Be safe Dr. Yeadon and thank you . 🙏.

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Off topic slightly, but a mercenary force, Competent ex special operations personnel are needed save the children of Palestine from absolute starvation! A Potential serious suicide mission to be sure, But what else can be done we need backers with money I will volunteer to be the weak minded strong backed Cannon fadder! So Perturbing who could sleep at night knowing five-year-old you’re being starved to death! Massive action is needed ASAP

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I absolutely stand by that remark although it would be a death sentence for me The Jews are absolutely going to terminate every Palestinian there is no doubt about it both Islamic and my people Greek orthodox Christians, the original ChristianS. They are going to destroy all of them men women children disabled people all people wipe them off the Earth and then re-steal their land and build a smart city anyone who denies this is either a complete misguided idiot or they are a psychopathic murderer just like most of the Jews of Israel

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I mean these assholes just bombed a bunch of poor people refugees living in tents, killing noncombative women and children. These assholes knew exactly what they were doing and took pleasure in murdering these beautiful people. Fuck Israel

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Dr. Yeadon, Thank you for not disappearing and continuing to keep up the fight. You continue to inspire me and so many others for your love of human kind and your integrity.

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Soon we be able to tell if our Police are totally corrupt and complicit in mass murder. Nothing would surprise me anymore so we shall see. Brilliant work, good karma may be your only reward but big thanks for trying.

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The Met Commissioner will simply be informed by the Health Security Agency that this is a matter of vital national security, and economic growth, and that the regulators, the MHRA, confirm that the benefit of the vaccines outweigh the risks. Case closed - in fact, not even opened.

I very much doubt they will even pretend to go through the motions of investigation of the claims by Dr Yeadon and Co.

The liars and murderers still maintain a tight grip on the MSM narrative, the medical profession has betrayed us,so we have to get to the general public by other means: they need to know how they have been lied to and how many have died in the UK ( at least 80-120K roughly). Each person we can convince of the truth of this is a victory.

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There is of course a General Election coming. Anyone who votes for any of the parties that voted through the Coronavirus Act is basically saying 'You voted to kill us via jabbing, lots of us are still alive, so try and kill us again please!'

What's needed is mass disobedience at the ballot box. No more voting Labour or Conservative, Liberal Democrat, Green, nor SNP. Demand that any candidate state their position on vaccines, on the WHO Treaty (anathema to any sane individual), on fomenting world war III etc.

If the population at large is so stupid as to vote for people who conspired to kill them, there is a serious question as to whether they are compos mentis enough to be deserving of the vote.....

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Even if the populace was not dumbed down or otherwise manipulated by for example divide-and-conquered with divisive petty issues (or the option of the voting for two heads of the same uniparty masquerading as political opponents), in the dire case where a populist captures an unheard of level of the popular vote (e.g. the MAGA orangeutan) the votes simply would not be counted accurately. Governance and politics has always and will always be a racket, because it is a power vacuum and power vacuums can only be captured/held by the most ruthless. Benevolent rulers are overcome by more ruthless, because nature wants the power vacuum to be maximally mined. C.f. 1 Samuel 8

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Unfortunately the heavy censorship means I guess the majority at best know that things are odd.

Without knowing more, they’ll presumably vote in the normal way and viewing our history, Labour will get a large majority,

As Starmer is a fully paid up globalist member of the Trilateral Commission, steady course to destruction is assumed.

I don’t think politics has ANY chance to be the salvation of U.K.

None at all.

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If nothing happens for much longer I think it will be safe to assume they are all complicit in murder. Why am I not surprised?

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Personally, horrible thinking it is, but no one sets out to run a global coup d’etat unless they’re pretty darn sure of their ground.

Doesn’t mean they’ll succeed. But I think we should assume they will unless we do unexpected things.

If I’m right, they’ll have modelled all expected responses (including someone like me) & have developed countermeasures.

This all implies that EVERY institution was long ago captured or at least defanged.

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I brought all of this to the attention of one of the top people at DeepMind, internationally famous in his field: they dismissed it.

Even those who are not corrupt, who haven't been put into place over the last few years (decades?) like June Raine, Patrick Vallance, etc, don't wish to look this thing in the face: in fact, the brighter they think they are, the less they wish to know.

To admit to having been not only fooled, but poisoned, is almost impossible, human nature being what it is.

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I suggest renaming their enterprise, ShallowMind.

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I would concur, Dr Yeadon! They are ill-named.

I was disappointed at the unthinking dismissal, but in a way amused that it came from an expert in AI, robotics and consciousness of such standing.

Still, I continue to plug away when I see any opening to warn or enlighten, and pray for 'the grace to put off the works of darkness, and put on the armour of light' in this dreadful battle.

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Yup. Gatekeepers on every corridor of power and every institution is now corrupt. Prosecuting this is going to be like trying to charge Hillary Clinton with a crime. And, yes, of course it will all be gamed.

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Still think a letter/email to the council stating that withholding council tax payments is a good way forward, how can you pay tax to criminals that are trying to murder us🍻

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Well, in the UK at least, the following have been captured:

1. The Houses of Parliament and the Civil Service.

2. The City of London.

3. The Mainstream Media.

4. The education system and the university system.

5. Government organisations like the Met Office etc etc.

6. Sporting and cultural institutions.

7. Organised religion.

8. Key online functions like search engines, social media behemoths etc.

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I agree. The easier approach might be to list non captured institutions.

I used to joke “They’ve got all the institutions, except the PDSA. And I’m not so sure about the PDSA”.

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This very astute and articulate African-American Congressman explains very clearly that the power-vacuum of politics and governance institutions (i.e. the collective) is only captured by those who democide their own voters thus they need to replace them with migrants.


(“They are EVIL” Former Democrat Exposes Party’s WICKED Plans)

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The only non-captured institutions will be those which are entirely decentralized thus not presenting a power vacuum. Also the motivation for this all was quite obvious:



(Shenpen’s comment on Some Iron Laws of Political Economics)


Even if the populace was not dumbed down or otherwise manipulated by for example divide-and-conquered with divisive petty issues (or the option of the voting for two heads of the same uniparty masquerading as political opponents), in the dire case where a populist captures an unheard of level of the popular vote (e.g. the MAGA orangeutan) the votes simply would not be counted accurately. Governance and politics has always and will always be a racket, because it is a power vacuum and power vacuums can only be captured/held by the most ruthless. Benevolent rulers are overcome by more ruthless, because nature wants the power vacuum to be maximally mined. C.f. 1 Samuel 8

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Apologies for the multi-posting. This will be my last.

Perhaps we could conjecture the Agenda 2030 from a paradigm-shift perspective, to actually mean creative destruction of the political clowns and institutions of the old nation-state empire world order to whatever is coming next… I could elaborate on my speculation as to where humanity might be headed next. The nation-state paradigm probably to be deprecated by the faster communication and knowledge spread of the Internet. Ostensibly a multi-polar world with weaker, or multifurcated former nation-states inhabiting regional blocs with an enveloping global order buttressed by the DIABOLICAL Bitcoin as intended? Lookout for an ANYONECANSPEND event perhaps at the 2028 halving to kickoff a global monetary reset.

Veering off-the-rails with this comment into the realm of hyperspeculative imagination…excepting being privy to some obscure yet globally significant observations, tho complementarily juxtaposed my domain knowledge deficit in your field of expertise. Virology appears to (me to) be an elaborate deceptive sophistry although I’m circumspect about all that I don’t know thus rein in from channeling my Kunning-Druger. You noted that microbiology is inherently ripe for deception which jumped out immediately on my cursory layman’s initial investigation in 2020 in my attempt to apply the scientific method. Concluded much earlier than your public proclamations— ostensibly your application of rigor and excessive caution appropriate to your expertise and reputation.

What is the validity of “science” that can’t be falsified in a decentralized manner? (seems to be essentially your point as well)

It seems the essence and resiliency of the scientific method hinges on individualized (degrees-of-freedom in) interpretation, skepticism and falsification, because afaics there’s no absolute truth nor omniscience (for if there was we could not exist and the light cones of past and future would collapse to a static universe). Popper understood this:


Just some food for thought, tho you probably already contemplated all of this. Perhaps my attempted intent is towards germinating our refined focus. We might identify the root invariants and that perhaps there’s a natural cycle, e.g. Armstrong’s 6-6-6th wave of 1857.6=6×6×51.6 years which itself is 6 waves of 8.6 years or 1000 days times Pi.

P.S. Carl Sagan had predicted this junk science devolution; an observation that science would become increasingly more sophisticated than laymen could comprehend. Yet even Sagan was probably incorrect about the plausibility of a nuclear winter scenario that has hence been questioned as dubious. Absolutism is religion, the antithesis of science. Thus an inherent fragility if the entire society w(h)or(e)ships “trust the [centralized, priest-controlled] science” as some Puritanism (witch-burning-at-the-stake-purge, holier than tho, conjuring up the apophenia and theopany) religion metastasized amok. Recommend Gray Mirror and the deviant offshoot blog.reaction.la on (only) the supremacy of priests (not promoting misogyny), yet alas afaics that all distills/reductionism to the power vacuum generative essence.


(Carl Sagan Predicted The Current Junk Science Disaster)

Election interference as the next pretext for declaring elections invalid, invoking Emergency Powers Act, usurping Constitutions and the rule-of-law? These clowns are dropping false-flags faster than pennies on the sidewalk. The West to resemble something out of a Twilight Zone episode.


Don’t interrupt your e̶n̶e̶m̶y̶[ally] when B̶o̶z̶o̶’̶s̶ ̶b̶u̶s̶y̶ ̶s̶e̶l̶f̶-̶i̶m̶m̶o̶l̶a̶t̶i̶n̶g̶[nature’s cleansing].

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Dr mike, Do you think there is reduced graphing oxide in these injections?

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Chris, I do not. The original work in which that claim was made may or may not have had good intentions. I do not know them. I do know that the analytical tests they used did not include the one test that I regard as absolutely diagnostic. Now, it may be that they didn’t have access to it. I wrote to them, pointing out that, if they were able to find a collaborator with whom that other test could be done, they’d have results with which nobody could argue. As far as I can tell, they didn't take up the suggestion.

The technique is TEM: transmission electron microscopy. If electrons are poured through the sample, then the pattern of repeating hexagonal dots should appear, if any derivative of graphene is present.

It is regrettably my experience that a high proportion of the so called freedom movement are either inadvertently or deliberately acting for the perpetrators.

The pair of things I regard as facts are almost never featured in the output of many who I think are perfectly able to conclude for themselves and unquestionably so, once they’d heard argued by others. These are that there was NO public health emergency of any kind because there was no evidence of a net additional cause of illness and death from “the pandemic”. That’s because there simply wasn’t one. The second one is obvious to me and again, I think many people can deduce it without the necessity of having drug discovery experience. It is that the toxicity of the injections is wholly deliberate.

I don’t find it convincing to campaign loudly on lots of really important things without dropping these two, absolutely crucial points into what they’re saying.

Best wishes


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On Looming Megadeath and Human Psychology

“Nietzsche’s ressentiment theory. I’m not completely convinced by it (seems a little too pat and convenient) but do concede it might explain some of what we observe in human nature. I think the sheep will likely follow any authority figure (or organisation) who appears to offer them apparent certainty and the illusion of continuing a comparatively easy life, devoid of making important decisions for themselves, as they have largely outsourced their thinking to those parties they’ve been instructed (via decades of propaganda and behavioural programming) to trust. Clearly, a substantial proportion of people have an inherent moral weakness in being reduced to almost any act in order to go along to get along, which allows them to be led by the nose in such a way - essentially empty vessels.”

I observe it’s more pernicious than even that salient characterization.

One of the defining qualities of Sheep Logic is that the sheep are so passive aggressively wanting to get just as much OR MORE of whatever the rest of the sheep do, they’ll literally cooperate to strangle each other to death with their necks pushed through a net trying to reach the food.

Smitten humans literally seek in-group religions even (with cocksure, smug arrogance) pretending to themselves that (they’re not Dunning-Kruger arrogant and that) their valiant, correct social justice causes are not a religion.

Humans actually want the easiest, most pain-free, least sacrifice, least self-discipline, low-effort pathway to (their Dunning-Kruger myopic perception of their) superiority (while even pretending to themselves they’re not seeking it)— this precisely why they’re so vulnerable to your manipulation characterization which leads them to being unwitting complicit tools in their own self-immolation and cyclical bouts of megadeath. This human nature opens the power vacuum that the diabolical elitists like flies-to-honey have no choice to but to compete to be the most ruthless to capture.

Thus sheepeople have no incentive whatsoever to be introspective on their ressentiment because their smug perspective of their (Dunning-Kruger) value in the world is vital to their entire sense of their own stable position in their world and thus vital to their (insane, semblance of) “sanity.” Could you imagine a never Trumper actually having to admit he was correct about everything? They would probably sink into clinical depression, perhaps commit suicide (which btw Deagel.com had predicted many will be doing by end of 2025).

The key insight I am trying to convey to you is that humans choose this, not their propaganda masters. The flies only come to the honey.

This can never change because this is instinctively human nature by-and-large. Thus megadeath cleansing is periodically needed. We are at another such juncture.

Again refer to Armstrong’s 1857.6 year cycle I cited. This issue at-hand isn’t about the quality of any technological progress, but rather just the damn human nature cleansing cycling coming due.

I hope it was clear that I implied that humans (unwittingly) seek out (for Westerners high IQ, for clan societies that paternal figure, e.g. Xi) propaganda and priests (e.g. CNN or commensurately Fox News) because it feeds their (subconscious) highfalutin smugness. Their (semi-subconscious) need to feel superior to other sheep.

Anna thinks China is not cooperating, but I think they are complicit — Xi has no other realistic options. She thinks Russia is not cooperating, but Russia is dependent on China now.

Anna ostensibly thinks the American people can re-organize. I don’t think so. Humans are sheep and have Sheep Logic, thus they’ll always be manipulable — which is why the system exists as it does. She even admits that all originates from religion — it’s because humans are sheep. Period.




Sheep Logic:

“The determination to pursue any behavior that meets Hallmark #1 and #2 to absurd ends, even unto death. My worst sheep suicide story? The first year we kept sheep, we thought it would make sense to set up a hay net in their pen, which keeps the hay off the ground and lets the sheep feed themselves by pulling hay through the very loose loops of the net. Turned out, though, that the loops were so loose that a determined sheep could put her entire head inside the net, and if one sheep could do that, then two sheep could do that. And given how the hay net was hung and how these sheep were sensing each other, they started to move clockwise in unison, each trying to get an advantage over the other, still with their heads stuck in the net. At which point the net starts to tighten. And tighten. And tighten. My daughter found them the next morning, having strangled each other to death, unable to stop gorging themselves or seeking an advantage from the behavior of others. The other sheep were crowded around, stepping around the dead bodies, pulling hay for themselves out of the net. That was a bad day.”

The horrifying more relevant bit (and note honor and shame only exists in small tribes, not in civilization):

“We think we are wolves, living by the logic of the pack. In truth we are sheep, living by the logic of the flock … Our compliance departments require us to say that retweets are not endorsements. But of course they are … Mass shooters are not Lone Wolves. They are Lone Sheep … Jesus isn’t insulting you when He calls you a sheep. The point…isn’t that sheep are stupidly obedient or easily led, but that the healthy life of a willful sheep requires a good shepherd… In both markets and in politics, we’re trained to have sheep intelligence… sheep as the Old Stories understood sheep … intensely selfish, intensely intelligent (but only in an other-regarding way) and intensely dogmatic, willing to pursue a myopic behavior even unto death.

…we are trained to think like sheep because sheep are wonderful prey animals.…pay the rent w\fleece, and food of last resort, too. Plus they’re not helpless…rather quite competent /self-sufficient, which from a smart owner’s perspective is desirable. If sheep were truly docile/stupid, they’d be way too much trouble to keep.

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They are all complicit, either because they want to be or they are too afraid to be anything else Few people really understand the power of fear

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I paid a former SAS commando to put me through part of “ selection “. I can tell you that fear has the potential to completely break a man into a crying little boy. The controllers know this and the satanic psychology applied to the earths population is the only contagion that he really exists

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Dr Mike I would pay for a personal phone consultation about our situation. I’ve done everything my personal train your brain to think of who my wife and two children . Are you open to it ??? Chris ( Ultimate natural path ) Kanakaris

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Personal strength training brain

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They are indeed Robert and how they sleep at night, how they look in the faces of any children and grandchildren they may have is beyond me! But they should know and remember one thing, not only will they pay personally but they have condemned their offspring to pay for their sins too, “the sins of the father……”.

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Many are corrupt, but most unfortunately are just cowards With guns. In the last four years I have been very disappointed with my fellow man . They say fatigue (stress)makes cowards of us all. It certainly can . There are many Small “men” With badges and guns who think they have authority. God help them when they run into a real man (No gun, or “ stinking badges” necessary )

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Holy Crapp.

Amazing Mike.

My new name for you: "amazing Mike"

saying it like it IS. Nothing short of a hero.

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No doubt that Dr Yeadon's deposition will be discarded as "the product of a disaffected and deranged individual who harbors delusions as to his own sense of self importance'". I think that is the usual approach taken by unqualified bureaucrats whose personal existence depends on providing quotable buzz words and perfidious obfuscations to be spouted by servile and compliant politicians in the "halls of democracy". The media will fall over themselves in a desperate attempt to be the first to inform us of the worthlessness of Dr Yeadon's unique experience. And so, unless we can find some stable venue to continue Dr Yeadon's quest for truth and justice, this matter will rot on the heaps of discarded truthful revelations that accumulate outside the doors of our exalted chambers of governance. I despair - all Police are compliant with their governors and operate from behind the veil of autocracy. They are constrained in their capacity to investigate matters pertaining to the concerns of the nation and its citizens.

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This is why I frequently ask, no implore, others to step up in any field whatsoever that they can make the case that we're being lied to.

This cannot be left to a tiny handful of highly qualified people, because they will continue to censor & smear the small number of people who are nigh qualified AND willing to stand up & refuse to go quietly.

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He is a friend. And a brave man.

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Try BlazeTV in the US.

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So it seems "they" decided to save the world and themselves and eliminate us little people. Things are getting very interesting, Dr Yeadon is a very brave man. Never thought people could actually go this far in destroying peoples lives on this scale.

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Brilliant letter ..

I pray there is someone in the police force that has integrity and un brought that will do the right thing.

Thank you Mike

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Thank you Dr Yeadon. I've added this letter in to your timeline, plus more of your history which supports your wealth of experience and credibility. There is no way I've captured your estimated 250 interviews but have a solid collection:


The claim that there was a "pandemic" for a bad flu season came about because of the manipulation of the definition in 2009 (which Dr Wodarg taught me). When lethality is removed from the determination and simply needs the detection of a "new disease" , the WHO could claim a pandemic every year just with seasonal flu. The statement of "no pandemic" will trigger many, but like you say, this letter contains statements which you have the evidence to back this up.

The Pandemic definition change is a data point I've added to the "pandemic timeline" for those who are interested:


The WHO reduced the determination to be when a worldwide “disease epidemic occurs when there are more cases of that [new] disease than normal” and removed the qualifying point of an “enormous number of deaths and illness”. "Pandemics can be either mild or severe".

The word Pandemci conjure up alarm and fear, so it should never be claimed without true cause. Is "mild" a worthy claim for widespread fear?

By 2020 the WHO states simply “A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease.”

It curious how they always use lay terms like "disease" which technically are collection of symptoms, instead of stating a new pathogen, so much manipluation can be done with that one word. The disease COVID-19 (I refuse to reduce it to covid, I want to force them to keep the "19") had symptoms ranging from completely healthy through to death, and every respiratory symptom in between. They focus on "disesase" and not the alleged disease-causing agent, the pathogen - words matter, IMO.

The interventions are called COVID-19 vaccines and not SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, ever wonder why? I do.

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My more material claim (which I think is in the letter) is not only “There was no pandemic…” but “there no was public health emergency…”.

The latter is empirical. Rancourt’s analysis shows no movement in all causes mortality in the run up to the WHO pandemic declaration.

He examined each of the 50 US states by week, sex, age and date of death (independent of cause). Nothing happened. Not until they lied about a pandemic. Then all hell broke loose and people began dying in large numbers, as a direct result of radical changes in medical practice.

Note, my PhD was in the area of the respiratory depressant effects of opiates like morphine.

It’s almost as if they knew something was coming, even though there was no sign of it in the data.

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Dr. Yeadon, I completely concur that there was no emergency, and in supporting evidence of your claim would humbly suggest that in the case of Australia, the letter that the CMO wrote in 2020 to precipitate the Federal Emergency was full of lies around CFR.

The alarming context of this is that I am coming to understand that there may be no burden of proof vis a vis the CMO's letter and thus cannot be legally challenged. I hope I am wrong.

If you have a moment, this is the situation (with Bob Moran art for your enjoyment): https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-domestic-medico-legal

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There never was any emergency! Ivermectin (Ziverdo) prophylaxes did reduce deaths 40..100x in India. Early HCQ,DOXY,zink,high dose V-D3 did cure most.

The excess deaths in Australia 100% correlate with the RNA vaxxines. Corona has no chance in very sunny countries due to "to much V-D3" production in non black people. In Europe or the northern countries we see excellent correlation between SarsCov-2 deaths and latitude (during alpha). But also with start of vaxxination.

In Switzerland only age >65 had Covid (alpha) excess deaths for two short periods. Keep also in mind that in USA 9 of 10 covid deaths (after alpha) have been just with covid not from covid.

The whole story was well planned and the biggest fraud in mankind history. Its worse than Auschwitz and Dr. Mengele and a sign that the Nazi (like Trump, Putin) are back again.

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I would be careful with ivermectin, it’s bad stuff and since Covid does not exist there would be no reason to take a drug for nonexistent disease

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I do not know whether you are just a big pharma chat bot. Obviously you know nothing about medicine,biology & chemistry.

Ivermectin is the most harmless drug on our planet, it has do direct side effects. Even a 20x dose is harmless for most. Ivermectin is the most hated drug by big pharma as it cures most virus diseases (also flue...) and prevents vaccine campaigns actually for West-Nil fever. Zicca virus disease/epidemic in Brazil - Manaus has been silently cured by ivermectin. Why do we know? No alpha covid fatalities in Manaus.

Ivermectin is the only drug that can repair nerves (myelin sheath) and thus can cure MS/ Parkinson in earlier stages.

But worst: Ivermectin can also cure many different cancers (Glioblastoma, Colon, et..) as also do Mebendazole and other anti parasite drugs big pharma tries to hide for human use.

1/3 of all humans on our planet did take Ivermectin to prevent SARS-Cov-2 infection & damage where India is the most prominent one.

So its up to you to kill yourself by not taking ivermectin when you would need it.

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Hey, I’m as real as the Easter bunny ! I think everything you just said is diametrically opposed to the truth. Who do you think sells ivermectin ? The Amish ? Every single Every single drug and I mean every single one is toxic to 1° or another ivermectin is no exception and in fact he’s actually very toxic. There is not one drug on the Earth cures any so-called disease(Cleansing reactions cleansing reaction ). All drugs can do his mask symptoms of detoxification, not a good thing to do . And analogy would be to cut your engine needs oil light . Simply because you interrupted the signal to tell you your engine needs oil does that mean it does not need oil ???? Big Pharma knows that That many people who will not take the jab are still afraid of nonexistent germs so they are willing to take another drug like ivermectin which will also harm you in the long run. So they know they’ll get you one way or the other Look at the millionaire Steve Kirsch’s now I’m telling people to get on SSRIs to cure Covid! Insanity. Your wife Gets puton SSRIs you better put the cutlery away at night!

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Really there is a state of dis-ease rather than individual so called diseases.

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Right on!

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Well said!

Best of luck ... we'll need it. If the track record of those in charge is anything to go by, were PC Bates to beat the slim-to-none chance and assign someone to the case, odds are it would be someone of the caliber of a Clouseau or, at best, a Lestrade.

"The WHO played their part in the crime, by declaring a “public health emergency of international concern”, a PHEIC, or a “pandemic”." — I suppose it's only fitting, that were this "PHEIC" acronym an English word, it could reasonably be pronounced as "fake".

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It IS pronounced "Fake" by everyone I've heard use it - including other Europeans. The only person I've not heard pronounce it thus is Tedros! Seriously, WHOever came up with that acronym has a really bizarre sense of humour!

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Thanks for that ... I knew not!

Tedros! Now there's a Klaus-Schwab-level ridiculosity if ever there was. He'd pronounce it ANY way Billy Gates-o'-Hell told him to. If Billy said it was P-hike, P-hike it'd be, for T-Gesus.

"Seriously, WHOever came up with that acronym has a really bizarre sense of humour!" — Yup, funny not funny. Gives off a strong whiff of something akin to "revelation of the method" / "hidden in plain sight"... a sort of "Ya so it's FAKE — what are ya gonna do about it?' rib poking.

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Yes, I agree. It's gotta be deliberately contrived (IMO) almost as a "dare" to the plebs: a "we are fooling you - do you get it yet?" It's a sick joke, that's for sure ! Apparently it was defined in the IHR in 2005. But since the Plandemic and all the preparations that led up to it were started back in the '60s (according to Dr, David Martin's investigation of the Patents involved), then by 2005 the WHO/WEF/UN/GAVI etc were already prepping for this. They probably had a good laugh while creating the name!

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It's completely intentional, where the acronym initials are created in ADVANCE of the longer definition (think USA "PATRIOT" Act). Satanists regularly signal to their fellow satanists (where numerology is another means of doing so), basically "announcing" the true nature of whatever is being foisted on the public. They have to do this as part of the ritual of "manifesting" or "simulating" their evil plan -- where the event itself then, when finally issued to the public as a "real-world" thing, is just the "simulation gone live." So the acronym was purposely created to be read as "PHEIC" (or "fake"), where the letters are only AFTERWARDS assigned specific words to produce the longer definition. This is a regular thing with gov'ts now in their issuance of public "acts" and fake "emergencies" and consistent with a world now ruled by the Inversion of Principle. Upside-down, in other words.

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If I said you were lying, I'd be lying.

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Cheers Doc, glad to see you posting again on Substack. Keep fighting.

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Thank you Dr Yeadon.

I think Andrew Bridgen let slip that there was a 'death triage' in UK hospitals to 'save the NHS.' I would propose that there would be government documentation to this effect, as well as audio recording held by intelligence agencies. Humbly suggest that the police reading this look into it:


"For the greater good: Did UK MP Andrew Bridgen just let slip the government’s motive for the midazolam murders?"

I also think the death triage was considered in Australia, which was why they went so hard with state and border closures, and why Australian premiers panicked so much to the point of obscenity. This would have been discussed under the umbrella of the DOD/Five Eyes intelligence structure meetings in February 2020 where the US DOD performed Australia's 'pandemic modelling':


"Theatre of war: Australia’s covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation."

It's very sad that we have to do the jobs of our police and intelligence agences for them, now that it is their jobs to kill us en masse and carry out the orders of the depraved.

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Thank you Dr. Yeadon for speaking out consistently about these crimes against humanity - It is horrific to realize that so much corruption has overtaken good common sense and decency that short term greed for power and coin blinds so many. They seem ignorant to the effects it will cause to themselves soon ....short term gain for long term pain.......

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I enjoyed learning about your work history.

You got some good basics in the anti nerve agent stuff because it was real.

But it must be wild that you worked fighting allergies not knowing at the time that the biggest contributor to allergies are from jabs. When I learned that peanut oil is used in many of them, which explains why we have a big range of age that have peanut allergies.

I wouldn't be surprised if the whole program was really in the business of causing allergies.


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I often have the sense of what it might be like today, being a normie.

When I think back to my time in the industry, I cringe.

I remember being asked the question about why certain disease prevalences were increased.

I was genuinely baffled.

It literally never crossed my mind that it might be vaccines.

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It's just like looking for a wrench all over the garage, only to find it in your hand already 😂 .

We are moving towards the truth because it is no longer swept under the rug.

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Thank you for your work. I would like to point out some edits for grammar and/or typos:

1) "Let me begin my outlining my credentials" should be "Let me begin BY outlining my credentials"

2) I'm not sure what is intended by "to have realised that the areas I will outline were incorrect in the first place", but perhaps it should be "WHICH ALLOWED ME TO realise that the areas I will outline were incorrect in the first place."

3) "I ask that the evidence I marshall is evaluated thoroughly" should be "I ask that the evidence I marshall BE evaluated thoroughly".

4) "which have been tested by dozens of others, internationally well known scientists and doctors" should probably be "which have been tested by dozens of others, ALL internationally well known scientists and doctors."

5) "I cannot be sure the motivation for this deception was." should be "I cannot be sure WHAT the motivation for this deception was."

6) "But the effects of it has been" should be "But the effects of it HAVE been".

7) "Others will be killed, the time taken to die & their suffering before they die will vary. " should be "Others will be killed; the time taken to die AND their suffering before they die will vary."

8) "I can bring detailed rationales for each of these claims" should probably be "I can PROVIDE detailed rationales for each of these claims".

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MUCH appreciated.

I write poorly under pressure.

An explanation. Not an excuse.

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Of course, content is far more important than presentation (though polish can be beneficial too). I would be more than happy to proof-read your work, if that would be helpful.

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Thanks. Will adjust

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Just goes to prove that he’s human and not a robot!

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Top tier editing, green_dog! As a fellow Grammar nazi and perfectionist I was gripped by your subtle changes. I particularly liked the use of the semicolon. "You can be my editor anytime!"

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People still can't or refuse to connect the dots.

Since the "rollout" of the mRna "vaccine" I have never witnessed such a systematic slaughter of citizens. I hear of Turbo cancers,"died suddenly",strokes, cancers out of remission, myocarditis, sepsis..it just goes on and on.Healthy people dropping like flies.

Thank you Dr Yeadon for all your efforts to penetrate this corrupt deception.

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Michael Yeadon, I applaud your courage, and I pray for you to be protected and that your message and hard-fought path in these past years will be heard, understood and heeded and followed up on. May God pour out every blessing upon you and yours (who've also sacrificed much) and give you rest, refreshment and peace.

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