My butcher coughed and a couple of letters fell off his sign the following month. You’re never going to convince me that wasn’t Covid.

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The guy driving alone in his car, with a mask on his face... Because his car might have CARVID.

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Dec 2Edited

PS, to be read after the below reply, Doh.

Your joke is what I consider to be what is described by a much overused phrase, but is in fact very rare. It can only be described as a piece of pure comic genius. Tim, I salute you!

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Dec 2
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Dec 2Edited

Sorry, I didn't realise there were so many comments. I wanted to send you a long reply, but it would not send in the reply box so I could only send it as a new comment. It's on here. It will be found easiest on 'Newest First' if interested Tim.

Basically, the reason for the desired long reply is because your above joke is without doubt the funniest Covid joke I have read or heard anywhere, ever!

Substack is playing up with replies above Six sentences. Doing all day with me.

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Such a flood of people pushing the nonsense! 😀

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And not even a trickle of people able to rebut.

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There was a deliberate release ……………………………………………………………….of Bullshit!

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poor bulls they must have a sore butt by now.

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The horses are pitching in.

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Your the MAN, dr mike!!!

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This is such an excellent collection thank you so much !!!

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I would recommend everyone on the site purchase the book , “ everlasting health “ by Bernardini

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If a disease is not contagious, then there is no rational justification for government to force vaccination, require masks, or quarantine people. Actually, in a free society, even if a disease were contagious, government should have no ability to force people without symptoms to wear a worthless mask or be quarantined. And never should government have the power under any circumstances to force any medical treatment, including vaccination, against a person's will.

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We were all taught this in medical school, Sid. I don't know what happened to 99.99998% of the doctors on this go 'round. It's disgraceful.

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Apparently, medical doctors are just as susceptible to being gaslighted by fear porn as laypeople are. But I will never get over the number of people in medical and scientific fields who swallowed it all, hook, line and sinker, and not only injected patients with an experimental synthetic laboratory concoction with unknown ingredients, without informed consent, but readily took the shots themselves. Kudos to you and others who kept your sanity and integrity.

I like my GP (a D.O.) and my cardiologist a lot. They had no problem with my telling them "I'm not a human lab rat" and that I would never get that shot. But they both took that bioweapon shot themselves! (The cardiologist said he had doubts, but felt like he 'had to' get the shot because he was at the hospital every day. I didn't know whether to cry for him or smack him upside the head for stupid.) I will never be able to trust their medical judgment much again, or that of most others in the medical field. It's so sad.

When the Covid hysteria began in March of 2020, I said the whole thing felt demonic somehow. People looked at me like I had three eyes. But I became increasingly convinced, the whole thing was/is demonic. Lies and deception are the demons' most effective weapons, and no one in medicine or science is immune, no matter how brilliant they may be in their respective fields.

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"the whole thing was/is demonic."

Cha ching! You got it...remember what the good book said long ago..."The devil is the father of lies"

When Satan was thrown out of heaven....he came down here....where he has been "walking up and down" ever since ....looking for recruits into the fiery realms.

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Thanks. Vaccines, all vaccines, have been poisoning people since their invention.


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Milton invokes a Heavenly Muse to help him describe the “Fall of Man.” The action begins with Satan and his devils in Hell after they have been defeated by God’s army. The devils construct Pandaemonium, a meeting place, and discuss how they will continue their revolt against God. Beelzebub suggests they corrupt God’s new creation, Earth, and Satan agrees. Satan offers to cross the abyss and find Earth alone. As he leaves Hell he meets his children, Sin and Death, who follow him and build a bridge from Hell to Earth.

God predicts that Satan will corrupt humans, and the Son offers to sacrifice himself for humanity’s sake. Satan travels past Chaos and Night and finds Earth. He pretends to be a cherub and sneaks past the angelic guard. Satan enters Paradise and its beauty causes him painful envy, but he resolves to bring evil out of God’s goodness. Satan sees Adam and Eve, the first humans, and overhears them discussing God’s commandment forbidding them from eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

That night Adam and Eve have innocent sex and fall asleep, and Satan turns into a toad whispering to Eve. The Archangel Gabriel finds Satan and confronts him. Satan considers fighting but then God hangs Golden Scales in the sky and Satan flees. Eve wakes up from a dream about disobedience. To ensure the couple’s free will, God sends the angel Raphael to warn Adam and Eve about Satan.

Raphael eats with Adam and Eve and then describes Satan’s war in Heaven. Satan was jealous of God’s Son, and he convinced a third of the angels to rebel with him. Only one angel, Abdiel, left his cause and returned to God. The angel armies fought, with Michael leading Heaven’s army. The rebels experienced pain but couldn’t be killed. On the second day the rebels fired cannons at the good angels, but then the Son drove them out of Heaven and into Hell. Raphael warns Adam about Satan’s attempts to corrupt him.

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Well said.

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Jun 25Edited
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doctors are heavily propagandized bunch...they are taught from the get-go to ignore all those ignorant fools who keep themselves very well with herbs, high quality nutrition and exercise. Don't you know every body NEEDS a drug or 10 to keep the ole machine in working order....

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I experienced medical induced adverse reactions so often (I was 3ish when I recognised for myself that the innoculation I'd just been given resulted in permanent urticaria) that, last century,I guessed only 1 in 10 medics could be trusted some of the time and never all of the time. This century, I have re-viewed my guesstimate. I'd say currently 99.9% of qualified, practicing medics cannot be trusted. This, either through their allegiance to clearly false teaching or, more likely, because they're recipients of the largesse dolled out my the medical device and pharmaceutical industries. Bungs, bonuses, bribes of course provide the very large cherry atop that huge cake.

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I dunno, but it sounds like this: CHA CHING!

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You got it.

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Jun 24
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And NATURAL RIGHTS. And any kind of rights, it's just WRONGS.

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40 years ago my husband came home sick from work, having spent the day next to a sick colleague. About 3 hours later, I had it too. He went to the doc and was told it was flu. So if he was right, it transferred between people. You might have another idea but I go with my own experience. I also go with my own ideas for the covid. I think it was just another flu. I know several people who described it as that, some of them retired nurses. Several people I know got sick and many more did not, both jabbed and unjabbed. The jabbed get sick with a lot more different things than the unjabbed. I go with a mixture of transferring illness and surroundings - and of course we are all different. Some people catch everything that passes, like I was as a kid, when mom ran to the doctor for every cough, and those that never seem to get sick, like I have been for 45 plus years now, staying out of doctor's offices as much as I can, using herbs and homeopathics to keep me safe and sound.

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You experienced effects and believed a story told by a doctor, based on zero valid evidence, about the cause.

People getting sick at the same time/place is not proof of a "virus" or contagion.

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it is probably by the lack of a better name we call it flu. I just think it is like accidents. You happen to be a the wrong place, wrong time. Maybe you did not have enough of some vitamins or so in your body, who can tell. A doctor sure cannot. I am a bit more worried about all these mad scientists making all kind of stuff in labs than about what is naturally around. And I often watch the sky to see how many of the clouds don't look like clouds.

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I agree - the skies are very alarming these days, all sorts of unnatural formations.

The mad scientists have plenty of poisons but I wouldn't worry about their claiming of gaining function on imaginary viruses and the like. They are desperate to keep us afraid of what's inside our own bodies, each other and nature. Telling people that they have a replicating dis-ease agent inside of them that is a danger to themselves and others, and that these things are floating around in the air, etc. is a very clever way of harnessing the power of the mind to work against our own interests.

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we have survived as a species for millions of years. I suspect that people from 500 years ago if resurrected would not survive. But I guess we adapt to all the poisons. If not we would already have succumbed ! Your optimism is contagious, thank you !

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What's in the skies is called "geoengineering." It doesn't just look "alarming." It IS alarming. Aluminium, Barium, Strontium, Uranium (?), etc. It's killing vegetation as well as animals and us.

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I literally wrote "the skies are very alarming".

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Check out the book The Invisible Rainbow, A History of Electricity and Life, by Arthur Firstenberg.

One little tidbit: The word "influenza" means "influence". We are "influenced" by things in our environment (namely, electricity including solar flares)

He discusses the flu as it occurred throughout recorded history. Fascinating!

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thanks for the tip ! I will check it out.

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Maybe everyone in your house got hit with a sun flare at the same time and suddenly became susceptible to soda.

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Flu = influenza in other words illness influenced by unknown/variable factors. Its not contagious. Work indoors all year, suffer poor health in winter thru lack of health giving sunlight. People in the same workplace experience the same environment.

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Good comment. When I was a child I contracted all the common illnesses going around then - mumps, chicken pox, measles. I had both the so-called 3 day measles, and the worse two week measles. Shingles is supposedly caused by re-eruption of the chicken pox "virus". I had that too, in 2020.

I never worried about getting "Covid" in 2020, didn't wear a mask didn't change my shopping habits, and I didn't get it, or anything, except Shingles.

In 2021 I did not take a "vaxx" shot. I was fine until late Spring when I suddenly developed an acute respiratory illness, the likes of which I had never experienced, and not like any "flu" I had had. It almost killed me. In the ER I refused to be hospitalized, because I knew they would finish me off with their protocols.

This happened very soon after I was exposed to a group of recently vaxxed people. I have assumed I was a victim of "shedding" of something. I tested negative for Covid, but I knew the PCR test was bull shit.

My regular primary care doctor diagnosed it as Covid from the symptoms, but was prohibited from giving me either HCQ or Ivermectin. It was months before I could breathe fairly normally, and sleep normally, but it has been disabling.

Yes, I believe the whole thing was a hoax, there was no pandemic, no one was really dying from a new scary "virus". But.........................

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This shedding thing… I do believe it happens. Research shows it does. I get together with a wine club and book club once a month. There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to go unless I can know someone’s vaccination status. I don’t even know how I’d go about asking that. But, I really DO NOT want to be around any of my friends if they’ve been vaccinated. Is it my right to know their medical info if it affects me? Weird times.

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the "vaccine" wears off--it was NEVER a vaccine--as expert dr francis boyle states--it is a bioweapon--yes shedding is real--skin contact and/or PROLONGED breathing exhalations of the vaxxed is required. There are variations among the "batches" some had over 20X the toxicity as others--See Dr. Mike Yeadon substack and substack COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE with dr PETER MCCULLOUGH

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Dr Ardis recommends chewing nicotine gum or wearing small nicotine patches to guard against shedding in social situations.

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1918 Flu was apparently connected to the widespread installation of telegraph lines (EMF). During 2020-2022 major "upgrades" to mobile masts were installed with repeater antennas on street lights, furniture etc. The injection fluids have all been found to have graphene like elements in them...thus allowing the injected to act as receivers/transmitters on the EMF spectra. Yes, you got something transmitted to you via EMF. That is, it wasn't biological.

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Jun 24Edited
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When a person wears perfume, she sheds that chemical everywhere, but the parfume does not multiply. Transmission of perfume happens.

The idea of viral transmission implies that it happens after viruses have replicated, after invading the body. So there is a trick here: by accepting that chemical substances can pass from one body to another, we are mislead to believe that replication (and lysing) is also real. That's quite the fallacy!

No wonder so many believed this without evidence for so long.

We have to separate the two concepts.

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But bacteria and fungi can shed and also replicate, so it doesn’t seem such a stretch that other things (like viruses, maybe?) can do the same possibly.

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But there is evidence that actual living organisms replicate. They actually change form a lot. It's really impressive what bacteria can do, how many transformations they can go through.

But there is none for viruses.

Is your only reason to believe that it can be the case that viruses are real, that you need to be liked by the masses, and conform to whatever the majority seems to believe today? That's not scientific, that's only emotional.

Do you even method, Bro?

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I’m not inferring that I know the answer. I am just posing the question that it’s possible for things to shed and also replicate. I do not know if viruses exist or not. Some things seem to make sense when it comes to viruses, like herpes or chicken pox/shingles. Other things they (the virologists) infer about viruses are clearly just gobbledygook. What if viruses exist but not in the way that we have been propagandized ?

I’m open minded but limited in the amount of time and energy I can devote to trying to solve the mystery of whether or not viruses exist. It’s almost impossible to prove a negative so we essentially end up trusting a belief system either way. I make no claims and I don’t have any emotional stake in the competition. I’m just a curious person.

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Jun 24
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Viruses were originally defined as 'poison, slime, venom'. They are not like fungi and bacteria. They are in reality cellular waste, and whilst can vary as rubbish from a household varies, do not replicate.


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So I appreciate the article. Had some excellent information. When I read through it, my opinion is it doesn't seem to fit the experience that I had. I have been on a health journey for over a decade and regularly detox, I eat organic, which is mostly homegrown and purchased from local growers, I take clay baths and suanas, I am not on any medication, didn't wear a mask (except for a few times early on to go to places that required them, didn't take pcr tests, and on and on. I am very careful with grooming supplies, laundry soap, and use homemade vinegar and citrus based cleaners, etc. I cook all our food from scratch and use traditional preparation methods, including soaking and fermenting. When I started eating and living this way, I stopped getting the flu about ten years ago, which helped me to realize that my lifestyle previously was causing me to become susceptible to seasonal illness. I understand terrain theory quite well but I don't think it is a theory that excludes all other factors.

I actually did not think before my illness that covid19 was a distinct disease and I was leaning towards no viruses.

While I cannot say that I know what made me ill, or lead up to my symptoms, I can say that it was unexpected and unique. I would be lying to dismiss it. It felt like every cell of my body was infected with something and I have never had such severe headaches ever. And my hair eventually fell out, which has never happened to me. Several people at my husband's shop came down with the same illness along with my husband who showed symptoms the day before I did. And one thing I didn't mention above is that I actually developed a blood clot behind one of my knees about 2 or 3 weeks after the illness. I would never take a pharma injection and I don't even take Tylenol because to me, it's a toxic poison. So I can't blame any of my symptoms on the things that you mention in your article. I have read the Invisible Rainbow and I sleep on a grounding mat.

So, while people telling me that it was nothing but the average flu may sound good in theory, it does not match my lived experience. While it would be easy for me to feel persuaded by crowd pressure to deny that, (because I interact online with mostly people who do not believe there was a virus) I just have to be very honest about it. And I haven't been sick like that since, which means it's been over two years. Maybe it's my lifetimes biggest coincidence? I doubt it but all things are possibilities.

I do not claim to know what it was. I don't think it would be 5G because we know almost everyone in our neighborhood and our friends had "covid" (whatever it was) several months before we had it. Some of them had "covid" again after receiving the injection, which makes me think the poisons were the same, but distributed differently. We are on well water so it wasn't that.

I can't help but to wonder if it really was a virus, if they exist. I also wonder if it was some sort of radiation poisoning. I have also wondered if it was some sort of poisoning that was distributed in some way through the mail or something. I do not know. I cannot say. But I have to honor what I experienced. So thank you for your possible explanations. Perhaps they are the correct answer but they don't really seem to match up logically to me. Maybe there is some way that it's possible that I'm not thinking of.

And no, I don't think there was a massive pandemic that justified shutting down the whole world or rushing an experimental gene therapy injection. But after becoming ill, I do think about the situation differently than I did before my experience. That is all. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything because I don't know what it was. None of the "it was just a flu" explanations seem to fit to me and that is all I can add to the conversation.

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I’ll check it out when I can.

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Jun 24
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This is the chemtrails/5g crowd so would you expect any sense from them? If someone coughs up a plume of airborne pathogen in your vicinity (environment factors) take care and don't listen to the obvious nonsense being perpetrated.

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Just like many times when menstruating women get together they all get on the same cycle we’re at a chicken pocks party did many of the boys start to come down with the chickenpox there may be some resonice going on with “STDs”, maybe. Although there was at least one study in which men were paid to have sex with a prostitute who had genital “diseases “and none of the men came down with any disease. Perhaps general disease are caused by transmitting putrid waste products rather than fake viruses ??

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INVENTING THE AIDS VIRUS by Peter Duesberg....explains the whole charade.

Yup...it's a con. They invent these viral "diseases" while people are getting sick for other reasons. Then...they sell you the toxic cure...like AZT for example...that was what was foisted on people who were worried about getting the HIV disease. Turns out scientists know that people with "AIDS" have immune systems they are stress to the max by other factors....such as rampant exposure to toxins in the water, food and drugs that are commonly used...not to mention the malign effects of 5-G...and

The disgusting hoax called "covid vaccines" has elevated the rates of cardiac problems and 'TUBRBO CANCER' through the roof. Please wake up.

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highly esteemed scientist/epidemiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi has said that the "virus" designated as "covid 19"...are actually products that are found in the blood after "cell respiration" takes place in which the cell excretes waste products that will eventually be eliminated. These particles are not viruses at all, but just "junk" which is on its way out...TPTB used the word "virus" to start panic and fear amongst the gullible. Worked like a charm--with the added help, of course, of the discredited PCR "test" -- an item which may be used for certain functions in a chemistry lab...but NEVER to diagnose a disease. This was clearly stated by its inventor Dr. Kary Mullis who died in a convenient accident just before the "covid" scam hit us like a ton of bricks.

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A follow up to my previous comment:

As I said, I suspected "shedding" as the cause of my respiratory illness. But there were other possibilities, which I called to the attention of my doctor. One was black mold exposure; one was airborne botulism (which he vehemently rejected, even though there was an incident involving a swelling and leaking can in my pantry); and outdoor exposure to chemtrails, or toxic herbicides sprayed on a nearby field.

Who knows. But I refuse to say I had "covid", even though my relatives say I am suffering with "long covid".

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I agree due to life experience. At 21, I caught chicken pox from a friend's child. I didn't think I could get it just being in the same house and not in close contact, but I did. I was really sick. It wasn't psychosomatic. It was chicken pox. Not some toxic poisoning or my imagination.

Babies get sick with the same illnesses their older siblings have, not some other random illness. So there are viral illnesses regardless of whether viruses have or haven't been "isolated" to everyone's satisfaction.

Covid, in my opinion, was just another manipulated virus that endangered only the elderly and those with weakened immune systems. Just like the flu, which I've also had.

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We have the scientific method to answer these general questions: Is there a difference between appearance and reality, between tradition and reality, between common sense and reality, between a useful story and reality?

When reality is different from the opinion of the majority, no one can elaborate the right plan to defend from anything. Risk and error multiplies and lives are lost.

If you want to protect life, you have to question what is convenient using real science.

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I'm sorry I don't understand what your response has to do with my comment. Feel free to elaborate.

The opinion of the majority has nothing to do with my experience, except that many share the same experience.

It must depend on whose science you choose to believe. In my case, I trust my experience over any science that tells me I didn't catch chicken pox from someone who had it. I didn't get flu-like symptoms or Ebstein Barr. I got nasty itchy pustules and a high fever. I've rarely been that ill.

I suspect terrain theory is another diversion from the reality that gain of function research has been going on for the best part of a century now. But others can feel free to believe as they choose.

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Let's recapitulate: you are healthy, then you come in contact with a fellow human being who happens to be ill, and then you experience a similar-looking disease.

And you claim that experience is proof that an agent of disease moved from the ill person to you? I think that's not enough evidence. You jumped to conclusions, as it happens so often to most of us. It could be that both of you were exposed to the same poison, which is an agent of disease, but a toxin is not self-replicating.

Your disease had an unknown origin, if that's all the information you have about the experience. It's great that you survived, but I lament that you had a bad time with it because we don't have cures. You are alive, which means your body healed the disease. Your body knows more about healing that all doctors put together, and it's for free!

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I don't go to doctors; I use herbs and other natural methods to heal, so on that we're completely agreed.

But, I got chicken pox from a child I'd never met ... not then or later ... so we weren't likely exposed to the same toxin ... which would have had to somehow skip over her brother and mother, who'd already had the pox, and my boyfriend, who'd also already had it.

You may think it's not enough evidence but it makes far more sense than a mutual toxin that didn't effect any of the people we independently spent most of our time with.

I've seen sickness spread over and over again and I've seen healthier people not get sick despite exposure.

BTW, lemon balm and Lysine are both great for helping fight off hepatic viruses, suck as chicken pox, shingles, EBV and common cold sores (HSV 1).

There's a lot we can do to cure illness that has nothing to do with mainstream medicine.

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Some plants are overpowered, clearly. Animals stand no chance!

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Ever tried Pekana from Germany? Helped me with a chronic throat inflammation condition!!

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Jun 24
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Thanks... a lot of hard data and research behind this post. Let's hope this information gets distributed and discussed widely.

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wow thanks for all this information ! I bookmarked your page for reading in the next few days !

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I recommend Stopworldcontrol.com/yeadon/ to get the facts post Covid, like PCR test kits being ordered by the billions in 2018 the year after Fauci said with 100% certainty Trump would see a surprise outbreak to what is coming unless we stop it. The few control the many but we have the power to turn the tables over on these Godwannabees. Let's take action by non-compliance.

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ditto. I am an ardent non-complier. And never got sick. Not even a cold. This scam was so transparent i can't believe we all fell for it. I remember saying to a friend..."I don't know anyone who got this, do you?" And she indicated a house that had been abandoned and said "the whole family got covid and are in the hospital"...turns out the house was being repro-ed by the bank and the family had left town. What did we learn from all this? Nothing?

It is said that "Earth is a planet for slow learners"....

I would have to agree with that assessment.

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Thank you, Dr. Yeadon.

Thank you, Mr. Schreyer.

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This book from March 2024 is worth reading...... Can You Catch A Cold?: Untold History & Human Experiments Hardcover – March 23, 2024

by Daniel Roytas (Author), Dr Samantha Bailey (Foreword)

The idea that the common cold and influenza are spread via coughing, sneezing, and physical contact has been firmly implanted in our minds since childhood. However, the results of human experiments cast doubt on this theory. Researchers have failed to consistently demonstrate contagion by exposing healthy people directly to sick people or their bodily fluids. These findings suggest that our understanding of infectious disease is incomplete and challenges the long-held belief that a cold or flu can be ‘caught’.

So, what might be causing these seasonal afflictions, and why do they appear to spread from person-to-person? Can You Catch A Cold? Untold History & Human Experiments answers these questions by delving into the historical records, investigating past pandemics, exploring human psychology, and reviewing more than 200 contagion studies. With over 1,000 citations, no stone has been left unturned in the pursuit of unravelling this age-old mystery.

“The claim that colds and flu are contagious may be one of the greatest ever blunders of medical science. Prepare to be shocked as this book brilliantly brings to life the buried data that can no longer be ignored”.

- Dr Mark Bailey Co-author of The Final Pandemic: An Antidote to Medical Tyranny

“An incredible, thorough exploration of history that will make you question everything you thought you knew about infectious diseases, health, and the human condition. This well-researched book, with over 1,000 references, provides valuable insights to help piece together the intricate puzzle of why we experience illness. A paradigm-shattering, must-read for those trying to determine the truth and acquire a healthier and happier life!”

- Roman Bystrianyk Co-author of Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines & Forgotten History

“How many of us go through life claiming we know something without having ever given it any critical thought? Proverbs 18:3 says, ‘If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame’. Daniel Roytas set aside his ‘common knowledge’ to truly explore the premises and history surrounding contagion, and came out with a completely new outlook on the subject. Anyone interested in developing a richer understanding of this topic owes it to themselves to read this book”.

- Dr Jordan Grant Physician & Educator

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I first saw Dr Mike Yeadon speaking out to former MSM journalist Anna Brees. Dr Yeadons words were there's something fishy going on here but I don't know what it is and I shouted at my Television it's mas Depopulation. Now Dr Yeahon says there's no viruses and he's absolutely right. Not being big headed but where Mike is now is where I was just as all this Covid nonsense started.

Thanks Dr Yeadon for speaking out

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Of course, I’d concluded digital totalitarian control & depopulation but at that stage, even I sounded like “a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, mate”, to myself :)

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Yeah...I refused to "social distance"...refused to "mask"...refused the 'clot shot'--I was scorned and socially 'unacceptable'....always was.

You get to a certain age where you saw it all before. There was the stupid AIDS 'epidemic'-I was in Berkeley Cal at the time and what they called AIDS was a bunch of stoners who literally ate handfulls of pills and smoked weed all day long....There was never any AIDS....They were many who just 'discovered' they were gay and were going to town. I don't have anything against gays.

But anal intercourse is not the most hygienic practice in the world. I have many gay friends. I think anyone should practice any sex they want with willing ADULT partners. Still-- some things involve more "germs" than others....that's just a medical fact.

Covid is like AIDS on steroids. This time we are all victims. Please people let's stop this now.

Drug companies are rich enough already. There is no "covid" and the injections will make you sicker than you were before. That's been shown by Denis Rancourt and many researchers such as Sucharit Bhakdi and DOCTORS4COVIDETHICS.ORG ETC.

How can we stop our friends and relations from being so silly?

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I covered much of this ground as a layman observer in August 2022 in my post “Follow-up open letter to my MP, complicit by his silence” kindly hosted by Joel Smalley here: https://metatron.substack.com/p/follow-up-open-letter-to-my-mp-complicit.

I referred to Mike’s testimonies of the time, Paul Schreyer’s pandemic simulation games, bio-weapon evidence from Dr David Martin and Dr Richard Fleming and much more. It was all so obvious then to anyone who didn’t have their head in the sand that the Covid so-called pandemic was a fake. Yet almost two years on, hardly any progress has been made in bringing any Covid miscreants to justice and the last I heard, Reiner Fuellmich was banged up in jail on what sounds like trumped-up charges.

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Yes -- totally. Something about his "passport" or some such nonsense Here is what SEE MORE ROCKS https://seemorerocks.substack.com/p/update-on-dr-reiner-fuellmich-three says: Members of the Corona Committee met with a law firm in August of 2022, and filed criminal charges against Fuëllmich. Committee members, Justus Hoffmann, Marcel Templin and Antonia Fischer, claimed that Füllmich embezzled seven-hundred-thousand euros, the loan that he officially took out. They claimed he was a violent anti-Semite and that if he were given the opportunity to comment before criminal proceedings began, they would not file the complaint.

Two warrants were issued for his arrest, from Germany and from the E.U., without Reiner’s knowledge. Without an international arrest warrant, German and Mexican authorities illegally abducted Füllmich at the German embassy in Mexico. He was then flown to the Frankfurt Airport where he was arrested and put in jail. International law experts are calling his arrest an illegal kidnapping.

According to documented company plans, Füllmich's loan was to be repaid after the sale of his property. But the very same people that filed the complaint against Füllmich, sabotaged this agreement. The contracts stated that the profits of the Füllmich property was to be transferred to a Füllmich account so that he could repay the loan. But the notary, who is sworn to be neutral and independent, instructed the buyers to transfer the one-point-one-five-eight million euros into Marcel Templin's account. Which made it impossible for Reiner to repay the loan.

The loans were transparently agreed upon in written contracts. There was no secrecy and the company was aware of the loans at all times. The evidence that proves this has been officially submitted to the court, who has chosen to ignore it and has muzzled the defense and ordered they not be allowed to mention it.

The evidence shows that Hoffmann, Templin, and the notary, illegally obtained access to the profits of Füllmich’s property. And not only is the court ignoring this evidence, they have summoned these same people as witnesses against Füllmich.

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Their artificial mRNA gold mine depends on two things:

people must believe there's a lethal contagious virus & there's no treatment apart from artificial mRNA.

They can't tolerate anyone arguing against either point!

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Thanks, Mike.

I reach the same conclusions in my new book (particularly Chapter 4 and 6), in which you are favourably cited in several key places:.

"Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy was published by Palgrave Macmillan on April 18, 2024 and is available as a free download under a Creative Commons 4.0 licence:


Best wishes,


PS If you want to know more about the continuities between the political economy of 1930s Nazi Germany and that of the West since 2020, my second book, titled Wall Street, the Nazis, and the Crimes of the Deep State (https://dhughes.substack.com/p/wall-street-the-nazis-and-the-crimes) was published by Skyhorse earlier this month.

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Jun 24Edited
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Thank you for your supportive comment.

It has certainly been emotionally draining doing this research.

You're right about Marxism, which serves as little more than a term of abuse these days, deployed by ignorant commentators who do not even understand the basics and instead resort to knee-jerk stereotypes and caricatures.

I'm not sure the ruling class will try to "sell" neo-feudalism/slavery, so much as force populations to accept it, e.g. through CBDC.

Regarding possible technologies in the shots, and the widespread refusal to give the issue any serious consideration, I get into that on pp. 246-248 of "Covid-19," Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy. This issue also needs to be approached in light of extensive circumstantial evidence presented by my co-authors and I in our recent four-part series on transhumanism (https://dhughes.substack.com/t/transhumanism).

Whilst I think Sasha is doing important work (which I cite in my book), my thoughts on her surprise u-turn regarding the above can be found here: https://dhughes.substack.com/p/interview-with-len-ber-may-17-2024/comment/59253602

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Jun 24Edited
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"only when the industry used nanoscale alum particles that this disease developed."

from above post...that short sentence is like a bomb going off in my head.

Aluminum adjuvants in vaccines have been alarming the "vaccine hesitant" for decades....Now these adjuvants are NANOSCALE....oh my god....

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Jun 24Edited
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"The military are not interested in looking at downstream pathologies, that might take two or three years to develop."....apparently they only care if their "vaccines" cause immediate and serious illness and/or cause their victims to fall over dead.

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'"Bernard was right. The germ is nothing. The terrain is everything." Louis Pasteur on his deathbed 1890. When the Bird Flu porn explodes 24/7 most people will panic and revert to Lizard Brain

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"'"Bernard was right. The germ is nothing. The terrain is everything." Louis Pasteur on his deathbed 1890." --

Do some hard digging and you will not be able to verify that quote. It is apocryphal. I wanted it to be true, but there's no hard evidence. Pasteur was far too much of an egotistical, lying, sadistic whore to admit such a thing on his deathbed.

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You may be right. but the saying is wonderful and true. Thats what matters

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I disagree. What matters is stating a fact. What matters is not misattributing a statement.

In spirit, it sounds good to favor the terrain over the germ, but you're gonna get sick no matter which you believe is true. Guaranteed.

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The terrain REALLY IS EVERYTHING. That is why people who have lived off "fast food" and tv dinners their entire lives will be sickened and die from the fake "vaccines" much faster than those who observed healthful nutrition. This "vaccine" will be a disaster for many American children....whose parents both work and do not have time to prepare healthy meals. I am in my '70's and had a stay-at-home mom who was a great cook. Kids need this. Sad that it is a thing of the past.

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Couldn't agree more Mike. Please all see my exclusive substack on the Scottish COVID inquiry. STILL 99% of the 'alternative media' and 'freedom medics' won't touch it !! Proves the lockdown democide.


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Mike I agree with you. The whole thing was a massive lie.

But I did get sick. The symptoms were distinctive -

* Severe headache

* Lethargy

* Weak, aching muscles

* Joint pain

* Fever

* Chills

* Loss of appetite

* Confusion, disorientation, and memory loss

* Shortness of breath, chest pain and coughing

* Kidney pain

* Loss of sense of smell

* Loss of taste

* Low blood pressure, dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting

This didn’t feel like any other ‘normal’ respiratory virus to me. It felt more like some kind of poisoning. So I investigated. ALL of the above are symptoms of acute aluminium toxicity. Further, acute aluminium poisoning can also cause -

* Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): Difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, and low oxygen levels

* Pneumonia

* Heart failure: Heart palpitations, rapid heartbeat, and shortness of breath

Interesting that, don’t you think? Especially in view of what they’re filling our skies with ...

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I’ve always said I acknowledge the possibility of local poisoning.

You were ill. We don’t have an adequate explanation.

When I was young, I had a breakdown triggered by stress, arising I think from my lack of self confidence in my ability to do what I felt was expected of me.

It manifested as genuine illness, with many symptoms not too different from yours.

We will probably never know what really happened.

My wife later had an episode which we both now think was her having a breakdown. She seemed to have frozen & given up all hope.

It took over two weeks before a spontaneous recovery began. This was late 2021, 30 years after my breakdown as a young man. She later recognized how similar her symptoms were to many of mine.

The mind is powerful.

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The mind is indeed powerful. But I have a background in biology and medicine, was not under any kind of stress and have lived through enough deaths and disasters that it takes a lot to frighten or upset me - I thought CoViD was a joke because they were using the same script they used in 2009 and 2005.

I live in an isolated rural area off grid with my own water supply (have done for many years) and grow all my own food. I haven’t paid any heed to mainstream media for more than 30 years. I first experienced the symptoms of ‘CoViD’ in 2016 and most recently 2 weeks ago. The only real possible route of poisoning in my context is from the air and the worst day of spraying I’ve ever seen was shortly before my most recent bout of sickness. I didn’t make the connection until then as I assumed dispersal would be too great to produce acute effects. Now I’m wondering ...

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Jun 25Edited
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yup..horrifying and completely in your face. I have tried to show these to the "nonbelievers" and got weird reactions. Such as the time a plane in the sky was zooming back and forth overhead and the white trails were exploding and entirely covering the sky. My friend--a lawyer--was silent(weird for her) and then she said "I wish you didn't show this to me."

I was stunned. The "masses" not only don't care...they don't even want to know. And then they are mad AT YOU for attempting to "educate" them.

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I agree about "stress".

Doctors attribute so many illnesses to "stress".

They're doing it in spades now with many who're injured by the injections.

So-o easy to dismiss people by telling them: "It's stress".

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💯 The very fact that placebos work is proof enough.

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I had all that plus hair loss and nausea. I could not eat for a week. Hardly drunk. Unable to get up, forget being able to pass from room to room. I had no idea where I worked and with whom. I was unable to say or understand simple sentences without lapsing into coma-like state repeatedly. I just stayed in bed motionless and silent with eyes closed…. For 2 weeks.

My husband was perfectly fine.

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could be they had the "batches" mixed up so everyone got something different at the "injection center". People in my "retirement center" seemed to mostly get strokes. Some cancers as well. A lot of illness. Finally the administration banned these injections.

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But that was the weapon itself that did these things to me, not the jibby.

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Oh -- you mean the "virus"...

well--has it been proven that this "virus" actually DOES EXIST?

My understanding is : there is still no proof...none at all....that a disease causing entity known as a "virus" even exists. Sucharit Bhakdi--a very famous etymologist says it does not. The stuff that people are calling "viruses" are waste products from one celled organisms or from cells from wherever they got the slide "sample" He claims there is no such creature as a virus. I am not a scientist....what do other scientists think?

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No, I never said it was the virus. No. I said the (bio)weapon.

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So the "bioweapon" was.....WHAT?

Was "Sars-covid-19" a bioweapon or a virus?

sorry to be dense...but all these terms are getting a bit mixed up for me...

My understanding is that the "pandemic" itself was a hoax...as scientist Denis Rancourt has pointed it in his substack THERE WAS NO PANDEMIC.

The many deaths that occurred during the lockdowns were due to the fact that ill people were denied access to medical care and also to the fact that residents of 'CARE HOMES' were killed with midazolam and other toxins. Attorney Reiner Fuellmich was exposing these horrific crimes when he was illegally seized and hauled off and imprisoned in the NEW NAZI death camp called present day Germany. Please everyone ...don't forget Reiner Fuellmich he must be freed and we must all stay free as well--for the survival of humanity.

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Paul schreyer a journalist and author? Just curious what does he have to do with this entire discussion of “no such thing as sarscov2”.

I keep seeing Tim West’s comments, whenever Dr Mike Yeadon writes a substack. A spook? I expect he will comment any moment.

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The relevance is easy to grasp if you watch his “pandemic simulations” documentary.

He followed all the simulations that were in the public domain.

You’ll notice the skillsets of those they gathered to run & respond to these simulated “pandemics”.

Almost every skillset you’d reasonably assume would be around the tables were missing. Almost as if they didn’t need immunology, medical doctor, diagnosticians, etc.

They needed IT / tech experts, propagandists/ media, military, pharma and numerous institutions.

End games were never human health and careful balanced communications.

Instead always fear, compliance and injections.

I know from decades in Biopharma that it’s literally impossible to bring a novel technology vaccine to market in under several years.

No claimed pandemic has ever lasted longer than a fraction of that irreducible time requirement.

So even starting a “vaccine program” when claimed is wholly irrational unless the objective was control and injecting billions with harmful materials.

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"I know from decades in Biopharma that it’s literally impossible to bring a novel technology vaccine to market in under several years."

SO--that means everyone of average and above intellect who worked in "Biopharma" knew something very very kinky was going down...and only a few spoke up??

Wow....these folks "conspired" along with the murderers.

Thank you for your straightforward information. It is desperately need now, Dr. Yeadon.

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IT'S THE FINAL LOCKDOWN....more bird flu


"The cops have gone feral again and step on your face

while they grind and pound....

We're headed for Walmart to buy our next meal...

We fight for the TP....the struggle is real

more here https://www.bitchute.com/video/49dp8r0nc5Ps/

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Please watch the Shreyer video.

Why criticise what you haven’t seen.

Of course it’s relevant.

And spook? Yes. I was recruited at the first Womad festival. But don’t tell anyone it’s supposed to be a secret 😉

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Here they come to stuff the bewster....yeah.....

Ya know...you're all gonna die....


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