Mar 17Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Be safe Dr. Yeadon and thank you . 🙏.

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Now is the time for the Police of every nation to stand beside the people they live amongst, rather than governments which are thoroughly riddled with corruption. I will follow this with interest and hope.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Dr. Yeadon, Thank you for not disappearing and continuing to keep up the fight. You continue to inspire me and so many others for your love of human kind and your integrity.

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Soon we be able to tell if our Police are totally corrupt and complicit in mass murder. Nothing would surprise me anymore so we shall see. Brilliant work, good karma may be your only reward but big thanks for trying.

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Mar 18Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon, Tim West

Holy Crapp.

Amazing Mike.

My new name for you: "amazing Mike"

saying it like it IS. Nothing short of a hero.

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Mar 18Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

No doubt that Dr Yeadon's deposition will be discarded as "the product of a disaffected and deranged individual who harbors delusions as to his own sense of self importance'". I think that is the usual approach taken by unqualified bureaucrats whose personal existence depends on providing quotable buzz words and perfidious obfuscations to be spouted by servile and compliant politicians in the "halls of democracy". The media will fall over themselves in a desperate attempt to be the first to inform us of the worthlessness of Dr Yeadon's unique experience. And so, unless we can find some stable venue to continue Dr Yeadon's quest for truth and justice, this matter will rot on the heaps of discarded truthful revelations that accumulate outside the doors of our exalted chambers of governance. I despair - all Police are compliant with their governors and operate from behind the veil of autocracy. They are constrained in their capacity to investigate matters pertaining to the concerns of the nation and its citizens.

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Mar 18Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

So it seems "they" decided to save the world and themselves and eliminate us little people. Things are getting very interesting, Dr Yeadon is a very brave man. Never thought people could actually go this far in destroying peoples lives on this scale.

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Brilliant letter ..

I pray there is someone in the police force that has integrity and un brought that will do the right thing.

Thank you Mike

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Thank you Dr Yeadon. I've added this letter in to your timeline, plus more of your history which supports your wealth of experience and credibility. There is no way I've captured your estimated 250 interviews but have a solid collection:


The claim that there was a "pandemic" for a bad flu season came about because of the manipulation of the definition in 2009 (which Dr Wodarg taught me). When lethality is removed from the determination and simply needs the detection of a "new disease" , the WHO could claim a pandemic every year just with seasonal flu. The statement of "no pandemic" will trigger many, but like you say, this letter contains statements which you have the evidence to back this up.

The Pandemic definition change is a data point I've added to the "pandemic timeline" for those who are interested:


The WHO reduced the determination to be when a worldwide “disease epidemic occurs when there are more cases of that [new] disease than normal” and removed the qualifying point of an “enormous number of deaths and illness”. "Pandemics can be either mild or severe".

The word Pandemci conjure up alarm and fear, so it should never be claimed without true cause. Is "mild" a worthy claim for widespread fear?

By 2020 the WHO states simply “A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease.”

It curious how they always use lay terms like "disease" which technically are collection of symptoms, instead of stating a new pathogen, so much manipluation can be done with that one word. The disease COVID-19 (I refuse to reduce it to covid, I want to force them to keep the "19") had symptoms ranging from completely healthy through to death, and every respiratory symptom in between. They focus on "disesase" and not the alleged disease-causing agent, the pathogen - words matter, IMO.

The interventions are called COVID-19 vaccines and not SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, ever wonder why? I do.

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Mar 18Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Well said!

Best of luck ... we'll need it. If the track record of those in charge is anything to go by, were PC Bates to beat the slim-to-none chance and assign someone to the case, odds are it would be someone of the caliber of a Clouseau or, at best, a Lestrade.

"The WHO played their part in the crime, by declaring a “public health emergency of international concern”, a PHEIC, or a “pandemic”." — I suppose it's only fitting, that were this "PHEIC" acronym an English word, it could reasonably be pronounced as "fake".

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Cheers Doc, glad to see you posting again on Substack. Keep fighting.

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Thank you Dr Yeadon.

I think Andrew Bridgen let slip that there was a 'death triage' in UK hospitals to 'save the NHS.' I would propose that there would be government documentation to this effect, as well as audio recording held by intelligence agencies. Humbly suggest that the police reading this look into it:


"For the greater good: Did UK MP Andrew Bridgen just let slip the government’s motive for the midazolam murders?"

I also think the death triage was considered in Australia, which was why they went so hard with state and border closures, and why Australian premiers panicked so much to the point of obscenity. This would have been discussed under the umbrella of the DOD/Five Eyes intelligence structure meetings in February 2020 where the US DOD performed Australia's 'pandemic modelling':


"Theatre of war: Australia’s covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation."

It's very sad that we have to do the jobs of our police and intelligence agences for them, now that it is their jobs to kill us en masse and carry out the orders of the depraved.

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Mar 18Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Thank you Dr. Yeadon for speaking out consistently about these crimes against humanity - It is horrific to realize that so much corruption has overtaken good common sense and decency that short term greed for power and coin blinds so many. They seem ignorant to the effects it will cause to themselves soon ....short term gain for long term pain.......

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I enjoyed learning about your work history.

You got some good basics in the anti nerve agent stuff because it was real.

But it must be wild that you worked fighting allergies not knowing at the time that the biggest contributor to allergies are from jabs. When I learned that peanut oil is used in many of them, which explains why we have a big range of age that have peanut allergies.

I wouldn't be surprised if the whole program was really in the business of causing allergies.


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Mar 18Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon, Tim West

Thank you for your work. I would like to point out some edits for grammar and/or typos:

1) "Let me begin my outlining my credentials" should be "Let me begin BY outlining my credentials"

2) I'm not sure what is intended by "to have realised that the areas I will outline were incorrect in the first place", but perhaps it should be "WHICH ALLOWED ME TO realise that the areas I will outline were incorrect in the first place."

3) "I ask that the evidence I marshall is evaluated thoroughly" should be "I ask that the evidence I marshall BE evaluated thoroughly".

4) "which have been tested by dozens of others, internationally well known scientists and doctors" should probably be "which have been tested by dozens of others, ALL internationally well known scientists and doctors."

5) "I cannot be sure the motivation for this deception was." should be "I cannot be sure WHAT the motivation for this deception was."

6) "But the effects of it has been" should be "But the effects of it HAVE been".

7) "Others will be killed, the time taken to die & their suffering before they die will vary. " should be "Others will be killed; the time taken to die AND their suffering before they die will vary."

8) "I can bring detailed rationales for each of these claims" should probably be "I can PROVIDE detailed rationales for each of these claims".

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Mar 18Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Michael Yeadon, I applaud your courage, and I pray for you to be protected and that your message and hard-fought path in these past years will be heard, understood and heeded and followed up on. May God pour out every blessing upon you and yours (who've also sacrificed much) and give you rest, refreshment and peace.

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