Great Work Mike and Tim, The Anthropogenic Climate scam is the same card trick as Virology bought to us by the same corrupt organisation being the UN (IPCC). I trained as a Geologist in 2000 and saw first hand through the collation if data the Oxygen Isotopes data from the Vostok Ice cores.. this is meant to be the most accurate paleoclimate data available. In the data there is a clear lag of CO2 by 400-600yrs..I knew back then that climate alarmism was a scam.

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Thanks Jamie,

It’s great to hear this from you.

Obviously I have read some of the older papers and paid attention to what some heavily censored yet credentialed experts have been saying.

It provides more power to my summary communication to hear broad confirmation that I am in the right direction.

Best wishes


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Have you looked into "fossil fuels" as well Jamie? https://odysee.com/@lancewdetrick:b/IA---Jerome-Corsi-on-oil-not-being-a-fossil-fuel---Jerm-Warfare:8 should get you started.

The climate scam and virus scam are coming from the same malthusians/eugenecists that would like to see a lot of people die, since they hate us.

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Thank you very much.

All the best,


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Thank you Suavek for all your work 🙏🙏🙏

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Jul 21Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon, Tim West

Thank you, Tim, for your kind words and for your tireless efforts in exposing the omnipresent lies.

All the best,


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Jul 30Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon, Tim West

I’ve said some really important things here only trying to help - nothing more. You are good people fighting a good fight. Very rare. Time for me to go…

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Jul 26Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

I just heard a methane tax per cow in the UK of $200 and rest of Europe $100? Fart/burp tax?

My previous point was knowing history to navigate. A big event changed weather. We all hear of sub tropical plants buried in Antarctica and mastodons with food in their mouths frozen etc. This is evidence of this change.

It took me a while to realize how serious they are pushing the climate lies. The point I tried to make is climate can change for very good reasons.

I think it’s fair to mention the Sun. Since 1960 I read it puts out 1000 times more energy. It may have been NASA so who the hell knows with them. The point is how much energy it/He puts out effects everything. We don’t control the Sun so restrictions are folly. It’s that simple.

I encourage everyone reading this to watch a hard to find documentary by Les Brown. “The Physics of Crystals” I think it is. It’s about 2 hours and it’s priceless. He has charts and props that explain a lot. How the Sun and Earth exchange energy via the poles and a ton more. It is that good.

The Sun chose to output more energy to help in several ways but one of the reasons is to help the other planets in our solar system. People have written about some of the planets are brighter now.

Everything is energy.

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"How the Sun and Earth exchange energy via the poles and a ton more" - I suspect that would require the globe model story to be true. Which it isn't. NASA perpetrates a lot of lies on us. Note that I am not saying the earth is flat. I am simply saying the globe story is fishy: there are no pictures from the earth taken from space (other than cgi rendered images that anyone in their basement can create), and why are there treaties to kill anyone who tries to fly over the poles? Just to protect the penguins? Come on.

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I don’t tell others what to believe. I also don’t discuss 95% of things. I can’t give an answer why the poles are guarded. I’ve always guessed it’s because there is something there they don’t want us to see.

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Aug 1Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Climate lying is one of my bugbears and it's great to see more people exposing the climate lie in full.

I can heartily recommend reading Prof. Hubert Lamb's book 'Climate: Present, Past and Future' in two volumes. It's obviously written over 50 years ago, but like many seminal works, there is plenty to learn from it even as the field has moved on significantly with the advent of satellite surveillance, computer analysis etc etc.

Climate Lying is, of course, now an industry. I do wonder what reduction in GDP would happen through eliminating it all? It's part of GDP I would be happily rid of.

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Jul 29Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

I cannot easily locate the CO2 data. It was in tons. It was very lopsided and I recall about 90% is created by the planet. It seems we can all pull data that exposes the climate lies but it is now the crux of agenda 21 and 30.

I’ve tried to explain climate changes are based on the Suns output and big Earth changes. Once again two more things not in our control. Control is thd key element here.

If we as humans cannot control it the scam falls apart. The problem is the same “groups” are behind it.

As far as the jab goes Mike Y and a few others have explained it was deliberate and harmful. I had one family member pass from clots. About 10 others are fine. I know a lot of jabbed that are fine and even a dear friend whose daughter just had a baby. She was 2x jabbed or more.

Why are so many fine and how come they still deliver children? Placebo? Deferred disease? Each physiology is different? Different batches? Dosing?

What was it designed to do? I have proposed it is a digital ID. Others did the work it has technology in it not me.

It’s possible it affects DNA as well. For that matter it seems to effect some in very bad and obvious ways. Now they plan on more.

Laquinta Columna did not find mRNA. I don’t think their sample mean was more that a few vials. I’m not sure anyone has found it. I read it is very unstable. Difficult to hold together. How could billions of vials have been produced so quickly containing something so fragile?

I am not qualified to say if mRNA is used. I don’t know. Data says you become an antenna. What else it’s doing is never reported by main stream medicine. Autopsy included. We saw the bloke from the UK and another funeral person show clots. They were passed and probably cold. I’m not sure if they formed after they passed or not.

I’ll stop here. Lots of questions. I believe knowing the true intent is pretty important to solving the mystery. I heard 20m passed 1b adverse reactions. It obvious a ton were harmed. Now more are coming?

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How do you know that it "possibly affects dna" when the whole dna story is based on a dogma? See https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2021/12/15/dna-discovery-extraction-and-structure-a-critical-review/ for some food for thought.

There is no mRNA, it's a marketing scam, just some dangerous chemicals that poison us rebranded. Make sure to check out Scoglio's work on this: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/stefano-scoglio-resources-english/. Try to find ONE paper that proves mRNA is created in the body.

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My understanding of DNA is so different than Mike Yeadon’s I decided to stand down because I have no business telling him about DNA. I put it out there nothing more.

What I tried to say and failed is thd soul plays a much bigger role in life than imaginable. I simply said we are energy before matter not the other way around.

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Jul 28Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Mike, this is one of the best videos I have ever found. It’s your language. Laquinta Columna. He backs you 100% about virology going in the trash. Rockefeller petroleum based medicine and an invisible enemy. All bogie men are invisible. I hope you have the time to watch it. It is on a site called Before It’s News where where jewels are few and far between. This is a jewel.


This is scientific.

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

CO2 news: from memory about 90% of CO2 is produced from the Earth. I’ll look for that data. Volcanoes and other sources. It’s important because the entire argument falls apart the small contribution by humans is the problem. We can’t change the 90%. I’ll review some stuff and stop there.

Let’s bring up population again. It’s not 8b. Part of climate lies are based on this lie.

Let’s bring up free energy again as they are selling windmills and solar panels as a so called solution. Tesla found it. It’s a personal call if you believe the military has advanced technology. The point is it exists and completely destroys climate arguments because it’s clean. The solution is withheld.

Honest fair and clean elections would really help us all. Changes in governments would result. We simply circle back to the “groups” as a major issue.

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Why focus on CO2? It's all a scam.

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Jul 27Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Mike, I read your Telegram piece on connecting the dots on legislation, EUA, countermeasures and immunity. Karen Kingston did a great job with these as well but you really summed it up! Truth bombs.

The immunity part is of great concern. Kingston made a case if fraud is involved it can break the shield. I recall this about a company but from memory I can’t remember what she said about individuals such as doctors.

Your piece described immunity was very broad and if that’s a mistake on me sorry. In the states we had protocols you described in the past and I still haven’t found anyone that knew as much as you have shared.

Many of us hope you and others find a set of circumstances where the immunity is unlawful. I heard one of the big boys pulled a jab and was getting sued.

You described countries acting in concert. Without any doubt they did. If you apply what I briefly said on “groups” this is how it is distributed. It reveals scope.

The top group is talked about but clean data is hard to come by. For a very long time they have not been in the spotlight. Groups underneath are visible. Let’s just say they hold a lot of “jobs.”

Unfortunately other events are already in motion. One other thing I noticed was bracketing. Different batches of it were identified as worse than others. Add to that it started with 60+ first (close enough) then 40-60 or close to that all the way down to under 5. It is very possible brackets were given different product. Sure there would be overlap of batches but the bulk of each bracket would have distribution.

Just a theory.

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I think that the markedly different toxicities of some batches vs others was a manifestation of “calibration”.

The makers probably lacked population data on dose-toxicity relationships.

I recall that early on we saw the greatest variability as detected by VAERS.

They now know how to kill a defined % of most populations they assault using mRNA based injected products.

The known US laws absolve people operating under US law of any legal liability.

Nobody has done the analogous work in the EU that Katherine Watt has done in USA. However I understand that what initial evaluation has been done of EU law arrives at the same conclusion: that those operating in accordance with these malign rules are also immune from prosecution.

Even if they weren’t, who’s going to charge & prosecute them? Who’s going to sentence the guilty?

All those actors are members of regulated professions. Relatively simple to control such people, because speaking out leads to them being crushed.

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Can you find one paper that proves mRNA is created the way we are told?

Please have a look at Scoglio's work: https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/stefano-scoglio-resources-english/. Or better, have a chat with him!

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I’m sorry your data on immunity is correct. I hope something changes and there is a discovery or a case etc. that can overcome it.

Thank you for the data on variations etc.

Lastly the FM’s (Free xxxxxs) group hold many “jobs” in courts. This group changed long ago. The top are in a separate “club” and it’s very secretive. Getting traction is difficult because of this.

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There is no "immunity" or "immune system", since there are no "germs" or "viruses" to be "immune" from... https://odysee.com/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0/Is-there-such-a-thing-as-auto-immune-disease---let's-look-at:7.

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Kingston is a fear-mongering virus shiller.

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She needs a little sun. She traced paper rightfully so. I’m not sure paper translates to execution.

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Jul 24Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Mike, I just saw you posted about statins on telegram. I made my comment on statins before I saw it. Some of my data comes from “The Great Cholesterol Con” by Malcom Kendrick. Some from other sources. I’m trying to help - nothing more. You don’t need medical anything from me but I can try to high level a few important things. Everything is energy I learned. Our solar system is unique. It is the only place in the universe where physical life exists. When I posted you are not a body with a soul but a soul that built for itself a body around it that is very important to understand what the hell is going on. Extremely. DNA plays a role of course. But about 16 days into pregnancy the soul makes first contact with the dividing cells. No soul no human. The soul is what has the instructions to know how to build the body so your foot, eyes etc. all go where they belong. This is what the Genome Project was actually for. It was part of trying to build a human from scratch. This is a massive part of HELA cells and why they exist. If you can understand what I’m trying to say apply it to the Earth. She is an immense soul that built for Herself a planet around Her. You want very much to know truth so it’s your free will to believe that or not. The other beings that share the universe are not physical like us. They are too each other but not to us unless they alter their energy patterns. If there is an implant you can surgically remove and X-ray it is not from them. I’m telling you this because you want to know the scope of what’s going on. Some have and do work with the milxxxxy. Roswell was very real. Some powerful electro magnetic generators were turned on and a couple of ships fell out of the sky. Why is this important? It has to do with the formation of the Illuminati in 1776. This is at the root of what’s going on. This group does not play games. They have aims. I hope you dig deeper into this on your own. It will help you understand many things. Somehow your honesty and hard work have helped you find some unfortunate truths. As you can see if you read this I don’t really know how to share knowledge. It backfires and comes out wrong. Not my intention. You are dealing with an organization that took over the free masons long ago as well. I’ll shut up now. Best to you sir and your journey.

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"But about 16 days into pregnancy the soul makes first contact with the dividing cells"

How do you know?

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Jul 22Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Mike, please read my reply that may have been buried in replies to replies.

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Thanks Bill, I have (if it’s the message below).

I have a void where physics & EMF etc reside. I leave these aspects to those with the necessary foundational knowledge.

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Jul 23Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

It starts “a buddy from the UK…” sir. I tried to help nothing more.

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Geoengineeringwatch.org. There you have it-

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It gets even more interesting when you start looking into fossil fuels... for example, see https://odysee.com/@lancewdetrick:b/IA---Jerome-Corsi-on-oil-not-being-a-fossil-fuel---Jerm-Warfare:8.

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To understand climate lies history offers some clues. We all know about plants buried in Antarctica proving it was not alway frozen completely.

If we go back several thousand years the average global temp was around plus 5 C when herds of rhinoceros roamed southern Great Britain.

If we go back two thousand years the Romans grew grapes along Hadrian’s Wall on the Scottish Borders.

Eventually it became colder. But started to rise around 1850. This was the last year of the Thames River fayre because the river was frozen for this event.

Official numbers place global average temp at plus 1.5 C in 1995. It’s dropped a small amount since 1995 and I don’t have the exact number for today.

The point is temperature changes on its own. A 1 degree C change is a lot. It’s complicated by the equator being so warm and the poles so cold. I’m certainly not an expert. If I can I keep it simple.

There is data I’ve seen that proves CO2 follows rises in temperature not the other way around. I’m not sure where I saw that study.

Unfortunately carbon taxes are not myth. People make things complicated. A good example is if you think there is too much CO2 maybe stop destroying the rain forest or any forest and maybe 40+ private jets don’t need to go to Davos for the WEF.

The main “group” took control of the USA long ago. They formed many NGO’s like the UN, the WHO etc. Free and fair elections would help. Reform the entire process. Unfortunately this doesn’t look very likely. I hope we all find a solution to expose all the lies in a constructive way.

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I see deception has been brought up. To say we have been duped is putting it mildly. From my perspective I call it a knowledge differential. This is a core principle of the “groups” I mentioned. They have had vast knowledge for a long time kept secret.

The Knights Templars used their knowledge differential (ND) to achieve vast wealth and power. But the “groups” I refer to are more modern. Mike made a comment he cannot see a political solution and I am just sharing at this time it is fully captured and the “groups” are calling the shots.

Many refer to it as the deep state or shadow government. What’s interesting is Kennedys speech right before it happened. I won’t get into “it” just using it as a data point. To understand how these “groups” use their ND is critical to understanding what’s actually going on here.

They are hiding something (many things) so important it goes all the way back to Atlantis and has everything to do with our souls. Believe it or not the Great pyramid and Stonehenge are about the soul. They also serve as portals. I’ll stop there because I doubt anyone will be interested.

So what does spraying, harp, the jab and other things have to do with each other? They are all interfering with a process of change. For example harp is deliberately flooding the Earth with ELF waves.

I’m not saying these things only have one purpose. The change I speak of is on an individual level. This is why I discussed DNA because long ago we used to be very different. We had more of it for a very specific reason. Unfortunately most people do not understand it nor do they want to know which circles back to mind control - the displacement of organic and original thought.

Mike you are right. Things are so locked down politically it’s hard to explain. I have known for a long time many are actually actors. Deception 9.0.

I admire and respect many of you. I see scientific and medical approaches and a desire to hold people to account. What I share seems irrelevant but my hope is to plant a few seeds and maybe many months down the road it will make more sense. Many of us have clues what’s in those jabs. I suspect there is more to it than we think.

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We should all consider what Hagalian D or event(s) will trigger deployment and adoption of D currency. Two great ways are fear and force. Make up some insanity money is spreading a “whatever” (fear) or one war starts call in all cash and “force” everyone to a window. They can deny anyone they choose and render large sums of money basically useless to those they feel would use it to buy weapons to use against them. I’m not saying I’m right just saying adoption can happen very quickly with so called “reasons”

I’m wondering how close we all are to this…

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