
I read recently that Land Registry offices were being dematerialised.

Imagine that.

If you own the deeds, I’d keep them very safe.

One click of a mouse & the rest of us have no way to prove we own the house we live in, mortgage free.

“They wouldn’t do that!”

Oh, they might well.

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Jul 18Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Most have transitioned to the cloud for the last 10-15 years. Very few people actually have hard copies of deeds anymore.

Btw, financial collapse has to occur by 2027 latest. Catherine Austin Fitts outlines why, but short end, social securities come due that governments have not got the cash for. Which means awkward questions, unless the systems tanking. Plus they need the dust settled by 2030, because 2040 is supposed to be the start of new time keeping/records. Like what both Constantine and Justinian created.

I suggest keep an eye out for "UBI" normalisation language in the media, and political leaders. When that becomes a mainstream talking point, think that will be part of the CBDC transitioning, and also a trigger to collapse. So 2-3yrs of building unrest, trigger collapse, then 2-3yrs as the dust settles, then voila! It becomes that which It always was😉 By the time 2040 rolls around, most won't remember what it was like previously.😐🤦‍♀️

Get local. Build a strong local community, and youll be hard to dominate.😉

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforget #mistakeswereNOTmade #getnoisy #getlocalised

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I agree with all you wrote.

To a practical matter, a huge problem is that the density of people fully seized of the oncoming crisis is very low.

How to form a strong local community when there are so few people nearby who share the necessity of it?

The perpetrators also need to augment a “new currency” with the absence of cash AND the presence of a mandatory digital ID.

So watch out for increasing focus on removal of cash as a valid means of exchange.

Also be alert for making irrational reasons for the necessity to have digital ID rational.

As I often say “You don’t need a new means to identify yourself. No, the perpetrators need you to have a new, single format digital ID in order to control everything about your life, permanently”.

I see the successful introduction of a new, digital ID as THE critical turning point. If there’s little to no resistance to its imposition, I’d recommend a plan B at that time.

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Agreed:) As for forming strong local community- i say get out in it and connect with the people living there. You don't need to start off with red pilling everyone you meet, believe me, at a subconscious level people sense something dark, dangerous, and important is going on. Start by knowing their names. Connect with local farmers that grow your food, be useful in someway, even if its to buy them a beer at the local and discuss the BS antifarming legislation coming into every country. Or the inclusion of mRNA tech to the animal industry. Connect with local council. Run for local council, frankly that's the only level of government required or capable of enacting real change for people anyway. Make them aware of the real world impact of the IHR amendments. It will be them expected to enforce and pay for "pandemic" facilities in the future. Currency is irrelevant and only useful as a control mechanism- even cash. If push comes to shove, the only real currency that will "buy" you things, if you choose to buck the system is practical skills and your word of honour. They should be your planB.

In the NWO technocratic dream- currency is the human body and it's data. Endless streams of data constantly transmitting from self sustaining nanotechnology. All that data sold to highest bidder on the natural resource stock market. The proles will be given UBI, so "currency" as we know it now will be 1s and 0s in a computer attached to the digital ID- but wait, thats already active and in place, they just have to add a token. I promise you, your digital iD already exists, they just decided to forgo the actual asking.😉

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Jul 11Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

I don't think these scum bags have a clue as to the resistance they will meet. I have spoken to several people, most from 'comfortable' positions with plenty to lose and they are very aware of these plans. Those I have spoken to that are not so comfortable are saying I have F all to lose but will resist. We need to push back, hard and with determination. And if it comes to it with strength in numbers.

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Not wanting to promote doom here but I am sure they know exactly the resistance they will meet. People have been computer modelling the resistance from the public during famine and drought etc since the beginning of computing. Think how many years people have been full time modelling these things .. A good friend of mine killed himself over this work many years ago. The idea is for global resource management. if you saw that chinese lady at the wef recently she was giddy with the idea of following carbon tax with water taxes and other such things. Whilst most environmentalists i know have always been reticent about this stuff she was absolutely blissed out by the prospect of such absolute power. Its global resource fascism .. pooling the global pot. Sadly at the point of execution its a very simple idea and everso appealing to oligarchs.

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A realist. How refreshing, Yeowoman. And, no, it is not doom-promotion, but the path to effective resistance. I saw the looming power takeover in 1964, which has provided me with the time to cast widely for information. This incuded the means by which they negate resistance, primarily by indoctrinating us all that to resist is counter-productive and in fact, suicidal. The programme for this was first installed in 1947 for Comonwealth nations and in the US in the mid 1960s; then reinforced by Hollywood. Only those who figure this out will accommodate the enormity of the emasculation, and its incredible record of success.

They also realised a few would see through the ploy and they have ambushes in mind to eliminate us. The one thing they could not predict is a level of deviousness even darker than their own. You will recognise the fightback by its sheer irelevance and the incongruity of its genesis. Chin up,

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One thing that does reassure me is that i think their intelligence is limited. There are things they dont understand . From their overt plans we can see they are better at wrecking stuff than creating stuff. Certain areas of genius will be closed to them. A big concern tho is that I know they were researching human superskills for the sake of cloning people.. Sounds a bit far fetched to some maybe still but for at least 15 years I know its been on their radar. What the hell they would do with cloned geniuses I darent think :( .

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My thoughts are identical to yours.

Because they are elitist and into old-school genetics, they believe they can clone superior intelligence. It cannot be done because from an evolutionary aspect, genetic variation in cerebral competence does not make sense. What makes sense is a constant factor that favourable environments can enhance. For example, an anxious and malnourished girl who gets pregnant, will have a baby that also is lacking in nutrients not available to the mother. This effects hundreds of areas of brain development and the entire neural parthway, plus the child's later capacity to compete in the environment. But the girl may well have been highly intelligent in her youth.

But I am being simplicitic. Active intelligence is influenced throughout life. Food toxicity alone can reduce a formerly intelligent person's capacity to think.

Then we have the entire IQ as a measurement, which is simply not possible, as pointed out by its inventor, Alfred Binet, the full story of which appears on substack oziz4oziz

You are right, the 'elite' overestimate their own intelligence. I have identified several of their miscalculations and outright errors and I have every inention of exploiting all of these.. No 'cat out of the bag' in this open forum, of course.

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This is why I think much of research is effectively dead now. I had to quit what i was doing cos I simply didnt want to give them any more fuel to use against us. Why share our best thoughts with a system intent on mangling us :( .

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Exactly. They will not see me coming until too late.

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strange... "cloned geniuses" was the theme behind the last orphan black series

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I like your penultimate sentence. Despite despair, my deviousness grows daily.

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There was a legitimate article 2-3 years ago that the county sheriff’s departments in the US are the ultimate arbiters of law enforcement in the absence of direct legislation. For example, in Orange County, New York the sheriff department stated in the press that the mask mandates that Cuomo and Hochul issued by executive order were not laws, were executive orders only, and would no longer be enforced. Michael, are you stating there have been actual bills voted on and put into law via the legislative branch and signed by the President that allow what you describe? If not, good luck in this country. I see local militias organized with guns that would stop this seizure on someone’s home for sure.

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My take away from your very valid comment is their arrogance will be their down fall. Yes they may have modelled everything but we all know how rubbish modelling is. Look at Fergusons idiotic covid death predictions for example.

And just how do they think they can generate their so valued income if they incapacitate or kill off the masses? I know this is a simplistic view of a complex topic but I take things in a very literal way.

Once people become desperate they become dangerous.

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Jul 18Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Nothing on this scale, even though it has been in the works since WW2, could ever go through without getting messy. Look at military planning. So many plans by clever people were defeated because the enemy played it like the Viet Cong and realised that not dealing head on but engaging in small 'skirmishes' with big significance was better. I read a lot on guerilla warfare. Do something unexpected. Do it at night. In daytime, disappear among the people. Since my fellow Australians do not understand any of this myself and my husband are going to put ourselves somewhere where people get it.

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Me likewise. Asymetrical warfare will defeat them. Their biggest weakness is their belief in their own high intelligence. Sure, sure, Klaus, this is why you had to postpone 2021 and reschedule to 2030. I think their biggest miscalculation was pursuing paedophilia through the Pope. Rule 101 in global takeover is: Never push the masses to a point where some are prepard to die fighting. Many catholics know they will go straight to heaven as martyrs fighting Lucifer. It does not matter what is mythical or otherwise, always give your enemy a back door. (Sun Tzu). Never underestimate religious fanaticism (TonyRyan) LOL.

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We'll be like Guerillas in the Mist!

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Thank you. Smart comment. Americans especially need to understand that the DOD has planned for redundancy. Many of the US bases and military assets overses will be used specifically for any 'domestic uprising.' American 'patriots' could take out all the domestic assets and the US DOD could function as normal. Standing on your front porch with your AR is going to do jack shit against 'the government' I'm afraid.

Sorry about your friend. This is happening in Australian military and police/intelligence as well. These people need to come forward rather than kill themselves.

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Sadly I found myself counselling quite a few people in these situations. .People with insights into the culling capacity of the overarching system. I guess they give young ambitious macho lads these careers and few have the real stomach for it. The thing is AI will easily have the stomach for it. At this point the young ambitious lads are building machines to do the unthinkable jobs. It salves their consciences . This part we could impact by simply stop buying these machines. I picture all the folk with active heart monitors being bumped off by them when the AI decides those with heart problems are a liability. It sounds like a joke but the machines are being programmed toward sustainability and if the right sums are programmed in .. they will do what is expedient. No conscience. I'm hoping Elon is telling the machines there are too few people :)

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>I picture all the folk with active heart monitors being bumped off

I believe this.

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Its sadly becoming like the Matrix film but in reverse . People are willingly wiring themselves up to machines .. Paying for the privilege too. Amazing really.

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deletedJul 12·edited Jul 16Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon
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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

The 'government' will terrify people into submission and leave the country a smoking crater using airpower stashed overseas while the elites laugh from their offshore bunkers and divide the stolen wealth.

Then the country will be carved up in a multi-polar world and whoever is left will be quickly subdued.

The only thing that will preserve the country is if it is in the interests of the Real Owners to preserve the country. Once they tire of the American experiment it's over.

Americans constantly overestimate their personal 'uprising' abilities. I would not do that. The only thing they do not expect is for the population to remain peaceful.

Edit: I see you changed your comment after I wrote mine. They would not be interested in 'stabilising the situation.' They will go scorched earth and destroy the country in order to carve up what is left. That is Build Back Better. These people are not playing around.

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I think you underestimate the power of people, their ability to defend their freedom, and greatly overestimate repression, of course small uprisings are useless, but a massive uprising, yes.

Even with all the conventional weapons, they won’t be able to stop us.

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Spend some time looking at satellite photos. That is how they view the world and it will change your perspective.

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That I think likely .. Whilst i know a few regions i am told could never be controlled or subdued .. i do think the overlord tendency is to destroy things in order to control them . ive seen this very often sadly. if you recall at the end of the war in germany they destroyed their rewilded forests rather than let them fall into enemy hands.. People will destroy even things they love rather than lose control over them.

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Jul 18Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

We are thinking of going to my mother's home country, Lebanon which is already very messed up and where my entire family are doctors and part of the Christian elite. It's not a country that's likely to be invaded since it's been fucked up since 1975 or even before that. Also it's a place where many people are poor and some surprise pocket money is always welcomed. I have been there twice over the years.

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deletedJul 12·edited Jul 16Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon
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Jul 13·edited Jul 13Author

I see things pretty much as you go.

Sadly, we all expect hideous levels of destruction of people and their stuff.

If the outcome the perpetrators seek is totalitarian digital control of all people and all things, everywhere & indefinitely, I am confident they’re not going to get that.

The status quo ante is gone. Though I wish we’d never had to start this journey of discovery, the die was cast long before I was born. And now it has become real to this generation of people who won’t get fooled again, we’ve no option but to fight in whatever way we think best.

A new friend told me recently that though he broadly agreed with my assessment and prognosis, he diverges sharply in expectations of timing.

His argument is that they will always avoid steps that severely impact too large a proportion of the population at one time. This way, they will avert physical uprisings. I don’t disagree. I couldn’t envisage me, breaking up pieces of paving slabs with a sledge hammer and lobbing them at riot police. First, it would never be effective & it might trigger a paramilitary crackdown. More immediately, for the rioters, you’ll probably be seized and given a custodial sentence.

In parallel, those of us who own a house without a mortgage continue with the illusion of normality when you close your front door, which would be lost, perhaps permanently.

Until the citizen has almost nothing to lose, the factors above will inhibit direct action.

All the perpetrators need to do is to activate no more than a small proportion of people at a time and take their safety, possessions and desire to act, before moving into

another slice of the population. Extraordinary levels of censorship make communications locally beyond a very small group all but impossible.

I’d rather resist the imposition of control systems in a non violent manner, and wait for the perpetrators to make a misjudgement.

My friend’s view concludes that the timescale will be much longer than I’m guessing. I hope he’s right and he really could be.

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I posted a comment under Dr Yeadon, about yours that I share.


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deletedJul 15·edited Jul 15
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Yes, now we have to wait until the people are ready to take their freedom, this will happen, in my opinion, when the restrictions become more severe, a tipping point will then be reached. People should understand that the longer we wait, the more difficult it will be, but we cannot speed up understanding, it happens at some point.

So we can still be optimistic.

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That's why we need to declare an end to ties with WEF, UN, NATO, IMF, World Bank, and all Globalist Organizations that seek to diminish America's National Sovereignty. We need to reestablish our own national independence and freedom and let these people know they do not rule us and they better be happy they don't cause we'd be coming for them.

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How to do any of that, when very few people have even heard of some of these organizations and even fewer know what they’re plotting?

I’m no doomster, but in my long street with hundreds of people living in it, I think there just one couple who have a few questions. When my wife and I chatted to them, they’ve both been jabbed & regret it, but they have no idea that the “pandemic” was theatre, so they’re worried about the next one.

They know cash is important but they don’t use it.

I can’t talk to many people these days, really talk I mean.

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This is the truly depressing thing. I live far from a large city in the N. California Sierra Nevada foothills, in a small area with two small towns and a total of perhaps 8,000 population between the two. I find that so very many people are only marginally informed about anything, barely political and if they vote, it's for the party they became mentally aligned with at some point. They vote how their party tells them is best, no questions asked. People don't appear to connect anything in terms of policy or leaders to what is happening in the country. In fact, a great many are nearly 100% unaware of what is actually happening, especially with illegals invading the country and how that impacts everything. And yes, it's impossible to have any sort of conversation with them because you are always starting at square one with such people. If anything else, the entire covid theatre of the past 4 years has been to expose the staggering ignorance and apathy of a very large percent of the population.

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Yes Mike, so many of us "in the same boat (yacht, ark)" at this point

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There are holes in plots and the grander the idea, the more holes. Now, the issue is finding them amidst all the false flags etc. You can model all you like but nothing can beat the human random factor. That is why Epstein had such a large list. It can work out way too.

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deletedJul 12
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Yesss!! It's all a big, great, deceitful fasade 😤

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This is an error I believe. Even the most insane power freak eventually realises they have to take care of their own home . I've lectured Lairds on the clearances . Ive rarely seen guilt or embarrassment but more a sense it was vital to depopulate a struggling society .. and the land needed saving from the people. Lairds , even the most psychopathic and ecopathic ones eventually realise they need lots of plants and animals to keep the place healthy .. Some of them outright detest nature, but they know by now that its needed to regulate the planet which they rely on . At the very least people like me have been teaching that message and it has sunk in. They arent totally stupid. Slow on the uptake .. but ultimately not stupid.

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deletedJul 13·edited Jul 13
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i know.. it's one of my areas of specialism .

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We've noticed the BBC have started dropping all mention of the clearances now and call it a change of landuse and a migration .. fascinating how easy it is to change history in the era of computing .

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Hear, hear! Starting NOW.

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I must admit it was the pictish/celtic etc 'nothing left to lose' mentality that did tend to keep folks at bay . The unpredictability of folk in that state is an asset .. but how do we grow food etc whilst being ungovernable ?? How do we sustain ourselves if we are ungovernable ?? As a long term environmentalist I fear the wildlife will be the first thing to cop it :( How do we live better than the insane overlord's plan for us ?? It looks like we have to organise ourselves, but better.

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A Self governing people need very little centralized Government. This was one of the primary themes of the American revolution. A self governing NATION has little need of Global Government and that's more less what I'm getting at. Reestablishing our self governance through reigning in the empire and strengthening our sovereignty both personal and national. Im for borders and by borders i mean boundaries and not just physical but moral and spiritual as well. I feel like people have been so turned away from the intrinsic understanding of the cost/benefit relationship of living immorally vs morally while this slow process of spiritual and moral decay has chipped away at the foundations of our society. I don't imply that we incorporate theocracy or a state religion, only that as a movement, (which I believe this awakened populace qualifies as) we put principles of truth, honor, dignity, justice, peace, self sufficiency, respect, virtue, etc. at the core. If we strive as individuals to be the best people we can be then, as a whole society will change to the better as well. This movement is political only at the most tangible or observable level but in it's essence it is a spiritual movement reacting to the battle between good and evil that is and has been playing out for all mankind's existence.

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I agree with you completely, yet:

1. VERY few people appreciate the scale and urgency what’s needed and

2. There is no possible way to communicate on the necessary huge scale in order to mobilise public opinion and

3. The political process is firm in the grip of the globalists.

It’s extraordinarily frustrating.

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And I agree as well. I find it discouraging and I have to remind myself that the goal of these rogue globalist organizations at least on one front is to create a demoralized population who is disinterested, disinformed, disadvantaged, disrespected and discouraged. There is A REASON FOR THAT FEELING AND IT IS INTENTIONAL. The intent is malevolent as the demoralization serves as a poison for society. It chains and binds the people to servitude. It's like Aldous Huxley wrote about in Brave New World "People may be made to love their servitude" (to the new world order). Compare that statement to Klaus Schwab's "You will own nothing and have nothing and you'll be happy"...Or the slogan that hung above the gates of Auschwitz the Nazi concentration camp that saw countless Jewish prisoners murdered and worked to death that said "Hard work will free you" (in German of course).Notice the inversion of reality in these statements and then look at the bizarr-o world we've been living in for these past few years. Yeah the goal is to demoralize you and discourage you so that you will not find the strength and character to stand up for you and your fellow countrymen and resist these encroachments on our humanity. I often wonder at those concentration camp prisoners who allowed themselves to be herded and boarded into jam-packed cattle cars on a railroad by the Nazis to be sent off to....??? WHERE DID THEY THINK THEY WERE GOING? We must stand up.

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I too share your fears for wildlife. We already grow our own food but I am concerned this is going to be banned soon. Heck, the amount of crap they spray in the skies to manipulate the weather is already having am impact, everything seems to be so much slower than last year.

As for how do we organise ourselves... I know one thing, I think we might be having to take actions that are uncomfortable for many. I do worry that a peasants revolt may be increasing more difficult with the advancement of ai controlled tech.

We need to be proactive and unified in adversity, sitting and discussing isn't enough.

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You mean how they resisted vaccines ? 😂

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Jul 11·edited Jul 12Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Much thanks for a long, but well written and thought out read.

The beast has many tentacles. I am still fuming over the torching of Maui as attributed to global warming and simultaneous plans for 15 minute ghettos as a "coincidence". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHWuniB43pM

Either as isolated individuals or institutionalized beasts, I don't think we can escape life changing (if not life ending) effects of the tidal wave upon us. But I have hope that small, empathy-driven communities, pocket Camelots, can survive if not thrive. Perhaps the moral implications of Dunbar's number is a good start for boot-strapping and confirming what it means to be a human?

Cheers from Japan,


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I find it ironic you mention 'Dunbars number'..... because those that are across CBDC will be aware of 'project Dunbar'...... which is an obvious, in your face, reference to human brain size as proposed by Robin Dunbar way back in time.

Project dunbar

Project Dunbar is a technical experiment aimed at developing design solutions for a shared multi-Central Bank Digital Currency (multi-CBDC) platform. The project aims to address three major issues in the construction of a shared multi-CBDC platform.

Key Findings

Project Dunbar is one of the first technical experiments in the emerging multi-CBDCs space.

The project’s goal is to develop design solutions to three major issues in the construction of a shared multi-CBDC platform.

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub and central bank partners in Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Africa announced a shared platform to facilitate international settlements with multiple central bank digital currencies (multi-CBDCs).

Design Approaches

Project Dunbar identified challenges of implementing a multi-CBDC platform shared across central banks and proposed practical design approaches to address them.

Entities Involved

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub

Central bank partners in Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Africa

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Thanks for the heads up Andrew.

Yet another sign that what can be weaponized, will. I will be looking further into this thanks to you.

For those not aware of some of the moral implications of Dunbar's number, Robin Dunbar, an Oxford Anthropologist, has found a rough parallel between the size of the pre-frontal cortex and the maximum number of individuals we can recognize as unique individuals well enough to base our interactions on empathy alone. That number is roughly beween 150 and 250, and has been replicated in other cultures. Although even families and small communities can be ravaged by narcissists and psychopaths, larger communities necessarily depend on group dynamics which emerge from relatively to egalitarian, empathy-driven circles of people to steep, rule-driven hierarchies leading to concentrations of power. Whether tha "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" thing is correct, or "concentrations of power simply attract the corruptible" is up for debate. Either way, those in positions of authority tend to be higher in cluster B / dark-triad personality traits than neurotypical people. They are the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and morphologically defined psychopaths among us. Some would add "sadists" to that group ... but one thing they have in common is a strong genetic predisposition to those behaviors and attraction to power over others. Interestingly, our closest relatives, chimpanzees, have a maximum troop size of about 200, beyond which, they automatically split into smaller, competing troops.

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"They are the pathological narcissists, machiavellian opportunists, and morphologically defined psychopaths among us."

And apparently 4% of the population fits the description.

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p.s. Just followed you.

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Can't "like" via the link without subscribing. Impressive work!

Returning the follow. (Subscribing= "free only". Single-issue focus.)

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oops. 😂

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Hi DM.

Yeah, although we are in general agreement about the sociopathic potential of that group, it is hard to clearly quantify 'em because they need suitable social situations before their true nature comes out. A spouse can be love-bombed by a pathological narcissist for years before the mask is dropped ... and so it is with politicians who talk a good talk until they get into a position of authority, and then proceed to do the opposite.

A common pattern among Japanese politicians is to go on a campaign trail literally wearing white gloves to signify their purity, and then when later caught in a scandal, will play the sympathy card by suddenly becoming "sick" and unavailable for comment because they are "hospitalized" in a luxury suite.

The other day, despondent at how the middle class of Japan has been hollowed out by the plandemic and other 'ponerlogy' strategies (generally agree with Lobaczewski's book), I played around with Perplexity asking first what were the biggest institutional scandals of the last 24 years, and then what were the consequences of those found guilty. The results were dismal ... and like most of the West, prove that the byzantine small print of laws are meant to serve the ruling class and control, if not decimate, the working class. Here are the results of that second search ...

Top 50 Scandals ...

"Here is a list of the top 50 institutional scandals in Japan over the last 24 years, spanning various sectors including corporate, government, educational, and non-profit organizations:

Corporate Scandals

Olympus Scandal (2011) - Accounting fraud involving concealment of $1.5 billion in losses.

Toshiba Accounting Scandal (2015) - Overstated profits by $1.2 billion over seven years.

Takata Airbag Scandal (2013) - Defective airbags leading to fatalities and massive recalls.

Kobe Steel Data Falsification Scandal (2017) - Falsified data on the strength and durability of metals.

Nissan/Carlos Ghosn Scandal (2018) - Financial misconduct by the former chairman.

Livedoor Scandal (2006) - Securities fraud and market manipulation.

Mitsubishi Materials Quality Control Scandal (2017) - Falsification of product quality data.

SMBC Nikko Securities Scandal (2022) - Market manipulation by executives.

Japan Display Accounting Scandal (2019) - Falsified financial statements to cover losses.

Nissan Emissions and Fuel Economy Scandal (2018) - Falsification of emissions and fuel economy data.

Mizuho Bank System Failure Scandal (2021) - Multiple system failures affecting customer transactions.

Fujiya Food Safety Scandal (2007) - Use of expired ingredients in food products.

Snow Brand Food Poisoning Scandal (2000) - Contaminated milk products sickened thousands.

Mitsubishi Motors Cover-Up Scandal (2000) - Concealment of vehicle defects and customer complaints.

Suruga Bank Improper Lending Practices (2018) - Fraudulent loan screening processes.

Japan Post Insurance Scandal (2019) - Mis-selling of insurance products.

Toshiba-Kongsberg Scandal (2021) - Bribery involving Toshiba's energy unit and Norwegian company Kongsberg.

LINE Data Privacy Scandal (2021) - Unauthorized access to user data by Chinese contractors.

Dentsu Overwork Scandal (2015) - Death of an employee due to overwork, highlighting labor issues.

Kansai Electric Power Co. Bribery Scandal (2019) - Executives received gifts and money from a local official.

Government and Political Scandals

Moritomo Gakuen Scandal (2017) - Falsification of documents related to a controversial land sale.

Kake Gakuen Scandal (2017) - Allegations of favoritism in approving a new veterinary school.

Cherry Blossom Viewing Party Scandal (2019) - Misuse of public funds for a government event.

Abe's Casino Bribery Scandal (2020) - Arrest of a lawmaker for accepting bribes related to casino projects.

Japan's Political Fundraising Scandal (2023) - Misappropriation of funds by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party.

Osaka School Operator Scandal (2020) - Corruption involving school operators and government officials.

Nagoya Education Board Scandal (2024) - Corruption in teacher recruitment and promotions.

Tokyo Medical University Scandal (2018) - Manipulation of entrance exam scores to favor male applicants.

Ministry of Education Scandal (2018) - Organized efforts to arrange jobs for retiring ministry officials.

Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (2011) - Government and TEPCO's handling of the nuclear crisis and subsequent cover-ups.

Educational Scandals

Keio University Scandals (2016-2020) - Multiple incidents including gang rape, alcohol poisoning, and inappropriate behavior by student clubs.

Kyoto University Data Fabrication Scandal (2014) - Falsified research data in stem cell studies.

Waseda University Scandal (2014) - Plagiarism and academic misconduct by a prominent researcher.

Ritsumeikan University Scandal (2017) - Embezzlement of research funds by a professor.

Tokyo University of Science Scandal (2019) - Misuse of research funds by faculty members.

Non-Profit and NGO Scandals

Nippon Foundation Mismanagement Scandal (2020) - Misuse of funds intended for disaster relief.

Japan Red Cross Scandal (2011) - Misallocation of donations intended for earthquake and tsunami victims.

Green Cross Japan HIV Scandal (1996) - Distribution of HIV-contaminated blood products (continued legal repercussions into the 2000s).

Japan Sumo Association Scandal (2010) - Match-fixing and involvement with organized crime.

Japan Olympic Committee Scandal (2019) - Allegations of bribery in securing the 2020 Tokyo Olympics bid.

Other Institutional Scandals

Japan Pension Service Data Leak (2007) - Loss of pension records affecting millions of citizens.

Shinsei Bank Scandal (2004) - Mismanagement and loss of public funds.

Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Scandal (2012) - Cover-up of safety violations at nuclear plants.

Japan Tobacco Inc. Scandal (2008) - Concealment of health risks associated with smoking.

NHK Embezzlement Scandal (2004) - Embezzlement of funds by employees of Japan's public broadcaster.

Japan Airlines Safety Scandal (2005) - Cover-up of safety violations and accidents.

Sagawa Express Scandal (2002) - Bribery and illegal political donations.

Daiwa Bank Scandal (1995) - Unauthorized bond trading and concealed losses.

Yamaichi Securities Collapse (1997) - Hidden losses and off-book transactions leading to bankruptcy.

Sogo Department Store Collapse (2000) - Massive debt concealment leading to bankruptcy.

These scandals highlight various forms of institutional misconduct, including financial fraud, corruption, data falsification, and misuse of funds, affecting a wide range of sectors in Japan.


Based on the information provided in the search results, here is a summary of the key legal and financial penalties paid by individuals responsible for some of the major corporate scandals in Japan over the past 24 years:

"Olympus Scandal (2011):

Three key executives (Tsuyoshi Kikukawa, Hideo Yamada, Hisashi Mori) were fined 59.4 billion yen ($594 million for the 1.5 billion dollars of losses, a tidy little profit) in a shareholder derivative suit.

These executives received suspended sentences of 4 to 5 years.

Two securities brokers were sentenced to 3-4 years in prison.

Toshiba Accounting Scandal (2015):

No specific individual penalties mentioned in the provided information.

Takata Airbag Scandal (2013):

While the company agreed to pay $1 billion in penalties, no specific individual penalties were mentioned in the search results.

Nissan/Carlos Ghosn Scandal (2018):

Carlos Ghosn was arrested but fled to Lebanon before trial. No final penalties were imposed.

Greg Kelly received a suspended 6-month sentence.

Kobe Steel Data Falsification Scandal (2017):

CEO Hiroya Kawasaki resigned.

No specific financial penalties for individuals mentioned.

Dentsu Overwork Scandal — suicide (2015):

The company was charged, but no individual penalties were specified in the search results.

SMBC Nikko Securities Scandal (2022):

Teruya Sugino (former deputy head of equities division) received an 18-month prison sentence, suspended for three years.

Japan Display Accounting Scandal (2019):

An executive was dismissed for alleged embezzlement of 578 million yen ($5.3 million), but no legal penalties were specified.

Livedoor Scandal (2006):

Former CEO Takafumi Horie was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison.

Former CFO Ryoji Miyauchi received a 20-month prison sentence.

Two accountants received prison terms (10 months for one, 1 year suspended for the other).

It's important to note that for many of these scandals, the search results did not provide specific information about individual penalties. In several cases, the companies themselves faced fines or other penalties, but details about consequences for specific executives or employees were not included in the provided information."

Chances are, there is a MUCH higher proportion of cluster B / dark triads among those institutional managers than among the general population. We (the working class) are fucked. Always have been. Always will. Camelots are unicorn-communities, real ones few and far between.

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Thanks - fascinating... will get up to speed with Lobaczewski!

The interesting "IRL" aspect of psychopathy at close range is "cold empathy" and attempts to compensate for it. It's discernible and distinctive. And unsettling.

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Hi DM — "Political Ponerology" was a bit of a slog, and I learned more in footnotes than actual text. My main take-away is that what the Anna Karenina Principle says about unhappy families is a fractal of happens at the global level. I am a big fan of applications of fractal theory, emergence theory, and chaos theory.

James Fallon's book is one of the better books I've read about the subject ... https://pdfcoffee.com/the-psychopath-inside-a-neuroscientistx27s-personal-journey-into-the-dark-side-of-the-brain-pathologies-pdf-free.html

My hedges of Lobaczewski are two:

1 — Though science can shed light on a subject, I don't think a 'science of evil' can be created any more than a 'science of happiness' ... different domains, different heuristics.

2 — I disagree that Cluster B / dark triads are pathologically "weak". On the contrary, the predatory ruling class are in their position because even more than empathetic, neurotypical people, the ruling class are clever (not wise -otherwise empires would not eventually fall). They typically have a superior capacity to read and manipulate people for their own purposes.

Gotta go teach some kids,

Chat later!


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Jul 13Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Steve, about these pocket Camelots, would I be correct in assuming there would be jousting and chivalry, a big round table, and maidens in distress, and that everything would be accessible within a 15-minute horse ride?

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Are you stalking me? 😉

Not lost in translation. ⬆️

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LOL ... no. Great minds think (and read) alike.

Still in the processes of responding to your last message.

See ya there!


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True dat.

And you have someone simpatico to clink a Sapporo with.

(I don't know any other Japanese beers but my fear is that it's their version of Corona.)

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I used to drink Kirin Ichiban Shibori, but Asahi SuperDry is now my drug of choice. Especially the throat is bone dry.

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Thanks for upgrading my knowledge of Japanese beer!

I am a coffee totler (sic?) for reasons which may or may not ever be disclosed in a future Substack article. Working on something else fun at the moment. Between dragging water hoses and sprinklers...)

"Stay tuned."

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Jul 11Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon, Tim West

Great work and exactly what I also concluded in this one I wrote; "The Great Reset is the Great Taking"


Timing for the big crash is 2025 to 2027. Whenever they have the CBDC's ready for worldwide launch take cover!

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Jul 11·edited Jul 15Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Very well done Dr. Mike.

Interestingly enough my wife and I talked about the rezoning laws they are implementing in our local municipality with this mornings coffee. They will re evaluate all properties and change the taxes.

They will be able to tax us off our property or evicted for crimes against nature. Using the "we must save the planet agenda."

I have a creek running through my property and they will probably say the water is protected.

Your septic and lifestyle is a danger to the clean water supply.

Please move to the new 15 minutes getto we have established and you can rent one of the shoe boxes.

I said asked my wife to please get ready as we need to head this off in person.

We can not allow them to sell us out for a bag of silver or promised promotions.

Selling is not an option as the property gains taxes are being jacked up all over the world.

Canada for example can be more than 70% tax on your sale.

My one friend was going to sell a property for 11m and the government was to receive 9m of this 11m in taxes.

This is happening right now. Fight it or lose what you have left.

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Yes.. they plan eco laws. Already enforced in many places. ive lived a very ecologically aware life and looked after my patch better than average but we noticed something odd this month. We are in one of the rainiest bits of the country. Rained every day this year. There now are signs everywhere telling us not to use tap water cos its running out ! today tankers of water were being shipped over from the mainland , most of the day. it seems the wettest place is now having to import water .. God knows how you could mismanage it to that degree. Pure opportunism at the top I guess.

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Where are you? I'm losing everything very soon... I'll come and help you fight, if I can get there.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

It's as David Hughes says,

“Globally, the ruling classes have no choice but to join forces and push for a world state /global dictatorship, while the rest of humanity has no choice but worldwide social revolution if it wishes to avoid permanent subjugation”. writes Hughes.

“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the

War for Technocracy

Volume 1

David A. Hughes



So what does it mean?

Technology, including overhyped AI, has progressed over centuries to a point where all humans can survive without much effort if the benefits are shared. No one needs to be in charge of other people or tell them what to do, but there is a certain strata of people who refuse to accept this, and they say, who will be in charge? And of course the answer for them is themselves. This is just human nature, which hasn't fundamentally changed in 100k+ years. This is a very small number of people but they are very energetic and confident to the point of hubris.

Its up to the rest of us to see that justice is done, and that requires stopping them and their insanity. Its not a choice for us if we are to survive.

Why are more not being honest?

On "unavoidable, adverse side effects" as deceptive language used to conceal the intentionality of vaccine toxicity.


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I heard a new (to me) perspective recently.

It was speculation that the old blood lines are increasingly unhappy with the way things are evolving.

They already have extremely privileged lives and more control = more protection.

They however don’t need totalitarian digital control.

While they’ve no compunction about killing tens of millions of us, killing off most of the population is striking more and more of them as less diabolical and more a lunatic scheme.

Lunatic in that it may be well outside their collective thousands of years of experience. Wisdom of eons teaches them that, when the envelope is pushed to this extent, it’s impossible to foresee all the outcomes.

Also, to go to the next several steps will take them collectively we’ll beyond plausible deniability, which they’ve always had in the past.

For example, they’ve had the power to depopulate one continent without others knowing this, before modern communications.

I think this is mostly wishful thinking.

That said, I’ve seen enough evidence to prompt the notion that they’re not one unitary & united entity.

Apparently there is one overriding rule: never fight each other in public & never leak.

We’ll see what happens.

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I think all the positivity we can embrace comes from the fact that this basically supremacist worldview of theirs is inherently fucked up.

We’ve all seen it happen. Films may be predictive propaganda but some things they portray we recognise.

If an organised band of perps attempts a dodgy operation they all always end up infighting.

Their shared impetus is not healthy.

If our world view is not based on gratitude, humility, compassion, reverence and respect for all others then we come a cropper.

I think their plan, whilst seemingly hours from completion, with 90% of people totally oblivious of the fact, is doomed to failure.

Reality beats stories.

Putting Lucifer back on the throne of the world is not a scary occult possibility.

It’s a very silly fairy tale.

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'they’re not one unitary & united entity.' .. that I would guarantee. From my knowledge of such families they always have factions.. Wars historically tended to be fought over one cousin disagreeing with another over something ... Im not sure how super rich these folks are but the aristocrats and oligarchs we can see openly are definitely feuding with each other still.. One thing they all agree on is the value of power over the public tho. I still think it's possible that we have anti-vax sympathisers within those lofty ranks. I even think i know which ones that might be .. Its a long shot tho lol .

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Ah but they will leak.

Count on it.

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I don't know if this qualifies, but there will be more and more revealing leaks, I think.

Klaus Schwab’s co-author turns against the WEF, pens novel on Davos racket

“No one was there to improve the state of the world, let alone the state of her own country."


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One shard of light that generates hope, says :

### No one gets everything they want. ###

"They" will (are already)

- fight against one another

- disagree

- act dishonourably (honour amongst thieves? Not when the going gets tough!)

- lie, cheat, steal — it's what they do — from each other

There will be chaos, utter chaos, as the Empire inplodes.

Warlords will arise. Barbarians will emerge.

Those who endure, will be those whose working capital — including human empathy, courage, spiritual and natural liberty — is not directed by the Empire.

Put into practise what you want to become.

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deletedJul 11
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I’ve seen some extraordinary photographs that bore the possible mark of a nearly extinguished population, walking around huge, wide city streets that don’t look like they were built a couple of decades ago, as the historical narrative says they were.

I think it might be films by Jon Levi and others by Jarid Boosters.

Their photographic collections of the 19th century world are downright fascinating.

They don’t say this, but i have the distinct impression that there have been Great Resets before, perhaps many. How would we know?

I know the names of my paternal grandparents only. That’s the limit of my family tree. I knew nothing of my mother, who died when I was a toddler. Never mentioned again.

Imagine an event that took place one further generation before my paternal grandparents. I would have no idea of it unless my grandparents spoke of it. They never mentioned WW1, for example, despite being born around 1900.

Mine was not a close family but unfortunately that’s very common now, in part by design.

Anyway, I think the perpetrators certainly could have reset the population before & we wouldn’t know.

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Regarding the photographs, I am wary of authenticity, but I also think that this situation of domination, takes place quite often during human history. It is clear that neither evolution nor technique etc. have freed people from their fears and weaknesses. These are often extreme situations that allow us to move forward, surpass ourselves etc. To overcome the evil in us and then projected on our societies, which can then become an absolute evil, it accompanies humanity, everyone has more or less to do to it.

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deletedJul 11·edited Jul 13
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I remembered reading that analysis ten years ago.

If it was true, it would have inexorably driven up the political totem pole of things people worry about. It has not.

Back then, I had no idea of extraordinarily persistent lying. If I had, I might then have called that as a possible lie. I think that’s certainly a possibility.

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I agree with this. Fabio Vighi also throws the senile capitalist system dynamic in the mix too. It’s a management strategy

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Jul 11Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

David Hughes is brilliant. Here's a video of him from a short time back.

And last I knew, he needs funding for the second book.


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Jul 11Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon, Tim West

Wow, thanks, Mike. Bless you a thousand blessings-- no, I think NINE BILLION BLESSINGS.

I just did a post a lot like this myself, but without all the financial details, overview of which I suspected long ago, but details of which are still jaw-dropping. (BitCoin my waggie, furry tail!)

So glad to have another Intelligent Feller in the front lines...

But I don't think we have TIME or the power to fight this in COURTS that are already turned. We're gonna have to fight this EVERYWHERE. With sheer numbers. It's gonna take a LOT of us. And I think the first thing should be to DUMP THE CELL PHONES, people! We should have ritualistic destruction parties in our downtowns... They are not just tracking us, they are ZAPPING us, and the towers that power the phones are killing us (and critters, and trees) softly. Why do you think, my friends, that there are satellites being put into space? For faster gaming??? Uh, no. So they can ZAP anybody, anytime they want. Manipulate, mess with, kill... I know what it feels like to get a powerful ZAP, and believe me, you don't keep running, you lose everything inside you and then lie down.

It's amazing to me how people want SO BADLY to believe that "Covid" was The Threat... and now they want to get "back to normal." They're back to arguing (in the US) about which candidate for POTUS is better! AS IF.

I saw that film with the grinning man who has nothing and is "happy." These freaks want to CHIP OUR BRAINS!

Well, I can't listen to AI readers, so I downloaded the PDF and I will try to get on all this, even though I already own damn near nothing, and am downsizing as we speak...

Sending hugs, Mike. Thanks for the info, and for being a Good Guy. xo xo

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Jul 11Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

if they tried to steal my house, i would strip it bare of every single thing and then would happily watch the remaining shell burn to ashes. it's one thing to get people to roll up their sleeves, it's an entirely different matter if they come to take your home from you.

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Jul 11Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

They don't care. It's the LAND they want. They can build back... :P Evil fux.

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Jul 11Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Fantastic voice and brilliant explanations David Webb live yesterday with Dr Jay Couey.


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I ❤️David Rogers Webb.

A diamond geezer, as our Cockney friends might say.

It’s a compliment, David !

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Great. Added to post.

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Don't worry be happy.


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LOL. Synchronicity strikes. I was using that song earlier today to teach English to kids while helping out in a young couple's start-up supplementary school. Will use it as a sing-along to begin and end each class for about a month, while lesson plans sandwiched in between the songs are geared to building communication skills through collaborative, critical-thinking, problem solving. As a bonus, it turns out that one 5 year old kid's dad is a big fan of McFerrin and has the same tastes in modern jazz that I do. I see an evening beer or two with him in the near future to get me through the night.

Cheers from Japan


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I was a teacher too, adjunct in Literacy studies.

Singing songs is a great way to learn a language.

All literacy learning is social.

Creating groups to analyze McFerrin could be fun.

Each group can share their activity with the class. Each group could collectively craft a letter about worrying and being happy to McFerrin.

Wish I was there.


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"Singing songs is a great way to learn a language."

I've been doing that for years and you're the first person I've ever seen mention it.

Songs are excellent for learning languages because the central theme of popular music all over the world is love, which makes it easy to guess at what words mean. If you're using this method, I suggest an approach I've used which is to listen to songs without reference to the translations to see if you can identify the parts of speech, such as personal pronouns, verbs and adjectives. After you're done guessing, you can look them up to see if you got it right.

About ten years ago I gave up on western music and started listening to songs from Russia, Central Asia and the Middle East. I play these songs in my truck when I'm working and can sing along in Uzbek, Tajik, Pashto, Dari, Chechen and a few other languages without understanding a single world, except habibi, mohabbat, dil and a few others. I can even sing a song in Tatar. Farsi is a great gateway language BTW. Central Asian languages as well as Punjabi and Hindi are riddled with words of Persian origin.

Check out the link to my substack if you want some material to work with, especially the Russian stuff. If using this method I recommend female vocalists because their voices are higher pitched and easier to discern. Olga Laki, Nyusha, Naadia and Dasha Shultz are the easiest to listen to. Just about any of the Tajik, Uzbek or Pashto songs are also easy to hear. Chechen is a bit more challenging, as are Arabic and Kurdish.

And just for fun, check this out. Two choral groups meet up. One Kurdish, the other Saudi.


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Followed on the spot, and the video is fascinating.

I must confess to Brazilian Portuguese as the only other language I've explored with music, a couple of examples:



And if interestd ... https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-of-the-most-beautiful-jazz-pieces/answer/Steven-Steve-F-Martin

Looking forward to reading you.

Cheers from Japan!


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Still not sure what 'follow' means. Does that mean you get an email when I drop a comment somewhere? If that's the case it could get boring fairly quickly as I don't really have a lot to say:)

Musically, different story. I search for what I consider interesting from a variety of different angles. For example, when someone from one culture steals another culture's chops, like these Uzbek singers (note the hairstyle and earrings):

Or this:


and a more extreme example:


note the quarter-tone frets

Weird covers are also fun:)


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Though not as active on substack as most whom I follow, I think 'following' means I receive an automatic e-mail.

Thanks for the links. The first one, I didn't get so much. And though I don't listen to that genre so much, the power trio was really cool. The North Korean video was a hoot. Will be forwarding that one to a couple of Japanese friends.

Keeping with the world music theme ... a few links,

The Hu, Wolf Totem ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jM8dCGIm6yc.

Heilung, Krigsgalder ... (though more 'amplified history' than an actual language) ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRg_8NNPTD8

I showed that 2nd video to Japanese Jr. High kids during Halloween. They were shocked, but mesmerized when I mentioned that a real human bone was used as an instrument, and probably true to some ancient traditions, they mixed their own blood among the paint for face and instruments.

Because I live in Japan, I get a lot of cross-over between East and West, such as with Paris Match's Japanese Samba, "Stars" ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_rkvNk7gwI

And some totally "Western" jazz-funk for fun ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K8dNctci1Y

Enjoying swapping links!


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Hi B.J.

Sounds like we have a lot to talk about. I wish I was still in the college classroom too.

I've been here for 41 years now, was an adjunct at about 15 colleges including Waseda, Tokyo Univ. of Fine Arts (Geidai), and Temple Univ. Japan (20 years as bio-lab director, public speaking, freshman writing). I resigned in protest after 14 years in a tenured position at Jissen Women's College, but not before a colleague (Japanese female and Tokyo Uni graduate) had committed suicide. I did not realize that resigning from a tenured position would blackball me from future adjunct positions at any other college, so for the last 10 years, been doing everything from baby-sitting to contract work as an ALT. Lucky I have a permanent visa. But now without an institutionally recognized name card, I am an invisible man ... to all but my few friends, just another over-the-hill, token foreigner.

Back in the day, among the classes I taught were Comparative Culture, where we did indeed work in groups to deconstruct song lyrics and movies, and then the students would use a traditional kami-shibai (storyboard) technique to do a compare-contrast and evaluation of the artist's intent compared to a previously established "control" (and agreed upon understanding of basics about diverse thinkers about human nature such as Plato, Confucius, Freud, Junk, Jill Bolte Taylor, Frans de Waal, etc.

In the case of poems or lyrics, one thing that surprised me was an experiment in which I asked them to fill in the missing word to:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet,

And so are _____.

Even high functioning speakers of English had problems with this. So one of the more fun things we did ... after getting them to think about the rhythm of the piece, rhyme and alliteration, grammar and the connotations of word choice, and social context ... groups would make their own lyrics and share with the class.

That Bobby FcFerrin song is so basic, that I think 12 year olds, with a little support, will soon be able to write their own lyrics.

Cheers, and looking forward to reading you!


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Jul 11Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

My spring chicken has long since sprung, lol and if it was up to just me I'd say, Sod it, Bring it on! But I have children and grandchildren and dear friends whom I love with a passion, not all of whom are aware of what is afoot. I have no idea how bad this will become but have a sound knowledge of God's word and recall it is the meek who will inherit the earth, the humble, gentle, mild. Not those who think they are superior to their fellow man and believe themselves to be gods and want the earth all for themselves.

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Jul 11Liked by Tim West

Is this a Real Dr. Mike Yeadon site? He has a video on Telegram saying his solo channel is the only social media site he uses.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Author

That’s 18 months old.

Bio on Telegram states I also occasionally use Substack.

They’re my words but I ask Tim to assemble occasional sets of posts and others articles when so doing makes a particularly powerful point.

Thanks 😊

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Prolly time to make a new short video! 😀

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Good to know. Thanks for the clarification

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Look at the bio on that site

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It always scared me when I met swiss accountants , the powerful hold they had over people. People amass their generational savings and then put it in the hands of these high priests and just trust them . I always wondered what would happen if one day they said 'oopsy' and denied all knowledge of your money. What was to stop them ? Its such a lofty confusing world. I dont know what was ever there to keep them honest . Its presumably only their professional reputation at stake, and laws. If govt changes those laws what was ever going to stop them handing over your stuff. What actually keeps the system accountable ? Its way beyond my understanding sadly.

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Jul 13Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

Cash out of all of it. Make it to be worth less or worth nothing.

I never understood investing and don’t intend to.

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I took that approach too , myself, but at this stage it may well be useful to have some fat wallets on our side dont you think ? In fact I'm pretty concerned that only the fat wallets will be able to afford to eat soon. I cant even afford to subscribe to peoples substacks due to my purist approach. Not entirely smart of me.

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Which fat wallets could those be?

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Ever heard the old adage "an Englishman's home is his castle?" It's not an old adage, those with the least fight the most furious fight. My husband is Scottish, they are worse than the English for a David vs Goliath fight. WEF, bring it on! LOL

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A great article and absolutely true - I will share it!! Thank you!!

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Jul 13Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon, Tim West

My song about CBDC and all the rest from Feb 22


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It’s good but it’s censored to death.

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