Hi Mike, Thank you for highlighting and bringing attention to the Control Studies Project I am currently running. J

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All the lies put out for over a century will take some time to CLEANSE-- What's mind-blowing and soooo beautiful to me is how the TRUTH is actually stunningly gorgeous.

NATURE is DIVINE, literally. The beauty of that should be the impetus for us to stop all the warring and the hurting and the degradation, and live together in PEACE.

I had a three-year-old friend once, Colby. He said: "Whoever gets there, gets there, gets there."

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Smart wee person.

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Aug 11
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Sorry, there's no real evidence for this claim.

I stick to actual science.

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Aug 9Edited
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There are morphological changes in the cell line to do with "CPE" that virologists CLAIM are distinct to "viruses"... they are things such as Syncytia, Cell Clumping/rounding/ballooning. All of these morphologys were observed by the CRO in culture.

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Aug 9
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Replication of?

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Aug 9
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There is one large problem here… being viruses don't exist.

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Thank you. I hope that once this spell is dispelled, more of us will recognize how deep the deceptions go and apply that to many other subjects. It's a fear matrix of control.

Once we see how they do it - and all the professionals who go along unwittingly - you can't unsee it.

So appreciate your voice. Best.

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The greatest factor or key apart from their evil desire to harm us is the need for our complicity,achieved through tapping into our desire for fantasy and illusion( pleasures/powers,etc: extended into evil often without our full understanding) apart from God to very partially damning degrees,no different from our beginnings in the Garden of Eden.At that point the main difference is level of commitance,their fully committed to evil generally, unforgivable,we ,partially deceived and pulled to the dark side in ignorance our left with some hope,why Christ emphasized" Forgive them Father,for they know not what they do"...

More revision,truth sought and found by ones heart care desire ,revealing the fallens path ie dragons,devil's,hybrid nephililim,etc,( and their attempts to bond to us and share their doom ) gives one cause and extra motivations often needed to seek to break those bonds to sin and the demons attached,also making us less prone to harm or complicity spells/setups their elite minions well positioned tentacles, attack us with.

Still one could say we're partially as bad as they are,why were subject to remaining with them forever if we don't dramatically choose a seperation and partial rebirth where we are dead,in sin ,ie recognizing evil for what it is and leads to and HATING IT AS MUCH AS WE LOVE GOD/GOODNESS.

Choose that cleansing seperation to your core and look for the Good Godly means arranged for those who make that choice to then be refilled with opposite virtues and protective,cleansing Holy Soirit.If you do that not even believing in Christ,Christianity s truth,God will see/feel it and Christ will connect you to the Ransome PAID as of now we (, majority of us unsaved,)are part owned fairly by the demons that own the sin realms to their core subject to much evil and even their doom attached to them if we don't turn things around to the depths of our individual soul's.So worry less about the growing hell raising around you,use your hate of it to turn inward and clean your own house temple and make friends to a new level with your Good God who doesn't allow demons in his abode in the afterlife ,how could it be a different heaven if he did you see,!? God is as forgiving as can be with mercys and Grace if we choose with our will given him and hate the evils we've been shown instead of betrayingly diving into them as so many our now.

Why does God allow evil? It's so obvious! If he didn't allow that portal to evil and predator fanged serpent choice option in the Garden we'd be just programmed robots of a sort offering no abilities to truly,truly love God or anyone.

That said although evil representstion is necessary it has no inherent value past that and is anti value,an eternal toilet bowl/ blackhole,sucking away the waste product of beautiful free choice and love and goodness of creation cuz nobody wants to live in a room full of crap!!That simple,babes can understand it...complex endless philosophys ie aliens, parallel universes,etc a deception God allows,he's simply in the business of seperating the wheat from the chaffe with justice ,tempered by patient mercy - ie he's not on a big hurry, haha,he's hanging around for quite awhile ie Alpha and Omega to the holy holy forever eternity of his presence- behind the best fruits of creation,giving us every last chance,incentive to surrender your sins to truth and be saved,better then ever!

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So to conclude my( Greg's message)on how the Satanic elites use complicity plots to accentuate our sinfulness and bond us to their path to hell and why we should now focus less on their evils and more on our own lesser sins as relevant to us individually I'd like to point out the main sins their tapping into with their tentacles!

Although it's the murder,killing spirit that's most focused on on these conspiracy sites that's not the particular most damning sin targeted by the demonic,no it's the sin of sexual lust that's both the most downplayed yet damning in the Bible and in virtually every culture also beating out sins like greed,envy, wrath, ETC.

The only sin thats worse is the sin of witchcraft where you decidedly summon or channel fallen demons for temporal powers,pleasures feeding all the sins...summoning demons is less a sin and more of a conglomeratation of all the sins into a partial spiritual suicide,also reversible but barely seems for most..a degree of possession is inherent to it in other words..your not just you..not even close!

recommend searching YouTube or general:ex satanist or ex witches Christians videos to see incredible helpful truths re.their deceptions revealed more here in end times then anywhere...also died gone to hell( or heaven) to see so many particular similarities you know these people workdwide are traveling to same specific realms, doing same stuff,same entities/structures, lakes,rooms, personalitys involved- many matching ancient lore-denial rationally impossible! Don't dwell there too long- few videos enough to transform ie must dodge that hell!! Use wise discernment..always seek adequate counterbalance joy, goodnesses when facing such motivational dark truths ie I find innocent baby,kids playing, puppy,animals playing or Christians vibing joys a must when I view dark stuff a bit that reveal where the true lines of deceptions are,etc to then use as Christian armor,weaponry,stronger for it ,brave proven!

Bible says sin is : already " a demon at your door " a demonic real portal to your soul with spiritual rights to be there with you in Justice, only controlled by the merciful leash of God's grace trying to save you and inspire choices towards goodness over a lifetime...

Ok I digressed off my main intended point!

It's the sin of sexual lust claiming the most souls or at least soul damage.

God proclaims it many times and ways, seemingly more forgiving to murder then perverse levels of lust.

Bible says: Avoid sexual lust lest you become like the value of a worm,mingling with both sexes and animals in desires in so many words...

Listening to perhaps most concise to the power point preacher ever on John B Wells radio show: google him or John B Wells rumble.com to see greatest of right radio conspiracy broadcaster,I discovered that first step to lust for same sex sex is born from masturbation as your focusing on manipulating to pleasure not the other sexes organ for decent bonding connection but your own sexes organ and that lust focus can transfer logically, energetically to lust for that organ on another person and demons can intertwine there easily as it's selfish and sickeningly so- ie we all sense a need to hide our masturbation not so much are sex with our spouse,etc.as that's a beautiful completion when done well with some procreation results to boot! Ie masturbation has an ugliness to it,a sin and eventually demons if gone overboard with pornography especially which by my estimation is the greatest doorway to the demonic and then pedophilia which is then obviously more disposable once chronic then even murder or certain levels of witchcraft even ie nobody wants a pedo around,maybe forgive a murderer or a demonic occultic witch who reformed... reformed pedo,,uhh no I just don't see it much at all,it is also possible though,just emphasizing we downplay lust levels even to not attacking porno as #1 to #3 soul killer cuz we're most all guilty of it! 60% of men addicted,30% of teenagers,raping the minds of 40 % of our 8-12 year olds exposed some like a repeating flasher from hell but worse!! THAR BE DEMONS THERE! MORE THEN ANY OTHER PLACE ON EARTH HARMING SOULS MORE THEN ANYTHING ELSE ,EVEN THE POISONS...THE MARK OF THE BEAST LEVEL SHOTS COMING UP THE ONLY THING I SEE SURPASSING... SO GET OFF YOUR PART PHONY HIGH HORSE AND ATTACK THE PORNO PUSHERS BY:







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What exactly are we seeing as "the fear matrix of control"?

We must have "government" for "law and order" - to protect us all from lawless chaos.

Otherwise we will all be living in constant fear.

We have endless government and laws and we are living in constant fear anyhow.

Well we do have a degree of rogue government and laws.

We just need to fix this and all will be well.


We have to know our enemy to win the battle.

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Hear, hear!

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All boils down to quackines. It doesn't matter whether or not a virus exist!

"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"

--Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009.

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Yeah, and that's why we call him, and people like him, a "psychopath." That word means his mind is SICK. He underestimated the Human Beings he so easily disparages as idiots and fools. It DOES matter whether or not a virus exists. Everything MATTERS, whether it's important or not. People have always been gullible, that's something that can be helped by education-- By those with ethics! State schooling is never a good idea, and neither is GOVT.


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Kissinger (German!) is only a messenger. He's the spokesperson of the Rothchild Khazarian Mafia that founded the Illuminati secret society in Bavaria, Germany in the 18th century.

Find below an except of their covenant.

"They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us. For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.

"The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until it’s too late. Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.

"When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion. When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial.

"But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.

"This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans. This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came."

"This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist.

"It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself."

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This is where the Western society has been for sometime now:

"The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until it’s too late. Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.

--- 2020 Plandemic?

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Yes, I'm aware, although I haven't read a ton of the details. Sheer depravity. And these are the same slime that torture and murder children for entertainment... I HAVE seen some of that, but I try not to. THESE are the people determined to cull us, chip us, control us, and destroy everything, so they can RE-INVENT it all and be GODS. FFS. You wanna talk about an entire group of inbred maniacs!!!! It sounds soooo utterly impossible, lots of people can't even get their heads around it. But there IS plenty of evidence. One great source of info is Frances Leader's page, "Uncensored."

Thanks for this!

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And Who is the quoted spokes person for the Illuminati covenant ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️and where did you find these quotes ... very curious 🤨 Freemasons ⁉️Globalist ⁉️Zionists‼️😵‍💫😳

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All of the above.

Consider the Illuminati's secret covenant as the "unwritten" modus operandi of all the above secret societies. They're all controlled by the chosen ones.


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Nostradamus can you tell me the source of this covenant please???

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A friend of mine (albeit online friend, I have no friends in my "real" life... 😉) wrote this:

She: "A sociopath is the child of a psychopath."

Me, to myself: When they grow up, do they (possibly) become psychopaths as well?

We're in a world of trouble, if so.

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I don't know, but I do know that trauma can alter a person's ability to make sense of the world, and turn them to a need to "fight back," which often seems to mean hurting people un-connected to their own damage...

We're in a world of trouble right now, regardless of what the answer to your question is, and hatred and killing and doing evil to others is not going to get us out.

And now you have another online friend... I have very few "real life" friends, either, and that's due to the fraud of COVID, mostly.

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Vaccinations are a criminal procedure that’s been a fraud from its inception.



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I have looked at the basics of the Bird Flu Summit in October. It looks like fear is the driving force. Roles are given to the usual and not so usual suspects. Besides, illness and death, the speakers will focus on public behavior. I say stop manufacturing these fear campaigns.

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Our power is restricted to not paying any attention to their nonsense.

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Actually, I came to that conclusion back in 1991 after the Desert Storm in Iraq when CNN manufactured videos of Saddam Hussein killing babies in a hospital.

I have NEVER watched TV ever since. Before the internet I was always in libraries reading books that at the time seemed truthful- not anymore these days!

People don't realize that their subconscious mind is been used against them. That's the main target of their "Perceptions Management" agenda. The US congress allocates $Billions every year for perceptions management and nobody ever asked what that meant!




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Very sad to think that encyclopaedia have been corrupted by the globalists and real history destroyed but I enjoy the Bible

I won't see the day I can trust reading history books in my lifetime

Wikipedia can be changed online by anyone

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I have witnessed the corruption of history live by watching Wikipedia distort the history of the Middle East by editing an entry that I was reading. I was reading to confirm what I had learned decades ago, but Wikipedia is changing history to justify genocides in West Asia. Imagine a kid who 10 years from now wants to learn what's happening today and uses Wikipedia as source of info!!!!

Worst of all, imagine what the illuminated American medical schools are saying today about the 2020 "pandemic" and the operation warp speed that produced the most advanced "vaccines" ever designed and tested (90 days). This is really Trumpian!

Tech companies that helped Murderna in delivering well calibrated bioweapons in warp speed have videos out there bragging about how AI helped them produce and test "vaccines" in 90 days instead of 10 years.... This is a sick society. In fact, it's beyond sick.

Who can you trust these days?

Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make MAD!

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I would rather say don't react the way they intend, but talk about their intentions. Because everyone needs to know what's going on. they have nothing except the narrative and the fear mongering. These people have no facts.

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Yep. It has worked for me.

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I dunno what to hold to anymore. What to believe. I DO know I've been lied to about almost everything on a daily basis. We reduce our fear by being open and asking questions and this is being done here. I really appreciate the work done.

I also do not submit to bullies and assume that even if I do not know the answer to pertinent questions about health, politics, money etc. - I will take the moral and intellectual authority to make up my own mind.

The word expert makes me ill these days.

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Is it possible that we are surrounded by people who, in our day to day lives, have succumbed to lying regularly as the norm? And because those people are so saturated in the lies, are not fully aware of their own behaviour?

I have been experiencing professionals such as doctors and school administrators...who say what they ''think I want to hear'', and all the while, have no intention of being truthful. I have come to the conclusion that when I speak the truth back to them, it is like dragging fingernails down a chalkboard to their ears. If I adjust to my behaviour and behave like them, I will have sold my soul. How do I get along in this reality? Treading lightly.

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Your comment reminded me of this quote.

"When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear."

Thomas Sowell

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Yes. That is exactly how it is. And at a cost to my reputation, I am not helping myself. Is there a quote that justifies silence in lieu of the truth?

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I'd say everything depends on the circumstances.

Life is not full of Absolutes. This is why PRUDENCE and WISDOM are key elements. How do we get there? Trial and error. It's the only way.

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Spot on. Life is nuanced and messy. Silver bullets can kill.

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I'm annoying like that too.

My mother's various "specialists" shudder when I accompany her to medical appointments.

Come to think of it? My son's teachers and school administrators didn't much care for me either...

Oh well! 😉

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Well done ! you are right with God who is the only one who counts

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The balance act is hard. It’s important to be kind, pay attention to social norms etc. but at the same time tiring to have to constantly challenge the endless lies and false assumptions.

Prepping is good for my mind as at least I’m not dependent on the group consensus.

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Thank you. I guess, yes, is the answer to my question. It am not afraid of the ''narrative'' as they want me to be. I am afraid of the co-workers and doctors...around me who have slipped into la-la land because reality is too real. I am scared to engage in conversations and speak the truth. Not because I am afraid of the truth. Because I have become acutely aware of how truth will be received. Keeping ones mouth shut looks appealing, but I am reading over and over tat we need to shed light on the cockroaches, that sunlight is the best disinfectant. Well, I am not seeing it work very well here. Just a sample size of 1 though.

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Life needs COURAGE to navigate. We all take bumps and bruises, that's how we learn. There is no such thing as "Safety" except on a very small scale, in the immediate Right Now. Otherwise, we fly, if we dare, and we run if we must.

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You don't

St Paul says to put such people from your life

Add one rotten apple to the barrel and all rot

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Understandable. Most of us have similar thoughts. Hold Fast. xo

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In recognition of Christine's relentless pursuit to unveil the fraud of viro Lie gy, I have composed a few lines of verse in her honor:

Ode to Hawkish for Truth

Amid dawn’s first light, the hawk leaves her nest,

Roaming the skies, for the Germ Theory pest.

She can’t return empty-taloned, young minds to feed,

Bad news for Germ Theory, it was it's time to bleed.

From crooked CDC peaks, to the murky UKHSA *valley below,

She circles the shadows, where hidden lies grow.

Circling on high, all their deceptions she sees,

Her lightning dives, catching prey with ease.

“Virology’s” lies stalk with, a sly, dark grin,

Until the hawk stoops, and her talons rip in.

The hunt for truth, Christine never flees,

Her powerful talons bring, viro Lie gy to its knees.

The target caught, the hawk grips its prey,

Home flight to Substack, she’s soaring our way.

In that nest high above, young hungry minds wait,

Eager for knowledge, to satiate.

Answers from FOIA flesh, her beak carefully tears,

Feeding hungry minds, with the truth it bears.

Each shred of flesh, a revelation untold,

Nourishing our minds, with wisdom of gold.

For in the nest of science, hungry children yearn,

To learn, to grow, to question and discern.

With each morsel devoured, we’re filled with delight,

Feasting on truths revealed, from the hawk’s FOIA flight.

So, let us honour, sing her praise,

This noble hawk, whose steady gaze,

Protects the light, as the flying sleuth,

Beware, deceivers, Christine’s hawkish for truth.

* Feel free to substitute valley with swamp depending on how you regard the UKHSA, formerly Public Hellth England. Shithole works, too 😀😀

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It’s all fear porn to comply , to get the depopulation jab weapon into every arm over and over . 💰💰💰.

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On the topic on no virus, that should be more confidently asserted when mentioning COVID-19 after watching the globlaly censored/ignored Scottish COVID-19 inquiry that has just concluded the health and social care hearings with damning evidence presented by lawyers, families and care home managers.

The following has now all been confirmed as fact.

1. Severe lockdown isolation harms, particularly for care home residents with Dementia who suffered the highest death toll from COVID-19.

2. Neglect, dehydration and starvation of care home residents.

3. No Human rights. (Articles 2,3 and 8 of the European convention engaged).

4. No GPs or ambulances for sick care home residents during lockdown.

5. Misuse of DNACPR orders on the elderly and for those with downs syndrome and even hearing loss.

6. Overuse of end of life medications in care homes.

7. Preventable excess deaths during lockdown.

World Exclusive video here- https://biologyphenom.substack.com/p/scottish-covid-19-inquiryclosing

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Excellent list of causes for death unrelated to any novel pathogen sweeping the globe. With CDC protocols there is also high flow oxygen that causes ARDS symptoms aka the opacity in lungs attributed to novel symptomology but again protocol induced fast track to ventilators and death. The real danger is viral spread of bad ideas!

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See Pamela Thomas testimony from Scottish COVID inquiry.


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Sad indeed. Scamdemic for sure. They overdosed the elderly in the UK to get their Covid numbers to skyrocket. The BBC wanted John O'Looney to help them create fear and panic in the masses. When he and other funeral directors noticed skyrocketing deaths after the vaccinations and he and other directors were having problems embalming the deceased due to fibrous clots in arteries and even hearts he reached out to them and they didn't want to hear anything he had to say. He really regrets participating in anything with the BBC. Here is his story and the site also had Dr. Yeadon featured in it as well as many others who were once highly respected but once they spoke against the narrative they were censored or worse. PCR test kits were being ordered by the billions in 2018 to as evidenced on the site. https://stopworldcontrol.com/director/ here is Dr. Yeadon's comments: https://stopworldcontrol.com/yeadon/ lots of information and you can sign up for free email updates if you wish.

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Nice. Thanks! I heard O'Looney waaay back there, and instantly loved him. He's a HERO.

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Found him, early days.

What a Braveheart.

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Gotta love the guy. Cheers.

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Thank you 🙏

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This is most helpful. Thank you for consolidating this information in your characteristically objective style, all in one post.

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Imagine a world where Antoine Bechamp prevailed with terrain theory and Louis Pasteur germ/virus theory went into the waste bend. Imagine a world where the Flexner Report was not done and the Rockefeller's did not take control of licensing MD's, pharma and medical school syllabus. Imagine a world where MD's are taught what our bodies need to heal us and not pharma to harm us. Do not blindly trust them.

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Well said and exactly right! That's where the fake science and charlatans such as Pasteur began in the 1800s while one of the greatest geniuses of medical science, Antoine Bechamp was pushed aside; so began the birth and spread of allopathic medicine sustained by never-ending lies and deception and why we need to have these conversations 200 years later.

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Thank you!! So grateful for all of you amazing people who are bringing truth to light.

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A ViroLiegist’s Ode to his ‘Scientific’ Method

In a lab of shadows, under dim light’s crest,

A scientist toils with a fraudulent test.

With a wink and a nod, he amplifies RNA ‘strains’,

Nucleotide sequences, free from provenance’s chains.

"Behold!" he cries, "A virus here lies!"

From non-specific data, the truth he denies.

With a magician’s flair, he takes a grand swab,

From an ‘infected’ soul, in a theatrical job.

He places the sample in cultures diverse,

A genetic soup mixed to make things perverse.

But nothing occurs in this merry charade,

So, he starves and poisons, in a grim masquerade.

The cells, once healthy, now wither and die,

He laughs with glee, and points to the sky.

"The cytopathic effects, a virus has wrought!"

But in truth, it’s antibiotics that cell death brought.

Circular reasoning, his faithful old friend,

Declares a virus at this farcical end.

No controls, no variables to compare,

Why seek the truth, when deception pays ‘fair’?

He skips the steps that real science holds dear,

In this farce of research, true findings disappear.

A dance with no balance, a play with no plot,

He crafts his own story, where facts matter not.

The whitecoats run algorithms, in a digital charade,

On a biological soup, a genetically messy parade.

Genomes stitched in a computing grand scheme,

Feather in the cap, for the circular reasoning team.

Through algorithmic smoke, no microbe’s found true,

A mythical mirage, from start to end view.

Onward he presses, with metals so heavy,

Stains cells in a process both crude and unsteady.

Electron microscopy, the grand final act,

He snaps fuzzy pictures, his ‘evidence’ racked.

With arrows he points, and loudly declares,

"A virus! A virus!" but reality glares.

So, here we conclude, this tale of deceit,

From fraudulent tests and fallacies replete.

Conjured and crafted by pseudoscience’s hand,

In shadows you dance, where falsehoods expand.

An ode to the folly, a tribute to lies,

In viroliegy’s realm, where truth only dies.

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Dr Mike Yeadon, i'm with Planet Waves, am a colleague of our mutual friend Eric Francis Coppolino. I posted this comment at the Substack of Celia Farber, who has launched an attack on the video you did which mentions Ivermectin.


Jeffrey Strahl

Lockdown Times

8 hrs ago

·edited 8 hrs ago

Tess Lawrie is totally invested in the "pandemic" narrative. See this,


Opportunity Youth - An In-Depth Follow-up to Questioning "The Greater Reset III”

Here is a link to the slides [180 of them!] for this presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v8n_VJ0fk4TVxi9txMgEAZrfGhW_EBRuMobvskr2FWw/edit?usp=sharing I refer to some of them, by number.

Another speaker at TGR was Tess Lawrie, a promoter of Ivermectin. She runs the Evidence-Based Medical Consultancy, worked with the WHO re data collection on a study of prenatal health care behavior. This is directly connected to development impact bonds, a form of social impact investing, which monitors behavior and rewards investors for observable changes in behavior of subjects. All of this is connected to data analytics, ongoing bio-surveillance, pre-emptive strikes against “disease,” pay for success impact investing, with success defined as the avoidance or the lessening of disease impacts. [See slides 38,39]

The big issue here, the “acid test,” is rule by electron-microscope, seeing what’s happening via the lens of germ theory, making it out to be a medical bio-sciences problem, including the notion of “bio-weapon.” Cost savings (in terms of public “health”) and impact investing oriented to seeing such offsets as a “success” to be rewarded. Dr Pierre Kory is quoted in RFK Jr’s book as to how the use of early treatment could have cut down hospitalizations by 90%, deaths by 75%, saving hundreds of billions of dollars, ending the “pandemic” by May 2020. Joe Rogan has likewise promoted repurposed drugs, turning the situation into an impact investment space. This is a perfect example of rule by electron-microscope, with the early treatment protocol being a blockchain chain. If you accept rule by electron-microscope, you will be spending the rest of your life under it. 85-90% of the stuff currently being spun by the “resistance” involves precisely such an acceptance. Tess Lowry also pushes “early treatment,” which is a weaponized narrative, enhancing fear.[Slides 51-3]

The entire narrative of “mismanaged pandemic” (the title of RFK Jr’s book’s first chapter) is based upon rule by electron-microscope and the promotion of testing with early treatment (a week after someone tests “positive”) using repurposed drugs such as HCQ and Ivermectin. But the virus has never been physically isolated, it has only been identified “in silico” (on a computer), whip what are we supposed to be “treating”? [Indeed, what are we supposedly detecting with the “early testing”?] Are we now gonna treat people who are asymptomatic on the basis of tests which are not calibrated using an actual virus? How much room does this open for mistreatment, at the very least? This is a perfect setup for a pay-for-success investment model. Testing and treating people who are asymptomatic assumes they are infectious. This is exactly what James Bullard, CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis suggested in April 2020, universal testing. Such a massive use of testing and early treatment requires data analytics of massive amounts of biometric data, a perfect setup for social impact investing. [See slides 51-4, 58)

Someone whose work should be discussed regarding this topic is Steve Kirsch, a very wealthy friend of RFK Jr, with connections to MIT and the “alternative” professionals pushing testing and early treatment. See slide 61. He has his own enterprise, CETF, Covid Early Treatment Fund, slide 59. CETF has a direct connection to the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers, slide 60. There is a big problem in the “resistance” with celebrity culture, which allows people to look right past such connections and not say a word. [in part a sign of how deep fear has permeated so many people that they would rather overlook stuff like this as mere “blemishes” and “imperfections.” ] Thus, Dr Malone can tell Joe Rogan that a CIA friend told him 1/4/20 that “we got a problem with the virus,” and no questions are raised re the “virus” or the source of the information. Kirsch is involved with the One ID system and token financing (usage of tokens in finance). Kirsch has been prominent in challenging people who raise the perspective that no virus has been isolated, no surprise given that the entire pay-for-success early testing/early “treatment” program requires a virus in order to be viable. 85-90% of the resistance, per Alison, have leaned into the rule by electron-microscope model. So many of them are opposed to allopathic medicine, yet have no problems with a program which is based on pharmaceutical drugs.

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Interesting. Thanks for the heads up. There is much published information to the effect that, if blood levels are high enough, adverse effects in reproduction are observed.

There’s been an 800% increase in global use of ivermectin since 2020.

In 2015, FDA instructed Merck to include a pregnancy warning on the agent, Cat C. Evidence for potential harm & no well controlled studies exist to qualify the risk.

Recent evidence shows a positive PK interaction with several popular “health supplements” such as curcumin, K2 etc.

Such an interaction is likely in my opinion since users of one may use the others.

Whatever margin exists will be to some extent eroded thereby.

It’s a brave person who concludes with no further reading or study that all is well.

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WOW! Thanks for this info!!

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Thank you!

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In his latest book, Can You Catch a Cold, Daniel Roytas reviewed more than 200 contagion studies. With over 1,000 citations...all of them failed miserably. There is zero reason to take poison like Ivermectin to stop something that has not only never been isolated or proven to exist..but has been disproven that any sickness is contagious over 200 times by professional medical and research teams. Why would you eat poisonous unicorn repellent?

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