I’m glad I got the email about ‘Silver Bullet Day’.
So much has happened in the world, and particularly in Britain where I am sadly trapped in the tail off period since ‘Covid’ fizzled out without so much as a whimper.
I can’t help feeling a lot of the shenanigans, be they political or social upheavals and dramas have been manufactured, or at least nudged forth deliberately to distract us. The constant bombardment of information intended to overload our minds and leave little room or time for pondering or looking back. They want us to forget it ever happened and move on, while the ‘normies’ are allowed to remember and feel lucky or brave to have ‘survived’ because they believed the narrative and played along. I was lucky enough to smell a rat in the new year of 2020 when the Chinese face-plant artists were keeling over in the street and on train platforms as if they’d been sniped from a rooftop. I’m not medically trained or even particularly good at biology, but I know that respiratory infections whatever you want to call them don’t snuff people out randomly whilst they’re responding to a text or walking to the paper shop. It looked fake. Because it was.
I won’t bore you with the tribulations of the following few years as you’ve likely ‘been there, done that’ yourselves. But unlike some of the commenters online who seem to have enjoyed themselves and continue to brag “100% pure blood me, never had any of the jibbyjabs, won’t ever, never wore a mask - stand strong pure bloods 💪🏻” and all that bravado nonsense, I had a terrible time. My relatives all bought into it. l also lost a few friends on my dog walking route from people who decided I was a dangerous nutter (and probably an asymptotic super spreader!!!).
As such I have been conditioned to ‘just leave it’ as it always goes badly when I try to convince or convert people, despite a long and illustrious career in sales behind me. It’s just one of those thorny topics that really sticks in peoples craw for some reason. I suppose it all boils down to the Mark Twain quote, so often bandied around since 2020, “it’s easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled”, and bloody hell it really is.
So, what was my reaction to reading about the day of action? Terror if I’m honest. That sinking feeling in my stomach, like I’d get at about 5pm on a Sunday evening as it dawned on me I had a week of school ahead in the morning and I’d several homework assignments uncompleted after a frantic weekend of BMX riding had taken priority. It’s become one of those tasks one avoids until it’s an absolute necessity, like unblocking the bathtub plug hole.
I AM going to send the content out to my friends and family, and with a clear conscience, as Mike is right, we are the last line of defence in this information war. I thank you Mike for being unbending and steadfast throughout these awful last four (almost five) years. You’re a very clever, articulate and most impressive of all humble man. Best of all through your passion for motorcycles I know you also have an inner hooligan that you exorcise with a twist of the right wrist on occasion. Godspeed fella!
I'm in the UK too! I never bought into Covid - BBC over played their hand with their constant repetitive new bulletins! and stats!(Flu stats disappeared completely) There were comments from others too that made me think! Chris Witty now has admitted that he may have "got it wrong".
Other factors too more recently have confirmed what I knew! Thankfully Dr Yeadon has given us the facts! Now we know! The protein spike - a phrase embedded in my mind!
Lastly, I do think about the people I knew who died with cancer or in a care home and alone! I will never forget them! They dies during lock down!
(I know someone who has been changed by the 3 vaccines they have had! I am not joking!)
Thanks for replying to my post Fiona. Yes it was a bizarre and frustrating time for those of us who ‘knew’. I’m lucky not to have lost (in the dying sense) anyone, but I know so many people with injuries and general health decline since the ‘Safe & Effectives’.
It’s really very sad and depressing, but I’ve got to accept that people make (made) their bed and have to lie on it as much as my late grandfather use to say.
btw.... MSM and shadow government, globalists are trying to instigate and fan flames of.civip war with hate rhetoric and orders for law enforcement not to interrupt violent demonstrations.
Why are their persistent efforts, alongwith "civil war predictions" backfiring on them?
We are too distracted with our self centered lives, social media, and fluoridation of water which is intended for public complacency so we wouldn't push back against their underhanded tyranny via law-fare, propaganda, and pharmaceutical complex of bioweapons.
We are simply neurological, nervous system dulled and pineal glanda calcified with fluoride. I'm confident the pineal gland is our tender antenna to conscience or spirit.
So it’s the 25th now dr Mike and I’ve just listened to silver bullet for the second time (although in reality I’ve listened to and read the very same information from you so many times and I will continue to listen to you because quite simply, I trust you implicitly!) but what I actually didn’t know was that you were addressing the assembly in Northern Ireland where I’m from so on behalf of not just my home, good old norn Ireland, but the world, I thank you once again from the bottom of my heart and may God bless you and your family. Ps, listening to you addressing the people in Austria you alluded to graphine oxide and what you believed what may actually be behind its inclusion in the jabs, so maybe this will be silver bullet 2! Thank you once again Dr Mike and your wife too.
Thank you for that advice. Kayaking does that perfectly for me. I call it kayoga. Looking forward to the upcoming vid, and although I’ll do my best to spread the word, it’ll likely be preaching to the choir, because those left who will take me seriously understand the situation. My strike record helping to awaken people is abysmal. Can count it on one hand. Better to have tried and lost (a family member or friend) than to never have tried at all.
Thanks for taking all the hits, for all these years, and standing strong.
The behavior and response of all banks worldwide, in particular of USA, are indicative that this plandemic (shutdown and vax oppression) was in the works for minimum 3 years. The bioweapon engineering may have gone back a decade or more.
It's the banks, though, that give away the plan. Software isn't dreamed up, planned, coded, tested, approved, campaigned/marketed to banks via feds, shopped, boards of directors present, agree, select, install, software and hardware, training on it without losing one single moment of banking hours unless it was foresaw about 3 years earlier.
The hardware and software secure enough for remote bank workers didn't materialize fully functional and approved over night. It took years. That's a smoking gun if ever I saw it.
We could have been warned and we would ha e made different financial decisions. I lost everything. Just a hairstylist. Deemed unessential by the government that wanted me to believe it cared for me, my life, my health, my wellbeing.
A newly working widow but not qualify for SS widow benefits because I'm too young, but had just begun working again after being my husband's unpaid caregiver wife. I was an independent hairstylist. No PPP money, nothing. Lost everything.
I tell every client that sits in my chair now, of the corruption rampant in our government. I help them open their eyes. I serve 250 new clients a year. Hopefully, my campaign of truth will wake people up.
There aren’t enough glass vials available for order & dispatch, if the suppliers weren’t given significant lead time.
Similarly, there isn’t enough nucleic acids needed to make billions of PCR tests available for speedy shipping.
I suppose the 25 years of table top simulations of events that cannot occur yet involving, eventually, all the major countries of the world isn’t evidence of planning?
Thank you Mike for all you do. For some good news, with seeing all these Technocrats going into the White House, it does seem it's getting closer to when Jesus comes to take us away for the awful 7 year tribulation, when we meet Him in the air and go away to be with Him. Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry is a great series on this. Solid teaching.
This is the way "A Silver Bullet" though I do not have the finance to support at present point in time
What I would like to bring into being is what Mary Robinson with a CV close to imaginable, almost an Illusion, like an Ocean and here is what has been communicate by here quote ;
What is lacking is renewed and courageous "top down leadership" within all levels of government, combined with generalised "bottom up citizen pressure and engagement, to catalyse "fundamental transformation"
What this mean is ushering inn (s)elected Tyrants, this did happen decades ago, to bring around and about a dictatorship among the civilian people where even flowers can not grow much less any spirit or soul being suffocated over time i.e. killing you softly with issue ...........
In the past when these species (training and identifier code i.e. an algorithm non human) did arrive on site it took us three months to a year to leave thought the door and never to look back but it was mind boggling that suddenly these creatures did pop all over the place same deal "Catalyst" crisis initiator leaving in their wake a toxic and poisonous atmosphere constantly evaporating the same for those with "eye2see and ear2hear", A silver Bullet is much appreciated it will penetrate and take down empty shells for good and travel into the infinity being a CATALYST
catalyst /kăt′l-ĭst/
A substance, usually used in small amounts relative to the reactants, that modifies and increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process.
One that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences.
A substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected.
"thousands of enzymes serve in concert as calaysts to produce the sequence of reactions we call “life“; the industrial production of cheap ammonia depended on finding a good catalyst"
Dr Mike, you are one brave, moral man! Very few left!
I know! If only there were more Dr Mikes around-The voice of experience, expertise and common sense! plus compassion too! Thank you Dr Mike!
Where is Mike Yeadon's video
A good campaign idea! :) The risk if we don't.....? CATASTROPHIC FOR ALL OF HUMANITIES FUTURE BASICALLY!! THEY WIN. WE ALL LOSE....FOREVER!!
I’m glad I got the email about ‘Silver Bullet Day’.
So much has happened in the world, and particularly in Britain where I am sadly trapped in the tail off period since ‘Covid’ fizzled out without so much as a whimper.
I can’t help feeling a lot of the shenanigans, be they political or social upheavals and dramas have been manufactured, or at least nudged forth deliberately to distract us. The constant bombardment of information intended to overload our minds and leave little room or time for pondering or looking back. They want us to forget it ever happened and move on, while the ‘normies’ are allowed to remember and feel lucky or brave to have ‘survived’ because they believed the narrative and played along. I was lucky enough to smell a rat in the new year of 2020 when the Chinese face-plant artists were keeling over in the street and on train platforms as if they’d been sniped from a rooftop. I’m not medically trained or even particularly good at biology, but I know that respiratory infections whatever you want to call them don’t snuff people out randomly whilst they’re responding to a text or walking to the paper shop. It looked fake. Because it was.
I won’t bore you with the tribulations of the following few years as you’ve likely ‘been there, done that’ yourselves. But unlike some of the commenters online who seem to have enjoyed themselves and continue to brag “100% pure blood me, never had any of the jibbyjabs, won’t ever, never wore a mask - stand strong pure bloods 💪🏻” and all that bravado nonsense, I had a terrible time. My relatives all bought into it. l also lost a few friends on my dog walking route from people who decided I was a dangerous nutter (and probably an asymptotic super spreader!!!).
As such I have been conditioned to ‘just leave it’ as it always goes badly when I try to convince or convert people, despite a long and illustrious career in sales behind me. It’s just one of those thorny topics that really sticks in peoples craw for some reason. I suppose it all boils down to the Mark Twain quote, so often bandied around since 2020, “it’s easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled”, and bloody hell it really is.
So, what was my reaction to reading about the day of action? Terror if I’m honest. That sinking feeling in my stomach, like I’d get at about 5pm on a Sunday evening as it dawned on me I had a week of school ahead in the morning and I’d several homework assignments uncompleted after a frantic weekend of BMX riding had taken priority. It’s become one of those tasks one avoids until it’s an absolute necessity, like unblocking the bathtub plug hole.
I AM going to send the content out to my friends and family, and with a clear conscience, as Mike is right, we are the last line of defence in this information war. I thank you Mike for being unbending and steadfast throughout these awful last four (almost five) years. You’re a very clever, articulate and most impressive of all humble man. Best of all through your passion for motorcycles I know you also have an inner hooligan that you exorcise with a twist of the right wrist on occasion. Godspeed fella!
I'm in the UK too! I never bought into Covid - BBC over played their hand with their constant repetitive new bulletins! and stats!(Flu stats disappeared completely) There were comments from others too that made me think! Chris Witty now has admitted that he may have "got it wrong".
Other factors too more recently have confirmed what I knew! Thankfully Dr Yeadon has given us the facts! Now we know! The protein spike - a phrase embedded in my mind!
Lastly, I do think about the people I knew who died with cancer or in a care home and alone! I will never forget them! They dies during lock down!
(I know someone who has been changed by the 3 vaccines they have had! I am not joking!)
Thanks for replying to my post Fiona. Yes it was a bizarre and frustrating time for those of us who ‘knew’. I’m lucky not to have lost (in the dying sense) anyone, but I know so many people with injuries and general health decline since the ‘Safe & Effectives’.
It’s really very sad and depressing, but I’ve got to accept that people make (made) their bed and have to lie on it as much as my late grandfather use to say.
As we know ... sending this to friends and family will only result in anger ... and deletions.
How about this as a strategy... a two sentence intro and a link ... then invite readers to post this on every publish forum they can find
Examples: https://mishtalk.com/ https://www.zerohedge.com/ the list is endless.... most will reject it ... but at least they see something ... and it plants seeds
Yep, whatever might work is worth a try.
Obviously don’t do things you know are useless.
I am full of ideas.... https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-vaccine-whore
btw.... MSM and shadow government, globalists are trying to instigate and fan flames of.civip war with hate rhetoric and orders for law enforcement not to interrupt violent demonstrations.
Why are their persistent efforts, alongwith "civil war predictions" backfiring on them?
We are too distracted with our self centered lives, social media, and fluoridation of water which is intended for public complacency so we wouldn't push back against their underhanded tyranny via law-fare, propaganda, and pharmaceutical complex of bioweapons.
We are simply neurological, nervous system dulled and pineal glanda calcified with fluoride. I'm confident the pineal gland is our tender antenna to conscience or spirit.
Will look for the email
Will the world even make it to the 25th? I mean, that's almost a week away. These days I wonder how we can make it through 12 hrs ;-)
I know the feeling.
The best antidote I know of is to turn off every comms device and go for a walk.
So it’s the 25th now dr Mike and I’ve just listened to silver bullet for the second time (although in reality I’ve listened to and read the very same information from you so many times and I will continue to listen to you because quite simply, I trust you implicitly!) but what I actually didn’t know was that you were addressing the assembly in Northern Ireland where I’m from so on behalf of not just my home, good old norn Ireland, but the world, I thank you once again from the bottom of my heart and may God bless you and your family. Ps, listening to you addressing the people in Austria you alluded to graphine oxide and what you believed what may actually be behind its inclusion in the jabs, so maybe this will be silver bullet 2! Thank you once again Dr Mike and your wife too.
Thank you for that advice. Kayaking does that perfectly for me. I call it kayoga. Looking forward to the upcoming vid, and although I’ll do my best to spread the word, it’ll likely be preaching to the choir, because those left who will take me seriously understand the situation. My strike record helping to awaken people is abysmal. Can count it on one hand. Better to have tried and lost (a family member or friend) than to never have tried at all.
Thanks for taking all the hits, for all these years, and standing strong.
Link was missing for many
The behavior and response of all banks worldwide, in particular of USA, are indicative that this plandemic (shutdown and vax oppression) was in the works for minimum 3 years. The bioweapon engineering may have gone back a decade or more.
It's the banks, though, that give away the plan. Software isn't dreamed up, planned, coded, tested, approved, campaigned/marketed to banks via feds, shopped, boards of directors present, agree, select, install, software and hardware, training on it without losing one single moment of banking hours unless it was foresaw about 3 years earlier.
The hardware and software secure enough for remote bank workers didn't materialize fully functional and approved over night. It took years. That's a smoking gun if ever I saw it.
We could have been warned and we would ha e made different financial decisions. I lost everything. Just a hairstylist. Deemed unessential by the government that wanted me to believe it cared for me, my life, my health, my wellbeing.
A newly working widow but not qualify for SS widow benefits because I'm too young, but had just begun working again after being my husband's unpaid caregiver wife. I was an independent hairstylist. No PPP money, nothing. Lost everything.
I tell every client that sits in my chair now, of the corruption rampant in our government. I help them open their eyes. I serve 250 new clients a year. Hopefully, my campaign of truth will wake people up.
Undoubtedly this was planned, simulated and war gamed for many years before the off.
Paul Schreyer video on YouTube tells of all tabletop simulations.
The Plannedemic: RFK Jr ATTACKED For Saying COVID-19 Pandemic ‘May’ Have Been Planned?! Featuring Pre-Planning & Predictive Programming (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/the-plannedemic-rfk-jr-attacked-for
It was planned.
There aren’t enough glass vials available for order & dispatch, if the suppliers weren’t given significant lead time.
Similarly, there isn’t enough nucleic acids needed to make billions of PCR tests available for speedy shipping.
I suppose the 25 years of table top simulations of events that cannot occur yet involving, eventually, all the major countries of the world isn’t evidence of planning?
May!!!!!! Whose he trying to kid????
I can’t access the video. We cannot see it until the 25th?
Best to ask Tim. I’m just the speaker, I’m not organised enough to run a campaign:)
I'll be there. THANKS, TIM and MIKE.
In the end there be only two options...
A) Silver Bullet in their Head!
B) We the people take over and take over responsibility.
It is called Anarchy and the backbone of iot is free education and energy from water.
Or else there will be war.
A point I am making for quite sometime...
Thank you Mike for all you do. For some good news, with seeing all these Technocrats going into the White House, it does seem it's getting closer to when Jesus comes to take us away for the awful 7 year tribulation, when we meet Him in the air and go away to be with Him. Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry is a great series on this. Solid teaching.
How do we turn it on? There is no active link...
It is the image we ask you to share
It is not in the image anymore
It’s coming November 25. So this is the announcement that this video is coming soon.
Share it with people who are not awake !!!!
Looking forward to seeing the video.
This is the way "A Silver Bullet" though I do not have the finance to support at present point in time
What I would like to bring into being is what Mary Robinson with a CV close to imaginable, almost an Illusion, like an Ocean and here is what has been communicate by here quote ;
What is lacking is renewed and courageous "top down leadership" within all levels of government, combined with generalised "bottom up citizen pressure and engagement, to catalyse "fundamental transformation"
What this mean is ushering inn (s)elected Tyrants, this did happen decades ago, to bring around and about a dictatorship among the civilian people where even flowers can not grow much less any spirit or soul being suffocated over time i.e. killing you softly with issue ...........
In the past when these species (training and identifier code i.e. an algorithm non human) did arrive on site it took us three months to a year to leave thought the door and never to look back but it was mind boggling that suddenly these creatures did pop all over the place same deal "Catalyst" crisis initiator leaving in their wake a toxic and poisonous atmosphere constantly evaporating the same for those with "eye2see and ear2hear", A silver Bullet is much appreciated it will penetrate and take down empty shells for good and travel into the infinity being a CATALYST
catalyst /kăt′l-ĭst/
A substance, usually used in small amounts relative to the reactants, that modifies and increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the process.
One that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or changed by the consequences.
A substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected.
"thousands of enzymes serve in concert as calaysts to produce the sequence of reactions we call “life“; the industrial production of cheap ammonia depended on finding a good catalyst"
Yeah, the truth will spread. To speed it up, we use a catalyst. I think con-vid was the catalyst that got people to see the predator class sociopathy.
God I'm learning fast. Neoliberlism.