I remember the battles on Telegram about the climate emergency. About half and half at first. I was a proud non-vaxxing dad who knew something fishy was going on with this ‘Covid’ thingy but a staunch defender of the mainstream climate position.
I soon changed ! and then watched as pretty much the whole ‘truth’ community were eventually aware that the climate thing was all hoax.
We are at the same half and half point now with the fictional nature of ‘Covid’ as a transmitted pathogen caused disease. Extending to other viruses.
I don’t think it can be that long before it becomes really uncomfortable to be both ostensibly in the truth and freedom ‘movement’ and selling drugs using a Beware The Covid sign.
my awakening was similar to yours. in my case, a myopic nyc-centric perspective kept me from realizing that my little heat island was an outlier and far from being any kind of paradigm.
as doc malik says, there is definitely an ambulance chaser element at play among the supplement pushers who represent themselves as being part of the MFM.
I listened to an interview Doc Malik did with Ivor Cummins, in which both of them mocked those in the no-virus camp. It put me off him. (And Ivor, sadly, too.)
I too felt the "something fishy about this "covid" thingy." No thanks to the vax for me or my 91 year old mom living in a wonderful retirement facility that allowed a choice. (But my 2 sons, their wives and my 2 grandchildren were transfected, some as many as 3 times. So far so good.) "The 2 weeks to stop the spread" BS gave me a lot of time to read/research. That's when the climate "thingy" really came back into focus on my radar. When I was in college in the mid-seventies, climate cooling was predicted (hear loud buzzer noise here for NOT). In the mid-'90's a book came out called The Coming Global Superstorm. I may read that again because what is going on now regarding the manipulation of weather, the suspiciously huge extremes in weather occurring, are much like what was predicted in that book. Perhaps it was a hint of things to come as per "plan".
Anyway, Mike Yeadon finally arrived on my radar confirming my "spidy senses" about the covid cabal. He remains my number 1 truth hero, with JJ Couey currently at number 2.
I remember I had a conversation with Dr. Yeadon on Gettr.
I suggested then as I do now that the best way to expose a lie is by coming up with a solution to the problem of their making.
I suggested then as I do now that absolute Zero Emissions which is a Quantum leap forward in technology based on Energy from water and has nothing to do with a "Green new Deal" or so... is the way forward because it not only exposes their lies but their hypocrisies...
Think about it.
Energy from water and we never pay for fuel never pay taxes and live free and clean... the perfect solution.
Yes Mike, the climate has always changed and the arrogance of people who think humans can change it is off the chart. Same with the covid rubbish. I sometimes wonder what the average individual thinks about how people survived before the modern era???
I truly believe in chem trails that affect the climate and our food and the air we breathe. Ask DOD and Bill Gates about that. His plan is to place a shield around the Earth with chemicals to lessen sunlight. The man is truly insane and needs to be locked up along with the Soros dynasty. Our Earth is doing just fine, if he would quit tampering with it. —-And energy weather weapons are another real topic. They are being used to play God. God does see and know all. It is going to be permanent reservation in Hell for many people. I’m just thankful to God I won’t be with them. And “The Lake of Fire “ is real. And for the record, I’m not insane unless one believes teaching for 40 years makes one insane🤪
Yes I agree with you that the issues are with Gates & Soros etc. it’s the rest of us living our normal lives that aren’t changing the climate. We can see the Chem trails regularly, so it’s a bit hard to ignore.
These elites have made up a problem, as they usually do and are supposedly providing the solution, which in turn actually creates the problem.
The covid scam is the same and allowed the bio weapon vaccines to bring about the death and destruction they forecasted.
However when I grew up we had winter from November to April with snow as high as over 2m.
That is all gone now as we had about 3 days of white this winter and nothing last.
So there might be an element to it.
But I reject the thought that is is caused by Humans.
For example EV'S ... total crap... solve nothing... Wind Power is a scam... solves nothing...
These technologies are pushed to make our life worse for demanding that we make our life better.... so we are being punished for demanding what i.s our natural given right.
I call this a Dictatorship... and this isn't acceptable.
The answer as I see it is to show the world that there is a better way and we don't have to pay.
No pay for Fuel.
No pay for taxes.
No pay for pollution.
No Problem.
That is what my Idea of Energy from water is all about
And from Prof Dan Nocera to Stanley Meyer I have collected all the Technologies necessary to make a change from today.
Like Covid that never existed and the WHO Pandemic Treaty which does... they prepare us for a Dictatorship based on lies they push.... eliminate the lies... expose the liars... that is what I do.
One more thing... food for thought...
As this... my Technology is the Blueprint for Interstellar Travel I came across the problem of travelling between the stars... as this is an hermetic environment... that Zero Emission Technology is a basic for Interstellar Travel.
The thought behind it is as old as the Human Race and it originates from ZEN.
If you don't want to clean up... don't make a mess.
Right now all the problems are Man made... and by man made I mean Illuminati made...
They create problem shift the blame on us and punish us for the problems they make.
Eliminate the Problems... expose them... change our ways and we be Free.
They continue to MAKE problems and then point at the problems and say, “ Look, we have a problem!” I totally agree. I know the two- engineering chemtrails are causing some wacky weather in Wa. state. I’ve noticed our clouds changing and basically just look fake. Big, billowy clouds at times, more like Denver clouds. A mile high, clouds look different. Others have completely flat bottoms with a darker gray shade. Different, $ very strange. I’ve watched clouds for 50 years. These are manipulated, with dark stripes that look like something ( chemicals) falling to the earth. It’s similar to virga but too symmetrical between striping.
Also, look at Lahaina on Maui, fires in Cali., and Texas. D.E.W. fires caused all of our “ wild” fires the last few years. They blame climate change. They think we’re stupid and won’t research. Blue everything didn’t burn. Cars, garbage bins, cafe tents in Lahaina were left untouched.. why?
Because lasers don’t see blue. Original film footage shows many blue cars, etc. in the middle of scorched areas. ( Napalm scorched)
All due to wild fires? Even though wild fires could never burn hot enough to melt car metal & have it run, like a creek down the street. Never.
What about the guy that invented fuel from water? Is that the guy you mentioned? The one that said he was poisoned while meeting with CIA about his discovery? Any water right?
Snow, salt water, any water would work in this engine. Brilliant.
I heard on the radio that Microsoft is having a hard time getting under 30% carbon use. I don’t understand this well but AI is to blame, I guess?
Malcom Bendall -- father (well, rediscoverer) of the Thunderstorm generator, 'transmutes' to CLEAN burning petroleum generators/engines. MANY proofs of concept all across YT!
Have you talked this over with God? It sounds good. Are you a scientist, and have you worked with other scientists on your inventions. Do all agree? How about economist, too?
We talked about 2 h and I presented my technology in detail.
I presented to him my theory / findings that the speed of sound equivalents to the natural compression rate at this speed.
He first didn't understand but later he had to agree.
And it will be proven right.
As will be my other theories I work on.
So do I have a Title? No!
Am I a Scientist accepted by other scientists? No.
I am a self educated Person that don't believe in limitations.
As such I don't limit myself in my search of finding the Truth.
Everything is possible... one must only have the right frame of mind.
I hope that answers your Question.
Prof Wen is an expert in Hypersonic Propulsion...
And given the chance I will prove my theories right which will radically change everything in this field because my technology is by far the most advanced that there is... and I challenge any expert in Hypersonic Propulsion to debate them anywhere... this is how confident I am.
People could learn a lot from me if they weren't so stubborn and stupid in their believe that "Educated" Scientists are actually worth anything.
Science today is a system of believe... a Religion.
I don't deal in believe systems nor do I in Religion.
Well, there's certainly the fact of SAG (stratospheric aerosolized geoengineering), SAI (stratospheric aerosolized injection) and SRM (solar radiation management). The 100+ patents are in the public domain and can be found at Google patents or the uspatents.gov website. We have very reliable research proving that the mountains of nanoparticule metals, plastics and other materials including biological carriers we are being sprayed with by drone air tankers are not only found in the water, the rain, snow and soil (as well as your blood and tissues), they match the patents. It's also proven that the massive amounts of nanoparticulate metals block sunlight, creating a more friendly environment for funguses, trap heat so it can't dissipate off the planet and shred the ozone layer and are now so numerous that they are changing planetary convection patterns...we have observed the phenomenon of "global stilling.." and we are also now experiencing measurable UVC radiation, which should not be measurable at all on the ground (below 100k ft.) What's next? Gamma radiation (xrays). Yes, there is man-made climate change.
These are not only good points, they are PROVEN F-A-C-T-S. Idiots wanting to deny all types of man-made climate change without knowing where to look for facts while claiming to be "open minded" need to get informed. Visit https://www.geoengineeeringwatch.org and start educating yourselves, for God's sake.
Well, theoretically, one could loosely say the poisoning of the atmosphere with geoengineering, chemtrails, intentional removal of CO2 (necessary for ALL life), HAARP, etc is creating a "climate emergency" caused by "man"... except it's caused by a "handful of 300" (and their paid minions) of criminally-insane, demonic psychopaths who are causing intentional devastation/disruption of the "atmosphere" and life on the planet as we know it, using nefarious, unnatural, unrelated to normal human activity "means", methods, and poisons to contaminate the "climate" and life on earth... all of which are unrelated to farting cows, CO2, human activity, and so on.
early treatment the India way did cost 1$/person and the combination medics has been called Ziverdo kit. All states of India that did use it had 50x less Covid deaths than USA and the good thing is, we have an India control group, the state of Kerala. After August 2021 the vaxx only state Kerala did deliver between 40..50% of all India Covid deaths with about 2.5% of its population...
I treated many persons that got "fictional Covid", that did often last more than 10 days they got from remote virus transport over air streams....So its clear who lives in a fictional world.
Same for the heating of planet earth, that just last year passed the first critical trigger point of no return. Now we have one complete full year with > + 1.5C over all months and the Ocean in the US Mexican Gulf region is already up > 20cm. This is bad new for Trump fans as his famous Florida golf estate will be under water latest within the next 50 years .
So be aware that most people that spread Covid or climate fiction are paid Russian trolls.
There is no climate change of meaningful magnitude, let alone an emergency.
If you examine the longest time series of surface temperature monitoring, you quickly discover that, with the exception of a few very long lived monitoring stations mostly in U.K., there really isn’t much of a time series.
The entire warming claim of +1.5C since pre-industrial times (1880 or so) rests upon stations that were rural but due to encroachment of towns and cities, are no longer rural. The concept is “urban heat islands”. Cities simply are slightly warmer than the rural areas outside them. If what time series as do exist are examined while excluding only those stations which once were rural but now are not, the shocking finding is that there’s been no warming at all. None.
This isn’t surprising, because the entire concept, that human release of CO2 leads to warming, is false. The greenhouse effect is real, in greenhouses. It doesn’t occur in open systems. Not coincidentally, changes in surface temperature over geological periods of time are not preceded by changes in atmospheric CO2. Quite the contrary, temperature increases occur first and only after a prolonged delay does CO2 increase. In other words, different factors cause temperatures to change and these are widely held to be variations in solar output and in earths orbit as well as inclination of earths axis of rotation.
That atmospheric CO2 follows temperature is explained by the phenomenon that warmer oceans hold less dissolved CO2 than cooler oceans. This is why if you warm up your beer or soft drink, they lose their fizziness.
The most plausible explanation for the substantial delay between atmospheric temperature increases and atmospheric CO2 increases is their enormous differences in heat capacity or thermal inertia. The gossamer thin atmosphere takes a very long time to warm the huge mass of the oceans. Hundreds of years.
You can find data underwriting the above by reading papers in ice core analyses.
It’s utterly hubristic to believe our puny efforts change the temperature of the world, and it isn’t true.
Even if, as a thought experiment, we accept +1.5C so far. So what? Increased temperatures reduces the number of people dying as a consequence of being cold. Ten times more people die because of cold temperatures than warm temperatures. So even this assumption, that warming is bad, simply isn’t true.
Increased atmospheric CO2, which has definitely occurred even during my lifetime (I’m 64) has brought nothing but advantages. Reduced cold deaths, as above is one such. Another major benefit is that plants grow better in a higher CO2 atmosphere, which is why growers increase CO2 in their greenhouses. Turning to the open system, satellite images show that there’s more green biomass on earth now than in 1960. More important yet is that plants growing in desert margins do better with higher atmospheric CO2 and require less water. The reason for this is that plants need open their stoma on the underside of their leaves less, so they lose less water. Increasing CO2 strengthens drought tolerance.
Are you aware that, looked at over geologic time periods, the current levels of atmospheric CO2 are very low, compared with millions of years earlier? Were you further aware that plants stop growing if CO2 falls to 200ppm, only slightly lower than the lowest level reached before the modern era’s steady but modest increase? The mean value of atmospheric CO2 over very long periods of time is 2.5 to 3 times what it is at present. It’s unusual & arguably abnormal for CO2 to be as low as 420ppm.
You may ask what then is the cause of the increase in atmospheric CO2 over the last few decades. I think the most likely explanation is a period of warming several hundred years ago. That warming very slowly warmed the oceans, but a small extent. Our release of CO2 will have contributed something to the increase, though there’s an important data set that brings even that into question. In 2020, as you will have noticed, there was a substantial decrease in all kinds of industrial activity around the world. This temporary though marked decrease in human CO2 release should have been reflected in a reduced rate of increase in atmospheric CO2. There was no such reduction in rate in the data coming from the monitoring station on Mauna Loa, at least, there wasn’t when I reviewed it a couple of years ago. It’s almost as if humans are not an important contributor to atmospheric CO2, let alone the dominant cause.
Nothing but good things will flow from further increases and that’s a relief. Since we’re not the dominant driver, nothing that happens will have the slightest effect, except for the stripping of citizens’ freedoms.
“Net zero” is among the most overtly anti-human campaign messages I’ve ever heard. Hence the ironic “You are the carbon they intend to reduce”.
There’s not a single thing we’ve been told about this entire field that isn’t lies. Not coincidentally, nothing we’ve been told about “pandemics” which (in the case of acute respiratory illnesses) are immunologically implausible and in fact do not occur, is true, either.
I say “not coincidentally”, because both global warming and fear provoking “pandemics” are the selected lies chosen by contributors to The Club of Rome in the early 1970s to create the illusion of global problems that require international interventions and thus can be used to eviscerate the nation state and enable installation of a world government.
It’s not hidden. Go and watch Dennis Meadows of the Club of Rome explain his equal opportunities population reduction plan.
Even aside from all the self-outing pronouncements by the climate cult's high priests, all the information one needs to realize that "climate change" is an epic scam is out there, it's non-technical, and you don't even have to be looking for it. Last week I read a Wikipedia article about Maiden Castle, which led me to one on prehistoric Britain. How many Nut Zeroes would think twice about the catastrophic effects of a few millimeters of sea level rise if they knew about Doggerland? That's rhetorical; none of them would think twice because climate change is a death cult for self-hating and determinedly irrational fools. But the proof is out there for anyone else to find. It's not necessary to understand the physics of climatology to know that climate conditions were very different long before the first horseless carriage debuted. It used to be common knowledge that the western US once lay under an ocean. Now that's an inconvenient truth that's diligently ignored.
But "don't bother to examine a folly. Ask yourself only what it's intended to accomplish." In this case, the folly is intended to accomplish genocide on an unimaginable scale: killing billions of people to bring the population down to the sociopaths' stated "ideal" of 500 million slaves.
I once thought the Club of Rome was a fiction, but how wrong I was! If you want to get a feel for what shenanigans this old style WEF got up to in the 60s, 70s and beyond check out this substack post https://open.substack.com/pub/oxgmcxo/p/flash-back-15?r=pf0i9&utm_medium=ios (Mike features in the video I made that’s on that post) And thank you for your courage to stand so tall in this diabolical situation we are in Mike! I’ve been following you throughout your journey of exposing the truth. A truth which has taken us all time to accept :(
So right! Thanks. As a biologist I learned CO² amounts to 333ppm (that was in the eighties). I was engaged in a few nature/conservationist groups, mostly timber/protection of remaining virgin (rain)forests around the world.
I began to doubt the way it was going as the 'solutions' offered and agreed on (by all?) were self-restraint of timber industries (!) self controlled forest management ("timber from sustainable extraction"!) and 'debt for nature swaps'. (There are more, like regarding indigenous people of the rainforest as a kind of 'decor'.)
All these things went along with the increasing use of the word 'global', 'globalist', suggesting we humans could see the whole 'globe' (not coincidentally we had first good images of the planet from space).
Using 'global' for all (the planet) suggests it is managable, governable, steerable. Earth, in our perception, was shrinking.
Of course, it is not. We humans are by no means the only and most 'active ingredient' in this world we call 'ours'.
Each fly, each cow, each possum does what we do. And together with the plant kingdom(s) there is an equilibrium.
The deep canyons that exist on the island I live now, didn't carve into the rocks with the rain that we got now. They are witness to much warmer, much rainier epochs of time. And here we are.
We solely, as humans, contribute to poisoning the planet. Terraforming the planet. Polluting air, soil and water. But this is not addressed any more. The real damage we do, is not in the frame.
We now fight our own CO² footprint! 440ppm, parts per million. Which, as we naturally exhale CO², makes every human 'culpable' and thus punishable.
Interestingly those who claim there are to many people inhabiting earth, those who own all the industries that terraform, pollute and destroy air, soil and water, never volunteer themselves to leave.
The people saying cattle are an urgent problem seem entirely unconcerned about the vast quantity of plastic waste in the oceans. They’re very selective about their concerns...
Oh there is climate change all right - I'm a mountaineer, and I have seen with my own eyes the massive retreat of glaciers in New Zealand between my first visit there in 1977 and my most recent trips in 2010 and 2019.
HOWEVER! .... the part of Scotland I live in was covered in vast ice sheets less than 20,000 years ago - a mere blink of the eye in geological terms - and the ice sheets have been retreating ever since - clearly this is not man made. So if we are tweaking the climate a bit - increasing C02 levels for example - this is unlikely to be a significant factor, and may even be beneficial by reducing desertification and improving crop yields and reforestation.
What about increased undersea thermal activity recently, like the Hunga Tonga undersea eruption in 2022 I believe? Could that contribute to the “ocean is boiling” nonsense? That is what I have read in several places. It may be mentioned below, but being busy this week, I may not get there. Thanks for your work and clear analysis.
Yes, and "we" had not-even-a-clue about how many underseas volcanoes were down there (think: gas stove pilot lights, small amounts of heating to the 'water in the pot' (the ocean above). As the Earth moves in-and-out of its non-circular orbit about our star, as we drop into each Solar Minimum, there is (every TIME we've identified a minimum in the geological records), there isa large increase in volcanoes and earthquakes. Turnes out -- there are thousands of undersea volcanoes we never knew about/had never found -- but they're starting to ... turn up the gas.
Ask them to explain (ha! if they can!) why the "ocean warming," the climate-commie-idiots scream about, does not happens mostly on the surface (try blowing hot air over a swimming pool; does the pool water heat up?), but some thousands of feet down. The oceans' surfaces are not heating up; the mid-levels (you know, like, above the newly discovered/counted volcanoes?) are what the whining about 'heating oceans' are being maliciously used to push the program of destruction of First World civilizations!
These people acting to destroy is have absolutely NO knowledge of geology or history/prehistory, or astronomy! But boy! That have excitement and reilgious FERVOR about it!
So succinctly put. The Club of Rome are one of the major steering groups of this whole global shakeup and lie. The members and their cohorts need rounding up, fast! They all need a good dose of what Guantanamo provides and removing from society so that 'us reasonable types,' are left to live in freedom forever.
Hi Dr. Yeadon, I tend to agree with virtually everything you said here about "climate change", however since your comment was so intelligent (and informed) I want to ask you a question. What is your take on weather warfare? I always have suspected that a lot of extreme weather is brought on by either experiments/manipulation (by mankind) or Mother Nature. Years ago I read about the Aum Shinrikyo cult (Doomsday cult, Japan, sarin gas/Tokyo subway)-I read about them devising an Earthquake machine of some sort & testing it in the Australian outback. It worked, supposedly. I've always thought if some cult with limited resources could do such a thing it's pretty obvious any large government could also. I just looked online to find a link to the Earthquake experiment they carried out, but it seems all the talk has been obscured with "A meteorite caused it" and other explanations. I had originally read they built some sort of "thumper"-an audio device or something that caused sound that eventually caused "feedback" or a crack in the plate. No Earthquake had ever been detected there before (Who knows?) & there was no fault line there either. Sorry about the cult/earthquake info, I'm asking about weather manipulation. The only reason I brought up the earthquake in Australia information is because it's almost weather manipulation, it is geoengineering, and if it's true it points out just how easy it might be to do big science experiments on a tiny budget, not to speak of the amount of cash DARPA & NASA get each year. --- I would never have thought to ask you about weather, but you seem to know much more than viruses. So, what exactly do you think about planetary weather weapons and such exotic science?
This is meant for Mike Yeadon: What do you think about the idea that EMF's are causing massive harm, and now with 5G we, critters, plants, everything, are in extreme danger? (I wish Substack would fix the problem of the linking of comments to the person they're MEANT FOR! No offense, arturo, but your response is also welcome!
Not correct. If CO2 was a strong determinant of surface temperature, we’d expect a reasonably clear correlation between the two variables over geological time.
1. Solar irradicance (sic) & albedo are more or less the same thing. But why would this be a reason that CO2 could affect climate now & not be correlated in the past?
2. Water vapour? Once again why would this gas not exist in the past?
Thank you, yes, what they’re doing is frightening and the reasons behind what they’re doing are literally nuts.
They have the cheek to say that people like me aren’t “following the science”, when they come up with absurd claims like cattle are an important component to “global climate boiling change” (credit: Dom Waterson of Sheep Farm podcast’).
It seems reasonable to assume that there are various modalities of attack, not just one. Covid, Climate, CRT (which includes Mass Immigration), Ukraine, Trans/LGBTQ, and a complex transformative assault on national economies via a globalist scheme. The motive for this multiple-pronged operation seems to be to subvert the West as it has grown organically, and replace it with a totalitarian new world order.
Of course Mr. Yeadon supports Russia and is a paid Russian agent today as he co - runs the https://t.me/robinmg channel on telegram.
On telegram one of the three channel masters Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar will kick you out if you don't comply with the Russian or Oil industry narrative.
Planet earth is 1.62C hotter as of today and this is measured by an uncheatable machine (satellite) called sentinel.
Whether you call it climate change or not doesn't matter. We heat our planet beyond any reasonable limit. The alpine vegetation (Europe) already did climb uphill by 300m in altitude and of course each hill is finite and soon some more species are gone for ever.
Of course all is also a business case. Some land in the north will gain 100x value where all property along shores will be soon worth 0$....
WOW! You're scientifically, historically, and prehistorically illiterate: entirely uneducated in geology, astronomy, planetary science, and EVERYTHING else that was mixed up to make your fervent brainwashing! EXPLAIN why MARS is and has been heating up over the SAME timespan and to the SAME degree(s)! Are the MARTIANS driving SUVs?! Burning... must be OUR... "fossil fuel, cause Mars doesn't have any?
Why do you parrot propaganda instead of learning about "snowball Earth" and the wild (and slow -- and *natural*) swings in planetary temepratures? Ever even HEARD of the Little Ice Age and the European WARM period? They were growing WINE grapes in northern England! That warm period was when there was food and leisure enough to build CATHEDRALS!! And then the warm period ENDED and everything shrank back down to a struggle to survive! Or do you think the medieval Europeans were driving SUVs?!?
Oh, it was lies? Did your school teachers tell you that the evil-bad Norse LIED to get their people to move to *Green*land, even though "Greenland was an icy desert." WHY don't you know that at that time, Greenland WAS green and lush -- and the sheep and the people lived fine! Or do you think the Norse began building coal-fired power plants for which NOarcheological remains exist!?
STOP letting our enemies brainwash you -- set out and do your OWN education, cause you have NOT gotten any!
I will only add that the globalists want to take over almost all sectors of the economy themselves and therefore do not tolerate competition. Agriculture is part of it. The farmers are thus deliberately driven into poverty. The climatic reasons are of course put forward in order to gain the acceptance of the unsuspecting citizens for this robbery.
I love the 'numbers game" those innumerate climate-idiots play: we NEED to kill off many (preferably ALL) of the millions of cows in this country, so cow farts don't end the planet!!! Of course, they NEVER consider (they likely never learned!) that before we Euorpeans arrived in the U.S. and began the mass slaughter, there were an estimated SIXTY MILLION buffalos here -- which are MUCH larger than 'cows' and yet, somehow, oddly, all those turbo-farters seemed NOT to make the proto-U.S. turn into a desert!
And, yet they want to kill off the U.S. cows -- but somehow India's 301.6 million cows are (literally) sacred and mustn't be harmed, damn the alleged/fake warming!! Yet, the liberal-commie-idiots don't want to restrict India and China from massively increasing the supposedly damaging CO2 producing industries, that's only in White Western countries! NO BEEF for you! Eat deh bugs!!
Carbon causing global warming is not true. But the spraying of nano particles of aluminum and who knows what else. That is destroying the planet. https://youtu.be/7-0Hb6asKzI?si=tIRHf-LNNlFLT72Q
I did my post grad in climate science. I agree with you about the Heartland Institute and I’ve spent quite a bit of time studying them and 6 years ago would have agreed with you on what you’ve said here. Part of that was along the lines of “why would 97% of climate scientists lie”. But covid disabused me of that and I’ve come to know more of the likes of the WEF, Club of Rome and just generally eugenicists. So the Heartland Institute has competitors who/which are just as prepared to lie as they are. Scientists are just like doctors, some malicious, some not prepared to rock the boat.
One of the things that I learnt in my post grad was that CO2 has never caused warming in the past. The increases in CO2 have in fact always followed warming in the past, that warming being caused by the Sun. Initially I didn’t give this too much intellectual effort and what was there was along the lines of ‘well there was no industrial civilisation then either’. Yet CO2 is only 422 parts per million now and while humans have been on the planet, before industrialisation, it’s been up past 2000 parts per million.
I don’t doubt that there is warming happening right now but is CO2 causing it? It would seem unlikely. But it is certainly useful in pushing an agenda.
Mike I have a question for you regarding that Ziarco Group nonsense of a decade ago, are you going to come clean on it?
You could be very very very very very new to all this - in which case why are you speaking so ferociously about stuff of which you clearly know nothing about?
So much work done on this by so many people over the last 4 years.
You would have to have crawled out from under a rock to be genuinely this unaware.
Why was Jo Waller banned? I might not have agreed with her but she was being respectful enough from what I saw. What is free speech these days if voices get blocked from everywhere..
No new disease, no new virus (whether lab-borne, cave-borne, market-borne, or outer-space-borne) means no justification for the amount of money & fame the Early Treatment regime has gained.
Was 2020 the best thing that ever happened to you professionally?
If so, then I'm not super interested in what your version of the truth is, because it's almost certainly going to be aligned with the perpetrators' Core Story about a novel risk-additive coronavirus spreading from person to person.
If people reading your comment don’t already know this, you, Jessica, are a true, top tier truth warrior. You’re a hero! ( yes, it’s okay to blush, haha)
Jessica: Am I misunderstanding you? Maybe I did... If so, I'll leave my comment because I'm not party to the "Viruses are Real" club. It's SO IRRITATING THAT SUBSTACK CAN'T ALIGN COMMENTS TO THE INTENDED PARTY... Sorry, Myra.
I would like to mention the late and very-much-missed brilliant citizen Debbie Lusignan (The Sane Progressive). She wisely called those in question, "Virus pushers against clot shots".
I live in the UK where nurses were dancing in the corridors, GPs paid per Covid shot and where the government built huge Nightingale pop-up hospitals costing millions and they were never used.
Nailed it Jessica. They tell the ongoing stories about what the "bad guys" are going to do but we have the "fix" @ $300 bucks a pop or whatever. Worse than the perpetrators imo.
When "preparedness" ( degrees, scientific papers, spurious/ scary commentary) meets "opportunity" ( Convid & it's "variants") Result; the new " real science" & our saviour's, who HATE to be questioned. At least I know what the other grubs are trying to achieve.
Jessica: Ever seen a SS page by Christine Massey? She's a scientist, first off, and she has sent HUNDREDS of FOIA's to labs and doctors ALL OVER THE WORLD. Not ONE lab or individual has EVER been able to prove the existence of a virus. Not one. FYI
Dr Yeadon, there are some who question whether the notion of pandemics is in fact viable. Simply put, this is on the basis that there has never been a pandemic in the past and that if pandemics existed, the human race would have been driven extinct by now. Sasha Latypova is the person I first heard this concept from, and I think she makes a sensible argument. What do you think?
It is also remarkable that the definition of pandemics and vaccines change in concert with the narrative the authorities want to perpetuate.
While those are reasonable grounds alone to question whether pandemics could be more than a scenario in a scary movie, like “Contagion”, for example, there are others.
I like to add a qualifier, just for precision. “Pandemics of acute respiratory illnesses” are a fictional construct.
We can reach a good degree of confidence in this assertion by more one route.
1. Reading the scientific literature on contagion, or transmission, of symptoms of acute respiratory illnesses. Long & short, it doesn’t happen. When a person with such an illness (“donor”) spends time sharing space with a healthy person (“recipient”), the recipient does not acquire the symptoms of the donor, over the next few days and weeks, more often than when two donors share space.
2. Examination of claimed pandemics of acute respiratory illnesses. It doesn’t take long before you trip over obvious lies and trickery, such as pretending contagion occurs (not easy to detect as a trick, because we’re all trained to think it’s true, whereas there are other explanations for the phenomenon of apparent contagion). In recent times, we see our friend the “PCR based diagnostic test”. What these generate is the little known but astonishingly true “PCR false positive pseudo epidemic”. The kicker is that even when you attempt to look the Spanish Flu “pandemic” in the eye, you find nothing but misdirection, exaggeration & medical malpractice. In every case, social engineering is used to condition us into buying it as a pandemic, where the reality is that something else happened.
But yes, if the kind of massed, contagious event that we’re told has happened & that “the next pandemic is just around the corner” as a government minister recently said in the House of Lords, could actually happen, it would be reasonable to expect copious evidence of such events in the past.
I credit a conversation between these two gentlemen as an important catalyst in my growing scepticism about pandemics.
It’s one hour long and densely packed and we as done with good humour.
Not to speak for Dr Yeadon, but as someone engaged in battling Rockefeller-Gates Biotech Mafia for over two decades and familiar with tactics of meddlers and grifter.
Sasha is not a trustworthy source and her smear attacks against two of the best researchers to cross my path, while taking bits of others research without attribution put her beyond grifter into meddler territory. My suspicions were confirmed when Sasha launched into a smear of Mark Kulacz in Doc Malik's post with Mark's interview & my polite pushback got me banned & subscription revoked by Malik after Sasha threatened my comments would get me banned. and Malik did exactly that.
In my estimation the wench stinks like week old fish as a source because censoring articulate challenges and resorting to character smears rather than challenging facts makes her a insincere actor and worthless as a primary source.
Oh the irony, mentioning “smear attacks” you allege that Sasha Latypova has made while, and I quote, describing her thusly:
“the wench stinks like week old fish as a source because censoring articulate challenges and resorting to character smears rather than challenging facts makes her a insincere actor and worthless as a primary source”.
In what way did the choice of words constitute an “articulate challenge”.
For the record, there’s literally no hint of a specific point of disagreement you have with Sasha.
Would you like to lay out at least one, articulate challenge? Seriously, I would like to hear it.
If someone was a neutral, coming to this for the first time, it has to be conceded that Sasha’s profile could be used to smear her. I mean, what are the chances that she’s NOT KGB, given she’s a Ukrainean American, raised in the Soviet Bloc, ultra smart, successful entrepreneur, an excellent painter, highly competent with a range of firearms, how based off grid in a strongly defended bunker in New Mexico. She’s probably the owner of several passports and trained in martial arts, too. I made most of that up, though all of these have been flung at her.
On the other hand, my own profile has Deep State more or less nailed on. Lifer in the pharmaceutical industry, previously had Top Secret clearance, worked at Porton Down (that’s probably where they installed the chip, haven’t you noticed he’s always touching his scalp behind his left ear?), claims to have been a successful entrepreneur (yeah, right, that provided a cover story for why he doesn’t need to earn a crust). And we’re told he’d never once looked at or thought about vaccines until the fakedemic, a likely story. No, he’s so obviously a crook.
"In what way did the choice of words constitute an “articulate challenge”."
Not a hint there and unfortunately this is a carry over from Doc Malik's post where Sasha launched into smears about Mark Kulacz and Jay Couey and my challenge to that "were an articulate challenge and polite including errors about research. "
Three replies pushing back on unfair smears and slurs drew a barrage of name calling at me w warning by Sasha Malik would ban me which he did.. account was revoked and comments deleted which is what earned the stinks like week old fish description.
While it may not be classy it's as spot on well deserved summary of our interaction. As much as you make is a fair point about background as a tool to misrepresent someone as many have done to you my own discounting relates to inaccurate information and general nastiness. All the vaccine challenges here are about Christine Massey not Sasha.
Liars stink like week old fish and it's their own words that define them. Check Malik's post and apologies for bringing it here but Twitter has had me banned since 2020 and my first engagement with Sasha directly got me censored on Substack at Sasha's suggestion and nothing about that speaks to an honest actor.. no background attributions required.
It’s unconscionable that Sasha now has a paywall on her Substack. Freedom fighter? I used to think so. But when money comes into the picture, it’s no longer about truth and freedom, but profit! It has greatly marred her integrity in my view.
We’re already in World War III and those professed Christians like Sasha and other Substackers who have Paywalls or “Subscribe-Only” accounts complain about their messages not getting out there to the masses. Are these Substackers so blind? Do they not see the very real hindrance they create with their Paywalls and Subscriber-Only accounts? HYPOCRITES!
I don’t care what excuse these Substackers proffer to justify their Paywalls & Subscriber-Only accounts. And I don’t care how hard they work either. We didn’t elect them to become a freedom fighter.. Yes, the laborer is worthy of his hire. But we didn’t hire them! Yet now they want to charge The People a toll for accessing their information. Looks like the road to freedom is not free but paved with gold💰 💰 💰 💰.
Many of us foot soldiers on the front lines, like myself, have asked for nothing. I’ve lost so much income because I’ve sacrificed work to speak to people about what’s going on in the world. I spend a lot of time keeping up with the latest research and findings made by various others and as a consequence, I am behind on my bills. I live like a pauper. And I don’t care, because if I can help awaken one person, my sacrifices will have been worthwhile.
When did our Founding Fathers of this great nation require payment for their efforts? To be sure, they held fundraisers for the war effort. But they never withheld the Truth or information from The People. PAYWALLS AND “SUBCRIBER-ONLY” ARE A BANE, A PROSTITUTION OF THE IDEA OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT. Everyone needs to unsubscribe from these HARLOTS — these PHARISEES & SADDUCEES who profess to be acting in the Spirit of the Christ. Yet, they do but act according to the (monetary) Letter, not the SPIRIT of THE LAW.
THANK YOU, MIKE, for not letting money and profit undermine your impeachable character! You are the real deal!
Well, getta loada this: "Sasha-Dahlink" went ahead and reached right into my credit card an' signed me up for a paid subscription-- all without my authorization-- so, yeah, she's a crook. I called the credit card company and am having that lil' Barbarian THIEF return my money, then blocking her substack from taking it again. That's the kind of "Christian" we're dealing with. Good luck, kids.
Pretty much everyone has a paywall on their substack these days. At least Sasha's work is free for the first week after she posts. More than can be said now for 90% of the people (patriots) on substack who only give "unpaid subscribers" a couple sentences of their posts.
Dear Pamela, I think you should reconsider the situation. the "feud" may be mere internet drama to keep the audience entertained.
I think Sasha is solid, and Housatonic is iffy. But I'm biased against engineers, and biased in favor of entrepreneurs, so I may be judging wrongly. See? I also evaluate where I am. My POV may not be seeing the whole scenery.
Thanks for the biggest laugh of the day and tips for my world view. Mark was on my radar for research skill years before the Covidian era.. Sasha looked iffy at the outset and looks worthless except as a grifter with info that clouds the issue. Tracking the Biotech Mafia has been a top sport for me for over two decades and Sasha is a waste of time at best.
Mark has gone through a lot, from what I heard him say. I take that into consideration.
On Engineers versus entrepreneurs. Engineers tend to be stubborn and even paranoid. Entrepreneurs tend to be adaptable and amoral.
Engineers tend to look at social solutions for problems, which is always wrong, in my opinion. There are no social problems, much less social solutions. Only personal problems exist, and society stands in the way.
But Entrepreneurs are too selfish. Or so the muggles say. They can be easily manipulated by evil doers, which makes them appear as evil themselves. Evil people often pretend to pass as harmless entrepreneurs, because the entrepreneur looks good very often. But not to all people. Some people have great prejudice against entrepreneurs. At least as much as I have against engineers.
It’s best to reevaluate prejudice from time to time.
Perhaps you should consider things from a different angle. Like, pharma executives who think in this manner: “we are always focused on following the dumb rules and find the optimal way to do our thing (profits!) without causing too much inconvenience, and now these privileged motherfuckers get to poison the people and earn unheard of profits by having infinite get-out-of-jail cards, given to them by utterly corrupt and converged regulators, and we receive all the heat and hate from everyone, even though we are not guilty of this one, at all. We are not having it! No sir!”
She's off her rocker with daily attacks against anyone and everyone who dares question her infallibility-- not to mention her showing us all of many and increasing examples of bad character. She came onto Meryl Nass's substack, looked down through the comments and attacked me there, as well as on Steve Kirsch's substack (she's on record saying that Kirsch, as well as Malone and the pathologist, Ryan Cole, are fakes who work for D.o.D.-- oh, and I work for "Maloney-baloney" and am on her substack just to "get" her, l.o.l.). As I replied to her with every attack, Sasha's showing who she is with each and every attack, as well as wasting her own energy and damaging her own health... while she could only send the usual replies dripping with sarcasm and contempt. This is why I waited to see who is gold and who isn't. I now reward Meryl Nass for her work, as well as Steve Kirsch. And I don't give a crap if TROLLS here wanna make anything out of this fact-- Don't like that? Well: "FACT OFF, kids!"
Too many years in anonops to let the batsh*t crazy hen house crowd rope me into more than occasional floor mopping exercise... decades of smugnorant wenches copping attitude is a tough sell when they look as ridiculous as kiddies making a fuss on the field trip hurling names & bragging of their own something.. behaving like children flaunting smugnorance & closing with prove me wrong.. huge fun to watch folks show who they are w their priorities!
Have you noticed that, of all the categories of product of the pharmaceutical industry, vaccines alone may not be questioned, let alone criticised?
It’s acceptable to question whether “cholesterol busting” drugs are effective & separately whether they are safe.
It’s acceptable to question or challenge a whole category of claimed anti-depressant medications.
You can certainly take issue with a specific inhaled beta adrenoreceptor agonist in asthma while being OK with the class.
But even questioning any vaccine rapidly gets you into trouble. Asking a question is considered “anti-vax”. If you challenge a vaccine, you’re a “dangerous anti-vax lunatic, whose free speech rights deserve to be curtailed, in order to protect the public”.
Why is this? Why the distinction between so-called cholesterol lowering drugs & vaccines as an entire class?
It’s not merely market value. At one point, while patent protected, Pfizer’s cholesterol lowering drug was the biggest selling drug in the world.
If an article appeared, questioning the rate of muscle pain while taking the drug, it’s owner or a “key opinion leader” (KOL) would write a rebuttal. It wouldn’t be some random person or someone from a different company.
Anyone asking questions of vaccines comes under attack from all sides. The media. Doctors, especially of the TV variety. Ministries of Health. Whoever was speaking in parliament. It’s extraordinary.
I have an hypothesis. It’s that it was always intended that injections were going to be used for nefarious purposes.
This might not be the sole reason but I have an uncomfortable feeling that it may well be the case.
I refer to it as the most premeditated holocaust in history. And prior to CONditioning 19, I was just a head up my arse debt slave entertaining myself to death like the next person. The only thing different between myself and my 3 daughters and most people? We have never had an injection previously referred to as an immunization- ever!. Not even the vitamin k.
All the last four years has done is provide me with more and more and more evidence that in a self preservationary sense, the decision my parents made with me ,and I with my daughters, was the appropriate decision. I knew nothing of the eugenics / depopulation crowd or the extent of the adepts and elitists arrogance and derangement . It's been an eye opener to say the least. I'm in Melbourne Australia, and those that were as I woukd describe it as - Laying in wait for their own blood- was signicant. But they didn't need more than a critical mass to have the manufacturers of our consent in media, sway the silent majority that the ludicrous notions of a pandemic were real.
In spite of the perception management complexes hold on the collective mind, by mid 2020 I was suggesting to the defense forces on posts on social media that if they stood with the people, we were with them even though the majority still.had their head up there arses - not knowing at the time social media is a military operation in itself 😂. If we don't learn from history, we will be as a child forever. As the social engineers and nudge teams infantalised the flock, those more susceptible fell more into the state they had been groomed for - ready for whatever daddy gov.co had waiting in the wings next.
Dr Ayoub is one you probably know Mike .
These are from 2005 and 2008
Even though he says in the second one that familiar tag line - he wants safe vaccines, and he's not antivax, I persevered.
It was informative. Obviously the connections he makes between the Kissinger Report and Gavi is like a case study in doublespeak
You're preaching to the choir here Mike, but in spite of the demoralization aspect of the operation the revelations of these atrocities are serving - they were always going to tell us if the SPARS scenario / script is any indication, I still find myself sharing the apparent realities that we might hopefully steer the direction of the more and less susceptible more rightfully.
We are all susceptible.
When you look at the mountains of literature, presentations, papers, voices etc. on the orchestrated incremental democide by this communitarian greater good cult, like I said, it is like the behaviorists want us to know, and now they are simply rubbing it in.
Not bad for a psychological operation designed to increase fear, distress, illness, and learned helplessness.?
It is an interesting observation and a good point, thank you. I have pointed out to people that 'vaccination' is an anagram of 'icon vatican'. Vaccines are icons that cannot be criticised.
Vaccines are considered saviours, that they save lives. Nothing could be further from the truth.
My colleague rents a separate-entrance unit to traveling professionals. She told me that the ICU nurse here for several months during the front end of COVID reported that the local hospital was pretty quiet....no wards stuffed-full of ppl sick with CONVID here...
Yes, interestink.. While Sasha's a sharp-eyed researcher and is spot on about many things, her accusations against other freedom fighters don't have a lot of bearing on the outcome of the Phight against Pharma, and then there is the matter of her character and all the behavioral issues the past few months, i.e., the vicious, violent and relentless attacks on anyone who dares disagree with her, even when the disagreement is reasonable-- includung fighting with The Inconsequential (her own subs) using really abusive language and very disgusting imagery in her pre-teen-like insults, as well as her FSU-generated extreme paranoia (yeah, I "work for" "Maloney-Baloney," uh huh, suuure I do...). It's having a negating effect on the rest of her important work, which is too bad.
Some of the material she recycles without credit to those who found the research might be fine but who has the time to waste with folks who put out crumbs of truth in piles of BS.
Again, Pamela, I humbly request that at least one specific to underwrite your criticism would be helpful.
I favour debate, especially with people who disagree with me, provided both parties can remain courteous, because it really does help move my thinking on.
To let you know, I don’t think I’m particularly gullible. I tend by nature to be trusting & through a lifetime, there haven’t been many occasions where that’s led to me being exploited, at least, that I’ve detected.
I do see why some might suspect Sasha if not being what she claims. On a personal level, I’ve not seen her even once say something that prompted me to think “Hmm, I don’t think she’s telling the truth”.
So if she’s a bad actor, I’m struggling to identify her motives and agenda.
Same of me. I know some will never trust a former big pharma person, and I don’t blame them. But if I’m a bad actor, I seem to be doing a decent job in exposing what the perpetrators might be up to, for no visible gain.
I expressed correctly, that there was probably another origin to the genocide she talks about. I lost a lot of video data, following loss of an external hard drive, of officials expressing directly, on their power and their plan, not always very detailed, but explicit.
This evil I am talking about is not religious, but human, to avoid misinterpretation. I have spoken of several families etc.
Some comments later, she thinks I’m a troll, that is to say that she does not accept any other possibility than hers. Yet, extensive research could (perhaps because the net has been cleaned up) still allow doubt of his only conviction. In my opinion, since I can no longer prove it, the military is not the firts responsible for this horror.
To speak of a troll seems to me to be an exaggeration, and one might assume that it puts an end to any serious discussion on the subject.
The evidence she puts forward is not admissible, it is a conclusion based on the DOD’s unlimited expenses.
To insist on it, without listening carefully to others, allows doubt on their integrity. It is very difficult to distinguish the true from the false among dissidents. I don’t know if she is a controlled opponent, whatever it is, you can act in a certain way for x reasons.
I think either she’s wrong, or she has a reason to discredit me.
As you can see on my substack, I do not write an article, I always post the direct temoignages. I have only commented on one video (Erica), so I do not usually speak the words of others, I refer only to direct expressions.
I too miss a good oxford type debate. Having followed your journey from the beginning I went from "this guy is nearly savior level" ( and posted it on your first tg channel along with every positive description I had seen of your good self - a bloody big list btw ) after you were the first to call it what it was - Genocide.
Then when you didn't acknowledge Shimon's work and evidence of nano tech during the Reiner interview I deleted all my subs.
Then I see you step up on virology. That gladdened my heart hugely. Thanks.
There are 2 major issues I see and they are Clifford Carnicoms decades of undeniable evidence at a level that would stand up in any court of law in normal times. The polymers that form the calamari are relatively easy to find in all today and Clifford has shown that this can be cultured from the CBD..
The other is what we ordinary folks can see with a scope that the bluetooth signals emanating from the jabbed and unjabbed prove for we lay people that we have nano tech contamination inside us. There is no other logical answer to this and it is the smoking gun for me.
Its one thing to ignore Cliffords work but Sasha is the only person I know of who has been brave enough to say his work is fake. But she wouldn't dare to debate that statement and attacks anyone who challenged her on it. For me that put her in the incredibly arrogant, stupid or CO camp. I don't think she is stupid by a long shot.
I will leave the nano tech component out and simply ask your opinion of Cliffords works and if Sasha is correct. There are approximately 400 papers that anyone can download from the Carnicom Institute website. It seems somewhat important. His works are also on substack now.
I really don’t care how we’re controlled and murdered unless understanding some detail offers us a radically different solution to the hideous threats we face.
I long ago had more evidence than I needed to prove we're under attack by totalitarian lunatics with bad intentions.
The fine details are stamp collecting.
You may well be right.
So what?
We’re in strong agreement that we’re under lethal attack.
You may correctly deduce that I’m tired of detail collections, my own included, because they move us forward not one inch.
Again apologies for carryover from Malik's post but censoring me for correcting the record with respect to Mark Kulacz, a researcher I have followed since before the pandemic & one of the most honest & talented researchers to emerge since 2015ish, followed by name calling of me set the tone for this. It was more irksome because half of the Paul Alexander's posts promoting Sasha had recycled research that Mark uncovered & Sasha recycled without attribution then smeared the legit source as a grifter and liar. Drama gets ugly fast.
Hmm.. never heard of Miri but my focus leans into primary sources.. drama only as occasional venture.. seems dirtbags are always bad actors.. nice confirmation & archived!
For someone who accuses people of smearing others, you seem to be engaging in that grifter tactic with proficiency yourself. Just an observation. That said, everyone's entitled to their opinion. Many others, however, find Sasha's (and Katherine Watt's) work enlightening and invaluable.
- if pandemics exist(ed) and human kind (and the whole animal and plant kingdom) still exist and thrive, it means that our (and their) immune system has co-evolved through all of history and does obviously work perfectly.
The wider and easier the spread of a contagious germ is, the milder are the symptoms if it causes an illness at all. A highly deadly germ does not spread far - how could it when the host is dead.
Thus the pandemics are just a matter of (political) definition. Skip the part 'severe illness and many deaths' and you get a 'plandemic' with every flu season.
Listen and watch Dr. Bhakdi, Dr. Wittkowsky and many more.
What is there to be immune from???? There are detox systems of the body. Immune system. Nope They are the most low thought of class in medical school, for they have no Proof . They are known as the “black magic” class in med school
Love to see reference links for the black magic claims & take down of Bone Marrow Transplant research.. hand waving all of human biology into fiction is pretty lame.
It depends upon how you define it. If by immune system you mean the bodies amazing ability to change the way it responds to internal and external influences as needed, then of course there is one. If you mean a specific interconnected system which can be located at some place in the body, then yeah, there really isn’t one. I have always, at least for decades, assumed everyone thinks of it as the first. Maybe not?
Once you go on an raw animal food diet, weight train breathe through your nose only get lots of sleep you’ll find you almost never need to detoxify (get sick)
It would be funny if it weren't so tragic - all those people who really really wanted Covid19 to be a deadly plague that would kill them immediately if they didn't cover their faces with blue paper or knicker gussets, wipe their hands with scented alcohol and walk around a supermarket in one direction only. The same people who worshipped at the altar of the Men in White Coats (although I don't think any of the Famous Faces on TV wore white coats!) and believed that injections of unknown substances would save them from death. Yet, as a non-educated plebian, I could see it was all rubbish and it didn't take long to find the proper scientists who confirmed it was all rubbish. It must be so frustrating to be one of the proper scientists!
The climate crap is the same stupid story isn't it? As is Saving Democracy in one of the most corrupt undemocratic countries in the world.
I don't know how we get out of any of this - I reckon about 99% of people in the west are on some sort of prescription medication for things that are not really illnesses and aren't cured by the medicine. They're not going to stop believing they are ill when it's generally just Life and they aren't going to stop taking the pills even though a little thought would show them the pills don't work!
Good on you Dr. Mike! 100% on the mark! I am so over reading and hearing supposed “truth speak doctors” reinforcing the Covid-19 myth! As you once wisely said… “they never actually needed a REAL virus!” All they’re doing is “legitimising” the fraud.
'Michael Yeadon, the voice of reason.' That chant goes through my head every time I read one of your posts.
At every stage in this battle, you've been ahead of the curve in how you approach the issues, your analysis of them, and your conclusions or advice on best next steps forward. I'll say it again as I do when I comment on your work Michael--you give of your heart and brain equally. I don't know anyone who can be as balanced in that way, and it is God's gift to you and I'm so grateful that you've developed that amazing gift and share it with us. Bless you.
Having been down the germ vs terrain theory rabbit hole, I am increasingly sceptical about the current paradigm. I still though respect and adore those freedom fighters like Kory, Weinstein, McCullough etc who adhere to the mainstream narrative, that there indeed was a new virus. I don't know if it is essential which side one might be on on this issue. The main thing must be that we all agree that this was the biggest crime against humanity ever.
Bret Weinstein is the biggest fraud in the pandemic theater.. his brother was Peter Thiel - Palintir numbers guru and their dad the biggest lawyer in the antibody patent space since JFK appointed him to Patent Office. Might as well put your trust in Blackwater.
When you hold a key role in anti-democratic Deep State dirtbag ops there is no legitimate basis to claim to be a dissident. Palintir is as dirty as corps get & Bret's Intellectual Dark Web construct funded by Thiel's Palintir is not the route to save ourselves.
No sorry if that was unclear.. Bret's brother Eric was Thiel numbers guy & Weinstein bros dad the Godfather of antibody patents... spectacular researcher Mark Kulacz has volumes of references for the family & many Biotech Mafia players now & historically.. brilliant work! https://sites.google.com/housatonicits.com/live/home
Credit to the brilliant research of Mark Kulacz who has done incredible deep dives into so many of the covert relationships that have been cited by others as their work and the original target Sasha maligned in Malik's post & interview w Mark on opioid crisis. He's amazing! oops wanna add reference for Palintir a dirtbag outfit on my radar for more than a decade. https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/29/2956566_palantir-the-war-on-terror-s-secret-weapon-.html
I was looking at a video, years ago now, Malone and Weinstein by open windows, discussing very early on, the potential for mRNA harms, the fact that the multiple novel elements contained in the shots ( LNPs ; pseudo-uridrine ; etc ) meant that these products could in no way be claimed safe.
Basically called for a halt to there usage.
So hyper-critical of the establishment pushing the shots and the manufacturers.
If you like, explain to me why I should now believe these guys are suspect, what long game are they playing for nefarious purposes.
It was this Darkhorse podcast being discussed here: https://www.youtube.com/live/ZA9fokCJnlU?si=9jC5A1DHxnyQSMDE that I found on the link you posted, that I happened to be watching that opened my very naive eyes to, well a great deal. So I was very grateful to Bret. But so much more going on to say the least. Thanks for the links!
It was indeed the crime of the century based on the deceit of germ theory and viruses as alleged disease causing agents. I say that even if one considers that viruses as a thing to be concerned about (one should not be) there clearly was no new virus in 2019/2020 as 'flu cases/deaths almost disappeared and COVID 19 took their place.
As regards viruses I consider them the exosome, cellular waste. As the sound of the word virus is 'via us', so-called viruses arise out of us.
Let's say that there is a debate about whether sars2 was novel, or it's just part of coronavirus swarm, nothing particularly different.
The crucial pretext, to enable all the measures that followed, was a novel dangerous virus, unlike our other fellow traveller pathogens.
If they are wrong, and they then uphold this false claim, that would help to mask what occurred, as it's then arguments over treatments and policies, rather than the whole edifice.
"Let's say that there is a debate about whether sars2 was novel, or it's just part of coronavirus swarm" - why should anyone do that when there is zero scientific evidence of any "virus" ever and this false paradigm leads to horrific harm, suffering and death?
Because this kind of talk helps cover up the murders. That's the entire point of the no virus histrionics. You're here wildly flapping your flabby arms as a huge distraction effort working together with your friends you brought here.
Might be going out on a limb here, but I'm thinking using fictional analogies, women murder and space demon imagery, maybe not going to endear you to the virus believing folks at home, just saying 🤣
Lol, no, exposing the fraud of "germs" exposes the fraud at the very heart of it all and reduces the chances of people getting sucked in again. Exposing the truth is the opposite of covering something up. And now you resort to childish insults, wow, how sad for a grown man or whatever you are. Have a nice life.
Christine. I think you are right, but we have a huge problem on our hands then, since a large majority of freedom fighters and truth seekers believe in germ theory. As a science journalist I stopped reporting on the corona and vax crime because I ended up in a place where I could not discern what was true (new virus vs old virus or virus vs no virus, gain of function vs gain of fiction).
In future, you'll be lucky if you can find your tin of "beanz" to eat. Because the current psyop of the "foot and mouth disease" and "bird flu" is only just getting going.
Furthermore, you are completely illogical in your reasoning, which is possibly borrowed from Del Bigtree?
It is deliberate fraud with bodily harm and at least manslaughter if you feign an emergency and as a result enrich yourself financially and harm people. Even if this deception of the public is based on ignorance, this does not protect against punishment. This is the current state of case law.
Evidence that clinical data was massively manipulated both in the development of the "vaccines" and in the development of the tests suggests at least the accusation of fraud.
The way in which you have addressed Christine Massey here, alone, is remarkable. The rest is not.
The idea is that 'no virus' is a distraction coordination? Noone I know has even heard of or contemplated that viruses don't exist, they still dont either give a shite about any of it or are blissfully unawares, or both lol, are these no virus folks getting much so much traction then, smoke and mirrors, eh?
Nah, It was just disrespectful I figured, and didn't seem to address the argument, or make much sense in any way that would've been advantageous to him, should have been ignored in hindsight, but then I wouldn't be saying this, so a moot point all round
I still think currently, and while keeping the viral terminology, exposing 'no pandemic' would be worthwhile.
If people still believe in viruses, as they will for the foreseeable, it has to be a good thing that they discover 'gene therapy' tech is not something they should be putting into their bodies, and that they didnt need any such intervention, they were lied to.Then maybe they'll wonder about more vaccines / drugs, then maybe you get a cut at them.
Maybe this untruth uncovered becomes a stepping-stone for people to consider your positions.
A lot of harms could still be avoided while belief in virus theory remains.
But maybe I see your view somewhat, although it would be an ill-informed understanding of it, it's all muddled enough as it is, stick to core principles, otherwise is a betrayal, fair enough, no problem from me, carry on, convince
As a writer, I am potently aware that he who controls the language controls the narrative, and thus the people. And, as you suggest, the moniker "COVID-19" (can we even call this contraption a word?) has shaped a narrative (and thus our society) in profound ways.
It fixes a date: 2019. That alone fixes power. (Think 1914, or 1917, 1939, or 1941, 11/22/63, or 9-11.) It invites a comparison to the 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic which almost certainly wasn't warranted.
The acronym also takes a common-sense thing, accessible to anyone (flu; fever; sick; out-of-it for a few days), removes it from popular understanding and transfers it to the realm of expertise--thus, power.
Sure there are folks (like you) who understand this stuff based on specialized training, but the effect of the acronym alone is to cause the vast majority of us to subconsciously genuflect toward guys in white coats with degrees and thus cause us to cede our trust... and our obedience.
I have made a point, in conversations both casual and formal of refusing to refer either to "COVID" as an era, or to "COVID-19" as a special thing with such special powers. Instead, I have taken to referring to the events which began in 2019 and started to ease in 2022 simply as "Crazy Time".
In the spirit of acknowledging that a lot of folks lost their minds (suspended our common sense and critical thinking) at the urging of a whole bunch of other folks who greatly benefited from them/us doing so, I urge others to do likewise. "Crazy Time". Hey, there you go! Can we try sanity now?
Spot on assessment. Conversely calling novel mRNA tech 'vaccines' does the opposite. It hides the novel characteristics of mRNA transfections with lie it's a vaccine. Because vaccine has broad public acceptance using the wrong name does nothing to reduce the deception proper transfection terminology undermines. Refusing to say "transfections' is part of the fraud & perhaps the biggest Achilles heel opposition could latch onto.
Seems very odd the psyop savvy experts haven't made their way to saying, they lied these aren't vaccines & use proper names for informed consent & tool for psyop savvy resistance.
Great insight! Slap simple soothing labels on the complex evil stuff while complexifying the simple stuff. Analogies abound in other spheres. George Orwell, call your office.
Cold and flu season will never be the same. I am sticking with Chicken Soup, fluids and rest, maybe some Alka Seltzer Cold Plus. Vicks’s vapor run, smothered on the feet, with warm socks, makes for a good night’s sleep.
Good to know! For years now, when my family is feeling under the weather, they request my special “tea”: hot water with freshly squeezed lemon (sometimes with zest), freshly grated ginger, with a generous dollop of honey. It’s a bit of heaven. 😇
Add thyme for cough, french onion soup, star anise infusion, skip milk for a week, stay in bed, warm, quiet and try to sweat a lot. A hot shower, dry pyjamas, and back to bed! And please get you some loving tender care!
And lots of pure, filtered water... and vitamin C, zinc, ginger, goldenseal, etc, along with cool cmpresses for fever. Many other remedies, including shutting off WiFi, also help manage discomfort during these times when the body is detoxing from "who-knows-what" toxin may have caused the symptoms.
The 'covid' symptoms didn't mirror influenza like symptoms though. There was the issue of clotting. Many people died early on and experienced severe shortness of breath, there was no early treatment given, and there were grave consequences. That was real. I guess we won't agree because I have witnessed contagion many times, and so I don't think it is a myth. Humanity was put under a trance and experimented upon. The fact that Pfizer notified its own employees in the manufacturing facility that they would receive mRNA shots that had different constituents than those sent to world governments, was an implied message that their shots were benign whereas the others may not be, points to criminal behaviour.
I’ve tried repeatedly to get a consistent picture from those who insist they’ve had covid19 or personally treated such patients.
I do sometimes get answers, but here’s the problem. They’re not the same description from Doctor to Doctor.
Where it comes to the claim of “micro clots”, these iirc are always described in hospital. One of the first things they do in many cases is to deprive the patient of water, on the grounds of incipient pulmonary oedema & needing to manage & measure fluid balance closely (liquid intake, urine output, plus an amount for losses through breathing and sweating.
Dehydration is a major risk factor for microthrombi aka small blood clots, especially if you’re more or less immobilised.
"SARS CoV‐2 related microvascular damage and symptoms during and after COVID‐19: Consequences of capillary transit‐time changes, tissue hypoxia and inflammation
Leif Østergaard corresponding author - Reports of severe hypoxemia in COVID‐19 patients whose lung compliance and chest CT suggest that their alveoli remain both aerated (Gattinoni et al., 2020) and perfused (Lang et al., 2020), are also consistent with severe alveolar capillary microthrombosis and capillary shunting early in the course of the disease." Dr. Yeadon, I know you don't believe at this point in your journey that SarsCoV2 exists, since you have changed your mind on the existence of viruses. So, what I posted is most likely moot for you. I do believe in contagion, and I do believe in viruses. I listen to the Bailey's and other podcasts and am unconvinced by their rhetoric. That is not to say I am right, and they are wrong. However, based on my own experiences of contagion, it is an indisputable phenomenon in my mind. I am not angry or frustrated at virus deniers, my anger is reserved for those who insult me for my point of view and for those who think I have no right to my mind or body. I take great umbrage that any other person would feel entitled to mandate experimental mRNA shots on both kids and adults. Pharma made billions, the eugenicists funded the propaganda and censorship because it fit with their agenda. There were various agendas at work, and they temporarily succeeded. Pfizer hoped the truth would not come to light for 75 years, but the court ensured they could not hide out until today's youth were gone or close to gone. I am more upset at the coercion of the school schedule of 'vaccines' than I am at the coercion of experimental shots on the public. Children have no voice, adults can belt it out if they so choose, and many are now. No one in my generation has 73 shots. Pharma is not liable for harms to kids, but I suspect if adults went and caught up with an extra 60 or 70 shots and were harmed, pharma would be liable. So, we don't hear a squeak about that gap in society. It is all so nefarious. I do believe the planet cannot sustain an ever-increasing population, but murder isn't the answer at least ethically, for those who are engaging in it, it seems to be.
By July 2021 I had acquired enough information to form the conclusion that the COVID jab was not a good idea, my wife did not form that idea and chose to take the shots. In September she developed a serious bout of ILI. It was 5 days before I came down with an ILI which was predominantly a razor sharp sore throat. I felt it coming on Sunday, the sore throat Monday, a bed soaking sweat that night, 95% well Tuesday morning. Had a fatigued feeling for a couple days after. My poor wife was very ill. Sore throat, coughing for three weeks. Then coughing fits a couple times a day for another couple weeks. Was I a victim of vaccine “shedding” perhaps?
The effects of contagion rather, I didn't 'see' the virus leave a cell in one person and enter the body of another person. I did see family members die from the contagion of HIV.
I watched Celia Farber's interview which really is focused on the political similarities between covid and AIDS with respect to Fauci. As far as Duesberg, he did map the genetic structure of retroviruses. He also denies that oncogenes cause cancer. Forty years later we still don't have a full understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms of HIV, but we know more than when Duesberg was saying HIV is a benign virus. However, patients' who take the combination drug cocktails that are specifically engineered to interfere with HIV, can extend their lives by decades. So, the proof is in that pudding. Scientists were unaware back then that there were some people who lacked either one or two receptors needed for HIV to enter the cell, so they would never develop symptoms. Cell to cell adhesion is necessary for CD4 cell destruction, having HIV in the blood only does not explain immune failure. This finding changed the understanding of how HIV progresses to AIDS. I believe Duesberg was wrong, but it is appalling that he was scapegoated, because science involves disagreement, discussion and differing opinions.
Respectfully, AIDS deaths back then were from the first round of medicines - they were lethal. (this is one hypothesis, by Duesberg, I believe.) The new meds did NOT extend life, not taking the original (Fauci cartel) meds ceased killing.
I don't state these positions with certainty, just what I've studied.
Many died without ever taking AZT, although AZT sped up the process. You only need to look around you, by not seeing the 'dying' anymore, because they are on a series of viral inhibitors that work but do have horrible side effects.
I’m outraged that large numbers of people have been “diagnosed with covid19” and placed on treatment pathways that, in any other era, would be expected to have led to increased risk of avoidable death
I don't ask anyone to "accept" anything I say, only to look at the evidence and apply logic. It's stunning and frightening how few people are willing to do this.
What do you suppose has motivated me to continue exposing this pseudoscience for the last 4+ years?
Why do you suppose I served a "Medical Officer" a Notice of Cease and Desist 2+ years ago that I signed "under penalty of death" (resulting in 2 "criminal charges" against ME even though I was 100% peaceful and lawful)?
Why do you suppose that in March a colleague and I released a video message to all Ontario police officers calling for the arrest of "Parliament" and the "Lieutenant Governor" for murder?
It amazes me how quick some "truthers" and "health freedom" people are to assume the worst and make snide insinuations and accusations against people simply for pointing out uncomfortable facts and challenging people to back up their claims with valid evidence.
Please don't lump me into any of your mentally designated groups because my tracking of Biotech Mafia and toxic history spans decades after a long Washington career. Your FOIA exercises are a total waste of time that remind me of the same lack of evidence is proof of something standard big chemicals use to assume safety when there's no testing for harms.
Spare me your questions and Pippi Longstocking adventure tales.. not one iota of interest guessing why you chase FOIA but it is curious cause of death is not of interest at all. Please explain why the focus is not identifying what killed all the people with fraudulent Covid death certificates. That's a riddle worth explaining.
oops forgot the link to Scorecard pulled offline by UC Davis 2020
Basic Testing to Identify Chemical Hazards
If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. Keeping chemical hazards under control requires information about what kinds of hazards each chemical poses. If the basic tests to check on a chemical's toxicity haven't been conducted, or if the results aren't publicly available, current laws tend to treat that chemical as if it were perfectly safe.
Not even close to legit comparison.. Christine has spent almost 5 years now in the "No Virus" camp which puts the onus on her to explain deaths attributed to cause she identifies as fraud. If your tactic were applied to her asking how fluoride fell from top threat & activist passion until Covid when she switched horses to be a no virus stalwart & poor spokesman..
put some cigarette burns on them too, and --label-- it The Plague! Take pictures, make news story. Boom Better start funding for a cure. sorry 'cure'. sorry $.
That’s because most of these guys I’ve got a clue but I can tell you the gay community still uses poppers but not to the extent that they used to Nor do they take Azt its original form which was absolutely a death sentence
Actually, no symptoms at all were required for the bogus "covid" diagnosis, hence the "asymptomatic" narrative. The diagnoses were based on fraudulent and myriad laboratory tests that could not confirm an alleged virus even if it had been shown to exist (none ever have), and cannot detect illness or clotting. Many people were perfectly fine.
Re contagion, we've all witnessed people getting sick after being around others who are sick, and also people not getting sick after being around sick people, and also people getting sick without being around any sick people. Getting sick after being around sick people is not conclusive evidence of contagion, and in fact there is zero scientific evidence of contagion despite many studies on the topic.
When healthy kids go to a chickenpox party and most soon after all come down with the exact same symptoms of pox and itching, it is the most rational deduction to say they 'caught' the illness from the kid at the party who already had those symptoms.
That's the most apparent and simple explanation, but it may be wrong.
Science requires controlled experiments, to isolate confounding variables. For exmaple, how do we know that the kids of your example who show the same symptoms after the party were not already incubating the bug before the party? That's why you have to measure things and not stop at the obviousness of it.
And chickenpox is nothing compared to destroying the lives of millions of people who are told they have cancer when they have not cancer. A wrong medical diagnosis can kill more people than any poison.
The odds are that a bunch of kids who develop symptoms at the same time, after spending time at the location of someone with those symptoms caught a pathogen, rather than all those kids were all carrying the same bug prior to meeting at the party. The latter is a stretch the first is not.
Not really, because they might very well have been exposed to some toxin (or even an emotional trauma) in the home or at school. One can't ruled out other possibilities, and we've been conditioned all our lives to assume that people have "caught germs". And where is there evidence that most kids who go to such parties even get sick?
When we were kids we had measles & chicken pox parties & damn if we didn't all manifest the same symptoms for similar time after exposure.. red dots appeared days after exposure, why would that be?
Cool story, funny how there is zero scientific evidence to back up the contagion narrative. Newsflash, I don't have a crystal ball to tell me what made any specific group of kids end up with spots, assuming that your story true.
I'm done communicating with you, based on your snide, accusatory attitude on other threads.
No worries I will feel free to mock you indirectly with remarks as insipid as suggesting measles and chicken pox parties weren't common experience for an entire Baby Boomer generation.. no crystal ball required you are solidly into Ouija Board science and so eager to both flaunt your scientific ignorance while copping an attitude of expertise. Impressive.
The evidence is the success of chicken pox parties. Parents bring their children so they can develop natural immunity, as they do not wish their kids to take vaccines. Many children caught the pox at those parties. The evidence were the symptoms.
Where is this supposed success documented and shown to be consistent, resulting in most kids getting the illness in question? There are things that supposedly "everyone knows" and yet true out not to be true.
Common witnessing is enough. You don't need lab tests, to determine contagion. Homeopaths have been treating illnesses for decades without the use of labs and 'allopathic science methods.' When they take a case, all the relevant information is taken. A homeopath cured my son of whooping cough without any lab test, based on his symptoms and the fact that he had been in contact with a child who had it despite the fact she had been vaccinated.
So why don't all the kids get chicken pox after exposure? What are some other common denominators among those in attendance on these circumstances? And so on. Way too many possibilities and variables to conclude chicken pox = viral, contagious disease.
Host genetics controls infection outcomes across plants and animals, including humans, and this evidence has been published regularly in journals since the early 20th century.
Funny how you are certain about the lack of virus killing people but no effort devoted to uncovering the mechanisms for murdering people to attribute to a virus.
Well firstly Pamela, I have no way of knowing how millions of strangers actually died and I don't think it would be responsible to pretend that I do.
And I think it's obvious that many were killed via medical interventions, neglect, pushed to suicide, and simply died of the things that people have always been dying from. Lots of people are talking about this, but few have been willing to acknowledge that there isn't even valid evidence of "viruses". Hence, I made a personal decision as to how I could most effectively spend my time given my own personal knowledge, situation and abilities.
Not that I need to explain myself to anyone.
Funny how some people can find only negative, nasty things to think and say about others who help to expose a horrific fraud/delusion that has led to so much unnecessary death and suffering for 100+ years.
Pretty high opinion of your typing skills to deem replying to legitimate criticism as a time waster.. accountability is a bitch and knowing people were killed and lie about a virus was used to cover it up but spending endless FOIA energy not looking for fraud in deaths but insisting that all of virology is mythology and prove you wrong or pound sand. Awesome.
You make zero sense given that once people realize viruses are not a thing they can't be fooled again and they start to realize the depth of the lunacy and evil in this world, and they begin to take an interest in how health really works. They see that no "vaccine" could possibly help them and could only cause harm and that "anti-viral" drugs cannot possibly work as claims, that masks, distancing, etc can't possibly improve their health. But hey, all that matters to you is a narrow focus on what really caused "covid deaths". Death is nothing new, and the medical profession has been killing people for ages, but let's not think about the full extent of the fraud, let's not help people realize that the entire world can be fooled so completely, let's not expose the fake-sequencing (there's big $$ to protect there!), the fake "isolation" methods, the idiotic point-and-declare EMs and the wildly unnatural steps necessary to obtain an EM image, let's not expose the pseudoscientific animal-torture studies that are passed off as evidence of "viruses" and "pathogenic" bacteria. I see what you're doing.
Lamest case ever.. your Hail Mary pass at selling the world an idea that flies in the face of personal experience is an exercise in futility.. to tie universal rejection to virus theory as prerequisite for challenging the criminal vaccine schedule is the mast pathetic dodge ever.
All the ‘no transmission’ experiments seem to feature ‘healthy’ recipient participants. Ever looked at terrain theory? There are so many variables ignored in these old trials that they cannot form the basis of a serious conclusion. A route maybe to further research, but they’re simply not conclusive.
Yes I'm very aware of the terrain model and it makes compete sense to me.
The fact that failed transmission studies have various weaknesses only underscores the fact that there is no scientific evidence for contagion. The burden of proof is on those claiming that contagion is a thing, and they have none whatsoever.
Also, lack of controls is a problem when the outcome of interest does occur, because then the question lingers as to whether the experimental conditions caused or contributed to the effect. But the literature shows that exposed subjects rarely get sick.
Look at the Rosenau "Spanish flu" study - they tried so hard in so many different ways, doing things that would be considered unethical today. Yet they couldn't make anyone sick despite the fact that it was young men who were most at risk of "Spanish flu".
I’m with you Rita. I had the alpha variant. It was NO flu. Flu doesn’t leave you with bruising down your left leg in a line for 6-8 months (I guess microclots). Flu does not leave you with POTS for months. Flu does not take your sense of taste & smell. Fevers that come and go for 3-4 weeks. Fatigue beyond belief for WEEKS. I rarely get sick. The last time was 2009. What is currently called Covid is literally a cold for most. But the alpha and delta kicked ass.
The later versions mutated to where the spike could not attach to the ace2 receptors and enter the lung. So, now it is a mild upper respiratory infection. You had symptoms of spike damage, the shots also caused hematomas, but we are not sure if the body is clearing the spikes with the replaced uracil. The loss of scent and taste is another difference. It is just too simple to blame the whole thing on the flu.
Ridiculous. I can't remember any cold or flu or ILI I had in my whole life which would not produce a loss of scent and taste! Try to smell when your nose is congested! Try to eat - it just has not much taste at all!
The biggest factor here I’m willing to wage all my shekels in the bank is mind control. Most people do not understand the power of mine control over the physical body. It can kill
The flu absolutely does all of those things save bruising. We’re u injected??? I have been in close contact with so many clients who claim to have Covid I should be bones in a box by now pushing daisies , Yet at 52 years old I’m a raging Bull
" Many people died early on and experienced severe shortness of breath, there was no early treatment given, and there were grave consequences..."
Actually high flow oxygen was almost universal & theory of contained breathing to reduce spread of viral particles.. turns out an hour or a few with high flow oxygen makes breathing harder.. opacity in lung x rays and fast track to ventilators that should NEVER be used w folks who can talk except.. crappy pulse oximeters as prePCR diagnostic & oxygen abuse killed people.
In fact, no "virus" has been proven to exist. Ever.
More and more doctors, PhDs, "virologists", microbiologists and others who have studied the virus theory (hypothesis) are now declaring that "viruses" do not exist.
People get sick from all kinds of things (that is detox) but not from a virus. Bad food, bad lifestyle, chem trails, pharmacological, vaccinations , but not virus or bacteria. Psychological manipulation is huge Think sick and you will be, big time!
You may want to read "Can You Catch A Cold?" by Daniel Roytas. This is a very well researched book about the relatively recent history of the idea of "contagion" and it provides other possible explanations of why people seem to get sick in clusters.
My mother told me about all the families that were wiped out with TB, but I won't be able to convince you that bacteria do cause infection and death. Dr. Semmelweis figured out the puerperal fever mystery. HIs friend Jakob died after receiving a scalpel wound while performing an autopsy on a woman who’d died of puerperal fever. His autopsy revealed massive infection from puerperal fever. The medical field understands that washing with soap and water is the best way to prevent, control and reduce infection. Millions of lives have been saved from this recognition.
I believe Sars CoV 2 is a virus, and it is contagious. Nothing will convince me that pathogens do not cause illness. Although illness is caused by more than infection.
These we’re all symptoms of detoxification of the body which had nothing to do with the virus And then you add morphine like drugs to make their breathing even harder when you have a recipe for murder
Yes, well said. Just because there was no pandemic doesn't mean something nasty was not inflicted on some people in some places. That would not be beyond the military. The big picture is that the pandemic was one chapter in a story leading to a one world brain where you and I are suppose to be a node! Mad as it sounds, it is an aim.
Sucharit Bhakdi calls them out as fraud in this interview w specifics at 26min and Jay Couey has been on the theme the entire vaccine schedule is a criminal enterprise since 2022. The bigger problems is too many who know better are silent while critics are censored, smeared and starved to prevent support needed to survive as sources.
Now let's apply this same reasoning to many other areas of "modern medicine," as well. I am especially concerned about people caught up in psychiatric diagnoses/drug treatments and cancer diagnoses/treatments.
I remember the battles on Telegram about the climate emergency. About half and half at first. I was a proud non-vaxxing dad who knew something fishy was going on with this ‘Covid’ thingy but a staunch defender of the mainstream climate position.
I soon changed ! and then watched as pretty much the whole ‘truth’ community were eventually aware that the climate thing was all hoax.
We are at the same half and half point now with the fictional nature of ‘Covid’ as a transmitted pathogen caused disease. Extending to other viruses.
I don’t think it can be that long before it becomes really uncomfortable to be both ostensibly in the truth and freedom ‘movement’ and selling drugs using a Beware The Covid sign.
my awakening was similar to yours. in my case, a myopic nyc-centric perspective kept me from realizing that my little heat island was an outlier and far from being any kind of paradigm.
as doc malik says, there is definitely an ambulance chaser element at play among the supplement pushers who represent themselves as being part of the MFM.
I listened to an interview Doc Malik did with Ivor Cummins, in which both of them mocked those in the no-virus camp. It put me off him. (And Ivor, sadly, too.)
Recently, I heard Doc Malic vigorously mock the no-virus camp with a different guest. Definitely off putting.
'Doc' Malik, best buddy of "I'm a Genius I am"
Malone Ranger......and Ivor-Mectin Cummins.
None of them are correct. Neither ‘side’.
I too felt the "something fishy about this "covid" thingy." No thanks to the vax for me or my 91 year old mom living in a wonderful retirement facility that allowed a choice. (But my 2 sons, their wives and my 2 grandchildren were transfected, some as many as 3 times. So far so good.) "The 2 weeks to stop the spread" BS gave me a lot of time to read/research. That's when the climate "thingy" really came back into focus on my radar. When I was in college in the mid-seventies, climate cooling was predicted (hear loud buzzer noise here for NOT). In the mid-'90's a book came out called The Coming Global Superstorm. I may read that again because what is going on now regarding the manipulation of weather, the suspiciously huge extremes in weather occurring, are much like what was predicted in that book. Perhaps it was a hint of things to come as per "plan".
Anyway, Mike Yeadon finally arrived on my radar confirming my "spidy senses" about the covid cabal. He remains my number 1 truth hero, with JJ Couey currently at number 2.
Don't bring a fly to a spider-fight.
Took him 3 years to figure out what we realised about nonsense viruses in 3 weeks of 2020. He still appears to me as a reluctant Bride on the subject.
I remember I had a conversation with Dr. Yeadon on Gettr.
I suggested then as I do now that the best way to expose a lie is by coming up with a solution to the problem of their making.
I suggested then as I do now that absolute Zero Emissions which is a Quantum leap forward in technology based on Energy from water and has nothing to do with a "Green new Deal" or so... is the way forward because it not only exposes their lies but their hypocrisies...
Think about it.
Energy from water and we never pay for fuel never pay taxes and live free and clean... the perfect solution.
Using ALice in the looking Glass
In principle, I think you’re right.
However, I cannot come up with a solution to the alleged problem of human induced climate change because there is no such thing.
Yes Mike, the climate has always changed and the arrogance of people who think humans can change it is off the chart. Same with the covid rubbish. I sometimes wonder what the average individual thinks about how people survived before the modern era???
I truly believe in chem trails that affect the climate and our food and the air we breathe. Ask DOD and Bill Gates about that. His plan is to place a shield around the Earth with chemicals to lessen sunlight. The man is truly insane and needs to be locked up along with the Soros dynasty. Our Earth is doing just fine, if he would quit tampering with it. —-And energy weather weapons are another real topic. They are being used to play God. God does see and know all. It is going to be permanent reservation in Hell for many people. I’m just thankful to God I won’t be with them. And “The Lake of Fire “ is real. And for the record, I’m not insane unless one believes teaching for 40 years makes one insane🤪
These lunatics would be dangerous even if they were elected.
We'd have to throw them out of power.
The fact that they're unelected and unaccountable to no-one is worse - a HUGE problem.
Yes I agree with you that the issues are with Gates & Soros etc. it’s the rest of us living our normal lives that aren’t changing the climate. We can see the Chem trails regularly, so it’s a bit hard to ignore.
These elites have made up a problem, as they usually do and are supposedly providing the solution, which in turn actually creates the problem.
The covid scam is the same and allowed the bio weapon vaccines to bring about the death and destruction they forecasted.
There’s a world of difference between so called Climate change” and methods of mass poisoning
The climate change emergency hoax is an intentional physiological poisoning of the mind, especially young children.
My wife was a teacher for possibly 40 years (I don't have her CV to check!). She can do insane things but that is not because she was a teacher!
A lot of people DON'T think!
I've lost count of the people I talk to about the climate changing naturally - past Ice Ages & warming & cooling - and they just look blank.
People are hypnotized by the claims of "hottest/driest/rainiest in recorded history".
They seem to think it means in the history of the planet - not the last 2 centuries.
I'm talking about people with Masters degrees by the way....
Yes of course you are right.
However when I grew up we had winter from November to April with snow as high as over 2m.
That is all gone now as we had about 3 days of white this winter and nothing last.
So there might be an element to it.
But I reject the thought that is is caused by Humans.
For example EV'S ... total crap... solve nothing... Wind Power is a scam... solves nothing...
These technologies are pushed to make our life worse for demanding that we make our life better.... so we are being punished for demanding what i.s our natural given right.
I call this a Dictatorship... and this isn't acceptable.
The answer as I see it is to show the world that there is a better way and we don't have to pay.
No pay for Fuel.
No pay for taxes.
No pay for pollution.
No Problem.
That is what my Idea of Energy from water is all about
And from Prof Dan Nocera to Stanley Meyer I have collected all the Technologies necessary to make a change from today.
Like Covid that never existed and the WHO Pandemic Treaty which does... they prepare us for a Dictatorship based on lies they push.... eliminate the lies... expose the liars... that is what I do.
One more thing... food for thought...
As this... my Technology is the Blueprint for Interstellar Travel I came across the problem of travelling between the stars... as this is an hermetic environment... that Zero Emission Technology is a basic for Interstellar Travel.
The thought behind it is as old as the Human Race and it originates from ZEN.
If you don't want to clean up... don't make a mess.
Right now all the problems are Man made... and by man made I mean Illuminati made...
They create problem shift the blame on us and punish us for the problems they make.
Eliminate the Problems... expose them... change our ways and we be Free.
Geoengineering is what causes ‘climate’ problems. Just get rid of the psycopaths
geo-engineering helps throw the money around.
💯👀👉To lobotomize and kill us.
They continue to MAKE problems and then point at the problems and say, “ Look, we have a problem!” I totally agree. I know the two- engineering chemtrails are causing some wacky weather in Wa. state. I’ve noticed our clouds changing and basically just look fake. Big, billowy clouds at times, more like Denver clouds. A mile high, clouds look different. Others have completely flat bottoms with a darker gray shade. Different, $ very strange. I’ve watched clouds for 50 years. These are manipulated, with dark stripes that look like something ( chemicals) falling to the earth. It’s similar to virga but too symmetrical between striping.
Also, look at Lahaina on Maui, fires in Cali., and Texas. D.E.W. fires caused all of our “ wild” fires the last few years. They blame climate change. They think we’re stupid and won’t research. Blue everything didn’t burn. Cars, garbage bins, cafe tents in Lahaina were left untouched.. why?
Because lasers don’t see blue. Original film footage shows many blue cars, etc. in the middle of scorched areas. ( Napalm scorched)
All due to wild fires? Even though wild fires could never burn hot enough to melt car metal & have it run, like a creek down the street. Never.
What about the guy that invented fuel from water? Is that the guy you mentioned? The one that said he was poisoned while meeting with CIA about his discovery? Any water right?
Snow, salt water, any water would work in this engine. Brilliant.
I heard on the radio that Microsoft is having a hard time getting under 30% carbon use. I don’t understand this well but AI is to blame, I guess?
I’m sure it’s even higher than that.
I like your thinking, keep it up!
Lots of power in water.
Geo- engineering
Stanley Meyers.
Ponds & Fleischman... Cold Fusion.
Prof Daniel Nocera... Artificial Leaf...
Malcom Bendall -- father (well, rediscoverer) of the Thunderstorm generator, 'transmutes' to CLEAN burning petroleum generators/engines. MANY proofs of concept all across YT!
FASCINATING intro here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh_yPuWjSno Well worth the listen!
(Follow-on! Robert Temple's new book: "A New Science of Heaven"!)
The fickle perturbations of the star in our solar system, of which we understand very little, is what controls all processes on our planet.
Have you talked this over with God? It sounds good. Are you a scientist, and have you worked with other scientists on your inventions. Do all agree? How about economist, too?
A) God don't exist... I don't deal with believes.
B) What is a Scientist?
Educated by a system to uphold a system?
Or someone who Questions everything in search for Truth to find answers to make the seemingly Impossible possible?
The latter is the case for me.
I had meetings with several...
One was about 12 years ago with Prof Wen of the Polytech HK
We talked about 2 h and I presented my technology in detail.
I presented to him my theory / findings that the speed of sound equivalents to the natural compression rate at this speed.
He first didn't understand but later he had to agree.
And it will be proven right.
As will be my other theories I work on.
So do I have a Title? No!
Am I a Scientist accepted by other scientists? No.
I am a self educated Person that don't believe in limitations.
As such I don't limit myself in my search of finding the Truth.
Everything is possible... one must only have the right frame of mind.
I hope that answers your Question.
Prof Wen is an expert in Hypersonic Propulsion...
And given the chance I will prove my theories right which will radically change everything in this field because my technology is by far the most advanced that there is... and I challenge any expert in Hypersonic Propulsion to debate them anywhere... this is how confident I am.
People could learn a lot from me if they weren't so stubborn and stupid in their believe that "Educated" Scientists are actually worth anything.
Science today is a system of believe... a Religion.
I don't deal in believe systems nor do I in Religion.
While I can appreciate & read & evaluate your positions & info - I do by the freedom of my will … believe in God & the great love of Jesus Christ
Romans 8:38,39
You, of course, are by the freedom
of your will, able to choose for yourself.
I propose the end of Aviation & the End of Oil
I propose a global network of Hypersonic Zero Emission Trains based on my Invention
Furthermore I propose Energy From Water as does Prof Dan Nocera...
And as I said... All we ever need is Water as a Source of Energy.
The elephant in the living room:
Well, there's certainly the fact of SAG (stratospheric aerosolized geoengineering), SAI (stratospheric aerosolized injection) and SRM (solar radiation management). The 100+ patents are in the public domain and can be found at Google patents or the uspatents.gov website. We have very reliable research proving that the mountains of nanoparticule metals, plastics and other materials including biological carriers we are being sprayed with by drone air tankers are not only found in the water, the rain, snow and soil (as well as your blood and tissues), they match the patents. It's also proven that the massive amounts of nanoparticulate metals block sunlight, creating a more friendly environment for funguses, trap heat so it can't dissipate off the planet and shred the ozone layer and are now so numerous that they are changing planetary convection patterns...we have observed the phenomenon of "global stilling.." and we are also now experiencing measurable UVC radiation, which should not be measurable at all on the ground (below 100k ft.) What's next? Gamma radiation (xrays). Yes, there is man-made climate change.
Some good points!
These are not only good points, they are PROVEN F-A-C-T-S. Idiots wanting to deny all types of man-made climate change without knowing where to look for facts while claiming to be "open minded" need to get informed. Visit https://www.geoengineeeringwatch.org and start educating yourselves, for God's sake.
I’m with you and educated on this, and I am very familiar with Dane Wigington. I don’t need to be insulted “for God’s sake”.
It's the "Anthropo-Scene"...
(just ask Stephen Colbert !)
But I do believe they are experimenting with changing the WEATHER in isolated places.
curious as to what those 'isolated' places are- that you speak of your belief in,
(almost as if weather were not a dynamic, integrated process)
-mind you it's a fiction, but... Ray Bradbury and a certain butterfly...?
It's not just HAARP, it's your friendly neighborhood NEXRAD too...
Well, theoretically, one could loosely say the poisoning of the atmosphere with geoengineering, chemtrails, intentional removal of CO2 (necessary for ALL life), HAARP, etc is creating a "climate emergency" caused by "man"... except it's caused by a "handful of 300" (and their paid minions) of criminally-insane, demonic psychopaths who are causing intentional devastation/disruption of the "atmosphere" and life on the planet as we know it, using nefarious, unnatural, unrelated to normal human activity "means", methods, and poisons to contaminate the "climate" and life on earth... all of which are unrelated to farting cows, CO2, human activity, and so on.
EXACTLY. Also, we had free energy using the electromagnetic qualities of the earth. So using water is just covering for their psychosis
all the inventers of new technology are dead
best way to get rid of the opposition
Oh they tried to kill me.
But I am made of harder stuff.
They destroyed my life but I am still alive to tell my story to the world.
early treatment the India way did cost 1$/person and the combination medics has been called Ziverdo kit. All states of India that did use it had 50x less Covid deaths than USA and the good thing is, we have an India control group, the state of Kerala. After August 2021 the vaxx only state Kerala did deliver between 40..50% of all India Covid deaths with about 2.5% of its population...
I treated many persons that got "fictional Covid", that did often last more than 10 days they got from remote virus transport over air streams....So its clear who lives in a fictional world.
Same for the heating of planet earth, that just last year passed the first critical trigger point of no return. Now we have one complete full year with > + 1.5C over all months and the Ocean in the US Mexican Gulf region is already up > 20cm. This is bad new for Trump fans as his famous Florida golf estate will be under water latest within the next 50 years .
So be aware that most people that spread Covid or climate fiction are paid Russian trolls.
There is no climate change of meaningful magnitude, let alone an emergency.
If you examine the longest time series of surface temperature monitoring, you quickly discover that, with the exception of a few very long lived monitoring stations mostly in U.K., there really isn’t much of a time series.
The entire warming claim of +1.5C since pre-industrial times (1880 or so) rests upon stations that were rural but due to encroachment of towns and cities, are no longer rural. The concept is “urban heat islands”. Cities simply are slightly warmer than the rural areas outside them. If what time series as do exist are examined while excluding only those stations which once were rural but now are not, the shocking finding is that there’s been no warming at all. None.
This isn’t surprising, because the entire concept, that human release of CO2 leads to warming, is false. The greenhouse effect is real, in greenhouses. It doesn’t occur in open systems. Not coincidentally, changes in surface temperature over geological periods of time are not preceded by changes in atmospheric CO2. Quite the contrary, temperature increases occur first and only after a prolonged delay does CO2 increase. In other words, different factors cause temperatures to change and these are widely held to be variations in solar output and in earths orbit as well as inclination of earths axis of rotation.
That atmospheric CO2 follows temperature is explained by the phenomenon that warmer oceans hold less dissolved CO2 than cooler oceans. This is why if you warm up your beer or soft drink, they lose their fizziness.
The most plausible explanation for the substantial delay between atmospheric temperature increases and atmospheric CO2 increases is their enormous differences in heat capacity or thermal inertia. The gossamer thin atmosphere takes a very long time to warm the huge mass of the oceans. Hundreds of years.
You can find data underwriting the above by reading papers in ice core analyses.
It’s utterly hubristic to believe our puny efforts change the temperature of the world, and it isn’t true.
Even if, as a thought experiment, we accept +1.5C so far. So what? Increased temperatures reduces the number of people dying as a consequence of being cold. Ten times more people die because of cold temperatures than warm temperatures. So even this assumption, that warming is bad, simply isn’t true.
Increased atmospheric CO2, which has definitely occurred even during my lifetime (I’m 64) has brought nothing but advantages. Reduced cold deaths, as above is one such. Another major benefit is that plants grow better in a higher CO2 atmosphere, which is why growers increase CO2 in their greenhouses. Turning to the open system, satellite images show that there’s more green biomass on earth now than in 1960. More important yet is that plants growing in desert margins do better with higher atmospheric CO2 and require less water. The reason for this is that plants need open their stoma on the underside of their leaves less, so they lose less water. Increasing CO2 strengthens drought tolerance.
Are you aware that, looked at over geologic time periods, the current levels of atmospheric CO2 are very low, compared with millions of years earlier? Were you further aware that plants stop growing if CO2 falls to 200ppm, only slightly lower than the lowest level reached before the modern era’s steady but modest increase? The mean value of atmospheric CO2 over very long periods of time is 2.5 to 3 times what it is at present. It’s unusual & arguably abnormal for CO2 to be as low as 420ppm.
You may ask what then is the cause of the increase in atmospheric CO2 over the last few decades. I think the most likely explanation is a period of warming several hundred years ago. That warming very slowly warmed the oceans, but a small extent. Our release of CO2 will have contributed something to the increase, though there’s an important data set that brings even that into question. In 2020, as you will have noticed, there was a substantial decrease in all kinds of industrial activity around the world. This temporary though marked decrease in human CO2 release should have been reflected in a reduced rate of increase in atmospheric CO2. There was no such reduction in rate in the data coming from the monitoring station on Mauna Loa, at least, there wasn’t when I reviewed it a couple of years ago. It’s almost as if humans are not an important contributor to atmospheric CO2, let alone the dominant cause.
Nothing but good things will flow from further increases and that’s a relief. Since we’re not the dominant driver, nothing that happens will have the slightest effect, except for the stripping of citizens’ freedoms.
“Net zero” is among the most overtly anti-human campaign messages I’ve ever heard. Hence the ironic “You are the carbon they intend to reduce”.
There’s not a single thing we’ve been told about this entire field that isn’t lies. Not coincidentally, nothing we’ve been told about “pandemics” which (in the case of acute respiratory illnesses) are immunologically implausible and in fact do not occur, is true, either.
I say “not coincidentally”, because both global warming and fear provoking “pandemics” are the selected lies chosen by contributors to The Club of Rome in the early 1970s to create the illusion of global problems that require international interventions and thus can be used to eviscerate the nation state and enable installation of a world government.
It’s not hidden. Go and watch Dennis Meadows of the Club of Rome explain his equal opportunities population reduction plan.
All the "act now or else" hype looks especially stupid when you realize that the earth's average temperature (a meaningless metric, by the way) has already increased by 4C since 1750. And not a single Nut Zero has noticed. Here's the graphic: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/03/24/media-regurgitates-ipccs-final-warning-on-climate-change-without-realizing-weve-already-passed-1-5c/
Even aside from all the self-outing pronouncements by the climate cult's high priests, all the information one needs to realize that "climate change" is an epic scam is out there, it's non-technical, and you don't even have to be looking for it. Last week I read a Wikipedia article about Maiden Castle, which led me to one on prehistoric Britain. How many Nut Zeroes would think twice about the catastrophic effects of a few millimeters of sea level rise if they knew about Doggerland? That's rhetorical; none of them would think twice because climate change is a death cult for self-hating and determinedly irrational fools. But the proof is out there for anyone else to find. It's not necessary to understand the physics of climatology to know that climate conditions were very different long before the first horseless carriage debuted. It used to be common knowledge that the western US once lay under an ocean. Now that's an inconvenient truth that's diligently ignored.
But "don't bother to examine a folly. Ask yourself only what it's intended to accomplish." In this case, the folly is intended to accomplish genocide on an unimaginable scale: killing billions of people to bring the population down to the sociopaths' stated "ideal" of 500 million slaves.
I once thought the Club of Rome was a fiction, but how wrong I was! If you want to get a feel for what shenanigans this old style WEF got up to in the 60s, 70s and beyond check out this substack post https://open.substack.com/pub/oxgmcxo/p/flash-back-15?r=pf0i9&utm_medium=ios (Mike features in the video I made that’s on that post) And thank you for your courage to stand so tall in this diabolical situation we are in Mike! I’ve been following you throughout your journey of exposing the truth. A truth which has taken us all time to accept :(
So right! Thanks. As a biologist I learned CO² amounts to 333ppm (that was in the eighties). I was engaged in a few nature/conservationist groups, mostly timber/protection of remaining virgin (rain)forests around the world.
I began to doubt the way it was going as the 'solutions' offered and agreed on (by all?) were self-restraint of timber industries (!) self controlled forest management ("timber from sustainable extraction"!) and 'debt for nature swaps'. (There are more, like regarding indigenous people of the rainforest as a kind of 'decor'.)
All these things went along with the increasing use of the word 'global', 'globalist', suggesting we humans could see the whole 'globe' (not coincidentally we had first good images of the planet from space).
Using 'global' for all (the planet) suggests it is managable, governable, steerable. Earth, in our perception, was shrinking.
Of course, it is not. We humans are by no means the only and most 'active ingredient' in this world we call 'ours'.
Each fly, each cow, each possum does what we do. And together with the plant kingdom(s) there is an equilibrium.
The deep canyons that exist on the island I live now, didn't carve into the rocks with the rain that we got now. They are witness to much warmer, much rainier epochs of time. And here we are.
We solely, as humans, contribute to poisoning the planet. Terraforming the planet. Polluting air, soil and water. But this is not addressed any more. The real damage we do, is not in the frame.
We now fight our own CO² footprint! 440ppm, parts per million. Which, as we naturally exhale CO², makes every human 'culpable' and thus punishable.
Interestingly those who claim there are to many people inhabiting earth, those who own all the industries that terraform, pollute and destroy air, soil and water, never volunteer themselves to leave.
Yes Arturo.
The people saying cattle are an urgent problem seem entirely unconcerned about the vast quantity of plastic waste in the oceans. They’re very selective about their concerns...
Oh there is climate change all right - I'm a mountaineer, and I have seen with my own eyes the massive retreat of glaciers in New Zealand between my first visit there in 1977 and my most recent trips in 2010 and 2019.
HOWEVER! .... the part of Scotland I live in was covered in vast ice sheets less than 20,000 years ago - a mere blink of the eye in geological terms - and the ice sheets have been retreating ever since - clearly this is not man made. So if we are tweaking the climate a bit - increasing C02 levels for example - this is unlikely to be a significant factor, and may even be beneficial by reducing desertification and improving crop yields and reforestation.
Rockefeller trashed natural medicine to create the Pharma goldmine.
The WEF are trashing dairy farming to create their artificial meat & milk industry. And their edible bugs racket.
What about increased undersea thermal activity recently, like the Hunga Tonga undersea eruption in 2022 I believe? Could that contribute to the “ocean is boiling” nonsense? That is what I have read in several places. It may be mentioned below, but being busy this week, I may not get there. Thanks for your work and clear analysis.
Yes, and "we" had not-even-a-clue about how many underseas volcanoes were down there (think: gas stove pilot lights, small amounts of heating to the 'water in the pot' (the ocean above). As the Earth moves in-and-out of its non-circular orbit about our star, as we drop into each Solar Minimum, there is (every TIME we've identified a minimum in the geological records), there isa large increase in volcanoes and earthquakes. Turnes out -- there are thousands of undersea volcanoes we never knew about/had never found -- but they're starting to ... turn up the gas.
Ask them to explain (ha! if they can!) why the "ocean warming," the climate-commie-idiots scream about, does not happens mostly on the surface (try blowing hot air over a swimming pool; does the pool water heat up?), but some thousands of feet down. The oceans' surfaces are not heating up; the mid-levels (you know, like, above the newly discovered/counted volcanoes?) are what the whining about 'heating oceans' are being maliciously used to push the program of destruction of First World civilizations!
These people acting to destroy is have absolutely NO knowledge of geology or history/prehistory, or astronomy! But boy! That have excitement and reilgious FERVOR about it!
So succinctly put. The Club of Rome are one of the major steering groups of this whole global shakeup and lie. The members and their cohorts need rounding up, fast! They all need a good dose of what Guantanamo provides and removing from society so that 'us reasonable types,' are left to live in freedom forever.
Well said.
Hi Dr. Yeadon, I tend to agree with virtually everything you said here about "climate change", however since your comment was so intelligent (and informed) I want to ask you a question. What is your take on weather warfare? I always have suspected that a lot of extreme weather is brought on by either experiments/manipulation (by mankind) or Mother Nature. Years ago I read about the Aum Shinrikyo cult (Doomsday cult, Japan, sarin gas/Tokyo subway)-I read about them devising an Earthquake machine of some sort & testing it in the Australian outback. It worked, supposedly. I've always thought if some cult with limited resources could do such a thing it's pretty obvious any large government could also. I just looked online to find a link to the Earthquake experiment they carried out, but it seems all the talk has been obscured with "A meteorite caused it" and other explanations. I had originally read they built some sort of "thumper"-an audio device or something that caused sound that eventually caused "feedback" or a crack in the plate. No Earthquake had ever been detected there before (Who knows?) & there was no fault line there either. Sorry about the cult/earthquake info, I'm asking about weather manipulation. The only reason I brought up the earthquake in Australia information is because it's almost weather manipulation, it is geoengineering, and if it's true it points out just how easy it might be to do big science experiments on a tiny budget, not to speak of the amount of cash DARPA & NASA get each year. --- I would never have thought to ask you about weather, but you seem to know much more than viruses. So, what exactly do you think about planetary weather weapons and such exotic science?
This is meant for Mike Yeadon: What do you think about the idea that EMF's are causing massive harm, and now with 5G we, critters, plants, everything, are in extreme danger? (I wish Substack would fix the problem of the linking of comments to the person they're MEANT FOR! No offense, arturo, but your response is also welcome!
Incorrect. They were not moved and this is the point. You are trolling.
Not correct. If CO2 was a strong determinant of surface temperature, we’d expect a reasonably clear correlation between the two variables over geological time.
Such a correlation is absent.
Yes, turns out, from ice cores, (you know, geology?!) the rises in CO2 FOLLOW the warming by about 700 YEARS!!
The commie idiots working so hard to destroy us were never taught: **Cause cannot precede effect/result.**
Oh, let me add the children's explanation, since folks were not taught it WHEN they were children:
In the geological (ice and proxy) records, we can track the rise and fall of temperatures and CO2 and other atmospheric gases...
Let's try to get them to look these over and see if they can understand them?
[Tagline for the graphic: "Looks like past warming periods have risen just as fast as today. Explain that."]
1. Solar irradicance (sic) & albedo are more or less the same thing. But why would this be a reason that CO2 could affect climate now & not be correlated in the past?
2. Water vapour? Once again why would this gas not exist in the past?
But the correlation is that CO2 levels FOLLOW temperature changes!!!
How can you be so vociferously wrong on this one? So many comments. I don’t think you can be only uninformed and unaware. 👀👀👀
Thank you, yes, what they’re doing is frightening and the reasons behind what they’re doing are literally nuts.
They have the cheek to say that people like me aren’t “following the science”, when they come up with absurd claims like cattle are an important component to “global climate boiling change” (credit: Dom Waterson of Sheep Farm podcast’).
It seems reasonable to assume that there are various modalities of attack, not just one. Covid, Climate, CRT (which includes Mass Immigration), Ukraine, Trans/LGBTQ, and a complex transformative assault on national economies via a globalist scheme. The motive for this multiple-pronged operation seems to be to subvert the West as it has grown organically, and replace it with a totalitarian new world order.
That is my take, too,
Of course Mr. Yeadon supports Russia and is a paid Russian agent today as he co - runs the https://t.me/robinmg channel on telegram.
On telegram one of the three channel masters Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar will kick you out if you don't comply with the Russian or Oil industry narrative.
Planet earth is 1.62C hotter as of today and this is measured by an uncheatable machine (satellite) called sentinel.
Whether you call it climate change or not doesn't matter. We heat our planet beyond any reasonable limit. The alpine vegetation (Europe) already did climb uphill by 300m in altitude and of course each hill is finite and soon some more species are gone for ever.
Of course all is also a business case. Some land in the north will gain 100x value where all property along shores will be soon worth 0$....
You’re right. Those roubles keep rolling into my numbered Swiss bank account. Curses, I’ve been found out :((
You’re such a joker. I hope nobody pays you to write that rubbish.
"We heat our planet beyond any reasonable limit.
WOW! You're scientifically, historically, and prehistorically illiterate: entirely uneducated in geology, astronomy, planetary science, and EVERYTHING else that was mixed up to make your fervent brainwashing! EXPLAIN why MARS is and has been heating up over the SAME timespan and to the SAME degree(s)! Are the MARTIANS driving SUVs?! Burning... must be OUR... "fossil fuel, cause Mars doesn't have any?
Why do you parrot propaganda instead of learning about "snowball Earth" and the wild (and slow -- and *natural*) swings in planetary temepratures? Ever even HEARD of the Little Ice Age and the European WARM period? They were growing WINE grapes in northern England! That warm period was when there was food and leisure enough to build CATHEDRALS!! And then the warm period ENDED and everything shrank back down to a struggle to survive! Or do you think the medieval Europeans were driving SUVs?!?
Oh, it was lies? Did your school teachers tell you that the evil-bad Norse LIED to get their people to move to *Green*land, even though "Greenland was an icy desert." WHY don't you know that at that time, Greenland WAS green and lush -- and the sheep and the people lived fine! Or do you think the Norse began building coal-fired power plants for which NOarcheological remains exist!?
STOP letting our enemies brainwash you -- set out and do your OWN education, cause you have NOT gotten any!
I will only add that the globalists want to take over almost all sectors of the economy themselves and therefore do not tolerate competition. Agriculture is part of it. The farmers are thus deliberately driven into poverty. The climatic reasons are of course put forward in order to gain the acceptance of the unsuspecting citizens for this robbery.
I love the 'numbers game" those innumerate climate-idiots play: we NEED to kill off many (preferably ALL) of the millions of cows in this country, so cow farts don't end the planet!!! Of course, they NEVER consider (they likely never learned!) that before we Euorpeans arrived in the U.S. and began the mass slaughter, there were an estimated SIXTY MILLION buffalos here -- which are MUCH larger than 'cows' and yet, somehow, oddly, all those turbo-farters seemed NOT to make the proto-U.S. turn into a desert!
And, yet they want to kill off the U.S. cows -- but somehow India's 301.6 million cows are (literally) sacred and mustn't be harmed, damn the alleged/fake warming!! Yet, the liberal-commie-idiots don't want to restrict India and China from massively increasing the supposedly damaging CO2 producing industries, that's only in White Western countries! NO BEEF for you! Eat deh bugs!!
Covid is fiction as is Climate non sense and I am not Russian nor a troll.
You 100% certify for a troll. No human with an active brain cell would spread such nonsense...
Why Russia?
What’s a “Covid death”?
Murder…😳or 🤔Data manipulation.
Carbon causing global warming is not true. But the spraying of nano particles of aluminum and who knows what else. That is destroying the planet. https://youtu.be/7-0Hb6asKzI?si=tIRHf-LNNlFLT72Q
Is there a "climate emergency" - sons of bitches - damn - just another emergency to be ignored - cause is it real?
I doubt it.
Who are you talking to? 😀
I did my post grad in climate science. I agree with you about the Heartland Institute and I’ve spent quite a bit of time studying them and 6 years ago would have agreed with you on what you’ve said here. Part of that was along the lines of “why would 97% of climate scientists lie”. But covid disabused me of that and I’ve come to know more of the likes of the WEF, Club of Rome and just generally eugenicists. So the Heartland Institute has competitors who/which are just as prepared to lie as they are. Scientists are just like doctors, some malicious, some not prepared to rock the boat.
One of the things that I learnt in my post grad was that CO2 has never caused warming in the past. The increases in CO2 have in fact always followed warming in the past, that warming being caused by the Sun. Initially I didn’t give this too much intellectual effort and what was there was along the lines of ‘well there was no industrial civilisation then either’. Yet CO2 is only 422 parts per million now and while humans have been on the planet, before industrialisation, it’s been up past 2000 parts per million.
I don’t doubt that there is warming happening right now but is CO2 causing it? It would seem unlikely. But it is certainly useful in pushing an agenda.
Mike I have a question for you regarding that Ziarco Group nonsense of a decade ago, are you going to come clean on it?
You could be very very very very very new to all this - in which case why are you speaking so ferociously about stuff of which you clearly know nothing about?
So much work done on this by so many people over the last 4 years.
You would have to have crawled out from under a rock to be genuinely this unaware.
I don’t think this is at all likely.
I think you are probably just an every day troll.
Why was Jo Waller banned? I might not have agreed with her but she was being respectful enough from what I saw. What is free speech these days if voices get blocked from everywhere..
No new disease, no new virus (whether lab-borne, cave-borne, market-borne, or outer-space-borne) means no justification for the amount of money & fame the Early Treatment regime has gained.
Was 2020 the best thing that ever happened to you professionally?
If so, then I'm not super interested in what your version of the truth is, because it's almost certainly going to be aligned with the perpetrators' Core Story about a novel risk-additive coronavirus spreading from person to person.
If people reading your comment don’t already know this, you, Jessica, are a true, top tier truth warrior. You’re a hero! ( yes, it’s okay to blush, haha)
Thank you for the encouragement and gracious, well-intended compliment.
I'll accept "warrior" because everyone who fights for the truth & their family is a warrior.
But no more heroes, please. :)
More citizens standing up for themselves, their families, the truth at the local level.
Jessica: Am I misunderstanding you? Maybe I did... If so, I'll leave my comment because I'm not party to the "Viruses are Real" club. It's SO IRRITATING THAT SUBSTACK CAN'T ALIGN COMMENTS TO THE INTENDED PARTY... Sorry, Myra.
I would like to mention the late and very-much-missed brilliant citizen Debbie Lusignan (The Sane Progressive). She wisely called those in question, "Virus pushers against clot shots".
What happened to Debbie? I followed her for years and then she just vanished?
Debbie was apparently experiencing personal difficulties and passed away almost two years ago under somewhat uncertain circumstances.
thank you for telling me. uncertain circumstances as in suicided? i was worried for her then, imagine what she would be thinking now?
It is simple: Show me the incentive and I will show you the results. QED.
By the way, can you guess which U.S. city's hospitals received more $ than anyone for pulling off the spring 2020 show?
I live in the UK where nurses were dancing in the corridors, GPs paid per Covid shot and where the government built huge Nightingale pop-up hospitals costing millions and they were never used.
I would guess New York?
It was a grave dancing occult ritual.
Circus tents and al.
Don't need a conscience to ride a gravy train
Nailed it Jessica. They tell the ongoing stories about what the "bad guys" are going to do but we have the "fix" @ $300 bucks a pop or whatever. Worse than the perpetrators imo.
The really unfortunate part is that they have led some really smart people astray.
Some of this has occurred through messaging groups in various apps & platforms.
The effect of such groups is that they prevents/deter people from engaging in public debate.
When "preparedness" ( degrees, scientific papers, spurious/ scary commentary) meets "opportunity" ( Convid & it's "variants") Result; the new " real science" & our saviour's, who HATE to be questioned. At least I know what the other grubs are trying to achieve.
Love your comment. Thank you for your brave words! Took a screenshot for my post today. Blessings!
Your comment is on the money, literally and figuratively.
Jessica: Ever seen a SS page by Christine Massey? She's a scientist, first off, and she has sent HUNDREDS of FOIA's to labs and doctors ALL OVER THE WORLD. Not ONE lab or individual has EVER been able to prove the existence of a virus. Not one. FYI
The transfer of wealth was always an issue for me.
Watched this yesterday.
Pffft... 2005 Rummy flu redux not a threat but giant grift!!
Agreed Pam
Just in time for the elections. NYC no less, media capital.
Good post, sir.
Ha ha ha
Brother Mike here is one of the most attacked by sentient potans.
Who would've thought years ago that disagreeing with mass murder could be so cumbersome?
Do agents ever think to themselves: "wait, is this morally right what I'm doing here?"
Caps lock stuck again? Damn!
So Sage Hana, Yeadon and West or Yeadon/West, Latypova, Richard Werner.
Who else is in this little team?
Let’s hope that it’s not Frances Leader. No apostrophe.
Dr Yeadon, there are some who question whether the notion of pandemics is in fact viable. Simply put, this is on the basis that there has never been a pandemic in the past and that if pandemics existed, the human race would have been driven extinct by now. Sasha Latypova is the person I first heard this concept from, and I think she makes a sensible argument. What do you think?
It is also remarkable that the definition of pandemics and vaccines change in concert with the narrative the authorities want to perpetuate.
While those are reasonable grounds alone to question whether pandemics could be more than a scenario in a scary movie, like “Contagion”, for example, there are others.
I like to add a qualifier, just for precision. “Pandemics of acute respiratory illnesses” are a fictional construct.
We can reach a good degree of confidence in this assertion by more one route.
1. Reading the scientific literature on contagion, or transmission, of symptoms of acute respiratory illnesses. Long & short, it doesn’t happen. When a person with such an illness (“donor”) spends time sharing space with a healthy person (“recipient”), the recipient does not acquire the symptoms of the donor, over the next few days and weeks, more often than when two donors share space.
2. Examination of claimed pandemics of acute respiratory illnesses. It doesn’t take long before you trip over obvious lies and trickery, such as pretending contagion occurs (not easy to detect as a trick, because we’re all trained to think it’s true, whereas there are other explanations for the phenomenon of apparent contagion). In recent times, we see our friend the “PCR based diagnostic test”. What these generate is the little known but astonishingly true “PCR false positive pseudo epidemic”. The kicker is that even when you attempt to look the Spanish Flu “pandemic” in the eye, you find nothing but misdirection, exaggeration & medical malpractice. In every case, social engineering is used to condition us into buying it as a pandemic, where the reality is that something else happened.
But yes, if the kind of massed, contagious event that we’re told has happened & that “the next pandemic is just around the corner” as a government minister recently said in the House of Lords, could actually happen, it would be reasonable to expect copious evidence of such events in the past.
I credit a conversation between these two gentlemen as an important catalyst in my growing scepticism about pandemics.
It’s one hour long and densely packed and we as done with good humour.
Not to speak for Dr Yeadon, but as someone engaged in battling Rockefeller-Gates Biotech Mafia for over two decades and familiar with tactics of meddlers and grifter.
Sasha is not a trustworthy source and her smear attacks against two of the best researchers to cross my path, while taking bits of others research without attribution put her beyond grifter into meddler territory. My suspicions were confirmed when Sasha launched into a smear of Mark Kulacz in Doc Malik's post with Mark's interview & my polite pushback got me banned & subscription revoked by Malik after Sasha threatened my comments would get me banned. and Malik did exactly that.
In my estimation the wench stinks like week old fish as a source because censoring articulate challenges and resorting to character smears rather than challenging facts makes her a insincere actor and worthless as a primary source.
Oh the irony, mentioning “smear attacks” you allege that Sasha Latypova has made while, and I quote, describing her thusly:
“the wench stinks like week old fish as a source because censoring articulate challenges and resorting to character smears rather than challenging facts makes her a insincere actor and worthless as a primary source”.
In what way did the choice of words constitute an “articulate challenge”.
For the record, there’s literally no hint of a specific point of disagreement you have with Sasha.
Would you like to lay out at least one, articulate challenge? Seriously, I would like to hear it.
If someone was a neutral, coming to this for the first time, it has to be conceded that Sasha’s profile could be used to smear her. I mean, what are the chances that she’s NOT KGB, given she’s a Ukrainean American, raised in the Soviet Bloc, ultra smart, successful entrepreneur, an excellent painter, highly competent with a range of firearms, how based off grid in a strongly defended bunker in New Mexico. She’s probably the owner of several passports and trained in martial arts, too. I made most of that up, though all of these have been flung at her.
On the other hand, my own profile has Deep State more or less nailed on. Lifer in the pharmaceutical industry, previously had Top Secret clearance, worked at Porton Down (that’s probably where they installed the chip, haven’t you noticed he’s always touching his scalp behind his left ear?), claims to have been a successful entrepreneur (yeah, right, that provided a cover story for why he doesn’t need to earn a crust). And we’re told he’d never once looked at or thought about vaccines until the fakedemic, a likely story. No, he’s so obviously a crook.
"In what way did the choice of words constitute an “articulate challenge”."
Not a hint there and unfortunately this is a carry over from Doc Malik's post where Sasha launched into smears about Mark Kulacz and Jay Couey and my challenge to that "were an articulate challenge and polite including errors about research. "
Three replies pushing back on unfair smears and slurs drew a barrage of name calling at me w warning by Sasha Malik would ban me which he did.. account was revoked and comments deleted which is what earned the stinks like week old fish description.
While it may not be classy it's as spot on well deserved summary of our interaction. As much as you make is a fair point about background as a tool to misrepresent someone as many have done to you my own discounting relates to inaccurate information and general nastiness. All the vaccine challenges here are about Christine Massey not Sasha.
Liars stink like week old fish and it's their own words that define them. Check Malik's post and apologies for bringing it here but Twitter has had me banned since 2020 and my first engagement with Sasha directly got me censored on Substack at Sasha's suggestion and nothing about that speaks to an honest actor.. no background attributions required.
You start off quoting the apposite question … then totally fail to answer it!!!!
You have no answer?
The small number of people attacking Sasha have yet to present one single coherent point so far. I have seem none!
And then when Sasha robustly calls them out this is grounds for vilification?
What is going on?
Carry over from Sasha's viscous smears of Mark Kulacz in Doc Malik's post where she calls him a liar, grifter and idiot and characterizes critique of her daughter on Alex Jones as an attack on a child.. Almost forgot Sasha called Mark & Jay Couey pedophiles for that reporting https://web.archive.org/web/20240501094235/https://docmalik.substack.com/p/the-us-opiod-crisis-a-conversation
It’s unconscionable that Sasha now has a paywall on her Substack. Freedom fighter? I used to think so. But when money comes into the picture, it’s no longer about truth and freedom, but profit! It has greatly marred her integrity in my view.
We’re already in World War III and those professed Christians like Sasha and other Substackers who have Paywalls or “Subscribe-Only” accounts complain about their messages not getting out there to the masses. Are these Substackers so blind? Do they not see the very real hindrance they create with their Paywalls and Subscriber-Only accounts? HYPOCRITES!
I don’t care what excuse these Substackers proffer to justify their Paywalls & Subscriber-Only accounts. And I don’t care how hard they work either. We didn’t elect them to become a freedom fighter.. Yes, the laborer is worthy of his hire. But we didn’t hire them! Yet now they want to charge The People a toll for accessing their information. Looks like the road to freedom is not free but paved with gold💰 💰 💰 💰.
Many of us foot soldiers on the front lines, like myself, have asked for nothing. I’ve lost so much income because I’ve sacrificed work to speak to people about what’s going on in the world. I spend a lot of time keeping up with the latest research and findings made by various others and as a consequence, I am behind on my bills. I live like a pauper. And I don’t care, because if I can help awaken one person, my sacrifices will have been worthwhile.
When did our Founding Fathers of this great nation require payment for their efforts? To be sure, they held fundraisers for the war effort. But they never withheld the Truth or information from The People. PAYWALLS AND “SUBCRIBER-ONLY” ARE A BANE, A PROSTITUTION OF THE IDEA OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT. Everyone needs to unsubscribe from these HARLOTS — these PHARISEES & SADDUCEES who profess to be acting in the Spirit of the Christ. Yet, they do but act according to the (monetary) Letter, not the SPIRIT of THE LAW.
THANK YOU, MIKE, for not letting money and profit undermine your impeachable character! You are the real deal!
Love 💕
Veronica E.
Well, getta loada this: "Sasha-Dahlink" went ahead and reached right into my credit card an' signed me up for a paid subscription-- all without my authorization-- so, yeah, she's a crook. I called the credit card company and am having that lil' Barbarian THIEF return my money, then blocking her substack from taking it again. That's the kind of "Christian" we're dealing with. Good luck, kids.
Substack doesnt work that way. You had to agree to start paying, even if you dont remember clicking it.
yeah, right.
You can file a report with substack or the police if you think fraud or theft was involved.
Pretty much everyone has a paywall on their substack these days. At least Sasha's work is free for the first week after she posts. More than can be said now for 90% of the people (patriots) on substack who only give "unpaid subscribers" a couple sentences of their posts.
Dear Pamela, I think you should reconsider the situation. the "feud" may be mere internet drama to keep the audience entertained.
I think Sasha is solid, and Housatonic is iffy. But I'm biased against engineers, and biased in favor of entrepreneurs, so I may be judging wrongly. See? I also evaluate where I am. My POV may not be seeing the whole scenery.
Thanks for the biggest laugh of the day and tips for my world view. Mark was on my radar for research skill years before the Covidian era.. Sasha looked iffy at the outset and looks worthless except as a grifter with info that clouds the issue. Tracking the Biotech Mafia has been a top sport for me for over two decades and Sasha is a waste of time at best.
Mark has gone through a lot, from what I heard him say. I take that into consideration.
On Engineers versus entrepreneurs. Engineers tend to be stubborn and even paranoid. Entrepreneurs tend to be adaptable and amoral.
Engineers tend to look at social solutions for problems, which is always wrong, in my opinion. There are no social problems, much less social solutions. Only personal problems exist, and society stands in the way.
But Entrepreneurs are too selfish. Or so the muggles say. They can be easily manipulated by evil doers, which makes them appear as evil themselves. Evil people often pretend to pass as harmless entrepreneurs, because the entrepreneur looks good very often. But not to all people. Some people have great prejudice against entrepreneurs. At least as much as I have against engineers.
It’s best to reevaluate prejudice from time to time.
Perhaps you should consider things from a different angle. Like, pharma executives who think in this manner: “we are always focused on following the dumb rules and find the optimal way to do our thing (profits!) without causing too much inconvenience, and now these privileged motherfuckers get to poison the people and earn unheard of profits by having infinite get-out-of-jail cards, given to them by utterly corrupt and converged regulators, and we receive all the heat and hate from everyone, even though we are not guilty of this one, at all. We are not having it! No sir!”
My considerations are between truth tellers and liars & that serves me well, thanks!
Well-put, hear-hear!!
Strategy is important.
It's shocking: sometimes truth tellers lie, because of a strategy, and sometimes liars tell the truth, because of a strategy.
Most strategies fail, and yet most people strategize. Amazing!
Housatonic is a good strategist, don't you think?
She's off her rocker with daily attacks against anyone and everyone who dares question her infallibility-- not to mention her showing us all of many and increasing examples of bad character. She came onto Meryl Nass's substack, looked down through the comments and attacked me there, as well as on Steve Kirsch's substack (she's on record saying that Kirsch, as well as Malone and the pathologist, Ryan Cole, are fakes who work for D.o.D.-- oh, and I work for "Maloney-baloney" and am on her substack just to "get" her, l.o.l.). As I replied to her with every attack, Sasha's showing who she is with each and every attack, as well as wasting her own energy and damaging her own health... while she could only send the usual replies dripping with sarcasm and contempt. This is why I waited to see who is gold and who isn't. I now reward Meryl Nass for her work, as well as Steve Kirsch. And I don't give a crap if TROLLS here wanna make anything out of this fact-- Don't like that? Well: "FACT OFF, kids!"
Hmmmm…….. You seem to support to perpetrators and get miffed when people call them out…
Hmmmm.....whilst YOU seem to be a D.o.D. time-wasting "sh!t disturber... l.o.l. ;-)
Perpetrators have entered the chat.
Too many years in anonops to let the batsh*t crazy hen house crowd rope me into more than occasional floor mopping exercise... decades of smugnorant wenches copping attitude is a tough sell when they look as ridiculous as kiddies making a fuss on the field trip hurling names & bragging of their own something.. behaving like children flaunting smugnorance & closing with prove me wrong.. huge fun to watch folks show who they are w their priorities!
Interesting. Thanks for that piece of info.
I still would like to know what Dr Yeadon thinks about the concept of pandemics - I certainly do trust his integrity.
Agree and love Mike Yeadon to the moon and back for being one of the earliest honest voices with industry chops to challenge the pandemic psyop!!
I was catching up.on Dr Sam Baileys sub stacks and she shared this very significant point - with every pandemic comes a vaccine - funny that
It’s axiomatic. And a clue.
To what, it may be asked?
Have you noticed that, of all the categories of product of the pharmaceutical industry, vaccines alone may not be questioned, let alone criticised?
It’s acceptable to question whether “cholesterol busting” drugs are effective & separately whether they are safe.
It’s acceptable to question or challenge a whole category of claimed anti-depressant medications.
You can certainly take issue with a specific inhaled beta adrenoreceptor agonist in asthma while being OK with the class.
But even questioning any vaccine rapidly gets you into trouble. Asking a question is considered “anti-vax”. If you challenge a vaccine, you’re a “dangerous anti-vax lunatic, whose free speech rights deserve to be curtailed, in order to protect the public”.
Why is this? Why the distinction between so-called cholesterol lowering drugs & vaccines as an entire class?
It’s not merely market value. At one point, while patent protected, Pfizer’s cholesterol lowering drug was the biggest selling drug in the world.
If an article appeared, questioning the rate of muscle pain while taking the drug, it’s owner or a “key opinion leader” (KOL) would write a rebuttal. It wouldn’t be some random person or someone from a different company.
Anyone asking questions of vaccines comes under attack from all sides. The media. Doctors, especially of the TV variety. Ministries of Health. Whoever was speaking in parliament. It’s extraordinary.
I have an hypothesis. It’s that it was always intended that injections were going to be used for nefarious purposes.
This might not be the sole reason but I have an uncomfortable feeling that it may well be the case.
Yes. It is interesting that an injection is the last thing you receive on Death Row.
Or as an animal being "put down".
"Vaccines" to end life, as euthanasia, I guess you could say.
I refer to it as the most premeditated holocaust in history. And prior to CONditioning 19, I was just a head up my arse debt slave entertaining myself to death like the next person. The only thing different between myself and my 3 daughters and most people? We have never had an injection previously referred to as an immunization- ever!. Not even the vitamin k.
All the last four years has done is provide me with more and more and more evidence that in a self preservationary sense, the decision my parents made with me ,and I with my daughters, was the appropriate decision. I knew nothing of the eugenics / depopulation crowd or the extent of the adepts and elitists arrogance and derangement . It's been an eye opener to say the least. I'm in Melbourne Australia, and those that were as I woukd describe it as - Laying in wait for their own blood- was signicant. But they didn't need more than a critical mass to have the manufacturers of our consent in media, sway the silent majority that the ludicrous notions of a pandemic were real.
In spite of the perception management complexes hold on the collective mind, by mid 2020 I was suggesting to the defense forces on posts on social media that if they stood with the people, we were with them even though the majority still.had their head up there arses - not knowing at the time social media is a military operation in itself 😂. If we don't learn from history, we will be as a child forever. As the social engineers and nudge teams infantalised the flock, those more susceptible fell more into the state they had been groomed for - ready for whatever daddy gov.co had waiting in the wings next.
Dr Ayoub is one you probably know Mike .
These are from 2005 and 2008
Even though he says in the second one that familiar tag line - he wants safe vaccines, and he's not antivax, I persevered.
It was informative. Obviously the connections he makes between the Kissinger Report and Gavi is like a case study in doublespeak
You're preaching to the choir here Mike, but in spite of the demoralization aspect of the operation the revelations of these atrocities are serving - they were always going to tell us if the SPARS scenario / script is any indication, I still find myself sharing the apparent realities that we might hopefully steer the direction of the more and less susceptible more rightfully.
We are all susceptible.
When you look at the mountains of literature, presentations, papers, voices etc. on the orchestrated incremental democide by this communitarian greater good cult, like I said, it is like the behaviorists want us to know, and now they are simply rubbing it in.
Not bad for a psychological operation designed to increase fear, distress, illness, and learned helplessness.?
Onwards and upwards
It is an interesting observation and a good point, thank you. I have pointed out to people that 'vaccination' is an anagram of 'icon vatican'. Vaccines are icons that cannot be criticised.
Vaccines are considered saviours, that they save lives. Nothing could be further from the truth.
You I'll find these interesting
Wise lady Dr Sam. One could also say that with every vaccine comes a pandemic.
Or a fear of disease.
Fear sells.
My colleague rents a separate-entrance unit to traveling professionals. She told me that the ICU nurse here for several months during the front end of COVID reported that the local hospital was pretty quiet....no wards stuffed-full of ppl sick with CONVID here...
Watch this if you have the time: https://rumble.com/v4kc73l-dr-mike-yeadon.html
I think he answers your Q there.
Thanks for the link - and yes Dr Yeadon covers his opinion of pandemics - simply put, they don’t exist.
I have said it before but there are pandemics of lies. Lies spread like wildfire.
Yes, interestink.. While Sasha's a sharp-eyed researcher and is spot on about many things, her accusations against other freedom fighters don't have a lot of bearing on the outcome of the Phight against Pharma, and then there is the matter of her character and all the behavioral issues the past few months, i.e., the vicious, violent and relentless attacks on anyone who dares disagree with her, even when the disagreement is reasonable-- includung fighting with The Inconsequential (her own subs) using really abusive language and very disgusting imagery in her pre-teen-like insults, as well as her FSU-generated extreme paranoia (yeah, I "work for" "Maloney-Baloney," uh huh, suuure I do...). It's having a negating effect on the rest of her important work, which is too bad.
Some of the material she recycles without credit to those who found the research might be fine but who has the time to waste with folks who put out crumbs of truth in piles of BS.
Again, Pamela, I humbly request that at least one specific to underwrite your criticism would be helpful.
I favour debate, especially with people who disagree with me, provided both parties can remain courteous, because it really does help move my thinking on.
To let you know, I don’t think I’m particularly gullible. I tend by nature to be trusting & through a lifetime, there haven’t been many occasions where that’s led to me being exploited, at least, that I’ve detected.
I do see why some might suspect Sasha if not being what she claims. On a personal level, I’ve not seen her even once say something that prompted me to think “Hmm, I don’t think she’s telling the truth”.
So if she’s a bad actor, I’m struggling to identify her motives and agenda.
Same of me. I know some will never trust a former big pharma person, and I don’t blame them. But if I’m a bad actor, I seem to be doing a decent job in exposing what the perpetrators might be up to, for no visible gain.
All the best,
Here's Maliks piece where Sasha calls Mark & Jay pedophiles several times which set the tone for engagement. https://web.archive.org/web/20240501094235/https://docmalik.substack.com/p/the-us-opiod-crisis-a-conversation
I’ve seen what they called her, foul stuff.
In the end, it doesn’t matter if any particular individual is or is not “genuine”.
By this I mean that people seem to tie their colours to particular people.
I’ve no idea why. None of us are going to be saved by picking correctly who is or isn’t telling the truth.
There aren’t any leaders in “the freedom conmunity”.
In the end, you will be trapped & murdered if you comply. You won’t be saved by any of us.
We can’t even save ourselves by being right.
Like everybody else, we must each make decisions and take (or refuse to take) certain actions.
So I’m not playing this game.
You must do what you think best, like the rest of us.
Dr Yeadon et Tim,
My purpose in this comment is not to support the one of Pamela, whom I do not know, or the people she speaks about.
However, I can talk about my experience with Sasha in this article:
I expressed correctly, that there was probably another origin to the genocide she talks about. I lost a lot of video data, following loss of an external hard drive, of officials expressing directly, on their power and their plan, not always very detailed, but explicit.
This evil I am talking about is not religious, but human, to avoid misinterpretation. I have spoken of several families etc.
Some comments later, she thinks I’m a troll, that is to say that she does not accept any other possibility than hers. Yet, extensive research could (perhaps because the net has been cleaned up) still allow doubt of his only conviction. In my opinion, since I can no longer prove it, the military is not the firts responsible for this horror.
To speak of a troll seems to me to be an exaggeration, and one might assume that it puts an end to any serious discussion on the subject.
The evidence she puts forward is not admissible, it is a conclusion based on the DOD’s unlimited expenses.
To insist on it, without listening carefully to others, allows doubt on their integrity. It is very difficult to distinguish the true from the false among dissidents. I don’t know if she is a controlled opponent, whatever it is, you can act in a certain way for x reasons.
I think either she’s wrong, or she has a reason to discredit me.
As you can see on my substack, I do not write an article, I always post the direct temoignages. I have only commented on one video (Erica), so I do not usually speak the words of others, I refer only to direct expressions.
Hi Mike,
I too miss a good oxford type debate. Having followed your journey from the beginning I went from "this guy is nearly savior level" ( and posted it on your first tg channel along with every positive description I had seen of your good self - a bloody big list btw ) after you were the first to call it what it was - Genocide.
Then when you didn't acknowledge Shimon's work and evidence of nano tech during the Reiner interview I deleted all my subs.
Then I see you step up on virology. That gladdened my heart hugely. Thanks.
There are 2 major issues I see and they are Clifford Carnicoms decades of undeniable evidence at a level that would stand up in any court of law in normal times. The polymers that form the calamari are relatively easy to find in all today and Clifford has shown that this can be cultured from the CBD..
The other is what we ordinary folks can see with a scope that the bluetooth signals emanating from the jabbed and unjabbed prove for we lay people that we have nano tech contamination inside us. There is no other logical answer to this and it is the smoking gun for me.
Its one thing to ignore Cliffords work but Sasha is the only person I know of who has been brave enough to say his work is fake. But she wouldn't dare to debate that statement and attacks anyone who challenged her on it. For me that put her in the incredibly arrogant, stupid or CO camp. I don't think she is stupid by a long shot.
I will leave the nano tech component out and simply ask your opinion of Cliffords works and if Sasha is correct. There are approximately 400 papers that anyone can download from the Carnicom Institute website. It seems somewhat important. His works are also on substack now.
Best Regards,
Why does any of this matter?
I really don’t care how we’re controlled and murdered unless understanding some detail offers us a radically different solution to the hideous threats we face.
I long ago had more evidence than I needed to prove we're under attack by totalitarian lunatics with bad intentions.
The fine details are stamp collecting.
You may well be right.
So what?
We’re in strong agreement that we’re under lethal attack.
You may correctly deduce that I’m tired of detail collections, my own included, because they move us forward not one inch.
Again apologies for carryover from Malik's post but censoring me for correcting the record with respect to Mark Kulacz, a researcher I have followed since before the pandemic & one of the most honest & talented researchers to emerge since 2015ish, followed by name calling of me set the tone for this. It was more irksome because half of the Paul Alexander's posts promoting Sasha had recycled research that Mark uncovered & Sasha recycled without attribution then smeared the legit source as a grifter and liar. Drama gets ugly fast.
Miri AF hrows a different light on Dr Malik from Miri's experience.
Hmm.. never heard of Miri but my focus leans into primary sources.. drama only as occasional venture.. seems dirtbags are always bad actors.. nice confirmation & archived!
For someone who accuses people of smearing others, you seem to be engaging in that grifter tactic with proficiency yourself. Just an observation. That said, everyone's entitled to their opinion. Many others, however, find Sasha's (and Katherine Watt's) work enlightening and invaluable.
She's on 'the other team'.
Just for the records:
- if pandemics exist(ed) and human kind (and the whole animal and plant kingdom) still exist and thrive, it means that our (and their) immune system has co-evolved through all of history and does obviously work perfectly.
The wider and easier the spread of a contagious germ is, the milder are the symptoms if it causes an illness at all. A highly deadly germ does not spread far - how could it when the host is dead.
Thus the pandemics are just a matter of (political) definition. Skip the part 'severe illness and many deaths' and you get a 'plandemic' with every flu season.
Listen and watch Dr. Bhakdi, Dr. Wittkowsky and many more.
Right, Except there is no immune system nothing to be immune from
There is no immune system is perhaps the most ignorant biological remark ever.
What is there to be immune from???? There are detox systems of the body. Immune system. Nope They are the most low thought of class in medical school, for they have no Proof . They are known as the “black magic” class in med school
Love to see reference links for the black magic claims & take down of Bone Marrow Transplant research.. hand waving all of human biology into fiction is pretty lame.
Come on
U think so🤪
Show me there is one. It’s on you, not me
It depends upon how you define it. If by immune system you mean the bodies amazing ability to change the way it responds to internal and external influences as needed, then of course there is one. If you mean a specific interconnected system which can be located at some place in the body, then yeah, there really isn’t one. I have always, at least for decades, assumed everyone thinks of it as the first. Maybe not?
We have an infestation of trolls sir.
They are being watched. The pot of oil is prepared. When the temperature is just right action will be taken.
Apologies for unpleasant surroundings in the mean time. But we are all grown ups and can handle a few trolls here and there.
Only by. You!😁
Agree & low quality trolling is insulting spam without any game *smirk*
Health is easy! That’s what they don’t want u to know
I wonder how you can in one message say 'there is no immune system' and in the next 'health is easy'?
Eat raw, breath nose only, build muscle. Sleep! Think good thoughts, take no drugs, injections, NONE!! Stay away from doctors!
Is the Pope Catholic?
I posted that on her crappy substack about 6 weeks ago. She's a 100% straight up ripoff artist.
Yes all so-called pandemic were toxins in the environment like the black plague
EMF toxins,
Like cyclical sunspot activity
And electrical technology.
Once you go on an raw animal food diet, weight train breathe through your nose only get lots of sleep you’ll find you almost never need to detoxify (get sick)
You're crazier than our "Sasha-dahlink" ;-)
I can really buy into the 'get sick' as a detox. Raw? Or just carnivore-type diet? Also, could you rec. any breathing enhancement exercise vids? Tia.
There are no contagions. Cooking food destroys nutrients. Barbecue is a carcinogen
Roytas: Can You Catch a Cold?
😮💪 and for me nope, nope, nope..
Fear is the real virus!
Breath through your nose only keep this much CO2 Contant in your brain as you can as it liberates oxygen from your hemoglobin , the Borh Law
And calms u down! C02. The great Tranquilizer
It would be funny if it weren't so tragic - all those people who really really wanted Covid19 to be a deadly plague that would kill them immediately if they didn't cover their faces with blue paper or knicker gussets, wipe their hands with scented alcohol and walk around a supermarket in one direction only. The same people who worshipped at the altar of the Men in White Coats (although I don't think any of the Famous Faces on TV wore white coats!) and believed that injections of unknown substances would save them from death. Yet, as a non-educated plebian, I could see it was all rubbish and it didn't take long to find the proper scientists who confirmed it was all rubbish. It must be so frustrating to be one of the proper scientists!
The climate crap is the same stupid story isn't it? As is Saving Democracy in one of the most corrupt undemocratic countries in the world.
I don't know how we get out of any of this - I reckon about 99% of people in the west are on some sort of prescription medication for things that are not really illnesses and aren't cured by the medicine. They're not going to stop believing they are ill when it's generally just Life and they aren't going to stop taking the pills even though a little thought would show them the pills don't work!
So many people worship "modern medicine".
Good on you Dr. Mike! 100% on the mark! I am so over reading and hearing supposed “truth speak doctors” reinforcing the Covid-19 myth! As you once wisely said… “they never actually needed a REAL virus!” All they’re doing is “legitimising” the fraud.
💯 percent correct
Yes, I’m aware of this. It’s despicable.
'Michael Yeadon, the voice of reason.' That chant goes through my head every time I read one of your posts.
At every stage in this battle, you've been ahead of the curve in how you approach the issues, your analysis of them, and your conclusions or advice on best next steps forward. I'll say it again as I do when I comment on your work Michael--you give of your heart and brain equally. I don't know anyone who can be as balanced in that way, and it is God's gift to you and I'm so grateful that you've developed that amazing gift and share it with us. Bless you.
Having been down the germ vs terrain theory rabbit hole, I am increasingly sceptical about the current paradigm. I still though respect and adore those freedom fighters like Kory, Weinstein, McCullough etc who adhere to the mainstream narrative, that there indeed was a new virus. I don't know if it is essential which side one might be on on this issue. The main thing must be that we all agree that this was the biggest crime against humanity ever.
Bret Weinstein is the biggest fraud in the pandemic theater.. his brother was Peter Thiel - Palintir numbers guru and their dad the biggest lawyer in the antibody patent space since JFK appointed him to Patent Office. Might as well put your trust in Blackwater.
When you hold a key role in anti-democratic Deep State dirtbag ops there is no legitimate basis to claim to be a dissident. Palintir is as dirty as corps get & Bret's Intellectual Dark Web construct funded by Thiel's Palintir is not the route to save ourselves.
Is Peter Thiel the brother of Bret Weinstein?
No sorry if that was unclear.. Bret's brother Eric was Thiel numbers guy & Weinstein bros dad the Godfather of antibody patents... spectacular researcher Mark Kulacz has volumes of references for the family & many Biotech Mafia players now & historically.. brilliant work! https://sites.google.com/housatonicits.com/live/home
Interesting. I didn’t know that. Thanks 😊
Credit to the brilliant research of Mark Kulacz who has done incredible deep dives into so many of the covert relationships that have been cited by others as their work and the original target Sasha maligned in Malik's post & interview w Mark on opioid crisis. He's amazing! oops wanna add reference for Palintir a dirtbag outfit on my radar for more than a decade. https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/29/2956566_palantir-the-war-on-terror-s-secret-weapon-.html
I was looking at a video, years ago now, Malone and Weinstein by open windows, discussing very early on, the potential for mRNA harms, the fact that the multiple novel elements contained in the shots ( LNPs ; pseudo-uridrine ; etc ) meant that these products could in no way be claimed safe.
Basically called for a halt to there usage.
So hyper-critical of the establishment pushing the shots and the manufacturers.
If you like, explain to me why I should now believe these guys are suspect, what long game are they playing for nefarious purposes.
Do you have a reference link? It's hard to have an opinion about a stranger's vague memory.
Lol, never said it was vague, the opposite, How-an-ever....here ya go....
Think the mrna stuff comes in around 35mins.
It was this Darkhorse podcast being discussed here: https://www.youtube.com/live/ZA9fokCJnlU?si=9jC5A1DHxnyQSMDE that I found on the link you posted, that I happened to be watching that opened my very naive eyes to, well a great deal. So I was very grateful to Bret. But so much more going on to say the least. Thanks for the links!
It was indeed the crime of the century based on the deceit of germ theory and viruses as alleged disease causing agents. I say that even if one considers that viruses as a thing to be concerned about (one should not be) there clearly was no new virus in 2019/2020 as 'flu cases/deaths almost disappeared and COVID 19 took their place.
As regards viruses I consider them the exosome, cellular waste. As the sound of the word virus is 'via us', so-called viruses arise out of us.
Let's say that there is a debate about whether sars2 was novel, or it's just part of coronavirus swarm, nothing particularly different.
The crucial pretext, to enable all the measures that followed, was a novel dangerous virus, unlike our other fellow traveller pathogens.
If they are wrong, and they then uphold this false claim, that would help to mask what occurred, as it's then arguments over treatments and policies, rather than the whole edifice.
That's essential to me anyway.
"Let's say that there is a debate about whether sars2 was novel, or it's just part of coronavirus swarm" - why should anyone do that when there is zero scientific evidence of any "virus" ever and this false paradigm leads to horrific harm, suffering and death?
Because this kind of talk helps cover up the murders. That's the entire point of the no virus histrionics. You're here wildly flapping your flabby arms as a huge distraction effort working together with your friends you brought here.
You make NO sense.
“I killed all those women to get ride of the space demons”
“Don’t say the space-demons are fictional or you’ll be letting the murderer off the hook”
Can you even hear yourself? All the virus apologists have lost the plot.
Might be going out on a limb here, but I'm thinking using fictional analogies, women murder and space demon imagery, maybe not going to endear you to the virus believing folks at home, just saying 🤣
Lol, no, exposing the fraud of "germs" exposes the fraud at the very heart of it all and reduces the chances of people getting sucked in again. Exposing the truth is the opposite of covering something up. And now you resort to childish insults, wow, how sad for a grown man or whatever you are. Have a nice life.
Beanz meanz Fartz. would be more suitable name for him (if it is a him). :)
Christine. I think you are right, but we have a huge problem on our hands then, since a large majority of freedom fighters and truth seekers believe in germ theory. As a science journalist I stopped reporting on the corona and vax crime because I ended up in a place where I could not discern what was true (new virus vs old virus or virus vs no virus, gain of function vs gain of fiction).
Start discerning. Start waking up those with the Germ Hypothesis superstition
In future, you'll be lucky if you can find your tin of "beanz" to eat. Because the current psyop of the "foot and mouth disease" and "bird flu" is only just getting going.
Furthermore, you are completely illogical in your reasoning, which is possibly borrowed from Del Bigtree?
It is deliberate fraud with bodily harm and at least manslaughter if you feign an emergency and as a result enrich yourself financially and harm people. Even if this deception of the public is based on ignorance, this does not protect against punishment. This is the current state of case law.
Evidence that clinical data was massively manipulated both in the development of the "vaccines" and in the development of the tests suggests at least the accusation of fraud.
The way in which you have addressed Christine Massey here, alone, is remarkable. The rest is not.
'This kind of talk'
The idea is that 'no virus' is a distraction coordination? Noone I know has even heard of or contemplated that viruses don't exist, they still dont either give a shite about any of it or are blissfully unawares, or both lol, are these no virus folks getting much so much traction then, smoke and mirrors, eh?
You winding me up?
Lol You’re a good disturber ROFL 😂 You come across very believably Lols Genuinely think you are genuine Arf Arf
Nah, It was just disrespectful I figured, and didn't seem to address the argument, or make much sense in any way that would've been advantageous to him, should have been ignored in hindsight, but then I wouldn't be saying this, so a moot point all round
I still think currently, and while keeping the viral terminology, exposing 'no pandemic' would be worthwhile.
If people still believe in viruses, as they will for the foreseeable, it has to be a good thing that they discover 'gene therapy' tech is not something they should be putting into their bodies, and that they didnt need any such intervention, they were lied to.Then maybe they'll wonder about more vaccines / drugs, then maybe you get a cut at them.
Maybe this untruth uncovered becomes a stepping-stone for people to consider your positions.
A lot of harms could still be avoided while belief in virus theory remains.
But maybe I see your view somewhat, although it would be an ill-informed understanding of it, it's all muddled enough as it is, stick to core principles, otherwise is a betrayal, fair enough, no problem from me, carry on, convince
There’s no scientific evidence for the existence of respiratory viruses (at least).
coronavirus swarm?
Run for the hills.
Hehe, scary image used to be the spikey ball, now it's a myriad of them 😄
Kumbaya enters the chat.
Absolutely essential to get clear on "new virus"/"pandemic" ... germ vs terrain can be a debate for another - and happier - day. Hint: NO!
A)It is not a debate
B) it is about awareness
C) Nothing is more important right now than smashing the Climate and Contagion hoaxes.
As a writer, I am potently aware that he who controls the language controls the narrative, and thus the people. And, as you suggest, the moniker "COVID-19" (can we even call this contraption a word?) has shaped a narrative (and thus our society) in profound ways.
It fixes a date: 2019. That alone fixes power. (Think 1914, or 1917, 1939, or 1941, 11/22/63, or 9-11.) It invites a comparison to the 1918 Spanish Flu Epidemic which almost certainly wasn't warranted.
The acronym also takes a common-sense thing, accessible to anyone (flu; fever; sick; out-of-it for a few days), removes it from popular understanding and transfers it to the realm of expertise--thus, power.
Sure there are folks (like you) who understand this stuff based on specialized training, but the effect of the acronym alone is to cause the vast majority of us to subconsciously genuflect toward guys in white coats with degrees and thus cause us to cede our trust... and our obedience.
I have made a point, in conversations both casual and formal of refusing to refer either to "COVID" as an era, or to "COVID-19" as a special thing with such special powers. Instead, I have taken to referring to the events which began in 2019 and started to ease in 2022 simply as "Crazy Time".
In the spirit of acknowledging that a lot of folks lost their minds (suspended our common sense and critical thinking) at the urging of a whole bunch of other folks who greatly benefited from them/us doing so, I urge others to do likewise. "Crazy Time". Hey, there you go! Can we try sanity now?
Spot on assessment. Conversely calling novel mRNA tech 'vaccines' does the opposite. It hides the novel characteristics of mRNA transfections with lie it's a vaccine. Because vaccine has broad public acceptance using the wrong name does nothing to reduce the deception proper transfection terminology undermines. Refusing to say "transfections' is part of the fraud & perhaps the biggest Achilles heel opposition could latch onto.
Seems very odd the psyop savvy experts haven't made their way to saying, they lied these aren't vaccines & use proper names for informed consent & tool for psyop savvy resistance.
I feel somewhat like I’m going over 3yo arguments here but when has there ever been a good vaccine?
None for me but how much faith do folks have in pharma mythology & Trust Science spin?
None here.
Great insight! Slap simple soothing labels on the complex evil stuff while complexifying the simple stuff. Analogies abound in other spheres. George Orwell, call your office.
I call it 'before plandemic' or 'after plandemic'. 🙂
Simply : the Covid fraud.
Cold and flu season will never be the same. I am sticking with Chicken Soup, fluids and rest, maybe some Alka Seltzer Cold Plus. Vicks’s vapor run, smothered on the feet, with warm socks, makes for a good night’s sleep.
Other options are ginger and lemon in hot water, onions on the bottom of the feet, wrapped in plastic and socks, folk remedies that work well!
Good to know! For years now, when my family is feeling under the weather, they request my special “tea”: hot water with freshly squeezed lemon (sometimes with zest), freshly grated ginger, with a generous dollop of honey. It’s a bit of heaven. 😇
Add thyme for cough, french onion soup, star anise infusion, skip milk for a week, stay in bed, warm, quiet and try to sweat a lot. A hot shower, dry pyjamas, and back to bed! And please get you some loving tender care!
And lots of pure, filtered water... and vitamin C, zinc, ginger, goldenseal, etc, along with cool cmpresses for fever. Many other remedies, including shutting off WiFi, also help manage discomfort during these times when the body is detoxing from "who-knows-what" toxin may have caused the symptoms.
Good medicine!
Same here.
And a few drops of eucalyptus oil on the pillow.
Alka seltzer is just expensive baking soda to balance the ph.
Go to the source to eliminate acid.
The 'covid' symptoms didn't mirror influenza like symptoms though. There was the issue of clotting. Many people died early on and experienced severe shortness of breath, there was no early treatment given, and there were grave consequences. That was real. I guess we won't agree because I have witnessed contagion many times, and so I don't think it is a myth. Humanity was put under a trance and experimented upon. The fact that Pfizer notified its own employees in the manufacturing facility that they would receive mRNA shots that had different constituents than those sent to world governments, was an implied message that their shots were benign whereas the others may not be, points to criminal behaviour.
I’ve tried repeatedly to get a consistent picture from those who insist they’ve had covid19 or personally treated such patients.
I do sometimes get answers, but here’s the problem. They’re not the same description from Doctor to Doctor.
Where it comes to the claim of “micro clots”, these iirc are always described in hospital. One of the first things they do in many cases is to deprive the patient of water, on the grounds of incipient pulmonary oedema & needing to manage & measure fluid balance closely (liquid intake, urine output, plus an amount for losses through breathing and sweating.
Dehydration is a major risk factor for microthrombi aka small blood clots, especially if you’re more or less immobilised.
"SARS CoV‐2 related microvascular damage and symptoms during and after COVID‐19: Consequences of capillary transit‐time changes, tissue hypoxia and inflammation
Leif Østergaard corresponding author - Reports of severe hypoxemia in COVID‐19 patients whose lung compliance and chest CT suggest that their alveoli remain both aerated (Gattinoni et al., 2020) and perfused (Lang et al., 2020), are also consistent with severe alveolar capillary microthrombosis and capillary shunting early in the course of the disease." Dr. Yeadon, I know you don't believe at this point in your journey that SarsCoV2 exists, since you have changed your mind on the existence of viruses. So, what I posted is most likely moot for you. I do believe in contagion, and I do believe in viruses. I listen to the Bailey's and other podcasts and am unconvinced by their rhetoric. That is not to say I am right, and they are wrong. However, based on my own experiences of contagion, it is an indisputable phenomenon in my mind. I am not angry or frustrated at virus deniers, my anger is reserved for those who insult me for my point of view and for those who think I have no right to my mind or body. I take great umbrage that any other person would feel entitled to mandate experimental mRNA shots on both kids and adults. Pharma made billions, the eugenicists funded the propaganda and censorship because it fit with their agenda. There were various agendas at work, and they temporarily succeeded. Pfizer hoped the truth would not come to light for 75 years, but the court ensured they could not hide out until today's youth were gone or close to gone. I am more upset at the coercion of the school schedule of 'vaccines' than I am at the coercion of experimental shots on the public. Children have no voice, adults can belt it out if they so choose, and many are now. No one in my generation has 73 shots. Pharma is not liable for harms to kids, but I suspect if adults went and caught up with an extra 60 or 70 shots and were harmed, pharma would be liable. So, we don't hear a squeak about that gap in society. It is all so nefarious. I do believe the planet cannot sustain an ever-increasing population, but murder isn't the answer at least ethically, for those who are engaging in it, it seems to be.
By July 2021 I had acquired enough information to form the conclusion that the COVID jab was not a good idea, my wife did not form that idea and chose to take the shots. In September she developed a serious bout of ILI. It was 5 days before I came down with an ILI which was predominantly a razor sharp sore throat. I felt it coming on Sunday, the sore throat Monday, a bed soaking sweat that night, 95% well Tuesday morning. Had a fatigued feeling for a couple days after. My poor wife was very ill. Sore throat, coughing for three weeks. Then coughing fits a couple times a day for another couple weeks. Was I a victim of vaccine “shedding” perhaps?
You ‘witnessed’ contagion! ?
Maybe Contagion the movie. 🎥 🍿
The effects of contagion rather, I didn't 'see' the virus leave a cell in one person and enter the body of another person. I did see family members die from the contagion of HIV.
You are mixing direct observation and wild fantasy in one statement. Facts and stories.
At this stage taking the ‘HIV causes AIDS’ story seriously is very behind the curve.
Have you not seen Duesberg’s film?
From 1997! Is it not enough?
Or this one
I watched Celia Farber's interview which really is focused on the political similarities between covid and AIDS with respect to Fauci. As far as Duesberg, he did map the genetic structure of retroviruses. He also denies that oncogenes cause cancer. Forty years later we still don't have a full understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms of HIV, but we know more than when Duesberg was saying HIV is a benign virus. However, patients' who take the combination drug cocktails that are specifically engineered to interfere with HIV, can extend their lives by decades. So, the proof is in that pudding. Scientists were unaware back then that there were some people who lacked either one or two receptors needed for HIV to enter the cell, so they would never develop symptoms. Cell to cell adhesion is necessary for CD4 cell destruction, having HIV in the blood only does not explain immune failure. This finding changed the understanding of how HIV progresses to AIDS. I believe Duesberg was wrong, but it is appalling that he was scapegoated, because science involves disagreement, discussion and differing opinions.
The purpose of all scapegoating is to cover up a crime.
Most of us, non-psychopaths, freeze in horror at the injustice of the punishment. We almost completely forget the crime.
What crime?
A good candidate is: illegal scientific experimentation on humans for sadistic fun and profit.
A second candidate is: population control.
A third one: power grab. Totalitarianism.
A fourth one: plain old racism.
Respectfully, AIDS deaths back then were from the first round of medicines - they were lethal. (this is one hypothesis, by Duesberg, I believe.) The new meds did NOT extend life, not taking the original (Fauci cartel) meds ceased killing.
I don't state these positions with certainty, just what I've studied.
Many died without ever taking AZT, although AZT sped up the process. You only need to look around you, by not seeing the 'dying' anymore, because they are on a series of viral inhibitors that work but do have horrible side effects.
A lot of people are conflating observed effects (illness) with the alleged cause ("virus") and an alleged mechanism (contagion).
If we accept your analysis there are no viruses why aren't we hearing your outrage over murders that must have happened and blamed on a virus?
I’m outraged that large numbers of people have been “diagnosed with covid19” and placed on treatment pathways that, in any other era, would be expected to have led to increased risk of avoidable death
I don't ask anyone to "accept" anything I say, only to look at the evidence and apply logic. It's stunning and frightening how few people are willing to do this.
What do you suppose has motivated me to continue exposing this pseudoscience for the last 4+ years?
Why do you suppose I served a "Medical Officer" a Notice of Cease and Desist 2+ years ago that I signed "under penalty of death" (resulting in 2 "criminal charges" against ME even though I was 100% peaceful and lawful)?
Why do you suppose that in March a colleague and I released a video message to all Ontario police officers calling for the arrest of "Parliament" and the "Lieutenant Governor" for murder?
It amazes me how quick some "truthers" and "health freedom" people are to assume the worst and make snide insinuations and accusations against people simply for pointing out uncomfortable facts and challenging people to back up their claims with valid evidence.
Please don't lump me into any of your mentally designated groups because my tracking of Biotech Mafia and toxic history spans decades after a long Washington career. Your FOIA exercises are a total waste of time that remind me of the same lack of evidence is proof of something standard big chemicals use to assume safety when there's no testing for harms.
Spare me your questions and Pippi Longstocking adventure tales.. not one iota of interest guessing why you chase FOIA but it is curious cause of death is not of interest at all. Please explain why the focus is not identifying what killed all the people with fraudulent Covid death certificates. That's a riddle worth explaining.
oops forgot the link to Scorecard pulled offline by UC Davis 2020
Basic Testing to Identify Chemical Hazards
If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true. Keeping chemical hazards under control requires information about what kinds of hazards each chemical poses. If the basic tests to check on a chemical's toxicity haven't been conducted, or if the results aren't publicly available, current laws tend to treat that chemical as if it were perfectly safe.
why aren't you upset over Cultural Subversion? The Fed Reserve? Save the whales and the people and the planet! Christine can't do everything. jeez.
Not even close to legit comparison.. Christine has spent almost 5 years now in the "No Virus" camp which puts the onus on her to explain deaths attributed to cause she identifies as fraud. If your tactic were applied to her asking how fluoride fell from top threat & activist passion until Covid when she switched horses to be a no virus stalwart & poor spokesman..
HIV is bs. Poppers and other gay drugs are not
You don't see today men walking around with Kaposi's sarcoma, wasting and dying though.
And frankly I don’t know that is fact if these fairies are taking Amal nitrate up their noses they’re probably going to get Kaposi’s sarcoma
You don’t see anybody dying of so-called AIDS except in African countries where they are being starved to death
put some cigarette burns on them too, and --label-- it The Plague! Take pictures, make news story. Boom Better start funding for a cure. sorry 'cure'. sorry $.
That’s because most of these guys I’ve got a clue but I can tell you the gay community still uses poppers but not to the extent that they used to Nor do they take Azt its original form which was absolutely a death sentence
Even Dr. Luke electron microscopy expert Said they never say HIV
Actually, no symptoms at all were required for the bogus "covid" diagnosis, hence the "asymptomatic" narrative. The diagnoses were based on fraudulent and myriad laboratory tests that could not confirm an alleged virus even if it had been shown to exist (none ever have), and cannot detect illness or clotting. Many people were perfectly fine.
Re contagion, we've all witnessed people getting sick after being around others who are sick, and also people not getting sick after being around sick people, and also people getting sick without being around any sick people. Getting sick after being around sick people is not conclusive evidence of contagion, and in fact there is zero scientific evidence of contagion despite many studies on the topic.
When healthy kids go to a chickenpox party and most soon after all come down with the exact same symptoms of pox and itching, it is the most rational deduction to say they 'caught' the illness from the kid at the party who already had those symptoms.
That's the most apparent and simple explanation, but it may be wrong.
Science requires controlled experiments, to isolate confounding variables. For exmaple, how do we know that the kids of your example who show the same symptoms after the party were not already incubating the bug before the party? That's why you have to measure things and not stop at the obviousness of it.
And chickenpox is nothing compared to destroying the lives of millions of people who are told they have cancer when they have not cancer. A wrong medical diagnosis can kill more people than any poison.
The odds are that a bunch of kids who develop symptoms at the same time, after spending time at the location of someone with those symptoms caught a pathogen, rather than all those kids were all carrying the same bug prior to meeting at the party. The latter is a stretch the first is not.
How do you know they caught a pathogen?
Where is the measurement of that?
And how do YOU, Wise "master," know definitively that they DIDN'T--?
odds are roger. odds are. plthththt
Not really, because they might very well have been exposed to some toxin (or even an emotional trauma) in the home or at school. One can't ruled out other possibilities, and we've been conditioned all our lives to assume that people have "caught germs". And where is there evidence that most kids who go to such parties even get sick?
When we were kids we had measles & chicken pox parties & damn if we didn't all manifest the same symptoms for similar time after exposure.. red dots appeared days after exposure, why would that be?
Cool story, funny how there is zero scientific evidence to back up the contagion narrative. Newsflash, I don't have a crystal ball to tell me what made any specific group of kids end up with spots, assuming that your story true.
I'm done communicating with you, based on your snide, accusatory attitude on other threads.
No worries I will feel free to mock you indirectly with remarks as insipid as suggesting measles and chicken pox parties weren't common experience for an entire Baby Boomer generation.. no crystal ball required you are solidly into Ouija Board science and so eager to both flaunt your scientific ignorance while copping an attitude of expertise. Impressive.
The evidence is the success of chicken pox parties. Parents bring their children so they can develop natural immunity, as they do not wish their kids to take vaccines. Many children caught the pox at those parties. The evidence were the symptoms.
Where is this supposed success documented and shown to be consistent, resulting in most kids getting the illness in question? There are things that supposedly "everyone knows" and yet true out not to be true.
Common witnessing is enough. You don't need lab tests, to determine contagion. Homeopaths have been treating illnesses for decades without the use of labs and 'allopathic science methods.' When they take a case, all the relevant information is taken. A homeopath cured my son of whooping cough without any lab test, based on his symptoms and the fact that he had been in contact with a child who had it despite the fact she had been vaccinated.
This is an idiot's argument. Sheeesh.
So why don't all the kids get chicken pox after exposure? What are some other common denominators among those in attendance on these circumstances? And so on. Way too many possibilities and variables to conclude chicken pox = viral, contagious disease.
Host genetics controls infection outcomes across plants and animals, including humans, and this evidence has been published regularly in journals since the early 20th century.
Funny how you are certain about the lack of virus killing people but no effort devoted to uncovering the mechanisms for murdering people to attribute to a virus.
Well firstly Pamela, I have no way of knowing how millions of strangers actually died and I don't think it would be responsible to pretend that I do.
And I think it's obvious that many were killed via medical interventions, neglect, pushed to suicide, and simply died of the things that people have always been dying from. Lots of people are talking about this, but few have been willing to acknowledge that there isn't even valid evidence of "viruses". Hence, I made a personal decision as to how I could most effectively spend my time given my own personal knowledge, situation and abilities.
Not that I need to explain myself to anyone.
Funny how some people can find only negative, nasty things to think and say about others who help to expose a horrific fraud/delusion that has led to so much unnecessary death and suffering for 100+ years.
I'll waste no more time with you.
Pretty high opinion of your typing skills to deem replying to legitimate criticism as a time waster.. accountability is a bitch and knowing people were killed and lie about a virus was used to cover it up but spending endless FOIA energy not looking for fraud in deaths but insisting that all of virology is mythology and prove you wrong or pound sand. Awesome.
You make zero sense given that once people realize viruses are not a thing they can't be fooled again and they start to realize the depth of the lunacy and evil in this world, and they begin to take an interest in how health really works. They see that no "vaccine" could possibly help them and could only cause harm and that "anti-viral" drugs cannot possibly work as claims, that masks, distancing, etc can't possibly improve their health. But hey, all that matters to you is a narrow focus on what really caused "covid deaths". Death is nothing new, and the medical profession has been killing people for ages, but let's not think about the full extent of the fraud, let's not help people realize that the entire world can be fooled so completely, let's not expose the fake-sequencing (there's big $$ to protect there!), the fake "isolation" methods, the idiotic point-and-declare EMs and the wildly unnatural steps necessary to obtain an EM image, let's not expose the pseudoscientific animal-torture studies that are passed off as evidence of "viruses" and "pathogenic" bacteria. I see what you're doing.
Lamest case ever.. your Hail Mary pass at selling the world an idea that flies in the face of personal experience is an exercise in futility.. to tie universal rejection to virus theory as prerequisite for challenging the criminal vaccine schedule is the mast pathetic dodge ever.
All the ‘no transmission’ experiments seem to feature ‘healthy’ recipient participants. Ever looked at terrain theory? There are so many variables ignored in these old trials that they cannot form the basis of a serious conclusion. A route maybe to further research, but they’re simply not conclusive.
Yes I'm very aware of the terrain model and it makes compete sense to me.
The fact that failed transmission studies have various weaknesses only underscores the fact that there is no scientific evidence for contagion. The burden of proof is on those claiming that contagion is a thing, and they have none whatsoever.
Also, lack of controls is a problem when the outcome of interest does occur, because then the question lingers as to whether the experimental conditions caused or contributed to the effect. But the literature shows that exposed subjects rarely get sick.
Look at the Rosenau "Spanish flu" study - they tried so hard in so many different ways, doing things that would be considered unethical today. Yet they couldn't make anyone sick despite the fact that it was young men who were most at risk of "Spanish flu".
'Clearly Ravenclaw,' said the Sorting Hat.
I’m with you Rita. I had the alpha variant. It was NO flu. Flu doesn’t leave you with bruising down your left leg in a line for 6-8 months (I guess microclots). Flu does not leave you with POTS for months. Flu does not take your sense of taste & smell. Fevers that come and go for 3-4 weeks. Fatigue beyond belief for WEEKS. I rarely get sick. The last time was 2009. What is currently called Covid is literally a cold for most. But the alpha and delta kicked ass.
The later versions mutated to where the spike could not attach to the ace2 receptors and enter the lung. So, now it is a mild upper respiratory infection. You had symptoms of spike damage, the shots also caused hematomas, but we are not sure if the body is clearing the spikes with the replaced uracil. The loss of scent and taste is another difference. It is just too simple to blame the whole thing on the flu.
Ridiculous. I can't remember any cold or flu or ILI I had in my whole life which would not produce a loss of scent and taste! Try to smell when your nose is congested! Try to eat - it just has not much taste at all!
A few times I had limb pain. Thats all.
No need to be hypochondriac.
Both colds and flu Will mess with your taste and smell come on man !
Let me say again, Dr Mike you are the MAN!!!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Integrity , like none other ! Wife must be proud!
The loss of smell and taste though with covid is often long lasting. Are you saying you believe covid was actually the flu?
The biggest factor here I’m willing to wage all my shekels in the bank is mind control. Most people do not understand the power of mine control over the physical body. It can kill
I’m saying Covid is bullshit, that’s what I’m saying!
You are entitled to your opinion; many people would agree with you.
This is pseudoscience Bs
The flu absolutely does all of those things save bruising. We’re u injected??? I have been in close contact with so many clients who claim to have Covid I should be bones in a box by now pushing daisies , Yet at 52 years old I’m a raging Bull
The dismantling of a lie : Dr. Gullible-Borgia's "novel" symptom after an overdose of Corona information.
The forgotten spectrum of a symptom, the simultaneous coexistence of different illnesses, and the fear-inducing cherry-picking of symptoms.
Micro clots caused by the shit shot
AT LAST-- something true you've uttered.. may wonders never cease.
" Many people died early on and experienced severe shortness of breath, there was no early treatment given, and there were grave consequences..."
Actually high flow oxygen was almost universal & theory of contained breathing to reduce spread of viral particles.. turns out an hour or a few with high flow oxygen makes breathing harder.. opacity in lung x rays and fast track to ventilators that should NEVER be used w folks who can talk except.. crappy pulse oximeters as prePCR diagnostic & oxygen abuse killed people.
No one has had "COVID"
because "SARS CoV-2" does not exist.
In fact, no "virus" has been proven to exist. Ever.
More and more doctors, PhDs, "virologists", microbiologists and others who have studied the virus theory (hypothesis) are now declaring that "viruses" do not exist.
The only "viruses" seen are computer models.
People get sick from all kinds of things (that is detox) but not from a virus. Bad food, bad lifestyle, chem trails, pharmacological, vaccinations , but not virus or bacteria. Psychological manipulation is huge Think sick and you will be, big time!
Yes, people do get sick from many toxins and environmental stressors, including pathogens.
So, you don't believe in the existence of viruses, fair enough. I do.
You may want to read "Can You Catch A Cold?" by Daniel Roytas. This is a very well researched book about the relatively recent history of the idea of "contagion" and it provides other possible explanations of why people seem to get sick in clusters.
Nope, And bacteria does nothing to make an animal sick
My mother told me about all the families that were wiped out with TB, but I won't be able to convince you that bacteria do cause infection and death. Dr. Semmelweis figured out the puerperal fever mystery. HIs friend Jakob died after receiving a scalpel wound while performing an autopsy on a woman who’d died of puerperal fever. His autopsy revealed massive infection from puerperal fever. The medical field understands that washing with soap and water is the best way to prevent, control and reduce infection. Millions of lives have been saved from this recognition.
Who are you?
Most likely thy worst night mare! Strength training, raw meat eating Flat earth believing nut ! Look out!
Thanks for sharing Chris.
🤪my insane pleasure but current standards
Ask Dr Andy K for Clarification
I believe Sars CoV 2 is a virus, and it is contagious. Nothing will convince me that pathogens do not cause illness. Although illness is caused by more than infection.
These we’re all symptoms of detoxification of the body which had nothing to do with the virus And then you add morphine like drugs to make their breathing even harder when you have a recipe for murder
They are symptoms of a respiratory viral infection. The virus deniers blame everything on detox, it is ridiculous.
Why is that caused by virus?
Why immune system if no contagion ???
You don't believe in pathogens, I do. No point going around in circles.
Good Luck with the next fake pandemic
Exactly so. Explain this sudden hyopoxaemia.
I saw this early on when he first made it, never saw him again though.
Yes, well said. Just because there was no pandemic doesn't mean something nasty was not inflicted on some people in some places. That would not be beyond the military. The big picture is that the pandemic was one chapter in a story leading to a one world brain where you and I are suppose to be a node! Mad as it sounds, it is an aim.
Will no one stand up against any and all childhood vaccines?
Sucharit Bhakdi calls them out as fraud in this interview w specifics at 26min and Jay Couey has been on the theme the entire vaccine schedule is a criminal enterprise since 2022. The bigger problems is too many who know better are silent while critics are censored, smeared and starved to prevent support needed to survive as sources.
Suchairt @ 26 https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/professor-sucharit-bhakdi-md-phd
Jay Couey archive https://rumble.com/c/GigaohmBiologicalArchive
Sucharit, another gem.
Vaccine Choice Canada has been doing that for more than 40 years! https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/ new parents guide https://uptoeveryone.com/collections/frontpage/products/new-parents-guide-to-understanding-vaccination
It’s the parents. Job to be wise!
Now let's apply this same reasoning to many other areas of "modern medicine," as well. I am especially concerned about people caught up in psychiatric diagnoses/drug treatments and cancer diagnoses/treatments.
So greatful for your severe allergy. I hope its highly contagious, for it is a fast cure.
Best regards from Spain
There are also those studies that show that flu-like symptoms can be caused by 5G and other EMF's.
Invisible Rainbow.
Yup, that's a good one. Folks could also subscribe to Arthur Fistenberg's Substack.
True dat. ⬆️