose and audience. Reviewing the text of the speech, I see no false claims and nothing that you (or I) would disagree with: https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/inside-the-peoples-vaccine-inquiry-part-one/ Am I wrong?

We (the three of us) all agree that no pandemic involving a new pathogen spreading between people makes the deployment of the COVID shot (and harms resulting therefore) an even MORE egregious crime against humanity. I think we also agree that the WHO, pharma, governing authorities, et al have been lying for decades about vaccine efficacy and what causes respiratory illness.

I am as bold as you are about saying exactly what I think. But I disagree that people must necessarily accept contagion as a myth, depopulation as a driving motive, and viruses as non-existent in order to doubt the official story and question whether pandemics can/have ever occurred.

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Thank you, Jessica.

To your final paragraph, you’re quite right. It’s not necessary to tell the audience that the evidence against contagion of acute respiratory illnesses is unequivocal in order to doubt the official story.

It’s also not necessary to cite or summarise the conclusions of experiments to evaluate whether or not submicroscopic, infectious particles called “respiratory viruses” (to be focussed on the most recent claimed event) exist, in order to tell the audience that the official story is plain wrong.

A witness is not compelled to do either of these things.

If they choose not to, however, while knowing the truth of the matter, it is my opinion that they leave the most potent weapon possessed by the perpetrators untouched & available to be used again in a different version of the same, fear-provoking attack.

it is this missed opportunity that saddens me. There are so few of us who are not only willing to tell all we have realised, but feel compelled to do so, (even though it has undoubtedly led to isolation), that missed opportunities to drive a stake through the heart of the evil thinking that is behind these attacks causes me genuine grief.

Sadness, because it is tantamount to recognition that it appears not to be an objective to try with all our might to halt these attacks.

Perhaps I’m alone or in a tiny minority in being sure that these attacks are not only going to recur but as already happening in numerous ways. If someone thinks “the covid situation is now over”, I could more easily understand why a person might not want to go beyond exposing it as fraud.

Now in year 6, I am as I stated previously no longer so interested as in the past in trying to understand why we each do what we do. It’s way too late. I can’t pretend to fully understand the course of action I’ve taken. If asked, I’d have to rationalise an explanation, and while it wouldn’t be intentionally misleading, i don’t know that I’d be able to give a particularly good answer.

I may be wrong about anything or indeed everything. I’m beyond trying to persuade anyone to do anything particular. Everyone involved is courageous in saying anything that is opposed to the official narrative. I have come to accept that I can only decide my own actions.

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FWIW, I agree 100% with everything you just said, and have the same feelings toward so many who also choose to not go full bore with the facts at each opportunity. I know some that have and continue to and they are, IMO, the cream of the crop and what humanity stands for. You are not alone in your expectations!

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We disagree substantively on the question of whether Jonathan Engler missed an opportunity he should have taken. I say "no"; you say "yes."

I take it from what you've said over the past few months that you are troubled by HART Group as an organization not taking positions you wish they would take. I don't see a problem with critiquing the positions of an organization - nor do I see a problem with critiquing positions of individuals who have made public statements, written articles/books, etc.

Where I believe you are gravely mistaken with respect to the press conference is believing that the purpose was well-suited to making statements you wish would've been made (regardless of whether participants agree with/believe those statements).

I don't know everyone in HART - only a few people. But the person whose positions are closest to yours is Jonathan Engler. From that point of view, it makes little sense to criticize what he didn't say, or to act like he has a duty to be your proxy.

Challenging the views of others in HART and/or who spoke at the press conferences whose beliefs and claims are very different from your own makes more sense - as does addressing what people DID say at the event, which was focused on the shot and the Hallett Inquiry's failures & lies during Module 4.

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There were no-virus people ("serious analysts") pointing out the non-existence of the pandemic AND the virus and contagion all along! Cowan and Kaufman published their SOVI statement in early 2021, after countless presentations throughout 2020. And one could hardly find a more serious analyst that Stefan Lanka. Cowan's The Contagion Myth was published before fake-covid even began. David Crowe had shredded the entire narrative very early in 2020. Amanda Vollmer said "no virus" from the get-go. Jon Rapport knew it was a hoax from the beginning. And anyone willing to look at the foundational evidence for the imagined virus could see the impossibility of any tests being validated and any 'cases' being real. Countless individuals got there long before the HART statement. Countless people were calling it a hoax and pointing out staged events all along. Taking 3.5 years to finally state that there was no pandemic is not exactly something for a "serious analyst" to brag about. Even now, you are qualifying your statement by including "sudden-spreading novel" in front of "pathogen". There is zero valid evidence of any pathogen, period.

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Hi. Where I said, "they were the first to make a formal statement about" referring to HART, I was talking about organizations. It should read "the first organization" - and they were the first organization I was aware of doing so.

I haven't seen Cowan and Kaufman's statement and was not aware they are part of or comprise an organization. Happy to be corrected if I'm wrong about that.

Unlike the No Virus position, I don't ask people to accept or reject the existence of pathogens or a certain type of pathogen. That's a rhetorical and practical choice.

As I've made abundantly clear through articles written alone and with colleagues, my interest is what actually happened in early 2020 - and how. If Cowan or Mark Bailey or Lanka has put forth a robust hypothesis that accounts for the data and events in New York City or Bergamo, I'd love to see it. TMK, they all accept the ACM death spikes as true - i.e., the number of people claimed to have died on each day regardless of cause dying in the places and on the days claimed.

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Their statement has been around for the last 4 years:

https://www.andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/. Regardless, who cares if they are part of an organization? That's irrelevant and distracting from the fact that many people were way ahead of HART.

Excuse me Jessica, allow me to correct you. Cowan, Kaufman, Baileys, etc. do not ask people to accept anything. They point out the fact that there is no valid scientific evidence underlying the virus/germs/contagion claims and have done countless presentations showing people the foundational pseudoscience used to prop up the false narratives. And I have collected and published hundreds of official confessions showing that the institutions that should have valid evidence, if their claims were true, do not have any. That is very different from "asking people to accept" our "rhetoric" or "choice". Happy to be corrected if we're wrong about that.

I'm quite stunned to see you making such false, misleading statements.

No-virus people have been exposing an entire field of pseudoscience that has led to immeasurable carnage of both people and animals for well over a hundred years - not just during fake-covid and not just from murders in hospitals and mrna quackcines. We address the root of the covid and other deadly false narratives (and germ and contagion narratives more generally) in order to put an end to all this carnage (and other nonsense that is premised on the false germ narratives) for once and all.

Obviously once people learn they were lied to about 'germs' and contagion, they naturally become curious as to why people really get sick and what has really been going on, not just during covid. And we are far from accepting any part of the official narrative at face value (unlike those maddeningly who still go along with virus narratives).

Why you would take such a condescending and accusatory attitude towards these people is beyond me. It's almost as if you have very little knowledge of what no-virus people have actually been saying and doing, or you want to help keep a lid on true depth of the fraud and delusion that's been going on all our lives.

Furthermore, there is no need to present an alternative hypothesis in order to refute the false narrative. If that's what you want to do, fine, but the burden is on those making the positive claim. It's not accurate or helpful to imply otherwise. And their claims have been thoroughly exposed as complete nonsense starting right from their claim of a new illness with a new cause or any sort of viral cause at all.

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I agree with every word you have said and I am firmly behind Dr Mike Yeadon.❤️❤️

Thank you both for showing us, that, after looking at the evidence for Contagion, there is NONE.

Also No evidence of Viruses .

Only Historic and continuous, Fraudulent, Pseudo Scientific Experiments, pushed by PHarma.

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The individuals you mentioned are not, as far as I can tell, analysts of the spring 2020 events.

You are mischaracterizing my position, my tone, and much else. I've been pretty clear about my own perspective on viruses and SARS-CoV-2.

You've also drifted fairly far off of my initial response to Mike Yeadon.

Hopefully, this reply to him clarifies: https://open.substack.com/pub/drmikeyeadon/p/its-not-about-why?r=jjay2&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=93468336

As I told Mark Bailey after a presentation he made, "there are no viruses" is not superior to "there was no novel spreading virus" when it comes to answering "what actually happened?" which is my focus.

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Jessica, I am glad you have a voice and use it to speak clearly.

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Can you lift the paywall on your article? Would love to read.

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If your request is to me, I’m not aware of having a paywall.

Probably your comment isn’t aimed at me, but I’m replying just in case you are, and something of mine is behind a paywall.

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Hi, Dr Yeadon. Request was to Jessica. The article she references about “no pandemic” is behind a paywall ☹️

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Jeez, chill.

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Hi. I am not "un-chilled" or angry.

I support many things Dr Yeadon has said - most recently here:


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"It (real world correlates) doesn't exist independent of a computer sequence database." That's a compelling statement and I have no doubt that's exactly what the pandemic record was...a computer sequence database. But in the real world, people do get sick from respiratory problems they call colds or flu. What are those? I just had a bad cold that went to my chest and left me miserable for almost 4 weeks. It was very real, but what was it really?

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People’s felt experience of sickness are their most precious reality / truth and cannot, indeed should not, be argued with in a confrontational way.

We all have our own stories about this. I think they inevitably become strong drivers of belief and positions which once formed become difficult to move away from.

Yesterday, on X, someone who most definitely believes that viruses (whether natural or engineered) are a thing and would like me to believe the same and utterly rejects the ‘no virus’ position, told me that he has permanently lost his sense of taste since becoming infected with the virus four years ago. Well I cannot argue with that. I have engaged with him to seek to better understand how and why he has reached his beliefs which are the exact opposite of how I think about the situation.

Yesterday I also listened to what I thought was good advice from a U.K. conflict resolution expert, Jane Gunn, about dealing with these kinds of differing beliefs. She advocates for not going in strongly with one’s own explanation of events and trying to make the other person see this, but instead to begin by getting the other person to explain their beliefs. I will post this interview which appeared on Sonia Poulton’s show on Jan 25th.

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No one is denying you were sick.

Whether a causative agent or single causative agent that you "caught" from another human being is the culprit is the question

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The brainwashing has been going on since the world wars and before.

I think critical thinking has been squashed with trashy magazines tv. Fashion and all books down to Vanity and not caring about the other, ie the ME society

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It’s literally why nobody talks to me.

I mean I must have said the whole thing was fake hundreds of times, including on podcasts.

And I wrote this, coming up for a year ago.

How would you make this clearer:

“Every single aspect of the “Covid” narrative is fake. There was no pandemic.”


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"There is no evidence that viruses can be engineered so as to have dangerous pandemic potential – lab-leaks happen all the time." Lab leaks of what? There is no valid evidence of viruses, period.

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Here it is:

“ Dr. Jonathan Engler shows that the "Covid" Hallett Inquiry is being conducted with fraudulent intentions.”

“… Of course, these carefully chosen experts ultimately left much unsaid and focused on fully supporting the safety claims made for these products. They ignored many key points, including (and this is in no way an exhaustive list):…”

Simply put, if the pandemic was fake, why bother discussing whether “vaccines” for imaginary disease covid-19 were safe or not?

Vaccines were not necessary and neither any other countermeasures…

Your presentation should have lasted 1 min after stating these very facts…

I’m not sure what dignity are you trying to preserve?

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Hi Tomas,

Thanks for your reply.

The answer to your question (“why bother”…) is this:

I wear several hats, one of those is as part of a group trying to get the mRNA products pulled so as to protect as many people as possible in the short term from the harms of continued injection.

The way to do that is to build a constituency of support for the proposition that these products are not (and never could be) safe and effective and should not have been approved, and that moreover there have been huge ethical breaches involved in the rollout.

Messages do need to be crafted for different audiences. There is a time and a place to argue certain points. (Notwithstanding that you will note that in my own writing / presentations, whilst I do not always choose to go to straight to “the entire pandemic was fake” I refrain from using any phases like "the virus", "variants", "the pandemic", "covid" etc.)

If I was to stand up in that forum and state as you suggest, some of the audience who we are trying to cajole into supporting our call for these products to be pulled would have simply switched off and ultimately the (valid) things that we had to say would have gone unheard, with the potential that that results in more harm.

It’s like when you sit next to someone you’ve never met at dinner, and they open the door a little by saying something like “I’m not really sure about that covid jab”…if you want a prolonged conversation you don’t go straight to “there’s no such thing as contagion”.

This is the reality that those who have actually stuck their necks out, lost friends and careers, have to face. It is easy for people on the sidelines who have never actually approached any public body or written any credible articles setting out their detailed position to snipe.

It's not as if I have not on many other occasions argued that I don't believe there was a pandemic, that it was all fake, that GoF research story is bollocks, that there has been democide, euthanasia and data fraud.

I have laid out my reasoning for believing that the entire pandemic was fake in countless articles for myself, in collaboration with Jessica Hocket, and Martin Neil / Norman Fenton and under the HART and PANDA banners.

Just TODAY I have (with Martin and Norman) published a piece with title and byline:

Why do people still believe in covid?

Three keys to understanding why there was no pandemic

This can be found here:


In fact, I (and Jessica H) are the people here on this thread who have stuck their necks out the most in terms of writing down their written position in detail, so I do find the criticism somewhat rich. But so be it. I didn't take the position I have either to make money or friends.

My articles can be found at:





If you could let me know where I can find your own detailed arguments (I didn't see them at your own newsletter so maybe they are elsewhere?) we can compare notes?

Cheers for now!

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"The way to do that is to build a constituency of support for the proposition that these products are not (and never could be) safe and effective"

Yes we now know this. The terrible truth is they going to use the mRNA platform for childhood vaccinations. Murdering children is what will happen.

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Yes, they are doing that, and they’re very likely to do a lot more of it.

Without exception, all mRNA-based injections are axiomatically toxic and intentionally so.

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I need to get this point across to my children who are planning to poison the grandkids....They already got my husband with TWO injections and he is afflicted with Guillaine Barre Syndrome and narcolepsy. I couldn't stop them because--you know...the dangerous "pandemic"....otherwise known as the PLANdemic.

I gave them the book CAUSE UNKNOWN....by Ed Dowd.....I hope that gives them the hint. Oh well....I have no power....My power ended with my kids when they got the car keys. Thank you for your great integrity and courage.

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The idea of 'building a constituency' by the use of persuasive argument and compelling scientific evidence, so that the mRNA tech is withdrawn and binned definitively hopelesly unrealistic.

Who will constitute this constituency? The current or future Health minister? The members of the JCVI? The Science minister? The Chief Science and Medical officers? The Commission on Human Medicine? The heads of the Royal Colleges? The head of the MHRA? The head of the UKHSA? MP's? The Chief of the Defene Staff?

All these legislators, officials and experts could have intervened to stop the horror, but they didn't and they never will. That is plain. It's all been sewn up.

Now, the only hope is that both physicians and nurses take a stand and say, when the next intense round of murder commences, 'No, never!' So that our insidious enemies have no one to implement their plans. They need the compliance of the medical profession, and in 2020-22 they got it. Shamefully.

But will the cowards do so? They can strike over pay, but they have signally failed to organise to protest the vaccine harms they see every day (as I know from personal contacts). United, they could face down the GMC and the directors of the NHS.

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The stop 'COVID vaccines' approach by focusing on 'COVID' vaccines has been tried for 2 years. It has failed dramatically as 13 billion injections administered to 70% of the global population. As you know Trump just approved $500 billion for A.I mRNA cancer jabs. The tech is going nowhere. If you REALLY want to stop the jabs and expose the 'COVID' event and make sure peple never believe in pandemics ever again you have to go back to how it all strated from March-June 2020 and that is the ONLY way. https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryclosing

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Yes...I have done my best.

I have found CAUSE UNKNOWN by Ed Dowd to be one of the most effective openers. Then various links.

Questioning the "official" narrative is very difficult for most people...UNTIL their own friends and relations actually get harmed.

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What is flabbergasting to me is when these harms occur and yet people proclaim they didn't get the shots soon enough, or enough boosters, or any other excuse than the fact that the injections themselves were the cause. People have done this for decades with flu shots, parvo shots for their dogs, the list is endless. Funny how the mind can weave it's own story as needed.

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Thank you.

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“ I wear several hats, one of those is as part of a group trying to get the mRNA products pulled so as to protect as many people as possible in the short term from the harms of continued injection.”

I have been waiting patiently for someone to comment on this statement of yours.

Where I come from wearing different hats and different masks means the same thing. Dishonesty is the first word that came to my mind.

It is your turn to try to defend dishonesty for the greater good…

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Jonathan. I think the sadness as I read it, is that we HAVE to tailor our positions to various audiences just to get heard or 'change minds'.

Thanks for your work.

Also. Norman Fenton has gotten a passing mention in 2 of my tracks now! You may not like the style or the genre but FWIW here it is.


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What is sad about that?

Tailoring and compromising are two different things.

Good messengers - indeed, good teachers - are able to tailor a message to suit context, audience, and purpose..without compromising core principles, ideas, truth, etc.

Building on a metaphor I wrote about here - https://www.woodhouse76.com/p/fish-is-fish - it is not easy to be a frog...and we are all fish in one way or another.

Part of persuasion is helping people unlearn what they think they know...and meeting them where they are.

Kudos to those who are blessed with the time, skills, and opportunity to do just that.

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To say I’m confused is an understatement! Can you explain what is going on Jonathan? I thought that you had done some great work? Why are you now being criticised?

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I have an idea but I’m going to retain my dignity and refrain from stating it publicly.

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What about your idea of a cause for criticism would mean a sacrifice of your dignity?

I know this is a little invasive, but a) we are running out of time and b) you brought it up.


Update " I think you left your answer in a comment below. Disregard this one.

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When will you reveal it?

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Hi Susan, I sense there must be something taken out of context here which has created the misunderstanding

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I am sick of all the in fighting! If someone disagrees with something someone on ‘our side’ has said then get in touch with them and ask for clarification rather than putting out articles.

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Mike didn't disagree with what someone said. but rather what WASN'T said.

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Yes, I think you are right, having read the ensuing comments since mine. It’s a tricky debate. I usually have a policy of telling the whole truth at all costs but I also accept that sometimes it can be counterproductive and that Jonathan did what he thought best.

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Mike Yeadon, for one, thinks speakers should declare first and foremost that there is no evidence for contagion and viruses, start the argument there, this completely undercuts any other considerations, as without those underpinning there is no reason for 'authorities' to do any of it, vaccines; lockdowns; other public health coercions...

Others, while understanding the arguments for 'no contagion' etc, prefer to 'tailor' their arguments to certain audiences, say to persuade that mRNA vaccines are dangerous, without even mentioning the 'possibility' that they were needed at all. Nudge people along in understanding their misconceptions.

Meanwhile, there is another group of people that have long been 'no virus', way before the 'pandemic' that all groups agree was not.

How I'am doing?

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I do not expect everyone to disclose everything they know that’s vital on every occasion.

That would be silly and I’ve never even implied it.

It’s NEVER saying vital things that causes me sadness. It’s not even to do with a single individual.

If they know it and never say it, I find it distressing, because it’s so obviously crucial to maintenance of weapons grade fear making by the perpetrators.

Each to his own. I logically conclude we’re not really in the same battle. Why, I’ve absolutely no idea. And in Year 6, I’m past caring why people do what they do.

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Ah ok, I think most everyone genuine is coming into this charged up to some degree or in some way, have to remind myself what it is we're all talking about here, it's just all very uncanny..

'Never' ( or very rarely, or only in some setting ) saying the vital things is the main point, because that allows the whole pretext to continue to go unchallenged, makes sense that if people know there is little evidence for contagion and what they are fighting against ( vaccines / public health coercions ) is based on that assumption, well they should morally put that out front....

I have not in my own life, for multiple reasons.

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Even though I did say 'Mike Yeadon thinks', I was fleshing it out to see how it fitted, rather than put exact words onto anyone, that was silly !

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Yes, I appreciate that Mike Yeadon thinks that and I am a member of his Telegram group and think pretty much the same, but I had read so many times that Jonathan has come to the same conclusion that I was confused about what was going on - but no longer. Maybe we can try all angles? Jonathan did put forward valid reasons for the ‘vaccines’ to be withdrawn, whereas if he had just said that there is no contagion, no virus, etc he would have been dismissed as another loon. I don’t know. All I know is that the ‘vaccines’ are still out there and some of us saying that there was/is no contagion isn’t getting through to people.

I’m particularly raw atm as a very close friend has just been told that she is riddled with cancer and she was as fit as a fiddle until she was double jabbed recently. I just want the bloody things stopped!

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Very sorry about that.

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I re-iterated some of those same points and pointed Mike to this interview.


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Thanks for this. Makes Jonathan’s position very clear and is consistent with his writings on the (likely faked) Bergamo mass casualty event.

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No pandemic, no curve and no virus. When I say that people think I'm crazy or lacking a TV set. You too?

That aside, it occurs to me that one of the most unnatural acts one can perform on a living creature is too find a way into its bloodstream without going through all the body's barriers and processing centres. Even a traumatic cut seems less radical than a hypodermic injection. But that's just me.

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I agree. Injecting a substance into ones bloodstream is not something to do because "mandates" or because someone says you can't get on a plane.

Just say "no" and mean it.

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Truly, the die has been cast. We're either fucked or we're not. Nobody gets out of here alive.

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I'm getting the image of dice mid-air, with everyone in the circle frozen, eyeing them in horror.

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Dr Yeadon, you continue to prove my ongoing belief in your motives is well placed. I've had many try to throw you into the CO group or even worse, yet that never felt right where you were concerned. Thank you, again, for another short but important message.

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I always appreciate your comments.

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You're doing a great job too

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Those who are still glued to the tv are still being brainwashed

Some of my siblings have had 6 jabs

How do I tell them they are being poisoned?

Their daughter is a psychologist who has been in bed for 11 years with chronic fatigue also jabbed

Go figure

When anyone looks to the government for saving them they need their head read

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So sorry....you will have to write them off. Nothing you say or do will change their minds. They have already "decided" what is true....and they will keep repeating "just get your damn vaccine"...You can prove it is NOT a vaccine until you are blue in the face....facts don't matter....logic doesn't matter...COVID is not a disease...it is a religion and this religion is a CULT. Members of a cult do not operate on the principles of normal factual inquiries...They operate on "belief"structures. This narrative is a basic tenant --a foundational cornerstone--of their reality. They were relentlessly hounded that they had to 'mask' 'socially distance' and finally to get "vaccinated"....never mind that none of this was based in reality. If you were a 'good' person who 'loved their friends and family' then that is what you did.

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It is very instructive to read about the fate of various "cults"...The Salem Witch Trials....Jim Jones and his kool-aid drinking followers...the Heavens Gate believers --there are so many instances where people have set aside all their common sense, logic and even instincts of self preservation and are seized by a religious fervor even if it kills them. I believe that what it comes down to is people decide early in life that the 'dictate' coming from authority figures is 'true' and to 'go along to get along'...most of the time this works fine....until it doesn't. Then like with the fake "vaccines" ...it can be fatal. But it will be too late....

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Have them watch Vaxxed III. If that doesn't get through to them nothing on God's green earth can or will.

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It’s very hard to get the unawakened to look at anything that goes against what they believe, and they especially don’t want to know what could happen to them if they’ve been jabbed!

Great idea though. I gave up on my (much older than me) sister about 3 years ago! A couple of people up this page wrote something like-we can’t save everyone! I’ve had a brother-in-law pass, only age 60. But still the family doesn’t make the connection. So my partner and I had to give up on them, also a while back.

It’s the tv news or nothin’! And we just need to vote the right people in !

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Yes, I agree. I have a brother, just 4 yrs older than me, 74, a very "educated" man, went through college and then on to a masters and PHD. He's a coach, science teacher, etc, and always stayed fit and healthy. However, you can't tell him anything. Never have been able to because he believes every single thing he was taught in school and church and simply can't look at something without using that foundation to try and make it make sense. He took the jabs and lo and behold shortly after was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Now he's on the hamster wheel of Rockefellar medicine where they keep "finding" one condition after another to medicate. I decided I can't push him and he refuses to watch or read most of what I refer to him and when he does he has his "educated" answers. Very sad. And he is otherwise very intelligent and logical but to him what he learned in school WAS logic and science. He simply will not go back to the very beginning of all of the so called science and study it to see that it was all based in fraud for a couple hundred years now. So, I, like you, have to just give up and let be what will be. It sure hurts though, doesn't it? He has learned a bit about government and voting, but not nearly enough. And even when something doesn't seem to fit what he thinks he knows he finds a way to excuse it. Amazing how that works.

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Yep, it’s really difficult.

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That there was no pandemic is a matter of recorded history.

The contagion debate is ongoing. The outcome of that debate has immense implications for the the pharmaceutical industrial complex. I suspect it won't go well when they have to produce like,. evidence .

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Anne have you said anything about this evidence at all? I'd like to know your thoughts.


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I am in no way a bible basher, but I like to think I am a so called Christian (that follows most of the rules - not perfect in anyway) AND I HONESTLY BELIEVE that apart from the depopulation agenda / get ill - patient for life and money for the elitist's scum agenda... THIS IS A BATTLE FOR OUR SOUL.

Everything we were told was nonsense; BUT everything we were "mandated" to do, threatened with , bribed with left us to take a voluntary decision and people need to awaken and see that. A mandate IS NOT LAW.

1. "We need you to mask up and lockdown !" - SAY NO. Show me 1 arrest that has been convicted in Court or prison sentence that has been condoned for breaking these rules ?.

2. Get the jab or you can not work here " - SAY FO, I am off then.

3. "You can not get on a flight without a jab" - say OK then, I will not .... who suffers financially; THE AIRLINES.


Two last things - IN MY VIEW, everything they have done, is a mixture of cultural Marxism and Satanism on us.

and they can not force their conversion of our religions on us, but as you have seen this voluntary "take up" is about 70% in the Western World.

Had more to rant about, but my Everton got a draw against the RS; so off to celebrate !.

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It's true....I simply refused all their ridiculous edicts and rules starting at the beginning with "masking" "six feet apart" blah blah....I was not allowed in the local food co-op without a "mask" so I punched a bunch of holes in the mask and went in. Then I pulled it down below my mouth and no one bothered me. I was told I had to get a "vaccine" at our retirement community and I just said "no thank you" that I had an "allergy" to the adjuvant or something like that...When I got on a plane I said I forgot my vaccine card...etc etc. No one cared. It was all bs and they knew it. All of them did. In the meantime I sent out books to my friends like Sucharit Bahkdi.CORONA FALSE ALARM ..Pam Popper....Ed Dowd....Peter McCullough etc etc. I think it caused some consternation and may have helped. I don't really know. I have consistently resisted. I resolved not "go quietly into that good night"....so I have "raged" quite a bit as my favorite poet Dylan Thomas said.

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I reckon if I'm not losing friends over this then I'm not doing what is right by friends. My words might stick in back of someone's mind as an alternative, and that contradiction can become a critical act of friendship...even if the friend has chucked me.

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DO not rage because that is another thing they want - fear, confusion, rage, social division ( Out of chaos, comes THEIR order etc) .. I agree with you 100% - in fact I will give you my extra .. 110% (LOL)... we are well past trying to help others; UNLESS they see what is happening themselves -we tried and always will, but we are the good guys (and girls).

I will look up your books, thans for the heads up.. you are not alone - remember that !.

Take it easy, never be fearful - just remember that as well.... because it will change your life for the better. Mock them s they mock us!.

pS As stated - "my Everton got a draw against the RS; so off to celebrate !."... so no offence, but bugger off TONIGHT.

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well that is a poetic license so to speak. I know better than to actually "rage"....I did speak out quite vocally and repeatedly...I as a person....

"do not go gentle into that good night" as apparently it was hoped "we" would. Thank you Dr. Yeadon for your absolutely essential validation of something we have understood. These are not vaccines". They were made to kill us...to injure and to sicken. I am very grateful to you for your essential piece of the puzzle. This was NOT A MISTAKE. Now we know very clearly what we are dealing with....

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Resistance is not futile... The more, the merrier.

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Thank you Dr. Yeadon! Your a good man!😊

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Thank you. Not a very effective one, however.

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I think you are effective because if even one person sees the truth it is important. Things can snowball on the positive side of knowledge just like they can on the side of fraud and deceit. They can and they do. It's exponential and will keep spreading like the ripples from a rock in a pond. Do not get discouraged.

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Don’t ever think you’re not effective-look at us all here. I’m Aussie-we’re in big trouble but we need people like you to point out so we can open up more brains and try to stop what’s happening to us.

Unfortunately your comments about ivermectin have not gone down well here. So many think ivermectin is the wonder drug, so there can be no bad thing about it!

Whatever happened to the debate with Tess Lawrie?

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We failed to agree terms. I would only discuss ivermectin in the context of what it was exactly for which it was claimed to be an “early treatment”.

That was never going to be acceptable to the other side, because there was no new illness and so no reasonable excuse for selectively promoting it.

My contention remains clear. There was no new illness so any claim for interventions not routinely used in the treatment of acute respiratory illness was without foundation.

Furthermore, in view of the lack of foundation for the persistent push globally, that it’s impossible for this to have been an organic movement.

I’ve shown in other ways that the growth in sales of ivermectin couldn’t be the result of millions of independent decisions because priming of the supply chain was required to support this explosive growth in use (over 8-fold increase compared with 2019).

The motives for the persistent promotion of a selected product for a non-existent condition must have been strong. I suspect it was to bolster in the public mind that there was indeed a new illness and a pandemic, which arise from a highly contagious “virus”, itself probably derived from gain-of-function research, all of which are fraudulent claims and also core to the pandemicists’ toolbox (which they’re highly likely to use again).

I think it’s likely that there was a secondary motive. Those who were suspicious enough not to be injected would probably have consumed ivermectin in quantity and many people would also have taken recommended supplements. It turns out many of the most commonly recommended supplements for “covid” interfere with the elimination from the body of ivermectin. At certain dose levels, ivermectin has adverse effects on reproductive health. Nobody has evaluated the potential for reproductive health harms. It is not on the rational critic to prove that their rational concerns are real. It is for those pushing the drug to show that it’s safe. That has never been done.

I must also add a comment on debates as such. Truth is not the objective of a debate. The objective is to win the debate, regardless of the reality of the situation. Winning debates is a skill. It’s never been one of mine. There is nothing in the format of a debate that’s likely to assist calm reflection.

Consider the possibility that I’m correct, but that I join a debate yet am judge to have “lost that debate”. Where does the truth lie? It’s where it was before the debate. Debates don’t change truths, though they often change minds.

I favoured an open exchange of letters (along the lines of this post, with references). There was no interest in this proposal. To this day, I’ve not seen a crisply worded explanation for the persistent promotion of ivermectin, for its astonishing growth (which is utterly without precedent for an off patent drug) or for evaluation of its reproductive safety in light of the likelihood of concomitant usage of supplements raising the exposure of ivermectin.

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Thank you so much Dr Yeadon for this meaningful reply. I do appreciate it and I’d like to use your comment to try to convince Aussies who want early treatment (for what?) i.e. Ivermectin, that there is nothing that warrants early treatment, as “covid” the virus never existed.

And I’d like to use your rationale regarding supplements, and the way using them and Ivermectin together can cause reproductive problems. I got this info from you in an interview with Tim Truth, I believe it was. Aussies who know nothing about Tim Truth were saying things like-oh, with a dumb name like that, he’s bound to not be an expert in this field (as if everyday Aussies were/are). They were attacking a fella with an unusual name, to defend their love of Ivermectin.

I had this interview saved, and I was trying to get Aussies to look at the video, but I don’t think most did. There are a good number of Aussies awake to-no virus, nothing to treat, no pandemic. But so many cling to Ivermectin.

Thanks also for explaining how the “debate” never ended up happening, I understand.

The “freedom movement” is getting quite off balance I think. There are American and UK doctors who are making money out of Ivermectin. It’s ironic in a sick sort of way.

Well, Aussies are going to have to watch their p’s and q’s, as we have new “Hate speech” laws, much like in the UK and Canada I believe.

Thanks again Dr Yeadon, your integrity is your strength. Be strong, because you ARE strong! Thank you!

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I'm wondering if continuing to try and convince anyone of anything having to do with "covid" may run everyone out of time.

The first Stargate facility is already built and running in Abilene, TX. It was likely planned and built many years prior to the "plandemic".

This should tell us "covid" was a stepping stone, nothing more, and has been used as such and now we are much further across the River Styx so to speak.

In other words, we have to move into what is. Otherwise we are going to be like detectives at a murder scene. Analyzing the forensics but not preventing the murder from taking place in the first place. Always mopping up.

Is what happened during "covid" our most urgent concern, is my question.

Since "covid" was perpetrated by a cabal, we are never going to find the Lone Gunman to hold accountable and trying to bring down a cabal in hindsight that has scattered like the wind may be something for Don Quixote.

If America doesn't find a way to trip up Stargate the world is trapped.

I'm not sure there's time to convince millions viruses and contagion don't exist and if we don't keep up the gates of Stargate will soon slam shut and that will likely be that.

I'm not convinced we can stop Stargate now. Though I want to try,

What are your thoughts? Anyone?

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I suppose Stargate is terrifying in its ambitions and intentions. There is, however, comfort in knowing that any product will be a botched pile of junk on a par with a Larry Ellison facelift.

Mind you, judging from 9/11 and those paragliding hostage-takers, the television-gazing public may well buy into a botched pile of junk on a par with a Larry Ellison facelift. We can only hope that there is a natural limit to absurdity, and that limit was reached when they gave their project the most juvenile name available.

It's like running a mini-tractor over Devon Island and pretending you're on Mars, isn't it?

Eventually, someone has to grow up.

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I agree with all you're saying about the juvenile nature of Stargate and the fallible laughable humans behind it, but, like now, with Musk and his Boys from Brazil running roughshod over the constitution, what if that's exactly where were headed.

A country run by tech nerds who can barely function in society? Like Trump, immature psychopathic savants. With chips on their shoulders and egos fragile as glass.

I'm not sure what you mean about 911. I do know it changed this country forever regardless of how rinky-dink it may have been in execution.

Thanks for you thoughts. Witnessing the current destruction going on and the sheer number of people cheering it on, I'm not sure about human nature any longer.

God Bless.

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Everything in 2020 starts with the pandemic myth, it is used to justify all of the tyranny that was levelled at the populations. The lying ,corrupted, treacherous governments caused all of the damage and deaths that is being attributed to the fake pandemic. It is the pandemic myth that should be fought and challenged at every opportunity because that is the foundation that the lies and tyranny is being built on and will be used as an example for the need of our future digital imprisonment.

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