Well said, I think a certain group of Doctors promoting all these supplements and ivermectin are making a shed load of money on the pure fear that the Psyop created. Another type of evil I’m afraid. No one is coming to save us.
Someone is coming to save us and that is Jesus Christ who is Lord God Almighty. Those who have repented of sins and accepted him dying on the cross for their sins and put their faith in Him will meet the Lord in the air and it seems its very near. The lucifereans are deceived by Satan. In turn the lucifereans deceive us. But the bottom line is Israel. Genesis 15 God chose Abraham and made a nation out of him and Sara. He told that group if you do this then goodness, of you disobey then badness. He also promised them a Messiah would come. Jesus came first for the Jew. For the most part they rejected Him and He then was put to death which served a purpose though by dying for our sins. He rose again 3 days later and then like 40 days later ascended back into heaven where he came from.
Before He left though He said to the Israel religious leaders, O how I longed to gather you but you would not let me. You will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Jesus also told them you would not receive me but one will come who you will receive (that's the Antichrist).
Hosea chapter 5:15 has some good verses about in their misery they will seek me. The whole book of Hosea shows God's love for Israel even though cheated on Him. Portrays it through Hosea and his unfaithful wife.
Daniel 7, shows there will be a 4th kingdom that will come that will crush and devour. Out of that 10 kings will come and then the little horn (the Antichrist) will start to rise up and take out 3 of those 10 kings. Daniel 9:27 The Antichrist will confirm a covenant with Israel for 7 years also called the 70th week of Daniel.
During that 7 year tribulation at the half way point the Antichrist will turn on Israel and start killing them. They are one of the main goals for Satan. He wants to destroy the chosen people so they will not call on Jesus. Zechariah 13 tells us that 1/3rd of Israel will survive. And that 1/3rd will realize Jesus was their Messiah and they will mourn for the one they pierced. Zechariah 13 or so. And then they will ask Jesus to return and He does and those who were sincere Christians that were taken prior to meet him in the air, return with Him.
So Jesus then returns at the end of the 7 year tribulation and throws Satan into a prison (I can't remember the Bible name) and Jesus then sets up His kingdom here for 1,000 years.
I am leaving out so much bc there is so much more to this. But it goes clear back to Genesis in the Bible. But during the 7 year tribulation/70th week of Daniel, there will come a time where you can't buy or sell with out a mark. Satan wants to be worshipped like God is and that's why that happens. During the 7 year tribulation, those who decide to follow Jesus will be beheaded. Possibly under the Noahide law that Trump signed, not sure, just a little side note.
But it's all falling into place which tells me it's almost time to meet Jesus when he comes to get His followers bc it's not for true Christians, that time period is mainly for Israel to get her to finally receive Jesus as their Messiah. They are anticipating their Messiah coming and ready to build their temple but unfortunately they will be deceived by the Antichrist, the one they will receive in his own name.
So what this is all about is Israel, Jesus being rejected by those he first came for, Satan wants to be worshipped etc. How do we see it being played out?? Deadly jabs, various evil things going on, countries getting set up for New World Order (the 4th kingdom Daniel spoke of) lucifereans who think Lucifer is good and that God is bad (bc they were deceived by Satan). Who doesn't need to fear? Those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior.
An excellent book written by a messianic Jew (he realized Jesus is his Messiah) The Footsteps of the Messiah by Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum. Excellent book, shows all the Bible verses old and new testament pertaining to this.
Also a great series is Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry. It's free. I love #4A in that series describing the age of the gentiles which we are in right now, but it's best to go in order.
I look forward every day to Jesus return, the one where Christians meet him in the air and go away to be with Him. He then returns all the way to the earth at the end of the 7 year tribulation. Easy to get confused with those 2 different ones. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
So that's what it's all about. Our time given here determines what happens to us not based on good works, but based on if we receive Jesus as our Lord. Dr JB Hixon is solid and aware of Bible and things going on. He writes about the Luciferian Agenda. Few solid ones but also a lot of crazies as always is the case. Dr JB Hixon is at NotByWorks.org, he can't be found on u tube, got in trouble 😂, but can also he found on Rumble.
Cheer up folks for those that have accepted Jesus as their Lord...He is coming soon it seems! And watch as Jesus said in the Bible, you will see it coming just day and hour is unknown. For those who aren't saved yet... hurry up please. You don't want to be left behind.
I am now a person of faith. I wasn’t before my encounter with evil.
I’m humbled by my hubristic ignorance for most of my life.
That said, I’m not sold on the idea that the Bible is the true word of God. I can’t avoid the likelihood that it too has been interfered with by those who codify history.
I may be wrong but I feel safe in His hands. I’m always ready but for now, enjoying life.
Have been praying for you since I heard of you, dear Dr Mike - as I have for most of the people who have been standing up (as I have also) - but not as publicly as you - I’ve been writing, calling MPs etc and emailing everyone I can think of - as a retired Registered Palliative Care Nurse, vaccination trained (therefore realised how unhealthy they are in the main, and infection control trained - thereby realising how absolutely absurd all of these last years have become!)
I’m also an Opera Singer, who has sung with the major Companies of Australia and also in concerts and oratorios all over the world. (Not bragging, just trying to explain the fact that I’m not living in a tiny bubble of ignorance!)
I pray regularly for you, Dr John Campbell, Dr McCullough, Prof Dalgleish, many of the Barrington Declaration etc, plus Dr Graham Lyons, Dr William Bay, Senators everywhere… and many Substack members.
God certainly is very real - I’m only here in this earth because I met Him when I suicided - and came back from an impossible situation and journey - no hubris, flakiness or exaggeration… I’m far from perfect, and am asking God continually for His strength and help.
I’ve also written several songs about my experiences - should you care to hear them (I believe I can share them on Meta?)
Anyway, please know that God does love you mightily. Yes, people often get in the way of God when they’re trying to be His ambassadors, but that’s all part of His grace. As we rub alongside of each other, we learn that we’re in a truly huge family, with people in it - which will always bring its own joys and sorrows and challenges - but it’s like the bag of stones that the young shepherd boy,David, had - the stones become more smooth in that bag, and usable - more dynamic etc - so they can slay Goliaths… as iron sharpens iron, and all that.
God bless you dear, from a sister in Christ who is walking one foot in front of the other!
Dr Mike, I strongly recommend you watch the three-part documentary linked below. It will transform your understanding of the truth of the Bible. Since watching it earlier this year, my faith in God has gone from strength to strength 🙏
You can find them here, although I think one of the series is ‘hidden’ by YouTube for some reason, but you should be able to track it down. Get ready to have your mind blown over nine hours!!
So, how you explain fact that original writing of Old Testament is vowel-less, written as sentences without punctuation or breaks, & has been transcribed, transliterated, transposed & translated into what you imagine may be words of 'god'?
If 'god' did say such things then god is a mumbling egomaniac full of hatred , intolerance & genocidal inclinations is it not ?
I am so, so happy to read this. I understand what you mean about the Bible being corrupted by men and there are certainly questionable versions out here. Still, I can't believe the LORD is not capable of keeping His Word available and understandable to those He is looking after. The LORD already knows the beginning from the end. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is eternal and outside of Time. He created it all including Time. I can't begin to understand how everything fits together but I am convinced that God created everything and His WORD was written for us to know what He wants us to know. By it we know that He is love. The Godhead agreed on The Plan. God knew the first humans would rebel and sin and He had already planned the remedy. For those who sooner or later come to the knowledge of their predicament. We are born sinners. God the Son is our Savior. If we are truly sorry and accept that Jesus the God-man who was sinless was crucified for our sins so that God the Father can forgive us our sins then we can be forgiven.Somehow God sees us as sinless like His Son. It's a mystery to me but that's what the Bible tells us. I know very well what a flawed, sinful person I am and I am just a typical normal person. For most of my life I was not aware of my sinfulness. I thought I was just fine. I saw other's faults but not my own. Then something happened and I became very aware of what an awful creature I am. I felt and feel awful. What changed? I don't know. I am sure God is in control. I know I am not.
As a scientist by education myself, when first presented with the elegant beauty and complexity of the human immune system (about which, to quote a world renowned immunologist over dinner "we are lucky if we even now understand 10%) and the genome, my belief in God was cemented forever because then and now, I never believed that such miracles of design could have emerged randomly out of the primordial swamp!
Yes, is Christ. God said to his disciples “no servant is greater than his master, if they persecuted me, they will persecute you.” All any rational , Red pill man can do regardless of what he believes spiritually is to screw his balls on real tight because it’s going to get real bad real soon
My question about the immune system would be, why would we have one if there’s nothing to be immune from? The body is the logical organism to have an immune system when contagious do not exist would be putting in a lot of resources for nothing. I would suggest, rather we have detoxification Systems, many of them, the dermis, liver, the spleen, etc.
What a peculiar comment Chris, do you have detachable testicles like so many others I notice on sub-hack-stack?
I have been practicing rational stance & find it is best to avoid all pills & also going down rabbit holes, unlike rodents & what tiny dogs are made for.
No-one is coming. The entire belief system in a PsyOP. Israel are genociding Palestinian children en masse. I don't see any Savior. There has been no Saviours come down from heaven to save any innocent victims of war or rape or other forms of horrendous physical and emotional abuse and torture.
When he saved me, as some of us call that event when you KNOW you've been touched by the supernatural, I slowly started a process of becoming changed. Following him, his words, his guidance, changes us.
Keep an open mind (and heart)! He is the God of love and mercy, and he may surprise you too, as he did me! 💟
Lucky you. Tell that to all the 2 year old todders that are raped. Tell that to the women and children being trafficked for sex. Tell that to the children tortured for their adrenochrome by the satanic pedophiles. Tell that to the children and their parents that are being slaughtered on the Gaza strip. Tell that to the victims of the PsyOp, parents whose children turn trans due to the brainwashing program and then have their breasts and penis's cut off because of gender confusion CAUSED by the early sexualisation of children through the education system. Tell that to the parents who bring their suicidal teens into the Emergency department, but there is no On Call Mental Health Clinician - because they sacked me due to not complying with the bioweapon jab. Tell that to the parents of children that have died from bioweapon jabs. Tell that to the families of all the people dying from Turbo cancers due to the jabs. Tell that to the Australian Aborigines, the American Indians, and all the worlds Indigenous Cultures that have had their spiritual beliefs and their cultures decimated, entirely destroyed by Missionaries working for the Elite Imperialists, that have also destroyed all indigenous plant wisdom so that BigPharma can profit and make bioweapons to control the global population. There is extensive evidence that there is no God coming to save any of us. and NO evidence - other than luck that you attribute to a God - that there is a God saving anybody. Honestly, you have your head in Hopium and that is it. Your God is merciful to the greedy, narcissictic, psychopathic, evil monsters in this world, and at the same time has no mercy for the innocent that lines up for their bioweapon jabs. Your God continues to allow these criminals to roam free and continues to allow the most innocent, the most ignorant, and the least harmful people in this world, to be injected with poison. Your God keeps whistleblowers locked up like Julian Assange and Dr Reiner Fuellmich and others to ensure censorship, whilst mercifully granting early release to rapists and murders that then go and rape and murder more innocents. And your God has allowed these crimes to be perpetrated on innocent people for thousands of years, and never shows up, never intervenes to fix ANYTHING or save ANYONE.
You list all the bad/evil that goes on, and has since the beginning of time. We live in a physical and a spiritual world which are interacting constantly. We can see evidence of that in the types of things you included.
God gives us free will to do as we please, whether that's good or evil. He does tell us that when it's time, he will sit in judgment. IN HIS TIME.
I can only share my life experience. My life has not been a bed of roses. Life can be difficult, even awful. I know that HE saved me. I know that HE is real.
I think when you add the numbers up paedophiles of Christian pose & Muslim pose far outweigh any alleged Satanic abuses you fill your imagination with.
Also, you can feel for me as much as you like - thanks - but that is not going to make an iota of difference to the fact that despite 36 years trying to help and save the victims of pedophiles, sexual abuse and bad parenting, they still terminated me for not co-operating with their bioweapon jab plan. Your 5 minutes of compassion is nothing compared to the decades of compassion I have dedicated myself to and practised. I am 'one of the good ones' - I am one of the rare that actually take the time to truly listen to people when they are in crisis, and practise compassion for them and their families. God has never been there for any or these people and so I realise that there is no God. I have walked in the corridors of Hell where I felt the souls of my feet were on fire. Work in any 'modern' hell hole of an acute psych unit - as a nurse, not as a doctor or any other allied health professional on easy street because they flit in and out as soon after they arrive. The fact is, when you are actually on the frontline confronted by the actual pain and suffering of masses of people in First World countries, it makes you question WTF is going on and it makes you question the existence of God. Therefore, I have concluded that there is no God according to the Christian definition, and that the Elite want people to suicide to help depopulate. Health budgets are all smoke and mirrors. Everything is inverse.
A Savior has come down, and has suffered "horrendous physical and emotional abuse and torture." He is coming back, and when he does, that is when he will rule with justice and peace, and put an end to evildoers forever.
What good would praying do? God is not going to have his mind changed by you, and even if he were open to changing his mind based on the thoughts of a mere human then he would know your thoughts before you even think them.
Christ God chose to suffer to show his co suffering love for humanity. He did not need to be crucified to forgive our sins for he is God, and he can do whatever he chooses to do. He simply chose to show us an example of what true love is to lay your life down for your brother
May I suggest to you that you read proper unadulterated Christian doctrine from the orthodox church regarding ransom theory versus the North African heretic Augustins atonement theory
The entire Bible has been manipulated for political purposes, for thousands of years. Compare the little skinny Bible with the volumes of ancient Buddhist scriptures. Compare Christianity - that does not allow you to question anything or you will burn in hell - with Buddhism that actively encourages philosophical debate of all religious texts. The PsyOp is MUCH BIGGER than just the latest Bioweapon Jabs. EVERYTHING you believe needs to be questioned and until then, you are still half asleep. Meanwhile, you go right ahead and forgive the psychopaths that continue to inject the poisonous jabs into people. God is merciful to the worst pedophiles and murders isn't he, sets them free so they can rinse and repeat. God does NOTHING.
WHO MADE GOD? That is the 'God' that I believe in. The God consciousness that permeates all of existence and all of the ether around us, from which everything, all manifestations arise and from which your Christian God arises. That pure consciousness that permeates all of existence IS sacred. The rocks, the plants, the blue sky, the insects, the animals and all spirit IS sacred and is filled with God consciousness. God has free will. The 'God' consciousness has free will therefore by default we have 'free will', not as individuals but as a collective manifestation of God's consciousness. The 'God' consciousness that permeates all that arises however does not discriminate or identify or recognise good versus evil. It just is. And that is why, no-one is coming to save you. We are but a dream in the mind of God.
Yes but Buddhism is origin of Christianity (proven in Eire artworks of pre 4C) as it is reverence of the BO, which is the BUD & that is phallus. Hence why Snake = Pith & Naga = vagina.
It is much simpler that you imagine if you know proper religions, comparative mythology symbolism origins, & how it get corrupt so.
Yeah, these Bible thumpers are delusional. Many of the Christian Zionists actually believe that the current Jews who occupy Palestine are the historical Jews of the Bible. Mind you, these Jews are native to Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region, not Palestine. The Christian Zionists are dumbed-down dupes of the current Zionist agenda for domination. Moreover, Christianity itself is largely a psyop, and these people literally worship a dead Jew on a stick who somehow is going to come save them. All it teaches is passivity and adherence to a completely schizophrenic religion that was created by schizophrenic Jews who were wandering in the desert. The clearest sign of the insanity is the promotion of circumcision on the eighth day...how insane is it that this religion promotes genital mutilation of children? You'll never hear these dullards mention that, nor will they mention how in Judaism a similar process occurs, except a Rabbi literally sucks the blood out after the circumcision. These people are really dumb and disturbed. Most of humanity is cattle, remember that. The world is in a sad state due to Abrahamic religions, which are contributing to the destruction of us all.
Most of humanit ar dumbed down cattle by design, intentionally traumatised through wars of the lite who use them as cannon fodder, or dumbed down with the fluoride stare. The elite do not want to ensure proper education or evolution of intelligence or evolution of consciousness to the highest good or enlightenment.
I think it's kind of a cyclical, outside of time, metaphorical thing. The bible speaks to/has the potential to speak to each individual in any generation across any of the thousands of years since human experience was recorded in it?
So it could be that the belief system itself is quite sound, but many PsyOps are built around it and parasitically attach to it (starting with the snake in the guarden, the original fall from grace that it enticed humans into, that opened the garden gate to all the evils you've listed, Kali, and more)
The snake did Adam & Eve a favour because it is wise & represent TELLELURIC ENERGY. Eden is pre-material state.
The Eden story is allegory of pre-incarnation. It is very simple concept in comparative mythology but sadly lovely western minds have been beaten so much with theological sewage they get cloudy vision.
You are absolutely correct. The Jews will continue to slaughter both Islamic in Greek orthodox Christians on mass, especially now that they’ve entered Syria, which is The home of millions of orthodox Christians Christians The place where they were first called Christians. They are in real trouble. all we can do is try to stop this insanity the best that we can and know that ultimately Christ will prevail. but in the meantime, it’s going to seriously suck for these people and many many many will be martyred. Mainly women and little children. That is par for the course for Judaism. It’s nothing new I can assure you.
Yep, God is certainly going to allow these genocides to happen. The orthodox Christians will take the worst of it as they always have. Our churches are lined with icons 98% of which lay down their lives peacefully for the gospel of Christ and his orthodox church. The Jews will continue to murder main and steel, and they will rebuild the third temple of Solomon, which will usher in the homosexual Jewish antichrist. good times are coming😁
Heh, heh... “If God were any good at solving problems, he would have simply snuffed Adam and Eve for lying to him about why they stole his apples. No more blaming snakes. No need for garden gates. No more Goddamn problems.” - Paul Vonharnish - (5/22/2022)
Not buying it, sister. That type of commentary doesn't really belong here. Please take it elsewhere. As for Israel, I don't think most of the rest of the world is buying that line either.
And then after you get the test, they administer Remdesivir, say the virus is killing you, put you on a vent and load you up with opioids. BTW the state of New York had to lobby the White House Coronavirus task force to allow them to develop their own PCR test after the CDC returned 100% negative results to them. That's something I hope others will pick up on and report. Theory being that the CDC PCR test was accurate because it tested for key portions of a fictitious virus, and therefore returned 100% negative results.
"An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.
"Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
"We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.
"We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.
"The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
"The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
"They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.
"When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
"We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they may never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives.
"We will use fear as our weapon. We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.
"Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way. We will make them kill each other when it suits us. We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves.
"We will foment animosity between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best. We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers.
"They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.
"We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.
"We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know! They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.
"When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that. They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.
"We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us. The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth.
"They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us. For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.
"The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until it’s too late. Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.
"When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion. When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial.
"But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
"This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans. This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came."
"This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist.
"It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself."
But they also realise they are mortal. Otherwise they wouldn't be funding longevity science. Ergo they probably realise the poisons being sprayed can affect them too. Ergo there must be some kind of antidote or treatment to negate any ill effects.
Well, it's a nice synopsis of what we live under but it's not some secret writing of one of the evil ones. It's just nice observations of what's actually going on. I've also read The Report From Iron Mountain and other such things. BUT...Did you listen to the Day Tapes? Those are doozies.
The history of human evolution proves that we lived healthily without pharmaceutical interventions.
When we add information about energy-healing (DrJoeDispenza.com notably, and very many others, extending to shamanic methods, or at a simpler level acupuncture and reflexology) it does not take a rocket scientist to deduce that ALL allopathic medicine and surgery harms people rather than heals them.
Interestingly this aspect of brainwave coherence and related magnetism, connecting with Schumann resonance, etc., also reduces conflict, crimes and wars.
I checked my family Genealogy and for the past 200 years if children made it past 20 there was a 95% chance they made it to 80. They spent most of that 200 years on the farm and didn't have pharmaceuticals back in the 1800s.
I don't know where Joe Dispenza is heading for now. He buys into the virus narrative and has set up a clinical trial with a group of scientists to prove the effect of meditation practice against the (non existent) virus and came up with the idea of Serpina 5 in the blood as a deterrent. In that he wasn't distinguishing the jabbed and the non jabbed. His team got the synthesised cvd virus from somewhere.
Some other famous new age gurus (e.g. Abraham Hicks) have supported directly or indirectly the virus & pandemic narratives and encouraged ppl to take the shots.
I get that. I left my career which was establishing the overhead rate for federally sponsored research when I was coerced to falsify data along with big accounting firms. I like ethics. Which makes me very unpopular at the moment. But popularity is for adolescents, in my opinion. I would not be ok with being a part of making people sick or killing them. Turns out I need far less than I was taught to believe I did. Good for you, Dr. Yeadon.
I should add that Catherine Austin-Fitts said that the currency of the future will be relationships of trust. I’d rather live in the world she and people like her are trying to create if that is the case. I hope she is right. Take care. I wish everyone on here a lovely and peaceful Christmas season.
Yes, I received that memo loud and clear. Still, at the end of the day, I have to be able to live with myself. The only time I was ever popular was when I was not doing the right things and I don’t want to be that person. You are right, though. I understand that now.
Don't know if you're a man of faith, but I can pray to my god, the one of the trinity, God the father, Jesus the son and the holy spirit, creator of the Universe to bless you and your's!
Here’s a statement I heard from Orthodox clairvoyant saint 1992. “ satan has infiltrated allopathic medicine with an injection and many will depart(die). Father Theodosius, monastery of Saint Anthony the great, 1992 to his brothers
A more accurate phrase would be "Are they better than pharmaceutical salesman?" since that is the way most of them have spent most of their lives.
Are you concerned you have a spike protein coded to reproduce foreign proteins in your body? No? Then you would't really be motivated to find out what might help, would you.
T'ree: This is a horrible situation! There are tens of millions of Humans around the World, who were forced or coerced into accepting an inoculation they did not want. Now their worst fears are being confirmed about both the dangers and the motivations behind these jabs. These people have no ready means of finding out how much at risk they (and their families) are from illness or death. They cannot get concrete information because the "Authorities" are unwilling (Unable) to release credible data, and if they did, many would nolonger trust that?
No wonder people are afraid and angry.
I am surprised that there have not been many 'revenge attacks' on medical and pharma officials. I actually doubt the "Official story" on the shooting of the United Health CEO. But, the Government had to "Solve" the case quickly and memory-hole the issue.????
While making a million or 2 - 3 is huge to most of us, compared to the billions and trillions in "transfer" of wealth, it seems a shallow condemnation. Possibly there is always someone to make bank, even during the US Great Depression, so if circumstance lead significant numbers to believe, based on their best understanding and circumstance, they should have a wood burning stove in their house, hawking those is not evil anymore than it is a total solution or an assuredly valuable asset in the future at all.
I, too, have no skin in the game (financial interests) though I am very interested in how to know the accuracy of informaiton nowadays. Though I'd also rather it be people more aligned w honoring fundamental human rights, possibly the good Dr McCullough even, versus those undermining humanity's aspirations to live humanely. (Being broke ain't likely to help any of us here.) I don't read the good Dr Yeadon's always appreciated commentary as a wholesale condemnation of Ivermectin use nor of supplement use, by any means.
Back when Ivermectin was talked about in the pejorative all over mainstream/cable but would get your YT channel demonitized in a minute, it's clear the narrative was controlled. Dr Korey's book illuminates the whole disinformation process launched against those breaking narrative. Aside from trying to make sense of a world of psychological operations where all media is filtered (perhaps the figures Dr Yeadon read,) and the expertise of propaganda in prompting emotional mass behavoir - there are other points I can make.
Hulda Clark was a private researcher and US biologist some years back (author of The Cure for All Diseases and The Cure for HIV) that was persecuted by government, etc etc. But the basic notion of her research (as I recollect) was that a variety of parasites that have had parts of their life cycle in humans for time immortal, and do little harm to the host can become very problematic if the host gets exposed to "toxins". The body has to do something w the load of toxic bits and "sequesters" these in various tissue to help protect the body from them. Once certain tissue is then polluted by this build up, it alters the cycles of various parasites and they occupy previously avoided tissue (and I think even in additional life stages,) leading to illness (including cancers.)
So she made a clear connection between parasites, disease-labels, and pollutants that did not, historically, commonly build up in the body previously. Several years after reading about her work mainstream medicine announced that HPV was the cause of cervical cancer. Suffice to say her work was not acknowledge in that discovery since she'd long been legally neutralized, shall we say.
All to say, the simple point (without looking at any of the biology myself) that a long-time proven remedy for parasites could quite possibly be useful to a body suspected of exposure to a wide range of toxicities (be that via vaccination or geoengineering or undeclared food ingredients, or declared ones...etc etc all of the above.) At least one other anti-parasitic drug (sorry the name escapes me) is also being used under the radar by folks to fight incurable and recurred cancers. So a broader spectrum (yet formally, never-to-be-recognized) value of Ivermectin does not seem far out of the question to me, from a sheer practical clinical perspective - that some entrepreneurs and 'true believers' could be readily acting upon.
From my perspective, DDI is an unlikely concern. Following a rationale that those on Rx medications would seem less likely to be doing their own self-tx on a routine or on-going basis with Ivermectin. For the few, thanks to the good Dr Yeadon for pointing it out.
The supplement elimination pathway concern (being potentiated by added Ivermectin) is always the type of concern one must have (with or without any ongoing pharma use) when taking a bunch of of highly concentrated/refined and usually synthetic supplements, and sometimes when taking a lot of herbs or herbal blends. It's just a basic point that you need to consider when taking responsibility for your own health. For the few that might be, especially out of fear, just throwing a bunch of pills down their throat including Ivermectin continually, that's just not a health-advancing approach for long (whether due to slowed elimination through overburdened cell pathways or not.)
Who is NOT super weary of all things hyped/sensationalized, even if when truly interested in the information/products?? A reminder that the generic advertising "budget" is far from zero for Ivermectine, where Rumble and Bitchute are the examples. Possibly an aside, in my state Ivermectin was made available (through legislation)) OTC (but the big box pharmacies refuse to sell it that way.) In any case, this could confound Dr. Yeadon's estimations based on past experience and different media/marketing factors. [PS Much earned Dr Yeadon, to be 'lazy and incompetent' for Man cannot live on prepping alone.]
Other tangential notions are that if you got the experimental injections, theres simply no way to know what you actually got injected with - with neither declared or adulterated ingredients, or virtually nothing. Then there's the factors of huge variation on not only what went into your body but how/where. Thusly, whether certain supplements or other processes would definitely be assistive, is also very challenging to assess.
Those who have followed the discussion of literature on bio neuro-toxins (from snakes and poisonous reptile/sea urchin etc - but found in pharmaceuticals)... I have posted before commentary I found about how in recent years mainstream medicine has documented increased severity of snake-bite-envenomation [SBE]damage, for those unfortunate enough to have actually been envenomated by a US snake itself (rattlesnakes and water mossicans/cotton-mouths.)
While institutions would not research that (unless to promote disinformation) in our current societal environment, its sure logical to assume that SBE seqeula has worsened in recent years due to more or less sub-acute levels of similar or identical toxins preexisting, (or sort of chronic toxic exposure,) at the time of a SBE accident.
All to say that if a substance such as Ivermectin has those neuro de-toxification properties, as do many herbs, then use of such approaches for a time would seem to offer definite benefit. It also seems one would know of such benefit as a constellation of their symptoms improved or disappeared w cautious and mindful uses.
I think I absorbed the phrase “worried well” from pharmaceutical marketing people years ago.
They were viewed as potential customers, who were already somewhat anxious & attentive to “health related messaging”.
The point was that there was nothing wrong with them, but that they’d be one paranoid about maintaining their health in the face of all sorts of invisible threats.
Your point is well taken about people being manipulated by pharm and marketing as well as hospital systems and their constant screening tests. I have mixed feelings about the phrase "the worried well." That and hypochondriasis.
I've come to think that all of us have been sickened in one way or another, certainly all the vaccines people are given have had an ill effect and autoimmune disorders are rampant. Add the food pyramid, junk food, chemicals in water and food, air pollution, radiation, etc. This before the shot! It's all designed to reduce population, shorten lifespans, etc.
It may be that many of what are called the worried well are more attuned to themselves (and possibly to others) and know something is wrong. The "what" is vague, as it was designed to be, multipe sources of unhealth delivered daily. If those more attuned are proactive they seek for solutions. For themselves and sometimes for others.
Problem is the people they seek solutions from will give them worse outcomes. "Looking for love in all the wrong places" in other words. First the mainstream and then those put in place to catch the skeptics.
The other antiparasitic you had in mind but for the name, is fenbendazole; Dr. Merritt, whom I respect, also recommends it.
Whatever covid-1984 was, I believe the psy-op was the heavy sauce, with bits of real meat floating here and there: Based on observation, I believe there were sporadic, localized attacks with ...... [insert bioweapon of choice]. Whatever the bioweapon was, both IVM and HCQ, combined with zinc, worked well against it (just as the rarely mentioned inosine pranobex did). Short-term, I do not see a problem with either; as for fertility, doubtless endocrine disruptors would have a much bigger impact, and there is no escaping them. As per the freemasonic scheme, the jab was supposed to be specifically designed to cause infertility. But there may have been wheels within wheels ...
Hi Mike- so much admiration for you and all that you’ve offered for FREE since the beginning.
I’m wondering about all this too. Without much biological knowledge though, I do know European orthomolecular docs who have prescribed IVM under the table b/c it’s near to illegal here or it’s like exorbitantly expensive.
How does one explain this price increase and virtual inability to find it in Europe?
Also, I know another doc who is in contact with French docs who were totally sidelined due to their use of it and they are trialing it for cancer and prostate issues. Know people that have had prostate enlargement resolve because of taking it for relatively short periods.
I really don’t know but how does one explain the extreme lack of ability to get it in Europe and these cancer and prostate positive uses for it?
Also know someone close who had sinusitis for months and tried all homeopathic and natural remedies and ivermectin knocked it out in the end.
How do you think the rise or prescribing IVM is related to crushing our freedoms?
Is IVM really demonstrated to increase infertility esp with supplements use?
What about the idea that they are weapnizing parasites? Is this possible?
I’ve read research that DARPA has patents to do this and that 5G can activate such parasites. Maybe it’s a psyop. I don’t know but is it true that IVM acts as an anti-parasitic?
Ivermectin was invented, IIRC, as an anti parasitic. It was used successfully in Africa for that reason. It's used here, in the USA, in animals as an anti parasitic. Therefore, my best guess is, it works as an anti parasitic.
But it is killing the good parasites in our bodies. Much like antibiotics do with bacteria. Our bodies are made to detoxify and repair itself. Throwing these meds in (as well as other environmental and other factors) disrupts that process and that seems to be why we are all so sick with a host of different things. Big pharma doesn't cure anything. It makes lifelong customers of us all. And that includes ivermectin. The African Mectizan program brought to you by Merck and the World Bank is very suspect!
However, the drop in childbirth and fertility rates cannot be attributed to Ivermectin. This "Psyop" is much older than this medicine. The Eugenics movement goes back 200 years, fostered by wealthy elites who were upset that the earth was getting over-run by "Useless Eaters", who might compete for natural resources and space....?
There are many reasons for population declines, a lot of them entirely 'Natural'. Also, there are the psychological barriers to intentional pregnancies. Everything from "Real incomes" falling and Cultural demands also conspire against having children.
It's not really plausible to identify and quantify every factor in the world that has contributed to the decline in worldwide population growth. For one thing, there's no way to quantify the efforts of people to have or not have children. Effects of Ivermectin on fertility are best suited for controlled trials in livestock and that will be my suggestion on how to settle this debate.
I also recommend doing sperm count and egg count studies in vitro first, which shouldn't cost that much (I think?). That would tell us a lot. Assuming Ivermectin has negative effects in a petri dish, which I do, the question would become to what extent does Ivermectin make its way to testes and ovaries, and past the placenta.
I've been asked this question many times about funding for various things that are worthwhile. The only answer I can give is to first design the study, get a price tag, and then try to fundraise to meet the requirements. Someone with a high profile can crowdsource fairly easily today if it's something the public would support. It will take a lot of animals to do it right, because you need large test groups, each with varying doses, and of course the control group. You have to find that tipping point, wherever it is. No cow tipping pun intended. But I'm thinking Ivermectin isn't that expensive and some farmers may be willing to participate voluntarily just because they would like to have that data. Best I can do.
Part of the problem is the loss of reliability of official public health statistics as a result of observing the obvious manipulations of such during the C19 psy op. As for confounding variables in humans, at least, one must take into account effects of the vaxx. That will be very difficult, if not impossible, since the use of IVM and the rollout of the vaxx were simultaneous. Those are a couple of reasons why your suggestion for such animal studies is a good one, imo.
I thought the reference was deliberately to biological Covid-period drops in live birthrates, and increased neonate deaths that have occurred at least sometimes within elevated all-cause-mortality associated mostly later in the Covid-period (after "vaccine" rollouts.) Mainly discussed by some courageous obstetric health care providers. Not the general trend toward decreased fertility. Yes we are getting poisoned from so many directions (and attacked financially and philosophically/mental-emotinally) it's hard to even discuss.
Why is everyone avoiding the elephant in the room?
The contraceptive pill.
Who is behind the manufacture of "the pill"?
Who profits massively from the sale of "the pill"?
What is the hidden, or not so hidden, agenda?
Sex without responsibility - greatest convenience since sliced bread!
Rampant sexual immorality sold as "sexual liberation".
Child limitation sold as "responsible family planning".
Ask the feminists about this and the emasculated males who support them.
Murder rebranded as "contraception and abortion" by the propaganda machine.
Babies rebranded as "non-viable fetuses" by the ministry of truth (lies).
Not viable until ... whenever we choose.
Well forget all that - we can abort (murder) till full-term and even beyond now.
Liberation from outdated moral restraints has no bounds!
No God, no marriages, no homes, no families, no extended families, no communities...
Destroy faith in God, cut people off from their spiritual roots and enslave them in the liberating bonds of "new-found freedom", free from the old prisons of moral slavery.
However, I think many are ignoring the contraception/abortion issue Mike.
The One is the creator of life.
We are made in the image of the One.
We have the ability to create new life.
Holding a baby in our arms confirms this reality.
Undermining our desire to create new life, to conceive, birth and nurture children, hacks at the roots of our very identity as created beings of infinite worth.
This is a critical foundational concern.
Many apparently do not see this reality unfortunately.
Children are devalued in pursuit of other more valuable things.
The moral conflict can be devastatingly cruel.
Take the shot or lose your job and home.
Choose contraception or forfeit the option of a home and a "quality lifestyle".
We always have a choice.
Our choices have landed us where we are.
We have largely abdicated our responsibility in government, moral and other arenas.
Oh boy. Thanks for this. I have a dear friend who takes it if she even hears someone has a magical Covid case…determined via a test that was not meant to be a diagnostic tool, no less. Sadly, I find that many are so afraid that they cannot hear logic or reason any longer. Thank you, though, for your take. I totally admit to spitting my coffee out when I read the “lazy and incompetent” part.
Anyone who hasn't discovered Jessica's substack needs to check it out.
She has been doing amazing work exposing a particular aspect of the psyop - revealing the very strange events surrounding the "big covid die-offs" in New York and Lombardy (Italy).
Without all that fanfare, the "pandemic" could never have happened.
Thank you, Mike. Grateful for your work and support.
I agree with you on that list, even if we each each see things differently, and would add Miri Finch. Clare Craig is invaluable to the fight as well.
Notably, my colleagues (defined as people I have written with) are few but are all men. Brave and smart ones, at that -- my husband would tolerate nothing less! :)
Back a smart woman into a corner, threaten her or someone important to her and be surprised.
Both my daughters and my wife have at least once in life felt they, their partner, parents or children were in danger and all of them frightened me half to death. The threat melted away.
Mild mannered kind people, quite prepared to do whatever was needed, if sufficiently pushed.
We all have way more in reserve than we know, until we are tested. Sounds like you have some amazing "momma bears" in your life. Makes me happy to know that.
Yes, I was hoping people would notice Jonathan's excellent work after they checked out yours. I noticed Mike recommended him recently too... he definitely deserves big kudos.
I have to say it amazes me at times to see how much work people who are as capable as you and Mike Yeadon - and so many of the others mentioned in this thread - have done to address the lies of the Covid "pandemic." It gives me more faith just knowing you're out there. Thank you.
p-glyco protein inhibitors. I had a cousin who downed ivermectin like it was candy and touted it to all who would listen as the remedy for “CONVID”- died of stroke a year ago...
Well said, I think a certain group of Doctors promoting all these supplements and ivermectin are making a shed load of money on the pure fear that the Psyop created. Another type of evil I’m afraid. No one is coming to save us.
Someone is coming to save us and that is Jesus Christ who is Lord God Almighty. Those who have repented of sins and accepted him dying on the cross for their sins and put their faith in Him will meet the Lord in the air and it seems its very near. The lucifereans are deceived by Satan. In turn the lucifereans deceive us. But the bottom line is Israel. Genesis 15 God chose Abraham and made a nation out of him and Sara. He told that group if you do this then goodness, of you disobey then badness. He also promised them a Messiah would come. Jesus came first for the Jew. For the most part they rejected Him and He then was put to death which served a purpose though by dying for our sins. He rose again 3 days later and then like 40 days later ascended back into heaven where he came from.
Before He left though He said to the Israel religious leaders, O how I longed to gather you but you would not let me. You will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Jesus also told them you would not receive me but one will come who you will receive (that's the Antichrist).
Hosea chapter 5:15 has some good verses about in their misery they will seek me. The whole book of Hosea shows God's love for Israel even though cheated on Him. Portrays it through Hosea and his unfaithful wife.
Daniel 7, shows there will be a 4th kingdom that will come that will crush and devour. Out of that 10 kings will come and then the little horn (the Antichrist) will start to rise up and take out 3 of those 10 kings. Daniel 9:27 The Antichrist will confirm a covenant with Israel for 7 years also called the 70th week of Daniel.
During that 7 year tribulation at the half way point the Antichrist will turn on Israel and start killing them. They are one of the main goals for Satan. He wants to destroy the chosen people so they will not call on Jesus. Zechariah 13 tells us that 1/3rd of Israel will survive. And that 1/3rd will realize Jesus was their Messiah and they will mourn for the one they pierced. Zechariah 13 or so. And then they will ask Jesus to return and He does and those who were sincere Christians that were taken prior to meet him in the air, return with Him.
So Jesus then returns at the end of the 7 year tribulation and throws Satan into a prison (I can't remember the Bible name) and Jesus then sets up His kingdom here for 1,000 years.
I am leaving out so much bc there is so much more to this. But it goes clear back to Genesis in the Bible. But during the 7 year tribulation/70th week of Daniel, there will come a time where you can't buy or sell with out a mark. Satan wants to be worshipped like God is and that's why that happens. During the 7 year tribulation, those who decide to follow Jesus will be beheaded. Possibly under the Noahide law that Trump signed, not sure, just a little side note.
But it's all falling into place which tells me it's almost time to meet Jesus when he comes to get His followers bc it's not for true Christians, that time period is mainly for Israel to get her to finally receive Jesus as their Messiah. They are anticipating their Messiah coming and ready to build their temple but unfortunately they will be deceived by the Antichrist, the one they will receive in his own name.
So what this is all about is Israel, Jesus being rejected by those he first came for, Satan wants to be worshipped etc. How do we see it being played out?? Deadly jabs, various evil things going on, countries getting set up for New World Order (the 4th kingdom Daniel spoke of) lucifereans who think Lucifer is good and that God is bad (bc they were deceived by Satan). Who doesn't need to fear? Those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior.
An excellent book written by a messianic Jew (he realized Jesus is his Messiah) The Footsteps of the Messiah by Dr Arnold Fruchtenbaum. Excellent book, shows all the Bible verses old and new testament pertaining to this.
Also a great series is Stephen Armstrong Revelation at Verse by verse ministry. It's free. I love #4A in that series describing the age of the gentiles which we are in right now, but it's best to go in order.
I look forward every day to Jesus return, the one where Christians meet him in the air and go away to be with Him. He then returns all the way to the earth at the end of the 7 year tribulation. Easy to get confused with those 2 different ones. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
So that's what it's all about. Our time given here determines what happens to us not based on good works, but based on if we receive Jesus as our Lord. Dr JB Hixon is solid and aware of Bible and things going on. He writes about the Luciferian Agenda. Few solid ones but also a lot of crazies as always is the case. Dr JB Hixon is at NotByWorks.org, he can't be found on u tube, got in trouble 😂, but can also he found on Rumble.
Cheer up folks for those that have accepted Jesus as their Lord...He is coming soon it seems! And watch as Jesus said in the Bible, you will see it coming just day and hour is unknown. For those who aren't saved yet... hurry up please. You don't want to be left behind.
I am now a person of faith. I wasn’t before my encounter with evil.
I’m humbled by my hubristic ignorance for most of my life.
That said, I’m not sold on the idea that the Bible is the true word of God. I can’t avoid the likelihood that it too has been interfered with by those who codify history.
I may be wrong but I feel safe in His hands. I’m always ready but for now, enjoying life.
Blessings to you.
Have been praying for you since I heard of you, dear Dr Mike - as I have for most of the people who have been standing up (as I have also) - but not as publicly as you - I’ve been writing, calling MPs etc and emailing everyone I can think of - as a retired Registered Palliative Care Nurse, vaccination trained (therefore realised how unhealthy they are in the main, and infection control trained - thereby realising how absolutely absurd all of these last years have become!)
I’m also an Opera Singer, who has sung with the major Companies of Australia and also in concerts and oratorios all over the world. (Not bragging, just trying to explain the fact that I’m not living in a tiny bubble of ignorance!)
I pray regularly for you, Dr John Campbell, Dr McCullough, Prof Dalgleish, many of the Barrington Declaration etc, plus Dr Graham Lyons, Dr William Bay, Senators everywhere… and many Substack members.
God certainly is very real - I’m only here in this earth because I met Him when I suicided - and came back from an impossible situation and journey - no hubris, flakiness or exaggeration… I’m far from perfect, and am asking God continually for His strength and help.
I’ve also written several songs about my experiences - should you care to hear them (I believe I can share them on Meta?)
Anyway, please know that God does love you mightily. Yes, people often get in the way of God when they’re trying to be His ambassadors, but that’s all part of His grace. As we rub alongside of each other, we learn that we’re in a truly huge family, with people in it - which will always bring its own joys and sorrows and challenges - but it’s like the bag of stones that the young shepherd boy,David, had - the stones become more smooth in that bag, and usable - more dynamic etc - so they can slay Goliaths… as iron sharpens iron, and all that.
God bless you dear, from a sister in Christ who is walking one foot in front of the other!
Thank You Mike. *** Alan Watts - Historical Bible/Jesus: https://www.wisdom2be.com/essays-insights-wisdomwritings-spirituality/jesus-his-religion-pt-1-by-alan-watts … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29jK4ARXnSo
Dr Mike, I strongly recommend you watch the three-part documentary linked below. It will transform your understanding of the truth of the Bible. Since watching it earlier this year, my faith in God has gone from strength to strength 🙏
Aaagh. BitChute says this video is "unavailable in [my] region". Can you give the title and maker of the doco, or an alternative route to it? Thanks.
You can find them here, although I think one of the series is ‘hidden’ by YouTube for some reason, but you should be able to track it down. Get ready to have your mind blown over nine hours!!
Use a VPN and switch server to another country. Proton VPN has a free tier if you don't want to pay for one.
So, how you explain fact that original writing of Old Testament is vowel-less, written as sentences without punctuation or breaks, & has been transcribed, transliterated, transposed & translated into what you imagine may be words of 'god'?
If 'god' did say such things then god is a mumbling egomaniac full of hatred , intolerance & genocidal inclinations is it not ?
He won't . It is all a game to generate more despondency & delusion.
I am so, so happy to read this. I understand what you mean about the Bible being corrupted by men and there are certainly questionable versions out here. Still, I can't believe the LORD is not capable of keeping His Word available and understandable to those He is looking after. The LORD already knows the beginning from the end. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is eternal and outside of Time. He created it all including Time. I can't begin to understand how everything fits together but I am convinced that God created everything and His WORD was written for us to know what He wants us to know. By it we know that He is love. The Godhead agreed on The Plan. God knew the first humans would rebel and sin and He had already planned the remedy. For those who sooner or later come to the knowledge of their predicament. We are born sinners. God the Son is our Savior. If we are truly sorry and accept that Jesus the God-man who was sinless was crucified for our sins so that God the Father can forgive us our sins then we can be forgiven.Somehow God sees us as sinless like His Son. It's a mystery to me but that's what the Bible tells us. I know very well what a flawed, sinful person I am and I am just a typical normal person. For most of my life I was not aware of my sinfulness. I thought I was just fine. I saw other's faults but not my own. Then something happened and I became very aware of what an awful creature I am. I felt and feel awful. What changed? I don't know. I am sure God is in control. I know I am not.
Because the Bible is not the word of God! It belongs to Yahweh, the “God” of Israel, but it has nothing to do with God.
Dr. Mike, try looking into the deepest recesses of orthodox Christianity. Not a religion, but a living faith in the incarnation of God
As a scientist by education myself, when first presented with the elegant beauty and complexity of the human immune system (about which, to quote a world renowned immunologist over dinner "we are lucky if we even now understand 10%) and the genome, my belief in God was cemented forever because then and now, I never believed that such miracles of design could have emerged randomly out of the primordial swamp!
Yes, is Christ. God said to his disciples “no servant is greater than his master, if they persecuted me, they will persecute you.” All any rational , Red pill man can do regardless of what he believes spiritually is to screw his balls on real tight because it’s going to get real bad real soon
My question about the immune system would be, why would we have one if there’s nothing to be immune from? The body is the logical organism to have an immune system when contagious do not exist would be putting in a lot of resources for nothing. I would suggest, rather we have detoxification Systems, many of them, the dermis, liver, the spleen, etc.
What a peculiar comment Chris, do you have detachable testicles like so many others I notice on sub-hack-stack?
I have been practicing rational stance & find it is best to avoid all pills & also going down rabbit holes, unlike rodents & what tiny dogs are made for.
No-one is coming. The entire belief system in a PsyOP. Israel are genociding Palestinian children en masse. I don't see any Savior. There has been no Saviours come down from heaven to save any innocent victims of war or rape or other forms of horrendous physical and emotional abuse and torture.
I was in your shoes. I believed as you do.
When he saved me, as some of us call that event when you KNOW you've been touched by the supernatural, I slowly started a process of becoming changed. Following him, his words, his guidance, changes us.
Keep an open mind (and heart)! He is the God of love and mercy, and he may surprise you too, as he did me! 💟
Lucky you. Tell that to all the 2 year old todders that are raped. Tell that to the women and children being trafficked for sex. Tell that to the children tortured for their adrenochrome by the satanic pedophiles. Tell that to the children and their parents that are being slaughtered on the Gaza strip. Tell that to the victims of the PsyOp, parents whose children turn trans due to the brainwashing program and then have their breasts and penis's cut off because of gender confusion CAUSED by the early sexualisation of children through the education system. Tell that to the parents who bring their suicidal teens into the Emergency department, but there is no On Call Mental Health Clinician - because they sacked me due to not complying with the bioweapon jab. Tell that to the parents of children that have died from bioweapon jabs. Tell that to the families of all the people dying from Turbo cancers due to the jabs. Tell that to the Australian Aborigines, the American Indians, and all the worlds Indigenous Cultures that have had their spiritual beliefs and their cultures decimated, entirely destroyed by Missionaries working for the Elite Imperialists, that have also destroyed all indigenous plant wisdom so that BigPharma can profit and make bioweapons to control the global population. There is extensive evidence that there is no God coming to save any of us. and NO evidence - other than luck that you attribute to a God - that there is a God saving anybody. Honestly, you have your head in Hopium and that is it. Your God is merciful to the greedy, narcissictic, psychopathic, evil monsters in this world, and at the same time has no mercy for the innocent that lines up for their bioweapon jabs. Your God continues to allow these criminals to roam free and continues to allow the most innocent, the most ignorant, and the least harmful people in this world, to be injected with poison. Your God keeps whistleblowers locked up like Julian Assange and Dr Reiner Fuellmich and others to ensure censorship, whilst mercifully granting early release to rapists and murders that then go and rape and murder more innocents. And your God has allowed these crimes to be perpetrated on innocent people for thousands of years, and never shows up, never intervenes to fix ANYTHING or save ANYONE.
Nice to hear back from you.
You list all the bad/evil that goes on, and has since the beginning of time. We live in a physical and a spiritual world which are interacting constantly. We can see evidence of that in the types of things you included.
God gives us free will to do as we please, whether that's good or evil. He does tell us that when it's time, he will sit in judgment. IN HIS TIME.
I can only share my life experience. My life has not been a bed of roses. Life can be difficult, even awful. I know that HE saved me. I know that HE is real.
Be well!
I think when you add the numbers up paedophiles of Christian pose & Muslim pose far outweigh any alleged Satanic abuses you fill your imagination with.
Kali, I feel for you. Just a gentle reminder: there's a snake in the garden? Not the same as the OG (original Gardener) who created it for good.
So is a snake the devil now, after goats & tiny point of light called Venus, or concept of time as Saturn=Satan?
I say to you that snakes are not evil, nor the devil & I will wait for you to mature infant ind or get all anally explosive about matter ?
Also, you can feel for me as much as you like - thanks - but that is not going to make an iota of difference to the fact that despite 36 years trying to help and save the victims of pedophiles, sexual abuse and bad parenting, they still terminated me for not co-operating with their bioweapon jab plan. Your 5 minutes of compassion is nothing compared to the decades of compassion I have dedicated myself to and practised. I am 'one of the good ones' - I am one of the rare that actually take the time to truly listen to people when they are in crisis, and practise compassion for them and their families. God has never been there for any or these people and so I realise that there is no God. I have walked in the corridors of Hell where I felt the souls of my feet were on fire. Work in any 'modern' hell hole of an acute psych unit - as a nurse, not as a doctor or any other allied health professional on easy street because they flit in and out as soon after they arrive. The fact is, when you are actually on the frontline confronted by the actual pain and suffering of masses of people in First World countries, it makes you question WTF is going on and it makes you question the existence of God. Therefore, I have concluded that there is no God according to the Christian definition, and that the Elite want people to suicide to help depopulate. Health budgets are all smoke and mirrors. Everything is inverse.
There sure is a whopping huge snake in the Garden Of Eden with multiple heads.
A Savior has come down, and has suffered "horrendous physical and emotional abuse and torture." He is coming back, and when he does, that is when he will rule with justice and peace, and put an end to evildoers forever.
I pray that you are right. To pray is to wish.
Pray for faith. Faith is not just a wish. I will pray that you will have increased faith. It is difficult at times, and these times are tough.
I wonder does 'god' wish to be pestered so, by vain indulgences of it's creations?
Would you need to make such effort if 'god' knows all & can tell what you think anyways?
What good would praying do? God is not going to have his mind changed by you, and even if he were open to changing his mind based on the thoughts of a mere human then he would know your thoughts before you even think them.
Christ God chose to suffer to show his co suffering love for humanity. He did not need to be crucified to forgive our sins for he is God, and he can do whatever he chooses to do. He simply chose to show us an example of what true love is to lay your life down for your brother
That is bad theology Chris.
Can I suggest you do some proper thinking on this before embarrassing yourself greatly ?
May I suggest to you that you read proper unadulterated Christian doctrine from the orthodox church regarding ransom theory versus the North African heretic Augustins atonement theory
The entire Bible has been manipulated for political purposes, for thousands of years. Compare the little skinny Bible with the volumes of ancient Buddhist scriptures. Compare Christianity - that does not allow you to question anything or you will burn in hell - with Buddhism that actively encourages philosophical debate of all religious texts. The PsyOp is MUCH BIGGER than just the latest Bioweapon Jabs. EVERYTHING you believe needs to be questioned and until then, you are still half asleep. Meanwhile, you go right ahead and forgive the psychopaths that continue to inject the poisonous jabs into people. God is merciful to the worst pedophiles and murders isn't he, sets them free so they can rinse and repeat. God does NOTHING.
WHO MADE GOD? That is the 'God' that I believe in. The God consciousness that permeates all of existence and all of the ether around us, from which everything, all manifestations arise and from which your Christian God arises. That pure consciousness that permeates all of existence IS sacred. The rocks, the plants, the blue sky, the insects, the animals and all spirit IS sacred and is filled with God consciousness. God has free will. The 'God' consciousness has free will therefore by default we have 'free will', not as individuals but as a collective manifestation of God's consciousness. The 'God' consciousness that permeates all that arises however does not discriminate or identify or recognise good versus evil. It just is. And that is why, no-one is coming to save you. We are but a dream in the mind of God.
Yes but Buddhism is origin of Christianity (proven in Eire artworks of pre 4C) as it is reverence of the BO, which is the BUD & that is phallus. Hence why Snake = Pith & Naga = vagina.
It is much simpler that you imagine if you know proper religions, comparative mythology symbolism origins, & how it get corrupt so.
There can be no greater love than what God has shown us!
Nor no greater hatred?
Yeah, these Bible thumpers are delusional. Many of the Christian Zionists actually believe that the current Jews who occupy Palestine are the historical Jews of the Bible. Mind you, these Jews are native to Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region, not Palestine. The Christian Zionists are dumbed-down dupes of the current Zionist agenda for domination. Moreover, Christianity itself is largely a psyop, and these people literally worship a dead Jew on a stick who somehow is going to come save them. All it teaches is passivity and adherence to a completely schizophrenic religion that was created by schizophrenic Jews who were wandering in the desert. The clearest sign of the insanity is the promotion of circumcision on the eighth day...how insane is it that this religion promotes genital mutilation of children? You'll never hear these dullards mention that, nor will they mention how in Judaism a similar process occurs, except a Rabbi literally sucks the blood out after the circumcision. These people are really dumb and disturbed. Most of humanity is cattle, remember that. The world is in a sad state due to Abrahamic religions, which are contributing to the destruction of us all.
Most of humanit ar dumbed down cattle by design, intentionally traumatised through wars of the lite who use them as cannon fodder, or dumbed down with the fluoride stare. The elite do not want to ensure proper education or evolution of intelligence or evolution of consciousness to the highest good or enlightenment.
I think it's kind of a cyclical, outside of time, metaphorical thing. The bible speaks to/has the potential to speak to each individual in any generation across any of the thousands of years since human experience was recorded in it?
So it could be that the belief system itself is quite sound, but many PsyOps are built around it and parasitically attach to it (starting with the snake in the guarden, the original fall from grace that it enticed humans into, that opened the garden gate to all the evils you've listed, Kali, and more)
The snake did Adam & Eve a favour because it is wise & represent TELLELURIC ENERGY. Eden is pre-material state.
The Eden story is allegory of pre-incarnation. It is very simple concept in comparative mythology but sadly lovely western minds have been beaten so much with theological sewage they get cloudy vision.
Very astute understanding of the phenomena of life creation. The Egyptian 'gods' pantheon and creation myths reflect this understanding. Best regards.
Thank you Paul, that is brave to write in arena of conformity & low common denominators.
You are absolutely correct. The Jews will continue to slaughter both Islamic in Greek orthodox Christians on mass, especially now that they’ve entered Syria, which is The home of millions of orthodox Christians Christians The place where they were first called Christians. They are in real trouble. all we can do is try to stop this insanity the best that we can and know that ultimately Christ will prevail. but in the meantime, it’s going to seriously suck for these people and many many many will be martyred. Mainly women and little children. That is par for the course for Judaism. It’s nothing new I can assure you.
Yep, God is certainly going to allow these genocides to happen. The orthodox Christians will take the worst of it as they always have. Our churches are lined with icons 98% of which lay down their lives peacefully for the gospel of Christ and his orthodox church. The Jews will continue to murder main and steel, and they will rebuild the third temple of Solomon, which will usher in the homosexual Jewish antichrist. good times are coming😁
In Book of JOB, god is author of all good AND evil.
& this is maniac you worship?
By Book of old testicle Bible , your god is also your devil.
Now is maybe time to grow up & face horror of deceit?
Heh, heh... “If God were any good at solving problems, he would have simply snuffed Adam and Eve for lying to him about why they stole his apples. No more blaming snakes. No need for garden gates. No more Goddamn problems.” - Paul Vonharnish - (5/22/2022)
Not buying it, sister. That type of commentary doesn't really belong here. Please take it elsewhere. As for Israel, I don't think most of the rest of the world is buying that line either.
Let me get this straight. A powerful and popular political figure will make a peace treaty with the Israeli government? Hmm.
The last Trump perhaps? Maybe not so silly as it sounds.
Sorry but I dont believe in a non existent belief that there is something, you can’t see some how going to save us!
Only we the people can stop this EVIL I’m not starting an argument but realistically my thoughts behind the religious side is that’s also a PSYOP.
Thank you and may God bless you!
Which god ?
All of this for a "virus" that is so dangerous that in order to know that you're infected, you need a PCR Test!!!
And then after you get the test, they administer Remdesivir, say the virus is killing you, put you on a vent and load you up with opioids. BTW the state of New York had to lobby the White House Coronavirus task force to allow them to develop their own PCR test after the CDC returned 100% negative results to them. That's something I hope others will pick up on and report. Theory being that the CDC PCR test was accurate because it tested for key portions of a fictitious virus, and therefore returned 100% negative results.
The entire death spike in New York was due to hospital protocols following mass administration of a PCR test they desinged themselves because the CDC wasn't cooperating. I can't get people to understand this. https://charleswright1.substack.com/p/governor-cuomos-death-spike-in-spring
Compassionate use of remdesivir on January 25, 2020 to treat US soldiers:
Compassionate use is better described as using an unlicensed therapy to treat a patient because there are no other treatments available.
The DOD compassionately uses remdesivir (54% proven fatality rate!) on US soldiers.
"An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.
"Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
"We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.
"We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.
"The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
"The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
"They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.
"When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
"We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they may never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives.
"We will use fear as our weapon. We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.
"Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way. We will make them kill each other when it suits us. We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves.
"We will foment animosity between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best. We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers.
"They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.
"We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.
"We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know! They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.
"When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that. They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.
"We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us. The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth.
"They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us. For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.
"The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until it’s too late. Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.
"When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion. When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial.
"But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
"This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans. This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came."
"This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist.
"It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself."
The Secret Covenant of the NWO
So if it’s secret how did you get hold of it?
It's secret according to the global predators, but it's encoded in the intrinsic order of the universe and I can read it!
Your ideas are not born out of thin air and your actions are not lost when nobody sees them.
Put the first line in a search and you will find it.
Do "they" not breathe the air that is being posioned? If so, there must be some kind of antidote?
Your are too rational to understand what they represent.
These are people who consider themselves the masters of the universe without even knowing where the bounds of the universe are!
“Our race is the master race. We are the divine Gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects”.
– Menachem Begin
But they also realise they are mortal. Otherwise they wouldn't be funding longevity science. Ergo they probably realise the poisons being sprayed can affect them too. Ergo there must be some kind of antidote or treatment to negate any ill effects.
Well, it's a nice synopsis of what we live under but it's not some secret writing of one of the evil ones. It's just nice observations of what's actually going on. I've also read The Report From Iron Mountain and other such things. BUT...Did you listen to the Day Tapes? Those are doozies.
Dear, Amazing Dr. Yeadon: Wishing you and your family a very Peaceful and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Patty Behan, Longmont, Colorado, USA
Mike thanks.
The history of human evolution proves that we lived healthily without pharmaceutical interventions.
When we add information about energy-healing (DrJoeDispenza.com notably, and very many others, extending to shamanic methods, or at a simpler level acupuncture and reflexology) it does not take a rocket scientist to deduce that ALL allopathic medicine and surgery harms people rather than heals them.
Interestingly this aspect of brainwave coherence and related magnetism, connecting with Schumann resonance, etc., also reduces conflict, crimes and wars.
I reference heartmath.org.
We are vibrations and frequencies more than we are atomic 'matter'.
Matter becomes matter when it is observed.
Look at quantum entanglement theory.
Anyway, love and gratitude Mike.
I checked my family Genealogy and for the past 200 years if children made it past 20 there was a 95% chance they made it to 80. They spent most of that 200 years on the farm and didn't have pharmaceuticals back in the 1800s.
I don't know where Joe Dispenza is heading for now. He buys into the virus narrative and has set up a clinical trial with a group of scientists to prove the effect of meditation practice against the (non existent) virus and came up with the idea of Serpina 5 in the blood as a deterrent. In that he wasn't distinguishing the jabbed and the non jabbed. His team got the synthesised cvd virus from somewhere.
Some other famous new age gurus (e.g. Abraham Hicks) have supported directly or indirectly the virus & pandemic narratives and encouraged ppl to take the shots.
Isn't it contradictory to their arguments?
Seems like an interesting website but why is there still talk of "covid-19 spike protein?"
I admire your effort to get the (unpopular) information out there! Thank you.
I also enjoyed this interview and have shared widely. :) https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZbKNR8KTbOhO/
Thank you, much appreciated!
That interview of Dr Mike by James Delingpole was a gem. Thank you for sharing the link!
Good for you, keeping well clear of The Wellness Company scumbag grifters.
LOL buy our Spike Support!
Oh, that explains it. My friend “follows” the Wellness Company docs. I don’t trust much anymore. I’m officially in the jaded category.
Strange to see all antivaxx community all underwritten by a sudden upstart company with spooky connections.
Mike remains as pure and virtuous as his immaculate white shirts.
So many of us owe so much to him.
I am not for sale.
For reasons I cannot fathom, I am not interested in more money and I would prefer to sink back into anonymity.
While it helps not to be stony broke, I was tested once when much younger and financially vulnerable and wasn’t tempted then, either.
Meanwhile, unless / until something like David Rogers Webb’s “Great Taking” occurs, we will trundle onwards!
I get that. I left my career which was establishing the overhead rate for federally sponsored research when I was coerced to falsify data along with big accounting firms. I like ethics. Which makes me very unpopular at the moment. But popularity is for adolescents, in my opinion. I would not be ok with being a part of making people sick or killing them. Turns out I need far less than I was taught to believe I did. Good for you, Dr. Yeadon.
Having ethics, my dear, has always made one unpopular!
I should add that Catherine Austin-Fitts said that the currency of the future will be relationships of trust. I’d rather live in the world she and people like her are trying to create if that is the case. I hope she is right. Take care. I wish everyone on here a lovely and peaceful Christmas season.
Yes, I received that memo loud and clear. Still, at the end of the day, I have to be able to live with myself. The only time I was ever popular was when I was not doing the right things and I don’t want to be that person. You are right, though. I understand that now.
And good for you, Elizabeth!!
Don't know if you're a man of faith, but I can pray to my god, the one of the trinity, God the father, Jesus the son and the holy spirit, creator of the Universe to bless you and your's!
See John 3:16 ( in the Bible)
I am, though a neophyte.
Thank you & blessings to you also,
Here’s a statement I heard from Orthodox clairvoyant saint 1992. “ satan has infiltrated allopathic medicine with an injection and many will depart(die). Father Theodosius, monastery of Saint Anthony the great, 1992 to his brothers
So you're a new Christian?
I concur. I’ll just be wearing my “I’m Already Naturally Immune To BS” and “Non-Compliant” t-shirts until they are threadbare.
What to do with all the kids coming home for Christmas with new “pronouns” and “genders?”
Bezmenov said you can't save the demoralized, they're broken.
Yeah, I’ve been suspicious of them. Spike detox! Buy it now! Why let a good crisis go to waste?
That has been my opinion also Lon.
Are they better than "Snake Oil" salesmen?
A more accurate phrase would be "Are they better than pharmaceutical salesman?" since that is the way most of them have spent most of their lives.
Are you concerned you have a spike protein coded to reproduce foreign proteins in your body? No? Then you would't really be motivated to find out what might help, would you.
T'ree: This is a horrible situation! There are tens of millions of Humans around the World, who were forced or coerced into accepting an inoculation they did not want. Now their worst fears are being confirmed about both the dangers and the motivations behind these jabs. These people have no ready means of finding out how much at risk they (and their families) are from illness or death. They cannot get concrete information because the "Authorities" are unwilling (Unable) to release credible data, and if they did, many would nolonger trust that?
No wonder people are afraid and angry.
I am surprised that there have not been many 'revenge attacks' on medical and pharma officials. I actually doubt the "Official story" on the shooting of the United Health CEO. But, the Government had to "Solve" the case quickly and memory-hole the issue.????
No seems to be the answer. Scare people who see through the jabs into another's arms who is waiting to take your money. Any scheme to make money.
Yes Mike. The Dollar is King (or God, as one chooses)???
Some part of 'Humanity (?)" always seems able to shock us with the depths to which they will sink.....
While others will bankrupt and ruin themselves, in attempts to make things just a bit better and more bearable for others.
I'll look at your sire later.
Wouldn’t it be great to have as currency something backed by an incorruptible, benevolent power?
LOL... It is the Citizens who must be "Incorruptible". The actual "currency" is irrelevant. Currency is only the messenger.
Crimes were committed using beads and shells, or gold and silver, long before printed currency was invented.
That said, neither civilization or religion have lead humanity to integrity. We must learn to shun and ostracize crooks.
While making a million or 2 - 3 is huge to most of us, compared to the billions and trillions in "transfer" of wealth, it seems a shallow condemnation. Possibly there is always someone to make bank, even during the US Great Depression, so if circumstance lead significant numbers to believe, based on their best understanding and circumstance, they should have a wood burning stove in their house, hawking those is not evil anymore than it is a total solution or an assuredly valuable asset in the future at all.
I, too, have no skin in the game (financial interests) though I am very interested in how to know the accuracy of informaiton nowadays. Though I'd also rather it be people more aligned w honoring fundamental human rights, possibly the good Dr McCullough even, versus those undermining humanity's aspirations to live humanely. (Being broke ain't likely to help any of us here.) I don't read the good Dr Yeadon's always appreciated commentary as a wholesale condemnation of Ivermectin use nor of supplement use, by any means.
Back when Ivermectin was talked about in the pejorative all over mainstream/cable but would get your YT channel demonitized in a minute, it's clear the narrative was controlled. Dr Korey's book illuminates the whole disinformation process launched against those breaking narrative. Aside from trying to make sense of a world of psychological operations where all media is filtered (perhaps the figures Dr Yeadon read,) and the expertise of propaganda in prompting emotional mass behavoir - there are other points I can make.
Hulda Clark was a private researcher and US biologist some years back (author of The Cure for All Diseases and The Cure for HIV) that was persecuted by government, etc etc. But the basic notion of her research (as I recollect) was that a variety of parasites that have had parts of their life cycle in humans for time immortal, and do little harm to the host can become very problematic if the host gets exposed to "toxins". The body has to do something w the load of toxic bits and "sequesters" these in various tissue to help protect the body from them. Once certain tissue is then polluted by this build up, it alters the cycles of various parasites and they occupy previously avoided tissue (and I think even in additional life stages,) leading to illness (including cancers.)
So she made a clear connection between parasites, disease-labels, and pollutants that did not, historically, commonly build up in the body previously. Several years after reading about her work mainstream medicine announced that HPV was the cause of cervical cancer. Suffice to say her work was not acknowledge in that discovery since she'd long been legally neutralized, shall we say.
All to say, the simple point (without looking at any of the biology myself) that a long-time proven remedy for parasites could quite possibly be useful to a body suspected of exposure to a wide range of toxicities (be that via vaccination or geoengineering or undeclared food ingredients, or declared ones...etc etc all of the above.) At least one other anti-parasitic drug (sorry the name escapes me) is also being used under the radar by folks to fight incurable and recurred cancers. So a broader spectrum (yet formally, never-to-be-recognized) value of Ivermectin does not seem far out of the question to me, from a sheer practical clinical perspective - that some entrepreneurs and 'true believers' could be readily acting upon.
From my perspective, DDI is an unlikely concern. Following a rationale that those on Rx medications would seem less likely to be doing their own self-tx on a routine or on-going basis with Ivermectin. For the few, thanks to the good Dr Yeadon for pointing it out.
The supplement elimination pathway concern (being potentiated by added Ivermectin) is always the type of concern one must have (with or without any ongoing pharma use) when taking a bunch of of highly concentrated/refined and usually synthetic supplements, and sometimes when taking a lot of herbs or herbal blends. It's just a basic point that you need to consider when taking responsibility for your own health. For the few that might be, especially out of fear, just throwing a bunch of pills down their throat including Ivermectin continually, that's just not a health-advancing approach for long (whether due to slowed elimination through overburdened cell pathways or not.)
Who is NOT super weary of all things hyped/sensationalized, even if when truly interested in the information/products?? A reminder that the generic advertising "budget" is far from zero for Ivermectine, where Rumble and Bitchute are the examples. Possibly an aside, in my state Ivermectin was made available (through legislation)) OTC (but the big box pharmacies refuse to sell it that way.) In any case, this could confound Dr. Yeadon's estimations based on past experience and different media/marketing factors. [PS Much earned Dr Yeadon, to be 'lazy and incompetent' for Man cannot live on prepping alone.]
Other tangential notions are that if you got the experimental injections, theres simply no way to know what you actually got injected with - with neither declared or adulterated ingredients, or virtually nothing. Then there's the factors of huge variation on not only what went into your body but how/where. Thusly, whether certain supplements or other processes would definitely be assistive, is also very challenging to assess.
Those who have followed the discussion of literature on bio neuro-toxins (from snakes and poisonous reptile/sea urchin etc - but found in pharmaceuticals)... I have posted before commentary I found about how in recent years mainstream medicine has documented increased severity of snake-bite-envenomation [SBE]damage, for those unfortunate enough to have actually been envenomated by a US snake itself (rattlesnakes and water mossicans/cotton-mouths.)
While institutions would not research that (unless to promote disinformation) in our current societal environment, its sure logical to assume that SBE seqeula has worsened in recent years due to more or less sub-acute levels of similar or identical toxins preexisting, (or sort of chronic toxic exposure,) at the time of a SBE accident.
All to say that if a substance such as Ivermectin has those neuro de-toxification properties, as do many herbs, then use of such approaches for a time would seem to offer definite benefit. It also seems one would know of such benefit as a constellation of their symptoms improved or disappeared w cautious and mindful uses.
In good faith, that's all I got at the moment.
: )
Hope the good Dr Yeadon gets a chance to read this post
and perhaps elaborate on how he pictures "the worried well"
contrasted w those whose immune systems appear to be attacking them
or the many others w "long covid" symptoms, and of course vaccine injuries
whom clinicians may genuinely be seeking to help (even if nutri-ceutical products are overall far from the best approach.)
The type of symptomatic people prob most of whom are not currently working to get pregnant or even even child-bearing age.
I think I absorbed the phrase “worried well” from pharmaceutical marketing people years ago.
They were viewed as potential customers, who were already somewhat anxious & attentive to “health related messaging”.
The point was that there was nothing wrong with them, but that they’d be one paranoid about maintaining their health in the face of all sorts of invisible threats.
Your point is well taken about people being manipulated by pharm and marketing as well as hospital systems and their constant screening tests. I have mixed feelings about the phrase "the worried well." That and hypochondriasis.
I've come to think that all of us have been sickened in one way or another, certainly all the vaccines people are given have had an ill effect and autoimmune disorders are rampant. Add the food pyramid, junk food, chemicals in water and food, air pollution, radiation, etc. This before the shot! It's all designed to reduce population, shorten lifespans, etc.
It may be that many of what are called the worried well are more attuned to themselves (and possibly to others) and know something is wrong. The "what" is vague, as it was designed to be, multipe sources of unhealth delivered daily. If those more attuned are proactive they seek for solutions. For themselves and sometimes for others.
Problem is the people they seek solutions from will give them worse outcomes. "Looking for love in all the wrong places" in other words. First the mainstream and then those put in place to catch the skeptics.
The other antiparasitic you had in mind but for the name, is fenbendazole; Dr. Merritt, whom I respect, also recommends it.
Whatever covid-1984 was, I believe the psy-op was the heavy sauce, with bits of real meat floating here and there: Based on observation, I believe there were sporadic, localized attacks with ...... [insert bioweapon of choice]. Whatever the bioweapon was, both IVM and HCQ, combined with zinc, worked well against it (just as the rarely mentioned inosine pranobex did). Short-term, I do not see a problem with either; as for fertility, doubtless endocrine disruptors would have a much bigger impact, and there is no escaping them. As per the freemasonic scheme, the jab was supposed to be specifically designed to cause infertility. But there may have been wheels within wheels ...
I thank you so very much for writing and publishing this. I applaud you for your sincerity. May God bless you.
Hi Mike- so much admiration for you and all that you’ve offered for FREE since the beginning.
I’m wondering about all this too. Without much biological knowledge though, I do know European orthomolecular docs who have prescribed IVM under the table b/c it’s near to illegal here or it’s like exorbitantly expensive.
How does one explain this price increase and virtual inability to find it in Europe?
Also, I know another doc who is in contact with French docs who were totally sidelined due to their use of it and they are trialing it for cancer and prostate issues. Know people that have had prostate enlargement resolve because of taking it for relatively short periods.
I really don’t know but how does one explain the extreme lack of ability to get it in Europe and these cancer and prostate positive uses for it?
Also know someone close who had sinusitis for months and tried all homeopathic and natural remedies and ivermectin knocked it out in the end.
Just wondering….
Honestly, I don’t know. Reality doesn’t have to be binary.
There may be benefits.
However, I’m interested in it only in relation to what’s being done to crush our freedoms.
How do you think the rise or prescribing IVM is related to crushing our freedoms?
Is IVM really demonstrated to increase infertility esp with supplements use?
What about the idea that they are weapnizing parasites? Is this possible?
I’ve read research that DARPA has patents to do this and that 5G can activate such parasites. Maybe it’s a psyop. I don’t know but is it true that IVM acts as an anti-parasitic?
It perpetuates the Rogue Virus Pandemic narrative that is the pretext for all the freedom-crushing State countermeasures and interventions.
Ivermectin was invented, IIRC, as an anti parasitic. It was used successfully in Africa for that reason. It's used here, in the USA, in animals as an anti parasitic. Therefore, my best guess is, it works as an anti parasitic.
But it is killing the good parasites in our bodies. Much like antibiotics do with bacteria. Our bodies are made to detoxify and repair itself. Throwing these meds in (as well as other environmental and other factors) disrupts that process and that seems to be why we are all so sick with a host of different things. Big pharma doesn't cure anything. It makes lifelong customers of us all. And that includes ivermectin. The African Mectizan program brought to you by Merck and the World Bank is very suspect!
Then don't take any meds. I'm not going to force anything on anyone, I'm not from the government.
I wouldn't take this garbage and no one else should either.
Thanks for standing up against this Dr. Yeadon!
However, the drop in childbirth and fertility rates cannot be attributed to Ivermectin. This "Psyop" is much older than this medicine. The Eugenics movement goes back 200 years, fostered by wealthy elites who were upset that the earth was getting over-run by "Useless Eaters", who might compete for natural resources and space....?
There are many reasons for population declines, a lot of them entirely 'Natural'. Also, there are the psychological barriers to intentional pregnancies. Everything from "Real incomes" falling and Cultural demands also conspire against having children.
I’m very well aware of that.
I don’t attribute a particular proportion of the recent fall to ivermectin.
I think it’s but one of many negative influences.
The perpetrators have a habit of doing five things where one might do.
It's not really plausible to identify and quantify every factor in the world that has contributed to the decline in worldwide population growth. For one thing, there's no way to quantify the efforts of people to have or not have children. Effects of Ivermectin on fertility are best suited for controlled trials in livestock and that will be my suggestion on how to settle this debate.
That would be great. However the world is unlikely to be amenable to such trials any time soon.
For example, who would fund such studies?
I also recommend doing sperm count and egg count studies in vitro first, which shouldn't cost that much (I think?). That would tell us a lot. Assuming Ivermectin has negative effects in a petri dish, which I do, the question would become to what extent does Ivermectin make its way to testes and ovaries, and past the placenta.
I've been asked this question many times about funding for various things that are worthwhile. The only answer I can give is to first design the study, get a price tag, and then try to fundraise to meet the requirements. Someone with a high profile can crowdsource fairly easily today if it's something the public would support. It will take a lot of animals to do it right, because you need large test groups, each with varying doses, and of course the control group. You have to find that tipping point, wherever it is. No cow tipping pun intended. But I'm thinking Ivermectin isn't that expensive and some farmers may be willing to participate voluntarily just because they would like to have that data. Best I can do.
Part of the problem is the loss of reliability of official public health statistics as a result of observing the obvious manipulations of such during the C19 psy op. As for confounding variables in humans, at least, one must take into account effects of the vaxx. That will be very difficult, if not impossible, since the use of IVM and the rollout of the vaxx were simultaneous. Those are a couple of reasons why your suggestion for such animal studies is a good one, imo.
I thought the reference was deliberately to biological Covid-period drops in live birthrates, and increased neonate deaths that have occurred at least sometimes within elevated all-cause-mortality associated mostly later in the Covid-period (after "vaccine" rollouts.) Mainly discussed by some courageous obstetric health care providers. Not the general trend toward decreased fertility. Yes we are getting poisoned from so many directions (and attacked financially and philosophically/mental-emotinally) it's hard to even discuss.
Why is everyone avoiding the elephant in the room?
The contraceptive pill.
Who is behind the manufacture of "the pill"?
Who profits massively from the sale of "the pill"?
What is the hidden, or not so hidden, agenda?
Sex without responsibility - greatest convenience since sliced bread!
Rampant sexual immorality sold as "sexual liberation".
Child limitation sold as "responsible family planning".
Ask the feminists about this and the emasculated males who support them.
Murder rebranded as "contraception and abortion" by the propaganda machine.
Babies rebranded as "non-viable fetuses" by the ministry of truth (lies).
Not viable until ... whenever we choose.
Well forget all that - we can abort (murder) till full-term and even beyond now.
Liberation from outdated moral restraints has no bounds!
No God, no marriages, no homes, no families, no extended families, no communities...
Destroy faith in God, cut people off from their spiritual roots and enslave them in the liberating bonds of "new-found freedom", free from the old prisons of moral slavery.
This psy-op is ancient not new.
Infanticide is convenient.
Genocide is not.
Time to face reality and take accountability.
Nobody is ignoring it. It’s been around almost all of my life.
It’s one of numerous ways to separate us from each other and from the divine.
It’s arguably a very important component but nevertheless one of very many.
There are of course many components to consider.
However, I think many are ignoring the contraception/abortion issue Mike.
The One is the creator of life.
We are made in the image of the One.
We have the ability to create new life.
Holding a baby in our arms confirms this reality.
Undermining our desire to create new life, to conceive, birth and nurture children, hacks at the roots of our very identity as created beings of infinite worth.
This is a critical foundational concern.
Many apparently do not see this reality unfortunately.
Children are devalued in pursuit of other more valuable things.
The moral conflict can be devastatingly cruel.
Take the shot or lose your job and home.
Choose contraception or forfeit the option of a home and a "quality lifestyle".
We always have a choice.
Our choices have landed us where we are.
We have largely abdicated our responsibility in government, moral and other arenas.
Unguarded sheepfolds will be invaded by wolves.
We cannot blame the wolves for this.
Oh boy. Thanks for this. I have a dear friend who takes it if she even hears someone has a magical Covid case…determined via a test that was not meant to be a diagnostic tool, no less. Sadly, I find that many are so afraid that they cannot hear logic or reason any longer. Thank you, though, for your take. I totally admit to spitting my coffee out when I read the “lazy and incompetent” part.
Mike is so humble. Love that about him.
I do, too.
Op/Counter Op launched from the start
A staged event covers many sides, by design
HCQ https://x.com/wood_house76/status/1778280051336773702?s=46
Anyone who hasn't discovered Jessica's substack needs to check it out.
She has been doing amazing work exposing a particular aspect of the psyop - revealing the very strange events surrounding the "big covid die-offs" in New York and Lombardy (Italy).
Without all that fanfare, the "pandemic" could never have happened.
She’s among the cleverest people I’ve encountered.
Most of the super bright & incisive investigators are women.
Jessica Hockett.
Sasha Latypova.
Katherine Watt.
Catherine Austin Fitts.
And more…
Thank you, Mike. Grateful for your work and support.
I agree with you on that list, even if we each each see things differently, and would add Miri Finch. Clare Craig is invaluable to the fight as well.
Notably, my colleagues (defined as people I have written with) are few but are all men. Brave and smart ones, at that -- my husband would tolerate nothing less! :)
We women are supposed to be society's caretakers. But believe me, we couldn't do anything without our Protectors - the men like you. Thanks Mike.
Back a smart woman into a corner, threaten her or someone important to her and be surprised.
Both my daughters and my wife have at least once in life felt they, their partner, parents or children were in danger and all of them frightened me half to death. The threat melted away.
Mild mannered kind people, quite prepared to do whatever was needed, if sufficiently pushed.
We all have way more in reserve than we know, until we are tested. Sounds like you have some amazing "momma bears" in your life. Makes me happy to know that.
Thanks, Anna.
Jonathan Engler did the heavy lifting on Lombardy but I am glad to have helped - and to have his and other help - on NYC
Yes, I was hoping people would notice Jonathan's excellent work after they checked out yours. I noticed Mike recommended him recently too... he definitely deserves big kudos.
I have to say it amazes me at times to see how much work people who are as capable as you and Mike Yeadon - and so many of the others mentioned in this thread - have done to address the lies of the Covid "pandemic." It gives me more faith just knowing you're out there. Thank you.
Oh gosh of course you’re right Mike! They really were coming at us from all angles.
Tim Truth did some good reporting on
p-glyco protein inhibitors. I had a cousin who downed ivermectin like it was candy and touted it to all who would listen as the remedy for “CONVID”- died of stroke a year ago...
“Tim” is a smart fellow. I don’t blame him remaining largely anonymous.
We had a long talk earlier this year.
What’s yet to be resolved:
what combi(s)of what ( specific) junk was administered?
(SV-40 may well be a toxic/foreign protein sequence that induces cancer- but I propose WD-40 to be just as efficacious...)
💯🎯👏👏 And it just so happens to mess with the microtubules.🤨🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤬
If you are in end stage cancer..combined with Fendbendazole....but as a prophylactic...I wouldn't. BTJMO.
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
Dear, Amazing Mike Yeadon: Wishing you and your family a very Peaceful and Merry Holy Days and the Most Blessed New Year!