Would be interesting to see an article showing the different comments people are getting as they send the video to family and friends. Seems like people refuse to believe how the hospital killing and cognitive warfare created the illusion of a deadly pandemic, so I was of course cheered to see Dr Yeadon mention it from the beginning.
Imho, people have a lot of trouble recognising and understanding evil which is why we are in so much trouble right now. The normies do not see it at all, or think it can only come in the form of bombs dropped on their heads or a rapist in a dark alley, and many of the self-proclaimed 'awake' still believe that this was 'all just a mistake' by 'greedy pharmas.'
Been saying this literally for years now. The willingness to not see the truth is astounding. Its like fingers in the ears "la la la la la I cant hear you" I find it incredible.
You know, I used to find it incredible how the Nazis got ordinary people to look the other way........now I get it.
It's really quite fascinating and scary at the same time. But yes, we could likely compile a comprehensive compendium of the various typical strategies taken by dissenters to support their positions.
Imagine how powerful and positive a force humanity would be if we weren't being pitted/pitched, willingly or otherwise, against each other. I wonder who would lose the most against such a united front ;-)
Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 Fact Checking NY Times & RFK Jr.’s Conspiracy Theories: Here’s What Trump’s Pick For Health Secretary Has Promoted (NurembergTrials.net) The Plannedemic, EUA Vaccines, Industrial Waste "Fluoride", Atrazine in Pesticides, 5G, Hormone Disruptors in Plastics, Synthetic Vitamins, Polio,AIDS, BioSpecific Weapons, Organic Foods, Cures Supression https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/fact-checking-rfk-jrs-conspiracy
I don't bother to try to warn people away from the "COVID" vaccine shots, having tried to no effect when the shots first came out. It isn't that I'm lazy; it's that people who choose not to think are on their own.
I do try to explain to some folks that there are no viruses--no "COVID", nor ebola, nor HIV, nor rabies, nor measles, nor polio...and no other virus. Virology is pseudoscience, like "global warming". Grasping the fact of no viruses boils down to two basic truths.
First, There are no studies using the scientific method, and using proper controls, that prove "contagion" (a sick "infected" person making a well person "infected" and sick. Virology was invented to explain what appears to the naive observer to be "contagion", so virology ought to be abandoned as bad thinking for this reason alone.
Second, no virus has ever been proven to exist. That is, no particle has ever been proven to "infect" (go into) "cells", nor proven to self replicate by "hijacking" the "machinery" of the "cell", nor proven to be pathogenic, nor proven to spread from cell to cell nor host to host. There is an easily understandable reason such experiments have never been conducted: they've found no virus with which to experiment!
To conduct the foregoing experiments, virus enthusiasts must first find and isolate the suspected "virus particles" (virions, to the initiated). They cannot do this, as they admit. But why not? There are two claims asserted to try to explain this oddity.
One, there are too few virions to find, isolate and purify, virologists inform us. But they also claim huge numbers of virions infect, replicate and overwhelm humans and animals, sickening and killing partly by force of numbers. I recently read of an estimate by a virus enthusiast that humans harbor on average about 3.78 TRILLIONS of viruses. Others claim 140 millions in a sneeze! Yikes! Too few to find and isolate? I doubt it.
The second claim used to explain no virus isolates is that, according to the virus story, virions hide inside cells! But how do those virions then "infect" cells and cause "contagion"? How do they jump from cell to cell and from host to host causing illness and pandemics? This excuse too seems to be empty and evasive.
There is a simple explanation for the fact of no virus isolation in the history of virology. There are no viruses to find and isolate. That they claim to "isolate" "viruses" using artificial tissue cultures with poisons and non-human and human substances doesn't rescue virology. Those are not "experiments" using an independent variable; they're rituals of mixing together toxic stews with no logical connection to isolation, regardless of study headlines, intros and conclusions.
I am grateful to the fake pandemic because, having naively taken "viruses" on faith all my life, I started reading trying to answer questions about "COVID". I came across an article by Jon Rappoport that reasoned no one had ever proven such a virus to exist, which made me wonder. That led to subsequent reading of 30 or 40 articles and half a dozen books.
On the subject of the existence of viruses, one would have thought that - given the amount of it that somebody must have in their system in order for them to BE ill - and thence have a sample of their snot (..technical term, that!) analysed by PCR at ct40, you'd be producing 2^40 (i.e. over one trillion) copies of every fragment of transcribed viral RNA (>>to DNA) in those samples. In view of the amount of testing that was being done at that level of amplification, I had visions of it being created in such quantities that it must have been squirting through the keyholes as it pressed the lab techs up against the doors.
I would recommend to all read the book, “what really makes you ill?”by Dan Lister and David Parker. Also, my naturopathic teacher, “everlasting health”. He was telling everyone about the non-existence of viruses before 1990!
It is still not clear what the name of Dr. Mike Yeadon's Rumble channel name is (if he does have a channel) and not clear what the url is of this specific "Silver Bullet" posting.
Here is the text transcript, hope not AI transcript
Hello my name is Dr Mike Yeadon, and in the next 15 minutes or so, I would like to address those of you who've been vaccine injured or bereaved, and also those of you who are involved in the political process in Northern Ireland as well as anywhere else in the world who might hear me at the end of this process, I hope you will believe what I'm going to tell you, which shockingly, is that the materials masquerading as vaccines were designed intentionally to harm the people who received them. I
'm probably the most qualified former Pharmaceutical Company Research executive in the world speaking out on this matter, and since I spent my entire career in the business of working with teams designing molecules to be new potential medicines, I think I am qualified to comment on it, and that is my shocking judgment that has been only reinforced over the last almost four years since I first said it.
I'll also have some suggestions for what we can do together to fight against the global crime which is ongoing.
So just a little bit about me, so you can decide whether or not to believe me. So I'm a career long research scientist. I've worked all of my life in the pharmaceutical industry and in biotech. My first degree included a training in toxicology, so that's an understanding of how materials can injure human beings at a molecular level, and what the relationship is between the structure of them and and the toxicity. In my second degree, a PhD, I did research in respiratory pharmacology, control of breathing and control of respiratory reflexes. So and then after that, I joined pharmacist ministry in 1988 and I worked until very recently on new medicines for allergic and respiratory diseases. In my corporate career, I was for a long time responsible at Pfizer, then the biggest research based drug company in the world for everything to do with allergic and respiratory diseases in the research field. So that was my responsibility. And in the last 10 years, after leaving in 2011 I was an independent and I became the founder and CEO of a biotech company which was eventually acquired by Novartis, which was then the biggest drug company in the world.
So I have had a good career, and I was well regarded in the industry for my scientific acumen and judgments until, of course, I started speaking out against the nonsense the COVID pandemic, and especially the so called vaccines. I've become a persona non grata. It was my former colleagues after that. So I'm well qualified to comment on the toxicological principles, properties of molecules, and you know the kind of effects you might see from from certain structures.
So just very briefly before I talk about the so called vaccines, what happened in 2020, um, it's taken me a long time to get there, and I haven't made, I've made, uh or not, made everybody happy with the decision I've reached, but there was not a pandemic or a public health emergency.
I don't think there was anything at all, apart from lies, propaganda, fear based information, fake diagnostic tests called PCR
and then, as it were, misattribution of real illnesses that people did have, which were called COVID. When there was no such there was no such thing. But what happened, shockingly was that after the World Health Organization's chairman called a pandemic, which was not true, there's never been a pandemic. Won't be pandemics. They're immunologically impossible.
But after he called them, many countries in the world changed radically their medical management practices for people in hospitals, also in care homes and in the community and very briefly in hospitals, many people were sedated, had a plastic tube put down their airway and unconscious, put on Mechanical ventilators, I can assure you that is not ever an appropriate treatment for someone with a an influenza line. Illness, whatever you might think COVID was, but that would not be something you would do. And if given, if applied to frail and elderly people, they will die in large numbers, which they did. So that was the first crime.
It's it's not a mistake. There are no mistakes here. Mistakes were not made. They were told to do this by figures at supranational level. We don't know exactly who, but we know this because these mad procedures changed in many countries all at the same time.
So that's hospitals in care homes, you know, assisted living, old age people's homes and so on. Many people were given drugs like myazam, which is an injectable form of a drug like valiums a sedative. But they were also given injections of pain relieving drugs like morphine, even if they weren't in pain. My PhD was in the field of understanding what opiate drugs like morphine due to the respiratory reflex, and I can assure you, it suppresses and suppresses it and depresses it. So if you give an elderly person on their own an injection of my Dazzler, they will become sedated and sleepy, and sleepy, and if you give them an injection of morphine, their breathing will slow.
I can tell you, it's absolutely forbidden to give a person those two drugs together, those two drug classes together, unless the arms are intense, ongoing medical monitoring. And the reason is they're very likely to fall asleep and stop breathing. That, of course, is what happened. So that's hospitals and care homes. Your relatives were killed by the medical procedures that were imposed.
Now it's quite possible early on that not everybody involved knew what was happening, but I'm afraid after a few days, you'd have to be a blockhead not to realize that it was what you were doing to your charges, your patients, that were resulting in their deaths. So I've completely lost any trust in the medical profession because virtually no one has spoken up. Four and a half years later, this happens to lots of people.
SNIP (full transcript exceeds length allowed in Substack notes.)
A short summary of a few key facts that all of us need to be fully aware of. Swallowing this bullet is very painful. But instead we can Bite the Bullet. Share this everywhere. Be empowered not cowed.
As the mother of one murdered by hospital protocol, I am greatly comforted Dr. Yeadon has spoken out on this topic. He is one of the most reliable sources on the recent pandemic and I trust him. People will NOT accept the hospital murder narrative because no one has been held accountable yet. If Scott Schara's case succeeds, we may see many who feel they too can seek justice.
People will not accept the truth because it is painful, and it requires sacrifice in taking your head out of the hole. The truth, although always liberating, can be a real kick in the nuts. The majority of people in this world at this point, our blue pill living, matrix embracing cowards. The likelihood that they will be justice for the perpetrators in this life is very very unlikely. Those who live the truth must be prepared to suffer and suffer greatly for it. But the truth is worth suffering for.. this is the uncomfortable truth
What I understand from Dr. Yeadon's statement is that the United States FDA and CDC and Phizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson knew the deception they were perpetrating and implementing and deliberately did so on the USA population.
If my understanding of Dr. Yeadon's statement is correct, I do not see that the new administration is taking strong action to make sure that the knowingly perpetrated crime never can happen ever again in the USA, and to me I do not see how the CDC and the FDA can continue to exist. I do not see how anyone employed at the current FDA and CDC can continue to be employed ever again for any "federal health agency" of the USA government. Entirely new agencies have to replace the CDC and the FDA that are so restructured to prevent a replay with the next "pandemic."
My "hopes" for the new administration are extremely diminished when I have this understanding.
2. They were simultaneously imposing it on every first world nation.
3. I will not speculate on how many people understood what was going on. I very much doubt many people in each company had any idea & very few would need to be fully aware. They just made (or labelled as theirs) the formula agreed.
4. All the regulators had top people who were in on it. They knew that they weren’t inspecting sites or reviewing data in submitted documents. More junior staff were probably not involved in any way. They just did their usual jobs and others way over their heads integrated the whole & issued needed authorizations.
5. Given that the most senior owners of capital must have authorised the long planned operation, coordinated with all media and tech, central banks and numerous agencies, it’s reasonable to assume that at the highest level, the plan overall continues independently of the theatre of elections. Politicians don’t actually run their countries and haven’t for a very long time.
6. Nobody is coming to save the collective us. We can only try to save ourselves if we want to enough. If you have it, faith is important.
Remember, who started operation warp speed? Yes, The orange haired fellow who still supports the potential lethal injection and claims it is saved millions of lives. With as many people that work for him and his ability to access total information, if he is not aware of the truth after four years, then he is too stupid to be the president of a Cub Scout troop, let alone the president of the United States. He knows damn well what is going on, and he does not give a monkeys fuck! That is the way a billionaires, for is a good book says, “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”
Forgive me but am Just using this opening to post my last plandemic post of the year.
"For example, during the recent coronamania, scientific “experts” galore drew upon their dubious—and in most cases totally spurious—scientific knowledge to dictate to Church leaders if, when, and how they should be allowed to administer or receive the sacraments and whether or not they ought to use vaccines derived from or tested on murdered babies."
I got a response from one of my doctor clients who I haven’t seen in a while. He’s a big shot at a major hospital and I basically begged him to watch your video when he responded this morning. He had nothing but pleasant to say to me about this stat and the other thing, but made no mention of your video. This is what I meant when I say most people don’t seem to give a monkeys fuck. Insanity.
All because of fake bird virus. My Raw milk guy is a small fish in the big ocean. He’s just the first, now they’ve coming after the chickens, next they will come after beef cattle. it is no accident that they are going up to the most healthy foods, to make humanity as weak as they can for their next assault. I’ve got my Bee pollen intake to counter the deficit of raw milk
Reports of a weird fog, making people ill all over the Earth from places that I live like Texas in California and other states to UK and Finland. Mass Internet, hysteria/modern voodoo or reality? Strange. Reports that it smells chemical
Happy new year to you, Dr. Mike! please keep up the extreme truth, telling as you see there about to ramp up the fraudulent bird flu BS! I want my raw milk back!😩 I have to fly 2 1/2 hours to Texas to get some now🤪
I do hope that most people who’ve visited this channel, perhaps engaged in “chat” & ideally done a little reading of occasional references are sure that:
1. We’re being lied to on all sides
2. Acute respiratory illnesses are not infectious or contagious.
3. It’s not possible to have “spreading waves of viral infections causing severe flu like symptoms. See 1.
4. “Vaccines” cannot possibly be helpful nor are they effective. Depending on how they’re made, they could represent a serious risk to health and even life. Decline all offers to be injected, fight any coercion as if your life depended on it, which it might well.
5. Do not be afraid. There’s nothing to be frightened of except human stupidity and evil.
Yes, typical. A pre-judgement which allows the rejecting person to make it right in their head not to listen to mere minutes of objective testimony.
He’s trapped also by assuming that “any problems with something I know as belonging to the category “vaccine” can only be discussed by a person considered qualified in “vaccinology” (talk about self referential!). My remarks in no way rely on the arbitrary naming convention adopted by purveyors of a new technology (in terms of mass market application).
I have sure Dr. Mike’s videos with five client, physicians,two of them quit and demanded a refund after watching the video(just kidding) The mayor of San Diego, who is a lost Lippard of the highest order, (i’m surprised he hasn’t sent the San Diego police out to arrest me), The mayor of the neighboring city of El Cajon, the mayor of Poway outside of San Diego, Dr. Jonny Bowden, a world breakdown author, in natural path, my bookkeeper, my father(he took me out of his will!) and my other teacher, Dr. Dale Comstock, a natural path and the 11 year veteran of the super secret Delta force. So far, I haven’t noticed any difference, but I will keep trying! Like they say in my new state that I just moved to in Texas, “you can’t fix stupid “
Would be interesting to see an article showing the different comments people are getting as they send the video to family and friends. Seems like people refuse to believe how the hospital killing and cognitive warfare created the illusion of a deadly pandemic, so I was of course cheered to see Dr Yeadon mention it from the beginning.
Imho, people have a lot of trouble recognising and understanding evil which is why we are in so much trouble right now. The normies do not see it at all, or think it can only come in the form of bombs dropped on their heads or a rapist in a dark alley, and many of the self-proclaimed 'awake' still believe that this was 'all just a mistake' by 'greedy pharmas.'
Thanks again.
Been saying this literally for years now. The willingness to not see the truth is astounding. Its like fingers in the ears "la la la la la I cant hear you" I find it incredible.
You know, I used to find it incredible how the Nazis got ordinary people to look the other way........now I get it.
It's really quite fascinating and scary at the same time. But yes, we could likely compile a comprehensive compendium of the various typical strategies taken by dissenters to support their positions.
Imagine how powerful and positive a force humanity would be if we weren't being pitted/pitched, willingly or otherwise, against each other. I wonder who would lose the most against such a united front ;-)
I just found all the 'Silver Bullet' news just now.
We, Humanity, owe you so much!
I truly mean it!
Let's be the silver guns!
Chief Justice of Nuremberg 2.0 Fact Checking NY Times & RFK Jr.’s Conspiracy Theories: Here’s What Trump’s Pick For Health Secretary Has Promoted (NurembergTrials.net) The Plannedemic, EUA Vaccines, Industrial Waste "Fluoride", Atrazine in Pesticides, 5G, Hormone Disruptors in Plastics, Synthetic Vitamins, Polio,AIDS, BioSpecific Weapons, Organic Foods, Cures Supression https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/fact-checking-rfk-jrs-conspiracy
I don't bother to try to warn people away from the "COVID" vaccine shots, having tried to no effect when the shots first came out. It isn't that I'm lazy; it's that people who choose not to think are on their own.
I do try to explain to some folks that there are no viruses--no "COVID", nor ebola, nor HIV, nor rabies, nor measles, nor polio...and no other virus. Virology is pseudoscience, like "global warming". Grasping the fact of no viruses boils down to two basic truths.
First, There are no studies using the scientific method, and using proper controls, that prove "contagion" (a sick "infected" person making a well person "infected" and sick. Virology was invented to explain what appears to the naive observer to be "contagion", so virology ought to be abandoned as bad thinking for this reason alone.
Second, no virus has ever been proven to exist. That is, no particle has ever been proven to "infect" (go into) "cells", nor proven to self replicate by "hijacking" the "machinery" of the "cell", nor proven to be pathogenic, nor proven to spread from cell to cell nor host to host. There is an easily understandable reason such experiments have never been conducted: they've found no virus with which to experiment!
To conduct the foregoing experiments, virus enthusiasts must first find and isolate the suspected "virus particles" (virions, to the initiated). They cannot do this, as they admit. But why not? There are two claims asserted to try to explain this oddity.
One, there are too few virions to find, isolate and purify, virologists inform us. But they also claim huge numbers of virions infect, replicate and overwhelm humans and animals, sickening and killing partly by force of numbers. I recently read of an estimate by a virus enthusiast that humans harbor on average about 3.78 TRILLIONS of viruses. Others claim 140 millions in a sneeze! Yikes! Too few to find and isolate? I doubt it.
The second claim used to explain no virus isolates is that, according to the virus story, virions hide inside cells! But how do those virions then "infect" cells and cause "contagion"? How do they jump from cell to cell and from host to host causing illness and pandemics? This excuse too seems to be empty and evasive.
There is a simple explanation for the fact of no virus isolation in the history of virology. There are no viruses to find and isolate. That they claim to "isolate" "viruses" using artificial tissue cultures with poisons and non-human and human substances doesn't rescue virology. Those are not "experiments" using an independent variable; they're rituals of mixing together toxic stews with no logical connection to isolation, regardless of study headlines, intros and conclusions.
I am grateful to the fake pandemic because, having naively taken "viruses" on faith all my life, I started reading trying to answer questions about "COVID". I came across an article by Jon Rappoport that reasoned no one had ever proven such a virus to exist, which made me wonder. That led to subsequent reading of 30 or 40 articles and half a dozen books.
Thanks to Dr. Mike Yeadon.
On the subject of the existence of viruses, one would have thought that - given the amount of it that somebody must have in their system in order for them to BE ill - and thence have a sample of their snot (..technical term, that!) analysed by PCR at ct40, you'd be producing 2^40 (i.e. over one trillion) copies of every fragment of transcribed viral RNA (>>to DNA) in those samples. In view of the amount of testing that was being done at that level of amplification, I had visions of it being created in such quantities that it must have been squirting through the keyholes as it pressed the lab techs up against the doors.
I would recommend to all read the book, “what really makes you ill?”by Dan Lister and David Parker. Also, my naturopathic teacher, “everlasting health”. He was telling everyone about the non-existence of viruses before 1990!
It is still not clear what the name of Dr. Mike Yeadon's Rumble channel name is (if he does have a channel) and not clear what the url is of this specific "Silver Bullet" posting.
The Institute of Justice to my knowledge is the only posting of this that includes the text transcript.
It’s all in the post.
video and transcript can be found here. Hope transcript is NOT AI and fully prepared and checked by qualified human.
Here is the text transcript, hope not AI transcript
Hello my name is Dr Mike Yeadon, and in the next 15 minutes or so, I would like to address those of you who've been vaccine injured or bereaved, and also those of you who are involved in the political process in Northern Ireland as well as anywhere else in the world who might hear me at the end of this process, I hope you will believe what I'm going to tell you, which shockingly, is that the materials masquerading as vaccines were designed intentionally to harm the people who received them. I
'm probably the most qualified former Pharmaceutical Company Research executive in the world speaking out on this matter, and since I spent my entire career in the business of working with teams designing molecules to be new potential medicines, I think I am qualified to comment on it, and that is my shocking judgment that has been only reinforced over the last almost four years since I first said it.
I'll also have some suggestions for what we can do together to fight against the global crime which is ongoing.
So just a little bit about me, so you can decide whether or not to believe me. So I'm a career long research scientist. I've worked all of my life in the pharmaceutical industry and in biotech. My first degree included a training in toxicology, so that's an understanding of how materials can injure human beings at a molecular level, and what the relationship is between the structure of them and and the toxicity. In my second degree, a PhD, I did research in respiratory pharmacology, control of breathing and control of respiratory reflexes. So and then after that, I joined pharmacist ministry in 1988 and I worked until very recently on new medicines for allergic and respiratory diseases. In my corporate career, I was for a long time responsible at Pfizer, then the biggest research based drug company in the world for everything to do with allergic and respiratory diseases in the research field. So that was my responsibility. And in the last 10 years, after leaving in 2011 I was an independent and I became the founder and CEO of a biotech company which was eventually acquired by Novartis, which was then the biggest drug company in the world.
So I have had a good career, and I was well regarded in the industry for my scientific acumen and judgments until, of course, I started speaking out against the nonsense the COVID pandemic, and especially the so called vaccines. I've become a persona non grata. It was my former colleagues after that. So I'm well qualified to comment on the toxicological principles, properties of molecules, and you know the kind of effects you might see from from certain structures.
So just very briefly before I talk about the so called vaccines, what happened in 2020, um, it's taken me a long time to get there, and I haven't made, I've made, uh or not, made everybody happy with the decision I've reached, but there was not a pandemic or a public health emergency.
I don't think there was anything at all, apart from lies, propaganda, fear based information, fake diagnostic tests called PCR
and then, as it were, misattribution of real illnesses that people did have, which were called COVID. When there was no such there was no such thing. But what happened, shockingly was that after the World Health Organization's chairman called a pandemic, which was not true, there's never been a pandemic. Won't be pandemics. They're immunologically impossible.
But after he called them, many countries in the world changed radically their medical management practices for people in hospitals, also in care homes and in the community and very briefly in hospitals, many people were sedated, had a plastic tube put down their airway and unconscious, put on Mechanical ventilators, I can assure you that is not ever an appropriate treatment for someone with a an influenza line. Illness, whatever you might think COVID was, but that would not be something you would do. And if given, if applied to frail and elderly people, they will die in large numbers, which they did. So that was the first crime.
It's it's not a mistake. There are no mistakes here. Mistakes were not made. They were told to do this by figures at supranational level. We don't know exactly who, but we know this because these mad procedures changed in many countries all at the same time.
So that's hospitals in care homes, you know, assisted living, old age people's homes and so on. Many people were given drugs like myazam, which is an injectable form of a drug like valiums a sedative. But they were also given injections of pain relieving drugs like morphine, even if they weren't in pain. My PhD was in the field of understanding what opiate drugs like morphine due to the respiratory reflex, and I can assure you, it suppresses and suppresses it and depresses it. So if you give an elderly person on their own an injection of my Dazzler, they will become sedated and sleepy, and sleepy, and if you give them an injection of morphine, their breathing will slow.
I can tell you, it's absolutely forbidden to give a person those two drugs together, those two drug classes together, unless the arms are intense, ongoing medical monitoring. And the reason is they're very likely to fall asleep and stop breathing. That, of course, is what happened. So that's hospitals and care homes. Your relatives were killed by the medical procedures that were imposed.
Now it's quite possible early on that not everybody involved knew what was happening, but I'm afraid after a few days, you'd have to be a blockhead not to realize that it was what you were doing to your charges, your patients, that were resulting in their deaths. So I've completely lost any trust in the medical profession because virtually no one has spoken up. Four and a half years later, this happens to lots of people.
SNIP (full transcript exceeds length allowed in Substack notes.)
Thank you so much
good stuff!
Great resource. Thanks
I think this is it.
Thank you. You are right. My Firefox browser is full of tricks.
The Rumble address for the home page of Dr. Yeadon's Rumble channel is...
The Rumble channel name for Dr. Yeadon's account is...
Mike Drop
The full URL for this Silver Bullet video on Rumble is...
The video notes on this Rumble posting are...
2 hours ago
A short summary of a few key facts that all of us need to be fully aware of. Swallowing this bullet is very painful. But instead we can Bite the Bullet. Share this everywhere. Be empowered not cowed.
Not found
404 error, this page does not exist.
I can see it.
I don't know why you can't.
Look what they searched!
As the mother of one murdered by hospital protocol, I am greatly comforted Dr. Yeadon has spoken out on this topic. He is one of the most reliable sources on the recent pandemic and I trust him. People will NOT accept the hospital murder narrative because no one has been held accountable yet. If Scott Schara's case succeeds, we may see many who feel they too can seek justice.
People will not accept the truth because it is painful, and it requires sacrifice in taking your head out of the hole. The truth, although always liberating, can be a real kick in the nuts. The majority of people in this world at this point, our blue pill living, matrix embracing cowards. The likelihood that they will be justice for the perpetrators in this life is very very unlikely. Those who live the truth must be prepared to suffer and suffer greatly for it. But the truth is worth suffering for.. this is the uncomfortable truth
Congratulations, Dr. Yeadon. I just read that you are Hero of the Week on the Solari Report. A well-deserved honor.
Thanks. I wasn’t aware. I admire Catherine hugely,
What I understand from Dr. Yeadon's statement is that the United States FDA and CDC and Phizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson knew the deception they were perpetrating and implementing and deliberately did so on the USA population.
If my understanding of Dr. Yeadon's statement is correct, I do not see that the new administration is taking strong action to make sure that the knowingly perpetrated crime never can happen ever again in the USA, and to me I do not see how the CDC and the FDA can continue to exist. I do not see how anyone employed at the current FDA and CDC can continue to be employed ever again for any "federal health agency" of the USA government. Entirely new agencies have to replace the CDC and the FDA that are so restructured to prevent a replay with the next "pandemic."
My "hopes" for the new administration are extremely diminished when I have this understanding.
1. They were imposing this on the US population.
2. They were simultaneously imposing it on every first world nation.
3. I will not speculate on how many people understood what was going on. I very much doubt many people in each company had any idea & very few would need to be fully aware. They just made (or labelled as theirs) the formula agreed.
4. All the regulators had top people who were in on it. They knew that they weren’t inspecting sites or reviewing data in submitted documents. More junior staff were probably not involved in any way. They just did their usual jobs and others way over their heads integrated the whole & issued needed authorizations.
5. Given that the most senior owners of capital must have authorised the long planned operation, coordinated with all media and tech, central banks and numerous agencies, it’s reasonable to assume that at the highest level, the plan overall continues independently of the theatre of elections. Politicians don’t actually run their countries and haven’t for a very long time.
6. Nobody is coming to save the collective us. We can only try to save ourselves if we want to enough. If you have it, faith is important.
Thank you for your gift of helping us to understand and withstand in the evil day.
Merry Christmas
Ephesians 6:13
English Revised Version
Wherefore take up the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand.
Unfortunately I feel the same. I think elections are coronations arranged to fool the public.
Behind the scenes all the important activities continue.
1) Follow the ballot boxes from the polling stations back to the count, to ensure they aren't [cough] 'diverted' for an hour or more.
2) I'd like to have seen what went-on behind the screen at 'king Charles' [note the leading apostrophe...] Coronation.
Remember, who started operation warp speed? Yes, The orange haired fellow who still supports the potential lethal injection and claims it is saved millions of lives. With as many people that work for him and his ability to access total information, if he is not aware of the truth after four years, then he is too stupid to be the president of a Cub Scout troop, let alone the president of the United States. He knows damn well what is going on, and he does not give a monkeys fuck! That is the way a billionaires, for is a good book says, “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”
It might go some way to restoring faith in them if Fauci were jailed by the incoming administration?
They may try that trick.
Forgive me but am Just using this opening to post my last plandemic post of the year.
"For example, during the recent coronamania, scientific “experts” galore drew upon their dubious—and in most cases totally spurious—scientific knowledge to dictate to Church leaders if, when, and how they should be allowed to administer or receive the sacraments and whether or not they ought to use vaccines derived from or tested on murdered babies."
A Preternatural Power Outage
Stunning…..as ever !
May God have mercy and help all , to remember His Justice!
Great work, keep it up Mike.
I got a response from one of my doctor clients who I haven’t seen in a while. He’s a big shot at a major hospital and I basically begged him to watch your video when he responded this morning. He had nothing but pleasant to say to me about this stat and the other thing, but made no mention of your video. This is what I meant when I say most people don’t seem to give a monkeys fuck. Insanity.
Thanks for the feedback.
He probably didn’t watch it.
While your view may well be correct, it cannot safely be drawn from your most recent exchange.
He may think you’re nuts!
I resemble that remark🤪
Just got back to California yesterday not only is the raw milk gone. There is not one egg in the store.! zero, zip, Zeiko (that’s Zulu) nada !
Oh hell, I love eggs.
Have they murdered all the chickens on false pretences?
And the milk, what gives there?
All because of fake bird virus. My Raw milk guy is a small fish in the big ocean. He’s just the first, now they’ve coming after the chickens, next they will come after beef cattle. it is no accident that they are going up to the most healthy foods, to make humanity as weak as they can for their next assault. I’ve got my Bee pollen intake to counter the deficit of raw milk
Happy New Year, Dr. Yeadon. All the best to you and yours.
Thanks & the same to you!
Experiencing any “chemical fog” in your area Dr Mike?
We’re abroad in the sun tbh!
My sister on the south coast of U.K. has told us that the weather is distinctly odd.
Reports of a weird fog, making people ill all over the Earth from places that I live like Texas in California and other states to UK and Finland. Mass Internet, hysteria/modern voodoo or reality? Strange. Reports that it smells chemical
Happy new year to you, Dr. Mike! please keep up the extreme truth, telling as you see there about to ramp up the fraudulent bird flu BS! I want my raw milk back!😩 I have to fly 2 1/2 hours to Texas to get some now🤪
Time to start shouting from the mountain top about the fraudulent H5N1 Fruad about to take place!!!’
I do hope that most people who’ve visited this channel, perhaps engaged in “chat” & ideally done a little reading of occasional references are sure that:
1. We’re being lied to on all sides
2. Acute respiratory illnesses are not infectious or contagious.
3. It’s not possible to have “spreading waves of viral infections causing severe flu like symptoms. See 1.
4. “Vaccines” cannot possibly be helpful nor are they effective. Depending on how they’re made, they could represent a serious risk to health and even life. Decline all offers to be injected, fight any coercion as if your life depended on it, which it might well.
5. Do not be afraid. There’s nothing to be frightened of except human stupidity and evil.
This shit is going get real ! Unbelievable Matrix living fools are going to fall for it again!
I’m afraid so too.
We, on the other hand, are going to retain our equanimity, not be frightened & side step the BS.
I tried to share Mike's video with someone and it did not go well:
May God have mercy on these poor lost souls.
Let’s see….
Yes, typical. A pre-judgement which allows the rejecting person to make it right in their head not to listen to mere minutes of objective testimony.
He’s trapped also by assuming that “any problems with something I know as belonging to the category “vaccine” can only be discussed by a person considered qualified in “vaccinology” (talk about self referential!). My remarks in no way rely on the arbitrary naming convention adopted by purveyors of a new technology (in terms of mass market application).
You can only lead the horse to water…
Thank you for trying.
I heard a good variation on that adage Mike - "You can lead the hordes to data, but you can't make them think".
I will continue to refine my delivery which can always be improved.
Thank you, as always, for your efforts.
When people - such as @Ken Barber are determined to not go in the room and see the elephant - no presentation can work.
I have sure Dr. Mike’s videos with five client, physicians,two of them quit and demanded a refund after watching the video(just kidding) The mayor of San Diego, who is a lost Lippard of the highest order, (i’m surprised he hasn’t sent the San Diego police out to arrest me), The mayor of the neighboring city of El Cajon, the mayor of Poway outside of San Diego, Dr. Jonny Bowden, a world breakdown author, in natural path, my bookkeeper, my father(he took me out of his will!) and my other teacher, Dr. Dale Comstock, a natural path and the 11 year veteran of the super secret Delta force. So far, I haven’t noticed any difference, but I will keep trying! Like they say in my new state that I just moved to in Texas, “you can’t fix stupid “
Bravo 🙌!