I'm glad Mike has accepted the debate. I really hope he uses this opportunity to highlight the devastating Scottish COVID inquiry closing statements as proof policies were the real killer in 2020 of which Ivermectin is essentially void. NB: I was suspended from X/twitter shortly after pointing out the following to Dr Lawrie.

''Not even Ivermectin can cure isolation harms, no human rights, dehydration and starvation, no gps, no ambulances, misuse of DNRs, overuse of midazolam...why aren't 'awake' medics discussing Scottish COVID inquiry instead?''

See world exclusive footage below. Why are we not all united on this? i actually find it's actively AVOIDED by 99% of the 'medical freedom community' and 'alt' media.


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Mark my words, Dr. Yeadon will never go thru with it. Tess would rip him a new butt hole and he knows it.

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Don’t be silly. I’m not arrogant, but only one of us has decades of applied R&D experience, involving molecular design, pharmacology and mechanistic toxicology.

One of us rendered in writing what would inevitably happen once large numbers of people were injected by the not-vaccines, based on a deep analysis of their design features) & was proven tragically correct.

One of us has drawn upon a wide range of analyses of official data which show unequivocally that there was no pandemic. Logically there cannot be a new disease, either (unless it was of a kind that didn’t kill anyone, even the frail elderly).

We both agree that there’s been a hideous & ongoing, nightmarish assault upon humanity.

The objective thinker realises that there was no new illness, simply all preexisting ones, plus iatrogenicide from distorted medical procedures, plus mass scale injuries and deaths from the injections.

Now, that same objective thinker realises that promoting new ways to treat an allegedly new, flu-like illness, using medicines that were never part of the tool chest of treatments for related illnesses, is deeply concerning.

To persist in doing so in the face of all the evidence is very troubling.

Doing so maintains the official lies in the public mind. Keeps the public scared. Makes them susceptible to the idea of another mass casualty event (remember, there wasn’t one in the first place).

The effect of the behaviour might be entirely inadvertent. I hope do. Probing this area will be my relentless focus in any conversation we have (& record, if requested….I don’t mind either way. I’ve no position to defend).

The safety profile of such unusual medicines isn’t even the most important thing about them.

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Mike, if you truly want to 'win' the debate with Dr.Lawrie the Scottish COVID inquiry is all you need. Ivermectin is essentially void and is a distraction from the PROVEN policy harms. How many posts have you see Dr.Lawrie make about Scottish COVID inquiry testimony? The prominent ''medical freedom'' community are all terrified of it as it exposes much when discussed with simple logic at any length. eg- no lab leak only mass democide.


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He doesn’t want a ‘debate’ or to ‘win’.

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Ok, fair point i should have said 'win' the debate i think it's more to do with if Lawrie belives in a novel virus from a Wuhan lab killing millions of people then the real world evidence especially now CONFIRMED from Scotland proves otherwise and also what has she got to say about ignoring all that high quality evidence?

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Hello again Dr Yeadon. Some of us remember your entire path. Your "mneon green in the vaccine", you saying antibodies against syncytin would make everybody sterile (common colds contain synsystin as does sarscov2 and they didn't sterilise the planet). Your repeated monologus about "no-symptomatic" which you did without ever using the words "presymptomatic" or "interferon suppression". You know fine well there was a new disease with distinct symptomology and attributes including the ability to be a cardiovascular issue because it's ace2 affinity, (and interferon suppression giving it the ability to global and I containable). You know fine well about the genebanks and the in-depth global study with no hidden network of behind the scenes conspiracy to fabricate an entirely new virus. We all also know the "rescue plan" was to get people early treatments that keep oxygen stays up, lower inflammation in the lungs, to save people from ventilator gas chamber protocol. So in that respect you know fine well there was a new disease, and you know early treatments was the best hope to save people from symptoms that got them murdered, and you know that is the logic behind Tess, Dr Kory etc. i also monitored how you NEVER allowed challenge and would never face another expert to debate you. You would only show up in a fluster and throw a spanner amongst the conspiracy theorists who can't discern a bullshitter scientist from a genuine one. I however can call you out on loads of important facts. 1) you endlessly went on about flu when we were doing coronaviruses, and common cold pre existing T cell immunity from common colds was a crucial aspects to understanding the fear was overblown. 2) you claim to know the mechanism of harm. Bullshit. That's my specialty and I've watched all of you fumble around that. You can't describe it. The best you managed was a year ago, 3 years too late, when you said "the immune system attacks". No details.

4. If ivermectin is the most potent infertility toxin there is. Why are all the farmers so happy using it. Surely it would have wiped out heir herds? 5 Dr Tess rebutted you by saying the dose size you talked of in animals was massive compared to the relative Human dose flccc recommended. At the very least you should put out a statement clarifying that contentious issue.

And let's not forget you have had four years and you still can't decide if viruses even exist or not yet.

I do want to hear you explain the mechanism of harm of mRNA. That would be a real bonus. That's the thing ALL the experts influencers Bar a handful, still can't pin down. After four years.

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Silly? I'm silly? LOL! I'm not the one who sat before a church group, misleading them with the insane idea that Ivermectin is a fertility toxin. The worst ever seen. LOL! https://substack.com/@ohbaby/note/c-67552347

You using your 40 years of expertise to spread disinformation,... Oh,.. I'm a former Big Pharma exec, in charge of blah, blah, blah, so I know,... is something I would consider very harmful and evil. Strangely, that whole scenario reminds me of Jim Jones and the "Jonestown" event. You are setting those people up for disaster. And I don't take kindly to that, hence my disdain.




"One of us has drawn upon a wide range of analyses of official data which show unequivocally that there was no pandemic. There was no new illness, simply all preexisting ones,.."

In which you have provided not one iota of evidence. Nothing but psycho babble. Which is understandable, because there is no evidence to support your ridiculous ideas. What are you going to say next? That is was normal that people died in the thousands every day in 2020? LOL! Or that they all died due to hospital interventions? It's laughable.

What happened to the guy who replied to my post only a month or two ago, saying...

"I’m done with automatically believing anything. If it was a deep state product, they’d have been shaping its public profile from the moment someone decided it could have a future as an anti/parasitic." https://open.substack.com/pub/conspiracysarah/p/injectable-ivermectin?r=18ik5p&utm_campaign=comment-list-share-cta&utm_medium=web&comments=true&commentId=60974454

And to think you were once featured in excellent documentary,... Ivermectin: The Truth... https://rumble.com/v1hu7xr-the-truth-about-ivermectin-a-new-short-documentary-by-plandemic-filmmaker-m.html

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Thanks ohbabby for alerting me to Dr yeadons only place where he is actually engaging in scientific debate. He usually just shows up, causes a shit storm of confusion and whips the conspiracy side into a frenzy sending them off on a tangent just when they were getting somewhere. I've joined you here to offer Dr yeadon a chance to justify himself. The main points are :

1. He claimed here he knows the mechanism of harm of mRNA. I've asked him to detail that. He hasn't responded.

2. He is playing wishy washy sitting on the fence about if sarscov2 as a new virus or if it doesn't exist. For all his expertise he is saying he still can't decide if it's real or not. Convenient for his argument. Terrible for a scientist after four years and 4 billion hours of experts all over the world researching ever molecular aspects of it.

3. If ivermectin is a terribly potent infertility drug. Why do we still have herds of cows horses and sheep .

Since I have arrived on his thread and asked him this. He has stopped communicating. On his own sybstack. And I am acutly aware that his goon supporters like Tim west are only able to chime on with Bart Simpson level blurbs. So "scientific dialogue" has broken down very quickly when we come to challenge him on his own ivory tower.


Dr yeadon went on about flu for a year. When we were doing coronaviruses. He never mention robust T cell responses until I contacted a GP friend of his 11 months in when Dr yeadon was prattling on about "scariants variants" which he also got wrong.

I've been calling him wormtongue his entire time.

Dr yeadon. I challenge you too. If you are going to keep showing up and throwing spanners. Have the balls to engage in back and forward dialogue .

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Can we quit arguing and put the divisiveness to one side? One thing we can agree on is that it is a win for the parasite class.

We can revisit virology in peacetime, at leisure. Whatever was released did damage. Misdiagnosis did damage. Denying standard treatment did damage. We’ve work to do. Let light shine on reality and expose the dark corners where the scum are hiding.

Meanwhile I recommend https://www.fallcabal.com if you haven’t come across it yet.

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Wow. The 77th brigade are scared I see.

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I don't get the reference with the 77th brigade. This would be a debate over Ivermectin, not about draconian measures. Did you see what Tess did to Dr. Andrew Hill?.... https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/my-letter-to-dr-andrew-hill-video

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No. It’s a conversation, not adversarial. It’s also wide ranging. Nothing sensible can be communicated if the frame is restricted.

My position is there was never a new illness, certainly not a contagious illness.

It’s therefore illogical to focus on specific & unusual treatments never used in similar medical conditions.

The injuries to health of promoting such treatments is primarily nothing to do with its safety profile. Indeed, the safety profile is irrelevant, compared with the harms to wider society when inadvertently propping up the false narrative of fear of these alleged illnesses. Nevertheless, the potential for reproduction harms, when combined with commonplace “health supplements”, is definitely real.

We don’t even disagree about that.

As far as I tell, one side says the safety margin is so large that such a toxicity is never of concern.

The other argues that we don’t know to what extent that margin is eroded when taken together with those supplements. Nobody knows where things stand, because the studies simply have never been done.

Through decades of medical ethics, the obligation is on the promoter to show how they reached their position that there’s no potential for harm.

The onus is not upon the person joining the dots and saying there’s a risk with unevaluated margins.

All I’ve written remains true regardless of any conversations. I care for the truth, not a particular pre-ordained position.

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They would possibly argue they are treating 'Covid' symptoms

Isn't it funny that when the weather turns colder people develop respiratory ailments once they switch on the central heating or start the fire up?


It seems to happen every year

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By dehumidifying the interior air this dries out the mucous lining in the nasal passages which is the body's first line of defence against incoming respiratory pathogens. Not exactly rocket science is it. Turning on heating seems to happen as it gets colder. Funny that. More research is needed on this coincidence:).

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Excellent video showing how particles from the air get stuck in airways and potentially can irritate the trachea and sinuses. Is a cold simple symptoms of irritation of the airways?

Thanks for posting the link.

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Yes. I noticed a long while back that traveling via airlines and staying in hotels, plus a disrupted sleep schedule, etc. (in various combinations) led to my symptoms of a cold. While in France in winter, our friends kept their houses much cooler than I was used to. They said it helped to prevent colds. And the light went on. 💡

I now keep my home cooler in winter and bundle up. What a difference that makes.

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"All I’ve written remains true regardless of any conversations. I care for the truth, not a particular pre-ordained position."

Why is it true,.. because you say so? Because you have 40 years of expertise? You're as bad as the FDA or the CDC, spreading easily refutable disinformation. As I did, quite easily in the post above.

Tess can back up what she says,.. you can not. Therefore, you will never face Tess one on one. You know it and I know it. Your misleading agenda might work on some naive church group, but certainly not on anyone who has done their homework.

And the onus is always on the person connecting the dots, to back up what they say. Duh! As a scientist, you know better.

"the obligation is on the promoter to show how they reached their position that there’s no potential for harm."

And this post conclusively proves that.... https://substack.com/@ohbaby/note/c-67552347

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It’s true, because the vaccines have killed and harmed many, just look at VAERS and Yellow Card. Both a small % of the true figures.

It’s true, because Mike predicted, injury death and reduction of fertility before it happened, and wrote to UK Gov,EMA, with Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, warning them.

It’s true because factories Worldwide are manufacturing the next vaccines, despite

Thousands of doctors / scientists Worldwide calling for a halt to them.

Ivermectin has been in a discussion between Tess and Dr Mike, they don’t agree.Simple 😊

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Hi Mike.. what do you think of these very scary claims that a new smallpox jab could shed and kill and injure people ? it seems to be claimed on the packaging but if virus theory is wrong .. could something other be shedding ? or is it all nonsense do you think ? ? https://rumble.com/v5fqspx-emergency-fda-approved-vaccine-causes-death-to-unvaccinated-rima-e.-laibow-.html

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It'll never happen and Yeadon intentionally poisoned the well with the demand Tess do an interview with Christine.

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EMFs, particularly 5G do play a significant role.

Listen to this interview:


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I thoroughly agree. All those covid like symptoms (and there are many) are also symptoms caused by EMFs. A silent killer.

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Wrong. Did you die during a thunderstorm yet? That's a massive electric field, for the entire duration of the storm. Up to 30 volts per centimeter. Did you die from 5G yet? Why isn't everyone in the world sick from 5G? Given that it's "non ionizing" and 1/10,000 of 1 watt of power. Couldn't hurt a flie's butthole. Surely it can't be the Vitamin D3 (Rat Poison) your drinking, the cancer causing petro chemicals at your gas station, nor the Hydroflurosilicic Acid and Arsenic the frack into your water supply. And, definitely not the vaccines.

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Plenty of people have died from a phenomenon known as " thunderstorm asthma ".

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Wrong. Did you die during a thunderstorm yet? That's a massive electric field, for the entire duration of the storm. Up to 30 volts per centimeter. Did you die from 5G yet? Why isn't everyone in the world sick from 5G? Given that it's "non ionizing" and 1/10,000 of 1 watt of power. Couldn't hurt a flie's butthole. Surely it can't be the Vitamin D3 (Rat Poison) your drinking, the cancer causing petro chemicals at your gas station, nor the Hydroflurosilicic Acid and Arsenic the frack into your water supply. And, definitely not the vaccines.

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Could the Chief Justice of Nuremberg be a bot? He/she/it posted the same response three times in all.

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No, just an extremely vain person who runs a website loaded with self aggrandisement. It is very clear, from his comments here, that he suffers from hysteria when his long held convictions are challenged.


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Haha! That website must be a joke, surely!

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It is a tad embarrassing.... 🤡

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It seems lack of nuance and consistency adds to the confusion for outside observers. While there is overwhelming evidence that the field of virology is built on models with keyboard created CRISPR clones that can never exist in nature the lack of focus by no virus camp on broad array of unnecessary vaccines or spotlight on Gain of Function as the method for creating ALL flu vaccines helps create areas of confusion that might be avoided if there were clear opposition to all interventions for illness attributed to viral sources. If we are working together to find the truth that frees us from the Biotech Mafia inversion of public health to a mechanism of control we would be better served attacking the broadest lies along with the the all the countermeasures as Mike does.


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Gain of function on what exactly, Pamela? Logically, you can't gain function on something that you never had in the first place. Btw, I think it's obvious to most but perhaps not to you for some reason, the whole point of no-virus is to show people that there is no need to fear the claimed but never-shown-to-exist pathogens... and thus zero reason to even consider a "vaccine" or any other intervention. Note also that it is precisely the tight focus of some on no-virus that has got us to where we are on this topic.

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Unfortunately it takes a long time to get to that state when we have been brainwashed with it all our lives...

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"Gain of function on what exactly, Pamela? Logically, you can't gain function on something that you never had in the first place."

If you read the NIH funded Gryphon Scientific Review linked above you will see these synthetic clones are quite real.. It's an unfortunate choice of terminology to characterize re-assortment of RNA molecules as GoF when purified clones are just high density synthetics.. by some measures the lab leak advocates offer the perfect opportunity to explain it's not realted to anything in the wild that would qualify as a virus but the only tool in virology to sell a flawed model as understanding reality.

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Synthetic chains using GoF is the basis of making model fake viruses that make ppl sick and transmitting a viral-type disease. I don't get why ppl are getting confused over labels. Viruses- don't have to be made in nature. In fact the deep staters prefer to use their fabrications to undermine ppl's immune systems just the way they intend it to do. They also harvest DNA using PCR swabs to ensure that research hones in on genetic pools of their favourites they prefer to damage en masse. If we don't understand this and keep arguing over 'no-virus' nonsense we'll never point the finger at the perpetrators who continue to get away w/ this stuff, now after many, many years. These debates are all necessary but I ask why is this more important than focusing on the good work of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt. We are being deceived by militarised public healthcare that use medical countermeasures to keep the population controlled by stealth and fear campaigns, not to mention the increasing death and maiming of all who took the experimental gene tech without proper informed consent. What an absolute travesty!

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Thanks Tim. I love Mike's logical response to Tess!.

Fyi, sadly Sasha still makes false and misleading statements about "viruses" and publicly trashes people such as myself, and even Sam Bailey at times (i.e. claiming recently that Sam denies the existence of chemistry, which is truly bizarre). No-virus has made the gains it has thanks in huge part to Sam and her husband Mark (and Andy Kaufman), and despite Sasha claiming among other things (even very recently) that the 'virus' FOIs are a 'waste of time'. This is my 'academic' conclusion :)

Anyone wanting a better understanding of the fraud/delusion of virology can find massive collections of material on Sam's platforms as well as Mike Stone's viroLIEgy.com.

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How about we bury all hatchets and start again? I’ve made many mistakes. I’d like to be seen how I am now, going forward. 😀

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"Burying the hatchet" is a great idea but difficult if one is corrected with verifiable facts and then doesn't acknowledge, ask for clarification or show appreciation for that specific fact. A sort of informal "truth and reconciliation" among perpetrators and recipients of unhelpful characterizations is welcome. Dr. Yeadon certainly sets an inspirational example of open-mindedness and professional questioning of opposing scientific claims.

No one has all the answers and "the whole is greater than the sum of the parts". These complex issues can certainly use "all hands on deck".

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To be honest I am rubbish at communication myself. My super-power is to not hold grudges but that doesn’t I don’t get uppity and bolshy in the moment as I (in my mind) wade through stingy treacle to protect my children, have a good faith conversation, and support Mike.

Mike is the best communicator I have ever come across. It’s no surprise he is so stifled in both Normie Tier 1 and Troothy Tier 2 media output.

The most censored man. Because he is Kryptonite to their UberMenschen.

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I beg to differ Tim, I happen to think you are very good at communication!

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Hi Tim, You don't hold grudges? Really? Prove it by unblocking me on Mike's Telegram channel.

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That wouldn’t prove I don’t hold grudges. That would just prove I’d changed my mind as to whether you would cause trouble.

I don’t how you think your comments today or the tone of that question could give me such confidence.

I will reinstate you. Please be in good faith.

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Thank you

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Tim I have a 'good faith ' question. What do you make of these claims about a smallpox jab that can shed and kill people ?? https://rumble.com/v5fqspx-emergency-fda-approved-vaccine-causes-death-to-unvaccinated-rima-e.-laibow-.html

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Sure, if Sasha can put an end to her misleading statements and accusations I'll be happy to stop pointing them out :)

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Its a "logical response" to demand a debate on a completely different subject before agreeing to debate on the matter under consideration? What utter nonsense. Mike poisoned the well to make sure the debate never happens.

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It’s not a different subject. It’s the bedrock of it. Stop being obtuse.

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Gaslighting doesn't work. To claim that the Ivermectin infertility psyop and virus isolation/existence are the same exact subject is beyond absurd. That's like arguing that fertility and virology are the same subject. Its silly.

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You’re a buffoon.

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lol. Hair looks great, Tim.

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The girls certainly think so.

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You can't have a logical debate about treating something that was never shown to exist.

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I think you missed the part where the Ivermectin infertility psyop is the reason for which the debate was called. To discuss whether there is sufficient evidence that Ivermectin causes infertility does not require a debate on germ theory or virus isolation/existence. That's like arguing a discussion of the subject of fertility somehow requires a preceding debate on virology.

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The only reason ivermectin is even being discussed is because it's being promoted by people like Tess as a "safe and effective" treatment for imaginary "coronavirus disease".

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Which has nothing to do with Yeadon's Ivermectin Infertility psyop. The entire debate is about whether it has been proven to cause infertility or not. And, if Yeadon's premise(s) is the same as your strawman response, then he can limit the debate to exclude any discussion of Ivermectin as a "safe and effective" treatment. And, from what I've seen and read of Tess she doesn't restrict its benefits to the flu rebranded covid. She posts things about its effectiveness against cancer. The Yeadon Ivermectin infertility psyop is ultimately about protecting Big Pharma profits on cancer and other conditions where Ivermectin could be used instead of profitable Big Pharma products.

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I’ve rarely seen a more obvious, bad faith person.

I’ve explained several times that those who recommend a course of action bear responsibility for evaluating its safety and effectiveness.

That hasn’t happened despite healthy sales.

Are you aware of the previous greatest increase in consumption of a patent expired drug?

Do you know what the increase has been for ivermectin since 2020?

I’m very comfortable with the stance I’ve taken and hoped for effects which, I hope, is to give some people pause.

Now go away to pick up your money. I’ll neither read nor respond to you further,

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What you don’t seem to understand ‘Cromwell’

(see how unpleasant that is? On Mike’s channel you call him Mike if you have any awareness)

Is that you are dealing with serious thoughtful qualified Sceptical cautious evidence driven adults.

You have either put absolutely no time at all on this - and are just wading in deep water buoyed purely by arrogance - or you are insincere and have another agenda.

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 It’s a “Killer” Vaccine Worldwide: Japanese researchers say side effects of COVID vaccines linked to 201 types of diseases

“You Were Right, Vaccines Are Killing Millions of Our Loved Ones”, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, Former Minister of Internal Affairs (emphasis added)

“You will find diseases of the heart, kidney, thyroid, diabetes, liver, skin, eyes, blood, nerves, systemic diseases, brain, lungs”. Professor Masayasu Inoue, Osaka City University School of Medicine, emphasis added)

“The mRNA vaccine disperses throughout the body and is not contained in the shoulder like most vaccines.

“It doesn’t know where to go. If it goes into the bloodstream, it goes to the brain, liver and kidneys,” Professor Masanori Fukushima, Kyoto University (emphasis added)


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the impatient and angry stance of the no virus people is deeply offputting and NOT HELPFUL. we are all overwhelmed with information and trying to process as fast as we can. moving over to 'no virus' is an enormous paradigm shift being requested, at a time when people cannot keep up with the volume of important information speeding towards us. patience and kindness are hallmarks of truth, and anger and superciliousness are not. please be patient and persistent and we'll get there as fast as we can.

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Absolutely. It’s a massive awakening. Took me a gradual 2 years to go fully beyond Germ Theory. It’s hard to patient when those believing or professing to believe in virus are so hostile.

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Is it easier for ppl to understand viruses are just man-made toxic synthetic protein replicators that undermine the immune system to bring about inflammatory responses caused by latent toxin inserts from man-made fakecines of the past. I like Dr Judy Mikovits version on this stuff. also Janine Gallizia's book Get Well Fast incl Dr Warburg's theories on toxic/acidic interstitial fluids and banked up lymphatic n liver drainage issues. Western allopathics based on shady Rockefeller Institute training, removing homoeopathics and anything natural from our human healing potential has been problematic lead up to all public health emergencies, mostly on purpose.

All vaccines are pathogenic not healing for inoculation against man-made pathogen replicators known as 'viruses'. End of story. I don't get sick by supporting my immune system to stay on top of my body's initial inflammatory response to toxic stimuli. First sign of sore throat or phlegm its gargle w/ my homemade mouth wash of salt, cloves. ginger n tumeric. A spray of Armaforce for throat which has echinacea and licorice. Plus Armaforce w/ Andrographis as main herb supplement. I do a ginger n garlic shot, or homemade HCQ. Spray nasal passages w/ saline. n iodine if it is needed. Best to do a patch test for adequate iodine first.

Yeah, proof in the pudding touch wood, no flu like illness at all. Point to make to bring this altogether is for researchers on both sides of virus theories to have more empathy for the sick. Certainly doesn't help to hear someone who is not sick, say to someone ill, 'ur sickness isn't real', just sayin'.

I say this because when I was having a full cytokine storm inflammatory response to pathogenic overload if someone told me it was in my head I would have wanted to knock their head in...if I had the energy but I had my head lower than u cld imagine too sick to walk, stand lie down or drink water. I thought I was going to die. Only prayer n asking God to help direct me to live got me out of that bucket of mess. Years and years of trial n error organic gf/dairy free food, rest, meditation, away from crowds n excess stress, to maintain w/ balance to resist another system apocalypse.

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You are misunderstanding how the Voodoo / Nocebo effect works. People die painful deaths from Voidoo curses. ‘All in your head’ is not what we are saying.

Would you like to be permanently free from it?

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I don’t think immune systems exist. There is nothing to be immune to!

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No-one is saying people didn’t have healing crises.

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Synthetic proteins are printed. They are toxic. They don’t replicate.

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I don't watch how a toxic pathogen expands, replicates, reprints in the body. Ur getting very pedantic to use 'ur' terminology. Reprint if u want to get fussy about terminology. The toxicity winds its way thru the body somehow, it doesn't just magically print itself w.o a program of replication, that doesn't make any sense. Does that make sense to u? The tech DARPA uses will never be fully known to the average person on the street. They make toxic nanotech do whatever the hell they program it to do. I'm not a scientist but I've lived thru quite a few near death experiences and got my knowledge from God inspiring me to learn about increasing frequency to overcome the invasion of man-made pathogens. I'd be dead already if not using my intuition. Sometimes the body needs a complete reset from toxicity and u can only do this thru fasting, prayer, high frequency music & mindfulness. Drinking clean pure fluids, tepid lemon water. I've recuperated from unable to eat or drink, to sipping water, to broths building up to solid food many, many times. Ur theory to me does not hold water and it's all fine until u get sick and realise that toxicity builds in the body, thru an expansion of invader toxic pathogens that the body does its best to fight it with cellular processes that make up what we know as our innate immune system, it doesn't just go from 0 to 100 w.o a mechanism of replication/movement/growth. W.o the correct knowledge ppl don't know what they're fighting, or how to fight it. Terminology doesn't matter knowing the process does.

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Sorry, "Tim," but I'm not on board with your "no such thing as viruses" story. I didn't subscribe. Go away.

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You embrace all the pseudoscience you like my friend. £3000 to you for one piece of evidence for the physical existence of any virus.


Why have you gone quiet?

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Oh dear. Never mind.

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Oops a daisy. You have your pink and green mixed up again.

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Mike and your bulldog Tim, I'm sick and tired of people pushing the no virus belief with the fervour of a religious zealot. It detracts from the far more important issue that the vaccines are doing the damage. I wish you could see it.

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I’ve summarised the evidence that leads to the reasonable conclusion that there’s no scientific evidence for the existence of SARS-CoV-2.

Evidence purporting to support existence must be incorrect, given the evidence for non-existence is very strong and never rebutted, simply ignored or talked past.

In relation to the so-called vaccines, we’re on exactly the same page.

It’s something I feature most days and without exaggeration, I’m among the most qualified people to make such a judgement about their toxicity. Nothing is distracting from that message which I’ve done my best to broadcast since the end of 2020.

Since that time, I’ve been exposed to multiple lines of evidence to which by far the best fit is that virology as a purported discipline is fraudulent.

I’m well aware that many people immediately reject this conclusion, and of those, few are willing to open their minds to the possibility that they’ve been fooled all their lives. I struggled with it myself at first. I don’t think it’s as useful in freeing humans from the tyranny of the fear of airborne submicroscopic pathogens as logically it ought to be, for that reason. In brief, it doesn’t have the cut-through hoped for it, because it’s often rejected even by allies.

Nevertheless, I cannot pretend I’ve not seen this evidence.

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Last warning. I don’t know if you ignorant gullible and cocky or a deliberate trouble-maker.

IF you are the former, do the work and catch-up.

You don’t understand what belief is and what awareness of data is - or pretend to.

I don’t trust that you could be so violently pro-pseudoscience

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It’s because of the false belief in ‘viruses’ that toxic ‘vaccines’ have been created. It’s all based on fraudulent pseudoscience and propaganda. A vile psychological operation against humanity.

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Pretty sure they've both have pointed out a lack of evidence for, hardly zealous dogma.

Not withstanding that the position could be used against vaccine harm campaigners.

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How to spin-off the main game/ gain. An introduction to our new business, the Keep Well Company; "Are you suspicious of your government? Has the last 4 years done your head in? Are you afraid of the next deadly pathogen(s) that have no proof of existence but just in case? Are you scared of needles? Well the Keep Well Company can make you well BEFORE you feel unwell. So, hurry, hurry, hurry get your kit @ 20 percent off for the first 1 million subscribers @ just $199 a pop. This is a one off, ONLY to subscribers until the next deadly thingy comes along." Until next time, keep well.😀💊💊💊

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Interestingly, I've met & spoken to Tess Lawrie a couple of times recently. The second time was at an event a few days ago, where Alec Zeck presented his talk on reframing the infectious disease paradigm. I also included the lack of evidence for all so-called 'germs' in my talk at the same event. Tess did speak to Alec - so maybe she is open to changing where she is on the 'virus' issue? 🤷🏻‍♀️ We can but hope. 🙏 But that would mean that she would have to convince the rest of the World Council for Health people. So........

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It would be fantastic if she became aware of the pseudoscience of pathology.

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Boy oh boy. Well I am certainly grateful for Andy Kaufman, Tom, Mike Stone, Christine, Mike Yeadon, Jordan Grant, the Baileys, Amandha, Stefan and The Perth Group etc etc who have very professionally demonstrated the complete lack of evidence for any so called "virus" and contagion. This has led to a generational shift in health and wellbeing for my family and extended family. Our first wonderfully healthy grandson is free from evil poisons. This is life changing stuff with incalculable benefits.

My initial exposure to virology was through Dr Andy and from there I verified for myself. This means my understanding of germ theory is no longer a 'belief' but solid knowledge that no-one can shift.

It seems to me the actual route issue is the systemic reduction of critical thinking and autonomy. What a shame those in perceived positions of authority and trusted experts are not excluded from this 'mind virus'.

One thing is for sure, humans are good at doing the same stupid shit over and over again. What a world.

I would love to see Mike & Christine have discussions with Tess, however, I won't be holding my breath.

Thank you to all of the wonderful honest and honourable sharers of truth.

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Thanks Mike and Tim... I do feel with what appears to a be a knee-jerk reaction against anything claiming to help with 'virus infection' that we can end up throwing the baby out with the bath water so to speak.

If an early treatment of an illness/ disease appears to help the suffers then why decry the treatment just because those involved in propagating it 'believe' that a virus is the cause? Also there must be the caveat that although 'viruses' are not proven to 'exist and have the ability to cause illness' that does not prove that they do not exist and are unable to cause illness...

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Please read the post again carefully. Follow up all the links.

The point is that AS THINGS STAND the notion of an infectious pathogen is no different to medieval devils, Voodoo curses or Monsters Under The Bed.

These are all pure pink stuff, only stories - there is nothing in real world to back them up. All the harm ‘from them’ comes from buying in to the nocebo effect.

Synthetic chemicals like commercial Ivermectin cause harm.

I would love to see any clear evidence that beyond the placebo effect IVM has long term helped anyone.

Maybe it can remove a battery from a smoke alarm quietening things down. I would still like to see evidence.

In my view now, ‘pathology’ is a pseudoscientific concept.

Our bodies and minds heal using a fairly limited number of strategies. With symbiotic help on the ‘outside of the body’ including gut, respiratory tract etc… from pleomorphic bacteria that play an analogous role to white blood cells and such on the ‘inside of the body’

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Thanks Tim - I have read Virus Mania ( or rather listened to it on Audible) - and bought Terrain Therapy, 'Turtles all the way down', 'What the Nurses saw' and love to find information from non-mainstream sources. I started off in medicine and changed to engineering. Many family members are in or associated with the medical profession - and will not listen to anything outside of the narrative on these topics - I keep hoping for a 'convincer' that is worth risking my relationships over - but sadly I don't see it being able to come from me... Even low carb diet is a hard discussion LOL :-)

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I’ve said repeatedly that I favour thoughtful early treatment of anything that’s wrong, provided doing so is rational and is clearly better than “do nothing”.

That doesn’t automatically mean taking a pill or tablet (though it might).

No one who believes that at least some medicines have value (I acknowledge there’s a perfectly respectable contrary view) would say “Always delay treatment to the last possible moment” (I exaggerate for effect). It shouldn’t be necessary to qualify what I’ve meant when I’ve criticised the proposition that people should take specific medications, explicitly for the early treatment of a specified illness.

That’s because the alleged illness obviously is fictional and is often a misdiagnosis or misattribution of other, clinically indistinguishable conditions.

It’s not subtle, this distinction.

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That’s so important. It starts the post now.

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If the people ‘helped’ by those believing they are attacking naughty viruses instead said

“There is nothing wrong with you. You are currently doing some cleaning out as the last stage of a healing crisis.

Nothing is attacking you. Don’t listen to the BBC (ever!)

You will soon be back on your feet. Eat well. Sleep well. Lean towards relaxing behaviour. See friends. Hug friends. There’s no danger of passing any fictitious little monsters on! Don’t worry. That’s all fairy-tale stuff too.”

What a difference that would make.

Tom Cowan has demonstrated with the fictional Lyme disease for example, once you realise it’s poppycock. Stop referring to it. Stop ‘owning’ it.

It disappears -

as did the ‘VooDoo curse illness’ in the embedded film in the post.

I know how hard it is to drop the “Some of Nature is out to get us’ myth. We were all programmed from birth.

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this is not the same thing as "I'm not feeling well, my immune system is having a hard time rebalancing in the face of this challenge, I find this [supplement / chemical compound / intervention] is helping my system to rebalance and clear and heal." I know from years working in pharma (long ago -- got out in 1997) that the mechanism of action of drugs is often a complete guess and done after-the-fact of finding something that helps. That a certain compound helps or don't help resolve symptoms / heal the challenge is something that CAN be tracked with proper trials.

I've found that muscle testing by a good integrative health doc arrives at far better determinations of what will help me heal (this latest challenge is from a mold + lyme challenge and detritus and shedding detritus, confirmed via muscle testing) than clinical trial results. I do all the spiritual / energetic clearing work too and believe me there was no fear of "virus" or anything else in me when this latest flare started. I was completely healthy. Then within a few weeks all my joints rapidly became swollen and in extreme pain. I did track down what was going on the day it started and the day prior I'd taken photos of massive chemtrails above the farm where I lived. This could align with what Sasha theorizes, chemicals can be dropped to poison / trigger debilitating symptoms. And shedding from jabs -- of whatever is shedding -- is absolutely causing harm from my own direct experience.

Point being symptoms can come whether you watch the BBC and buy in to the bs or whether you completely don't. And healing can happen whether you believe a "virus" to be the cause or don't.

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I’m sorry you are under the weather. There’s no evidence for any immune system or anything for it to be immune to I know of. Constitution?

But of course we all must choose our paths.

I like it in films, when the wizard gives a magic talisman to make him invulnerable in battle if he respects it and doesn’t lean on it.

Our hero wins.

The wizard explains it was no talisman, just a pebble he picked up from the ground a moment before.

‘You did it your self my friend’ he smiles.

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Thanks for this post, Graphite. You very well express my position also.

Refusing to treat symptoms to help a patient suffer less is unnecessarily cruel. (However, I balk at "novel" treatments for so-called "novel" diseases when symptoms are common and recognizable.)

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Well put, thank you. You’ve summarised my own consternation in response to such propositions for use.

I hold no animus against any person or organization, only against acts that I view as severely harmful to human freedoms, even if the particular treatment(s) have no safety or tolerability issues, known or reasonably suspected.

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But that’s the whole point surely? No one should promote any treatment that “appears” to treat something that simply doesn’t exist, that’s simply playing into the hands of the worried well who would do better to stop watching bbc and the rest of the msm liars and actually do a little bit of research, surely at this stage in the cull agenda even they can sense something’s off!

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Off topic, but I would love to see Dr. Yeadon and Dr. Vernon Coleman discuss ANYTHING. They're both heroes to me.

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I’d be happy to (& thank you).

Vernon has been at it longer than most. He’s a very courageous man.

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I don't know why there needs to be more debate. Either you do your own research or not. If you don't you just become part of a tribe. I don't need to see more graphene hydroxide nanotechnology slides. We humans have been duped for 100 years by a medical system that is more like a religious order which can't be questioned. The damage has been done resulting in increased mortality and reduced fertility. Depopulation, here we go!

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Thank you Tim. This is absolutely what we need. People are so worried about being totally right and dotting every I and crossing every T, they have lost sight of what is important IMO. Thank you for all your efforts. ❤️

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Sorry but I DO believe in viruses. I never had chickenpox as a child because my siblings 6&8 yrs older, had them before I was born and we live in the country with the nearest neighbor 1/4 mile away. FF 31 years and my 3yr old came down with chickenpox after a play group. A week later I got them. And in a few more days his little 6mo old sister got them. Antivirals kept my case relatively mild. So if that wasn’t a chickenpox virus what was it??? And why was it contagious?

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Please, all this has been addressed so often by so many people including in the embedded articles.

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It wasn’t

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Im still quite interested that 'antiviral' herbs do indeed seem to keep these symptoms down . i have a similar experience .. Whatever antiviral herbs are doing it seems to work in my world.

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