For the 20-30% of us that oppose this, come to sites like this and understand more now than we did... the terms we used must be accurate (otherwise we give the c**ts another chance to mock us.
No offence, let me try and explain quickly.
The definition of Bioweapon is = "Biological and toxin weapons are either microorganisms like virus, bacteria or fungi, or toxic substances produced by living organisms that are produced and released deliberately to cause disease and death in humans, animals or plants".....all bllx for many reasons.
Simply put; the jab is a CHEMICAL weapon - we must be specific in this day and age; especially when you can get locked up for calling some transgender think a bloke and not a girl (or vice versa) and all that rubbish.
I originally wrote "For the 20-30% of us that oppose this, come to sites like this and understand more now than we did." - I meant for those that have so called "awakened".
I agree with your post, but not the word "Bioweapon" with today's definition of bioweapon as stated in my original post. Was the Pfizer jab for so called Sars-2 a vaccine ?, have viruses ever been isolated and thus proven and proved to be transmittable ?; no, but they cleverly changed the definitions.
Please feel free to be argumentative, I hold no grudges after a good barny.
We... as the "opposition" (you included of cause) or the "awakened" must be accurate in our terminology... otherwise we will just be mocked as tin hat wearing nutters; as can be seen in the MSM daily.
Hope this explanation is better. Follow and love your work, so certainly I meant no offence.
Hi, Mike. I think this person (in below link) using a handle of "Michael Yeadon" is likely yet another impostor posing as you. Take a look. Note the minimal, almost non-existent activity under activity, posts, likes, and reads. I think you may agree with my thought that they are a fraud.
I do not need to defend myself, as I just made a comment that I believe in - if you do not... you don't; hey-ho. But I went off AGAINST the onslaught of the globalist parasitical scum... but some people like me and you attacked me, because I was still using the term vaccine for the Covid jabs and and ... I knew no better at the time; but I do now.
The article actually states my point in that it says = "First, I want to cover off the difference between this concept and blanket chemical warfare with chlorine gas, mustard gas and organophosphate nerve gases."
They ARE DIFFERENT and I am am a professional Chemical engineer with 35 years in the industry.... look - all I am saying is that WE need to be very careful of how we describe the democide / genocide and and that is going on ... that is all.
Given your history I would be very interested in your take on the NYC mass casualty event of Spring 2020, which killed 50k extra people in 25 adjacent counties over 8 weeks, after which deaths returned to normal in that region for the rest of the year. The data is here--to me, it screams "chemical weapon."
Thanks for the link. In answer to your question, I respond as follows if it was indeed it was aimed at me.
It is simple = A good death ?.... what ? you shout ?, so I shall try and explain.
Do you remember back at the start of the plandemic ? (there was no real pandemic); try to think back... any family or friends / colleagues getting this SARS-2 virus, falling over and popping off ??... NOT FOR ME ANYWAY, but they had to convince us it was real, so that they could give so many the jabs - they did this = same in the UK and as the article states the EU = IN FACT I THINK DR. YEADON HAS DISUSSED THIS SOMEWHERE / SOMETIME.
Huge numbers of deaths suddenly - all proved to be Covid by the fake PCR test..... bringing fear to the populations.
TO QUOTE = "In Greek, a “good death” is referred to as “ευθανασία” (euthanasia), which literally means “good death.” However, the term is often associated with a painless death, typically with the patient’s consent, when the situation is irreversible. The concept of a “good death” in ancient Greek culture was more about dying with honor and dignity, often reflecting a peaceful and painless end." - Bllx to patients consent.
So people dying everywhere ... we are told down to the virus and the pandemic ... err NOPE; they were literally KILLED by drugs being injected into them; and as stated 70% of the population fell for it.
As for "Meanwhile, in alternative media, there is quite a bit on post-vaccine excess deaths—which are invariably attributed to COVID19 vaccines—but almost nothing on excess deaths pre-vaccine" ...... AS ABOVE... search and sometimes you need to think of search words laterally... IT IS ALL THERE, BECAUSE THEY TELL US.
The excess deaths were Spring 2020 - LOCKDOWN and masks - so people were more vulnerable to their NUMBER ONE WEAPON OF FEAR.
PS The US used a different drug than the Midazolam (?) than we used in Europe... but had the same effect; but at the mo I cannot remember the name - begins with R I think.
PPS Blimey, just found this... the only Dr I trust on my favourite web site.
People were not killed by a virus in April 2020, nor were they killed by drugs being injected into them in any of the 3 death surges of 2020. And neither iatrogenic damage or bad medical treatment could have caused the NYC mass casualty event, where 50k+ extra people died in 25 counties over 8 weeks in Spring 2020.
Re your "I didn't see any bodies" claim, this is a common perception error--it's a numbers issue. There are 20 million people living in those 25 counties in NYC metro--an extra 1 in 400 people died, so nobody would notice anything odd unless they had a circle of thousands of friends.
Bio labs working for deep state in jurisdictions which allow for genetic scientists to develope new technologies without limitation placed upon them have surpassed basic understandings of what toxins are and how they effect mammals, plants and other life forms.
VAX = Combining radio wavelength technology with bio-,genetically engineered hydrogels to create synthetic paracytes. See:-
OK, agreed; but all I am saying is that we need to be careful of our terminology or descriptions; otherwise we are mocked..
What are toxins in the body? = "Toxins are substances created by plants and animals that are poisonous (toxic) to humans. Toxins may also include some medicines that are helpful in small doses, but poisonous in large amounts.
Regards all this "genetic" stuff - humanity has between 15-20 percent ONLY of common DNA - genes (from what I understand anyway).
Bio labs IN MY VIEW are just labs with so called scientists creating CHEMICAL WEAPONS for us...
If we take your last para ie "VAX = Combining radio wavelength technology with bio-,genetically engineered hydrogels to create synthetic paracytes." ... yes maybe with 5G and 6G (coming) but again the subtle difference in my argument is that they have injected the masses with an "alien being" = if true, the nanoparticles, that can control you or worse.
I do not really know how to explain why I am so adamant about this, but if they are installing pacemakers for the heart, I am sure they can shortly install your Fitbit or Apple watch into your brain =transhumanism = WEF etc. But this is not based on BIO-anything (ref Biology for BIO), it is based on poisons or gadgets etc. BEING fed, inserted etc into us.
"Uk Column" exposed it first (to me anyway) .. they will BS us on a new plandemic and bring a mRNA jab into the market within 100days from now on..... the Satanist swine need to swing (by the neck).
I agree, but maybe, it does seem like maybe BOTH could be the case...
Fear can make people do really STUPID things, like run for a jab, lol. But fear can also lay a shadow across one's thinking, affect their work, their home life, all sorts of craziness can come from fear, even physiological troubles. So, just thought I'd throw that in...
RFK Jr. Announces $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE. VAERS was 50,000 deaths and 1.5M injures. However, only 1% of people report vaccine injuries - Stanford. Or 4% in Australia, the acutal deaths and injuries would be 20-100X higher.
The vax may be a weapon, but it is not the only weapon. The massive increase in US deaths began in Spring 2020, pre-vax--there were 3 major death spikes before the vax was introduced in mid-Dec 2020. US deaths increased 19% in 2020--6 times higher than the highest previous increase in the last century. Then they remained high thru 2021. The data is here:
Absolutely Mike and I think if spraying nucleic acid sequences to Depopulate the planet was a thing then you can be a 100 percent they would've done that instead of these injections.
The planet is depopulating anyway: mainly because women want a career and can't work out how to combine that with spending 20 years wiping babies bums , herding toddlers to their riding lessons, doing the school run at 8:20 am and 3: 20 pm, washing the laundry, ironing their husbands shirts, and scrubbing the floors in case the MiL decides to drop in for a quality control inspection.
You were one of the first to warn about the shot. Because of that, I take everything you say seriously. As a retired public school teacher, i have no medical knowledge and rely on you and a handful of scientists, doctors whom I have found over the past five years. Thank you, Dr, Yeadon.
Five years ago, I shared your videos and those of Dr. Carrie Madej and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Because the internet labelled those who spoke out early "conspiracy theorists," many people discounted the warnings. The past years have caused me to spend more time praying and seeking God. I know that Truth will prevail. I think I am beginning to understand what Jesus means when he refers to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
I wondered what happened to Dr. Madej after the (suspicious) plane crash years ago. I just googled and saw how they might be harassing her per DEA/controlled substances?
Dr. Yeadon, this is off topic but did you know they started adding Nano-technology to Coca-Cola and Pepsi products? Here in the U.S. many of our food products are banned by other countries and just about everything now says contains Bioengineered Food Ingredient(s). When someone float the idea of altering beverages I thought no way other than the GMO high fructose corn syrup but Bing Chat confirms this claim which I thought was fake. Copy and pasted:
Coca Cola and Pepsi have started incorporating nanotechnology, specifically fluorescent nanoparticles, into their beverages in recent years. Coca Cola began this initiative around July 2024, with **fluorescent nanoparticles** that emit light when excited by UV light, enhancing **packaging**, **shelf life**, and **product safety**.
Pepsi followed suit, introducing similar nanotechnology also around mid-2024. Their nanoparticles are **5 nanometers** in size, and they assist with **emission**, **quantum yields**, and **safety improvements**.
Isn't it fascinating how these century-old brands keep innovating?
Yep, I was sharing that and more back when the hysteria to jab was ramping up. I was repeatedly banned & censored on Farcebook. Still restricted 😬🙄 :
Re: Professor Ido Bachelet, contracted by Pfizer 2015
Compare the analysis of the vial contents from the documentary, The Big Reset Movie, approx 1hr56mins in, to that of the footage of Prof Ido Bachelet's TedMed presentation from 2013, approx 1min 53secs, he holds up a syringe💉 explaining it contains a thousand billion (nano) robots.
Whilst Bachelet presents his DNA nanobots as a health benefit, to treat cancer, disease etc, it ought to be obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense, that in the wrong hands this kind of technology could potentially be utilised for nefarious intent...
I could hold up a syringe full of horse pee and tell you it will eat your brain away... Would you believe it?
I would say the VAST MAJORITY of the stuff we hear is total BS. They don't want us to KNOW where the toxins are!!!! (in the jabs! There's NEVER a reason to get a "vaccine," the body is our protection, not a pitiful victim... So saith the dog.
Lee Merritt said beer had been used for years to put nanotech into people. No idea how real or potent it might be tho. All it could do is mess people up a bit , i doubt it would do anything you could call 'precision' .
To the number one man on the planet, thank you is not enough. For 5 years probably more you have not given up.
If you change directions of research, please keep us informed. I need to catch up with JJ Couey videos. Do you think that you are close to his thinking? I wish so much that I could meet you. May God protect you.
I do this regularly. I do not know if you know who David Sorensen is but he operates /vaccines /children /climate and he covers so much more. He has some of your videos on his website as well as funeral director John O'Looney. I share these far and wide. There was a brief video showing adverse reactions on another site where a woman could not sit still, and she had uncontrollable movements. She was a nurse and got this after the jab. I have something called Tardive Dyskinesia which was a side effect from prescription medication which I believe Perphenazine was the cause, but my Doctor defends this drug and blames me coming off of Geodon as the cause. I have been living in misery for 10 years and imagine already being damaged what the Covid vaccine would have caused. Do you know of any off label medications used for this condition because Austedo and Ingrezza did not help. These both cost around $10k per month too. With Trump's $500B expansion in AI I read that AI will determine the recipe for a mRNA vaccine to cure cancer as it does something with the T cell and genome. Will Smith appeared in movie "I Am Legend" the plot revolves around a genetically re-engineered virus that was initially created as a cure for cancer. Unfortunately, the virus mutates and ends up wiping out most of humanity, turning the rest into zombie-like creatures. It's a fictional scenario, but it does highlight the potential risks and unintended consequences of scientific advancements. Many times, what we see on TV appears to be a look into the future, so I find it a bit concerning. Dr. Robert Malone was involved in the creation of mRNA vaccines that would cure cancer which failed.
I keep in mind, ALL the time nowadays, that FEAR is what they want, but spending a LOT of their money for just ONE aspect of how to kill us probably won't fly very high.
They want US to kill each other off, in wars and such. They want US to die from a LOT of different ways that they engineer, but that won't cost them too much money... These are horrible, psychotic people, they're hoping to get us to kill ourselves, doncha know.
And even if we DO die from something they've done to us, we will be okay-- I don't want to die like that, but I don't think we should fear death, either. Here's a hug...
That is very welcome news Mike - we can breathe a little more easily now.. Well literally! I have also heard that viruses (if they indeed exist, which I am now beginning to doubt) cannot move through the air either as they need a host to survive? Given the psi-op I didn't believe what they were saying anyway -I never caught anything, unlike those I knew took a shot or two.. I didn't believe there was anything to catch.. The mind can kill too, when one thinks of a hoodoo practitioners pointing the bones with some success, again as I've heard, never experienced.. Thank God!
But I DO think they can use DEW's and they can put toxins in the air, and they can poison the water, and the food, to some degree, and they can slaughter our poor animals-- well, we slaughter them, too, but I hope we're learning to be kinder about it--
You know, I think what's the "brighter" side of all this insanity?
We're going to come out the other side of this BETTER than we were. Some say we are poised to EVOLVE, physically, maybe, or at least in some way that is KINDER...
I don't know, but I do hope I'm still here to see the beginning of it at least! xo
I think faith is irrelevant to the Creator. I think regardless of what we do or think, we are blessed, loved beyond measure, beyond our understanding, beyond any human ideas about RULES; and I think we will all take a big step because of this Hellish Time that even while we suffer, we are moving towards redemption and confirmation, and we will ALL of us learn to open up and just let that "sunshine" come right on in. xo
You are right. There's never been a proven isolation of ANY "virus," anywhere, by anybody.
It's all about MONEY. In fact, contagion has never been proven, either.
What that tells me is, that however we think of our Creator, whatever religion, or lack thereof, our Maker is an incredibly benevolent and loving Being, whatever we call it or imagine it to be notwithstanding. We are blessed, even when we don't know it.
Going critical & going bang, I’m not at all convinced it was ever made to happen, hence all the nuclear fear porn and Oppenheimer etc.
The confrontation between Russia and USA was the final straw. Nobody would do that if some trigger happy Minuteman operator might loose off a few warheads. Don’t exist was my 95% conclusion.
Yeah, look at Chernobyl... I saw a special about it, all healthy-looking, with lots of plants and critters, and the wild dogs that live there... It's really a paradise, because PEOPLE don't go in there much!!! arrrgh.
We have a farm. Farms attract mice and rats. A farmer would never consider self-assembling nanobots, hooking mice up to the cloud to try reading their minds or any other advanced or expensive system when a cheap & effective cat, trap or poisoned donut will do the trick.
Indeed. Especially when all they have to do is ZAP us with 5G, which they're already doing, and which most people seem to WANT, since they simply refuse to believe that 5G might be harmful.
I cringe when I see so many people holding their phones right up against where their BRAINS are kept... and carrying them in pockets next to their bodies... sigh.
The IRONY of trying to warn people about these toxic things, and they get ANGRY with us, but they HAPPILY buy, use, and are addicted to the things given them by the people who want to KILL them... smfh
Thanks. Yes, I don't see people as mice or rats but it's obvious the tapeworm class sees us like that.....otherwise they wouldn't try to exterminate us. The irony is they think they're (genetically) superior, but many have the features and spurious wisdom resulting from centuries of inbreeding. Eugenics (genetics) is a pseudoscience but they still haven't figured that out yet.
And you just reminded me of the Sarin attack that took place in underground trains during the rush hours in Tokyo in 1995.
Interestingly some victims (passengers) reported smells. I wondered about that, as Sarin is said to have no smell. Apparently, there were impurities in the deadly concoction that subsequently produced fruity solvent like odour. Bcs of that, unfortunately some victims became curious and breathed it in more...
It was an over crowded closed setting.
People immediately dropped dead and fell ill and injured. It was pretty obvious.
In contrast, these jabs are designed to kill the majority of the recipients in perhaps the most effective and also in a time delayed fashion so they won't realise the intention and won't be able to make the connection. (Or become reluctant to make the connection).
I remember that Sarin attack, too. Horrible. Well, murdering people is horrible! But it was shocking, just random people on a subway...
The jabs, tho-- My theory is, and I doubt I'm the only one who thought of this! --my theory is that they couldn't have ALL the vials have the same ingredients, and deadly, because it would have been so OBVIOUS. You know, 2+2 and all that. So they had to VARY what they put in those vials. Some were surely saline. But some of them were perhaps meant to be repeated, and so toxins, a little at a time. And I think even the ones that seem harmless have something that tends to end up making people STERILE... That is also part of the game plan, it seems. You know, for a long time I felt that even people who plan and carry out a genocide... we shouldn't give them the Death Sentence, because it makes US killers. And certainly none of that Mussolini treatment! I don't want to see US become like THEM... But now, considering how VAST the plan is, how cruel, with torture and pedophelia, and destruction of cultures and art and animals and allllll this stuff they're doing, all for the sake of POWER and CONTROL and yeah, GENOCIDE... Now I feel like maybe we should perform euthanasia on them -- sort of karmic, and also for what they've done, and planned it all out for years and years, decades, maybe centuries?
Yes all well calculated and organised on this scale.
(Some ppl still are in denial stating that these shots are safe and effective...)
It's hypothesised that they also used the mechanism of anaphylaxis. I learnt about a woman who immediately collapsed and died after her 4th shot due to severe anaphylactic reactions. (So she was ok with her first three shots and volunteered to go for the 4th) obviously these shots don't contain the same ingredients.
It's probable The first shot contains a small amount of foreign protein to be injected into your blood stream. And later on, if you go for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th (now 8th), if one of them contains the same substance (protein), bad luck. You end up getting massive allergic reactions.
This is pure evil.
Many recipients who didn't die immediately still think they are lucky and spared and want to believe everything is hunky dory. The victims just had a bad product.
If you're curious about what's actually IN at least some of these jabs, there's an excellent group of scientists who work in a lab in Spain called La Quinta Columna. They were the FIRST guys to get in there and identify what's IN at least some of those vials... that was back in 2021. Things could have changed by now. But the ingredients are HIGHLY toxic, without any BS about DNA/mRNA or any of that, of which I am HIGHLY skeptical... Who needs all that sort of (not really proven at all) kind of fuckery when you've got Graphine Oxide, Mercury, shitloads of Aluminum, and a host of other horror show features...
It's INSANE, but it's been going on for some time now, and it's the SAME PEOPLE, their families being part of this whole "Crown Corporation" bunch, the Most Filthy Richest of all the Earth, and THEY think there's just too many of us "talking cows." So THEY feel that THEY are entitled to, and are FINE WITH, simply killing most of us off, so they can enslave the rest of us, chip our brains-- they've been working on these things for a long time, and they're so full of themselves and their entitlement that they feel RIGHTEOUS in simply slaughtering MOST of the Earth's people.
It's a War On Humanity. And since they breed themselves to have no humanity, I don't consider them part of Team Human...
This is so profoundly difficult to take in and actually believe it's REAL, that those who are unaware of the Evil that is going on (and has been for a long time), upscaled and enhanced, that they look at people like ME as if I am the crazy one. Well, it's a good plan, in a twisted kind of way, because they've learned a lot about FEAR and how to manipulate.
Just to add. You may not be surprised to hear this.
Psychologist Milgram found that 80% of the population do not have the psychological or moral resources to defy on the authority's order, no matter how illegitimate the order is.
There is an element of truth in this statement.
And obviously the people behind this cull theatre are aware of this aspect and twisted and weaponised so many 'positive' concepts (e.g. care for your family and neighbours).
If feels as though you turned the lights on and suddenly discovered the filthy dirt sitting in every single dark corner in your house.
I don't really give much credence to ONE psychologist saying most people are (translates to) screwed. Nope. It's the poor who have always been the first to revolt, simply because they have no recourse. And I'm always suspicious of those who try to make us all feel hopeless, too.
Absolutely agree. We’re still warm and well nourished. I don’t feel even close to defeat.
Watch them mess it up. Or not. But it’s certainly a long way from a done deal.
If this small essay does the rounds, it’ll irritate some who aren’t yet concerned as much as I think they should be & that was worth the few minutes it took to tap it out.
I've come across convincing arguments that there are no true revolutions.. successful revolutionaries tend to be factions already supported by deep pockets' laying of groundwork.
That's a completely different thing from the vast majority of people I've come across who are UTTERLY and COMPLETELY UNWILLING to even consider ANYTHING they've been told by MSM that might be a "conspiracy theory."
It's massive, pervasive amounts of brainwashing to a population TRAINED to be stupefied. So sad, but it seems to be easy to do, ie, brainwash a bunch of people who've been Groomed to be brainwashed... smdh Heartbreaking. But I will never give up HOPE, and I will keep trying to warn folks. I want to get better at doing that.
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
Completely agree that any "global blah-blah is a scam". Re aerosols - it doesn't have to be aerosolized nucleic acid. Why bother with something so sophisticated for poisoning? Aerosolized chemicals will do the job. Things like Novichok can be mixed on delivery from 2 legal agricultural chemicals. Chemical weapons have been used and they do exist.
Indeed, and I specifically pointed out that no Star Trek technology is required to poison us with chloride, phosgene or organophosphate nerve agents (OP agents) like Novichok.
I used certain well known OP agents in the lab while I worked at Porton Down around 40 years ago. Like many chemicals, the risk of their extraordinarily high toxicity translating into an injury depends on physical form, quantity and exposure risks, among variables.
Used in micro litre volumes of aqueous solutions from a small stock bottle of these agents while wearing good PPE, you’d struggle to injure yourself or anybody else.
As a voilatile or aerosolised solution, a very different matter.
Operation sea spray? Bothered them enough to kill folk trying to learn, st louis? NYC? They have been working all angles IMHO. Their plans call for a mix to sell us their shit stories to keep us at bay whilst culling.
Thank you Mike.. Your comments from the start have been a big heads up as to Covid bio weapon.. And the ongoing Crime of the Century.. I see this next Military Grade Bird Flu/ Plandemic Depopulation scheme as being a little more comprehensive than the Covid/Plandemic Iatrocide.. kind of a Hunger Games version where they reduce our food supply with the completely unnecessary slaughter of chickens.. We have to contact our various leaders continuously and let them know we're not about to cooperate on this latest version of mass murder... we have to stand shoulder to shoulder with the farmers, especially chicken farmers right now...
Big Brother is not going to stop unless we stop him... I have urged we open Nuremberg 2 for four years, plus... progress is being made, but like so many historic wars they last longer than we imagine they would..
I urge everyone to remain fully involved, prioritize this daily... recruit anyone you can.. politicians are moved by Overwhelming numbers only...
Thanks Dr. Yeadon … Fear porn was used for people begging for the jab . The jab is the Bioweapon.
For the 20-30% of us that oppose this, come to sites like this and understand more now than we did... the terms we used must be accurate (otherwise we give the c**ts another chance to mock us.
No offence, let me try and explain quickly.
The definition of Bioweapon is = "Biological and toxin weapons are either microorganisms like virus, bacteria or fungi, or toxic substances produced by living organisms that are produced and released deliberately to cause disease and death in humans, animals or plants".....all bllx for many reasons.
Simply put; the jab is a CHEMICAL weapon - we must be specific in this day and age; especially when you can get locked up for calling some transgender think a bloke and not a girl (or vice versa) and all that rubbish.
I’m not up to speed with those definitions.
If I was feeling argumentative, I might expand on it.
But I’m not :)
I originally wrote "For the 20-30% of us that oppose this, come to sites like this and understand more now than we did." - I meant for those that have so called "awakened".
I agree with your post, but not the word "Bioweapon" with today's definition of bioweapon as stated in my original post. Was the Pfizer jab for so called Sars-2 a vaccine ?, have viruses ever been isolated and thus proven and proved to be transmittable ?; no, but they cleverly changed the definitions.
Please feel free to be argumentative, I hold no grudges after a good barny.
We... as the "opposition" (you included of cause) or the "awakened" must be accurate in our terminology... otherwise we will just be mocked as tin hat wearing nutters; as can be seen in the MSM daily.
Hope this explanation is better. Follow and love your work, so certainly I meant no offence.
Now there is a state of mind that I know well 😳
Thanks Dr. Yeadon
**Impostor Alert**
Hi, Mike. I think this person (in below link) using a handle of "Michael Yeadon" is likely yet another impostor posing as you. Take a look. Note the minimal, almost non-existent activity under activity, posts, likes, and reads. I think you may agree with my thought that they are a fraud.
Here is their Substack link:
Yes, that’s not mine. Unfortunately there’s absolutely nothing I can do about it.
yes the actual definition is correct...but to the masses it is attacking the human most people will understand this better. 🤟🏻🏴☠️
Agreed, but it is wrong and on our side, we cannot afford to be wrong.
CDC / government agencies have changed the definitions of everything to fool the ignorant masses.
PS 7/10 sites I wanted a link to have suddenly gone... ah well; just a coincidence hey ?.
If the weaponized parts of it are:
mRNA spike protein &
BOTH are biological entities. Hence the term bioweapon would seem valid.
I'm unclear on your argument why the jab is a CHEMICAL weapon instead.
AH the spike protein stuff again... OK whatever.
I do not need to defend myself, as I just made a comment that I believe in - if you do not... you don't; hey-ho. But I went off AGAINST the onslaught of the globalist parasitical scum... but some people like me and you attacked me, because I was still using the term vaccine for the Covid jabs and and ... I knew no better at the time; but I do now.
The article actually states my point in that it says = "First, I want to cover off the difference between this concept and blanket chemical warfare with chlorine gas, mustard gas and organophosphate nerve gases."
They ARE DIFFERENT and I am am a professional Chemical engineer with 35 years in the industry.... look - all I am saying is that WE need to be very careful of how we describe the democide / genocide and and that is going on ... that is all.
Given your history I would be very interested in your take on the NYC mass casualty event of Spring 2020, which killed 50k extra people in 25 adjacent counties over 8 weeks, after which deaths returned to normal in that region for the rest of the year. The data is here--to me, it screams "chemical weapon."
Thanks for the link. In answer to your question, I respond as follows if it was indeed it was aimed at me.
It is simple = A good death ?.... what ? you shout ?, so I shall try and explain.
Do you remember back at the start of the plandemic ? (there was no real pandemic); try to think back... any family or friends / colleagues getting this SARS-2 virus, falling over and popping off ??... NOT FOR ME ANYWAY, but they had to convince us it was real, so that they could give so many the jabs - they did this = same in the UK and as the article states the EU = IN FACT I THINK DR. YEADON HAS DISUSSED THIS SOMEWHERE / SOMETIME.
Huge numbers of deaths suddenly - all proved to be Covid by the fake PCR test..... bringing fear to the populations.
TO QUOTE = "In Greek, a “good death” is referred to as “ευθανασία” (euthanasia), which literally means “good death.” However, the term is often associated with a painless death, typically with the patient’s consent, when the situation is irreversible. The concept of a “good death” in ancient Greek culture was more about dying with honor and dignity, often reflecting a peaceful and painless end." - Bllx to patients consent.
So people dying everywhere ... we are told down to the virus and the pandemic ... err NOPE; they were literally KILLED by drugs being injected into them; and as stated 70% of the population fell for it.
I am not making this up, watch this and just search on Bitchute or other platforms =
As for "Meanwhile, in alternative media, there is quite a bit on post-vaccine excess deaths—which are invariably attributed to COVID19 vaccines—but almost nothing on excess deaths pre-vaccine" ...... AS ABOVE... search and sometimes you need to think of search words laterally... IT IS ALL THERE, BECAUSE THEY TELL US.
The excess deaths were Spring 2020 - LOCKDOWN and masks - so people were more vulnerable to their NUMBER ONE WEAPON OF FEAR.
PS The US used a different drug than the Midazolam (?) than we used in Europe... but had the same effect; but at the mo I cannot remember the name - begins with R I think.
PPS Blimey, just found this... the only Dr I trust on my favourite web site.
People were not killed by a virus in April 2020, nor were they killed by drugs being injected into them in any of the 3 death surges of 2020. And neither iatrogenic damage or bad medical treatment could have caused the NYC mass casualty event, where 50k+ extra people died in 25 counties over 8 weeks in Spring 2020.
Re your "I didn't see any bodies" claim, this is a common perception error--it's a numbers issue. There are 20 million people living in those 25 counties in NYC metro--an extra 1 in 400 people died, so nobody would notice anything odd unless they had a circle of thousands of friends.
All-cause death numbers have nothing to do with so-called "Covid deaths" or Covid tests or anything to do with Covid--it is simply a database for recording info from death certs in the US. This is a matter of record, not a matter of opinion or discretion, and I literally wrote the book on it.
Bio labs working for deep state in jurisdictions which allow for genetic scientists to develope new technologies without limitation placed upon them have surpassed basic understandings of what toxins are and how they effect mammals, plants and other life forms.
VAX = Combining radio wavelength technology with bio-,genetically engineered hydrogels to create synthetic paracytes. See:-
OK, agreed; but all I am saying is that we need to be careful of our terminology or descriptions; otherwise we are mocked..
What are toxins in the body? = "Toxins are substances created by plants and animals that are poisonous (toxic) to humans. Toxins may also include some medicines that are helpful in small doses, but poisonous in large amounts.
Regards all this "genetic" stuff - humanity has between 15-20 percent ONLY of common DNA - genes (from what I understand anyway).
Bio labs IN MY VIEW are just labs with so called scientists creating CHEMICAL WEAPONS for us...
If we take your last para ie "VAX = Combining radio wavelength technology with bio-,genetically engineered hydrogels to create synthetic paracytes." ... yes maybe with 5G and 6G (coming) but again the subtle difference in my argument is that they have injected the masses with an "alien being" = if true, the nanoparticles, that can control you or worse.
I do not really know how to explain why I am so adamant about this, but if they are installing pacemakers for the heart, I am sure they can shortly install your Fitbit or Apple watch into your brain =transhumanism = WEF etc. But this is not based on BIO-anything (ref Biology for BIO), it is based on poisons or gadgets etc. BEING fed, inserted etc into us.
Going for the Juggler on Vaccine Adjuvants & Antigens; Vaccinology's "Dirty Secrets" is the Achilles' heel as Vaccines no longer require clinical trials. EUA ONLY!
"Uk Column" exposed it first (to me anyway) .. they will BS us on a new plandemic and bring a mRNA jab into the market within 100days from now on..... the Satanist swine need to swing (by the neck).
Going for the jugular (vein)
Here’s an article regarding surfactant.
Yes, I add my thanks less thing to worry about
I agree, but maybe, it does seem like maybe BOTH could be the case...
Fear can make people do really STUPID things, like run for a jab, lol. But fear can also lay a shadow across one's thinking, affect their work, their home life, all sorts of craziness can come from fear, even physiological troubles. So, just thought I'd throw that in...
Fear has been been proved to be their greatest weapon (confusion is their second)... proved by PROPER SCIENCE.
RFK Jr. Announces $5.6 Quadrillion Lawsuit vs Vaccine Injuries, Covid Measures & Crimes Against Humanity vs Bernie Sanders in Senate Hearing citing VAERS & VSAFE. VAERS was 50,000 deaths and 1.5M injures. However, only 1% of people report vaccine injuries - Stanford. Or 4% in Australia, the acutal deaths and injuries would be 20-100X higher.
Emergency room and ICU protocols didn’t help . I believe Drs. Kory/Marik have addressed this .
The vax may be a weapon, but it is not the only weapon. The massive increase in US deaths began in Spring 2020, pre-vax--there were 3 major death spikes before the vax was introduced in mid-Dec 2020. US deaths increased 19% in 2020--6 times higher than the highest previous increase in the last century. Then they remained high thru 2021. The data is here:
Absolutely Mike and I think if spraying nucleic acid sequences to Depopulate the planet was a thing then you can be a 100 percent they would've done that instead of these injections.
The planet is depopulating anyway: mainly because women want a career and can't work out how to combine that with spending 20 years wiping babies bums , herding toddlers to their riding lessons, doing the school run at 8:20 am and 3: 20 pm, washing the laundry, ironing their husbands shirts, and scrubbing the floors in case the MiL decides to drop in for a quality control inspection.
I believe depopulation is a part of the agenda, but I suspect it's not one of the main ones.
You were one of the first to warn about the shot. Because of that, I take everything you say seriously. As a retired public school teacher, i have no medical knowledge and rely on you and a handful of scientists, doctors whom I have found over the past five years. Thank you, Dr, Yeadon.
Thank you. Please honour my efforts by never giving up and using every opportunity to nudge people using whatever I’ve said that feels right to you.
Five years ago, I shared your videos and those of Dr. Carrie Madej and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Because the internet labelled those who spoke out early "conspiracy theorists," many people discounted the warnings. The past years have caused me to spend more time praying and seeking God. I know that Truth will prevail. I think I am beginning to understand what Jesus means when he refers to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.
I wondered what happened to Dr. Madej after the (suspicious) plane crash years ago. I just googled and saw how they might be harassing her per DEA/controlled substances?
She has a website, Carrie Madej dot com.
Dr. Yeadon, this is off topic but did you know they started adding Nano-technology to Coca-Cola and Pepsi products? Here in the U.S. many of our food products are banned by other countries and just about everything now says contains Bioengineered Food Ingredient(s). When someone float the idea of altering beverages I thought no way other than the GMO high fructose corn syrup but Bing Chat confirms this claim which I thought was fake. Copy and pasted:
Coca Cola and Pepsi have started incorporating nanotechnology, specifically fluorescent nanoparticles, into their beverages in recent years. Coca Cola began this initiative around July 2024, with **fluorescent nanoparticles** that emit light when excited by UV light, enhancing **packaging**, **shelf life**, and **product safety**.
Pepsi followed suit, introducing similar nanotechnology also around mid-2024. Their nanoparticles are **5 nanometers** in size, and they assist with **emission**, **quantum yields**, and **safety improvements**.
Isn't it fascinating how these century-old brands keep innovating?
Have a look at my post with IDO BACHELET TEX CONFERENCE in 2013
They use nano to hack our brain with a MAC Adress !
Yep, I was sharing that and more back when the hysteria to jab was ramping up. I was repeatedly banned & censored on Farcebook. Still restricted 😬🙄 :
Re: Professor Ido Bachelet, contracted by Pfizer 2015
Compare the analysis of the vial contents from the documentary, The Big Reset Movie, approx 1hr56mins in, to that of the footage of Prof Ido Bachelet's TedMed presentation from 2013, approx 1min 53secs, he holds up a syringe💉 explaining it contains a thousand billion (nano) robots.
Whilst Bachelet presents his DNA nanobots as a health benefit, to treat cancer, disease etc, it ought to be obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense, that in the wrong hands this kind of technology could potentially be utilised for nefarious intent...
The Emergence Of Nanobot Society.
DNA nanobots coming to your bloodstream
Thought-Controlled Nanoscale Robots in a Living Host
Bachelet is also founder of Augmanity Nano
He is the cousin of (physician) Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile who also served as UN High Commissioner For Human Rights...
University of California
'Nano-bots represent a unique solution for new approaches to 💉vaccines💉, drug delivery and energy needs.
'The main building blocks for these nano-bots are based on nano-lipo-protein particles (NLPs)'
I could hold up a syringe full of horse pee and tell you it will eat your brain away... Would you believe it?
I would say the VAST MAJORITY of the stuff we hear is total BS. They don't want us to KNOW where the toxins are!!!! (in the jabs! There's NEVER a reason to get a "vaccine," the body is our protection, not a pitiful victim... So saith the dog.
hei Doctor Mike YEADON, you have a lot of sources about the nanobots. I am sure you are aware of all that. Could you please give us your opininion?
I think they’re BS. Nothing the perpetrators are doing scares me other than injected materials and the prospects of intentional starvation.
Lee Merritt said beer had been used for years to put nanotech into people. No idea how real or potent it might be tho. All it could do is mess people up a bit , i doubt it would do anything you could call 'precision' .
A helpful resource:
thanks. So disturbing :( .
This comment was meant to be in response to BRANDON... I DO wish SS could fix this glitch. You'd think they could do that by now, LOL.
Maybe this is true, maybe it's FEAR MONGERING.
Where did you learn this? Have you experimented to see if it really does this?
I say this because there is SO. MUCH. BULLSHIT. being fed to us via a corporate media that only stands to GAIN from lying to us...
Besides, if it comes out that Coke and Pepsi are putting toxins in their products, that would CUT THEIR INCOME, and they don't want that!
It's probably just fear mongering, is my guess.
To the number one man on the planet, thank you is not enough. For 5 years probably more you have not given up.
If you change directions of research, please keep us informed. I need to catch up with JJ Couey videos. Do you think that you are close to his thinking? I wish so much that I could meet you. May God protect you.
I do this regularly. I do not know if you know who David Sorensen is but he operates /vaccines /children /climate and he covers so much more. He has some of your videos on his website as well as funeral director John O'Looney. I share these far and wide. There was a brief video showing adverse reactions on another site where a woman could not sit still, and she had uncontrollable movements. She was a nurse and got this after the jab. I have something called Tardive Dyskinesia which was a side effect from prescription medication which I believe Perphenazine was the cause, but my Doctor defends this drug and blames me coming off of Geodon as the cause. I have been living in misery for 10 years and imagine already being damaged what the Covid vaccine would have caused. Do you know of any off label medications used for this condition because Austedo and Ingrezza did not help. These both cost around $10k per month too. With Trump's $500B expansion in AI I read that AI will determine the recipe for a mRNA vaccine to cure cancer as it does something with the T cell and genome. Will Smith appeared in movie "I Am Legend" the plot revolves around a genetically re-engineered virus that was initially created as a cure for cancer. Unfortunately, the virus mutates and ends up wiping out most of humanity, turning the rest into zombie-like creatures. It's a fictional scenario, but it does highlight the potential risks and unintended consequences of scientific advancements. Many times, what we see on TV appears to be a look into the future, so I find it a bit concerning. Dr. Robert Malone was involved in the creation of mRNA vaccines that would cure cancer which failed.
Mike you know me well enough by now to know that I'll nudge YOU when I think you are talking b*lloxs! (oh, and vice-versa, naturally)!
Medical knowledge isn't THAT hard... study up a bit, and you'll be intrigued, I'm sure! ^_^
Oh thanks so much for sharing this important knowledge you have. I have been concerned about this scary possibility, and now am not so disheartened.
I keep in mind, ALL the time nowadays, that FEAR is what they want, but spending a LOT of their money for just ONE aspect of how to kill us probably won't fly very high.
They want US to kill each other off, in wars and such. They want US to die from a LOT of different ways that they engineer, but that won't cost them too much money... These are horrible, psychotic people, they're hoping to get us to kill ourselves, doncha know.
And even if we DO die from something they've done to us, we will be okay-- I don't want to die like that, but I don't think we should fear death, either. Here's a hug...
That is very welcome news Mike - we can breathe a little more easily now.. Well literally! I have also heard that viruses (if they indeed exist, which I am now beginning to doubt) cannot move through the air either as they need a host to survive? Given the psi-op I didn't believe what they were saying anyway -I never caught anything, unlike those I knew took a shot or two.. I didn't believe there was anything to catch.. The mind can kill too, when one thinks of a hoodoo practitioners pointing the bones with some success, again as I've heard, never experienced.. Thank God!
It’s all lies and fear porn.
From a completely captured MSM...
Mike, fear/stress could not have been a primary cause of the NYC mass casualty event, for the reasons stated at this link. Lies and fear cannot increase deaths up to 550% in a limited geographic region for 8 weeks, after which deaths return to normal, while deaths in most of the rest of the country remained normal.
But I DO think they can use DEW's and they can put toxins in the air, and they can poison the water, and the food, to some degree, and they can slaughter our poor animals-- well, we slaughter them, too, but I hope we're learning to be kinder about it--
You know, I think what's the "brighter" side of all this insanity?
We're going to come out the other side of this BETTER than we were. Some say we are poised to EVOLVE, physically, maybe, or at least in some way that is KINDER...
I don't know, but I do hope I'm still here to see the beginning of it at least! xo
Thanks for the good post!
Never underestimate the power of our mind….collective or otherwise.
That said , nothing is more powerful than God ( Holy Trinity ) 🙏
I heartily agree.
I only pray to protect people & for guidance on what to do.
We have free will, I think. We must defend ourselves and the vulnerable.
If faith is of no assistance to an individual, let your conscience be your guide.
I think faith is irrelevant to the Creator. I think regardless of what we do or think, we are blessed, loved beyond measure, beyond our understanding, beyond any human ideas about RULES; and I think we will all take a big step because of this Hellish Time that even while we suffer, we are moving towards redemption and confirmation, and we will ALL of us learn to open up and just let that "sunshine" come right on in. xo
No not ALL .
I was stating my opinion. You're welcome to have your own. But we don't KNOW what the future is! Not yet!
You live in the midst of deception; in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,” declares the YHVH. (Jeremiah 9:6)
"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun."
In his hubris & rebellion, fallen man just repeats the same errors.
You are right. There's never been a proven isolation of ANY "virus," anywhere, by anybody.
It's all about MONEY. In fact, contagion has never been proven, either.
What that tells me is, that however we think of our Creator, whatever religion, or lack thereof, our Maker is an incredibly benevolent and loving Being, whatever we call it or imagine it to be notwithstanding. We are blessed, even when we don't know it.
I agree. I also think nuclear weapons are fear porn.
I think so, too.
“Dirty bombs”, sure.
Going critical & going bang, I’m not at all convinced it was ever made to happen, hence all the nuclear fear porn and Oppenheimer etc.
The confrontation between Russia and USA was the final straw. Nobody would do that if some trigger happy Minuteman operator might loose off a few warheads. Don’t exist was my 95% conclusion.
Yeah, look at Chernobyl... I saw a special about it, all healthy-looking, with lots of plants and critters, and the wild dogs that live there... It's really a paradise, because PEOPLE don't go in there much!!! arrrgh.
We have a farm. Farms attract mice and rats. A farmer would never consider self-assembling nanobots, hooking mice up to the cloud to try reading their minds or any other advanced or expensive system when a cheap & effective cat, trap or poisoned donut will do the trick.
Well said. The old school methods of fear and threat work very well.
No need for brain chips or injected, self assembling remote control nano bots.
Indeed. Especially when all they have to do is ZAP us with 5G, which they're already doing, and which most people seem to WANT, since they simply refuse to believe that 5G might be harmful.
I cringe when I see so many people holding their phones right up against where their BRAINS are kept... and carrying them in pockets next to their bodies... sigh.
The IRONY of trying to warn people about these toxic things, and they get ANGRY with us, but they HAPPILY buy, use, and are addicted to the things given them by the people who want to KILL them... smfh
The globalists have many simple ways to kill us:
war; junk food; Pharma junk; pollution/microplastics, alcohol/drugs; the shots causing cancer/heart disease & much other illness.
There are still billions of us though.
And not too many of them.
Don't leave out the 5G... It's their Best and Most Secret Weapon, In Plain Sight.
Good point... but I had to laugh at the analogy... I DO accept analogies to being a DOG... ;)
It seems that every single comment I make links to the WRONG comment by another.
My "good point" was meant for Renate, above.
Thanks. Yes, I don't see people as mice or rats but it's obvious the tapeworm class sees us like that.....otherwise they wouldn't try to exterminate us. The irony is they think they're (genetically) superior, but many have the features and spurious wisdom resulting from centuries of inbreeding. Eugenics (genetics) is a pseudoscience but they still haven't figured that out yet.
They think they know it all, tho.
Heh. Cool that you're clued in to some of their "secrets." Most people don't know anything about them, or that they exist.
Yes. That makes sense.
And you just reminded me of the Sarin attack that took place in underground trains during the rush hours in Tokyo in 1995.
Interestingly some victims (passengers) reported smells. I wondered about that, as Sarin is said to have no smell. Apparently, there were impurities in the deadly concoction that subsequently produced fruity solvent like odour. Bcs of that, unfortunately some victims became curious and breathed it in more...
It was an over crowded closed setting.
People immediately dropped dead and fell ill and injured. It was pretty obvious.
In contrast, these jabs are designed to kill the majority of the recipients in perhaps the most effective and also in a time delayed fashion so they won't realise the intention and won't be able to make the connection. (Or become reluctant to make the connection).
I remember that Sarin attack, too. Horrible. Well, murdering people is horrible! But it was shocking, just random people on a subway...
The jabs, tho-- My theory is, and I doubt I'm the only one who thought of this! --my theory is that they couldn't have ALL the vials have the same ingredients, and deadly, because it would have been so OBVIOUS. You know, 2+2 and all that. So they had to VARY what they put in those vials. Some were surely saline. But some of them were perhaps meant to be repeated, and so toxins, a little at a time. And I think even the ones that seem harmless have something that tends to end up making people STERILE... That is also part of the game plan, it seems. You know, for a long time I felt that even people who plan and carry out a genocide... we shouldn't give them the Death Sentence, because it makes US killers. And certainly none of that Mussolini treatment! I don't want to see US become like THEM... But now, considering how VAST the plan is, how cruel, with torture and pedophelia, and destruction of cultures and art and animals and allllll this stuff they're doing, all for the sake of POWER and CONTROL and yeah, GENOCIDE... Now I feel like maybe we should perform euthanasia on them -- sort of karmic, and also for what they've done, and planned it all out for years and years, decades, maybe centuries?
Well, anyway...
Yes all well calculated and organised on this scale.
(Some ppl still are in denial stating that these shots are safe and effective...)
It's hypothesised that they also used the mechanism of anaphylaxis. I learnt about a woman who immediately collapsed and died after her 4th shot due to severe anaphylactic reactions. (So she was ok with her first three shots and volunteered to go for the 4th) obviously these shots don't contain the same ingredients.
It's probable The first shot contains a small amount of foreign protein to be injected into your blood stream. And later on, if you go for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th (now 8th), if one of them contains the same substance (protein), bad luck. You end up getting massive allergic reactions.
This is pure evil.
Many recipients who didn't die immediately still think they are lucky and spared and want to believe everything is hunky dory. The victims just had a bad product.
You're so right-- it's INSANE.
It's a CULL.
If you're curious about what's actually IN at least some of these jabs, there's an excellent group of scientists who work in a lab in Spain called La Quinta Columna. They were the FIRST guys to get in there and identify what's IN at least some of those vials... that was back in 2021. Things could have changed by now. But the ingredients are HIGHLY toxic, without any BS about DNA/mRNA or any of that, of which I am HIGHLY skeptical... Who needs all that sort of (not really proven at all) kind of fuckery when you've got Graphine Oxide, Mercury, shitloads of Aluminum, and a host of other horror show features...
It's INSANE, but it's been going on for some time now, and it's the SAME PEOPLE, their families being part of this whole "Crown Corporation" bunch, the Most Filthy Richest of all the Earth, and THEY think there's just too many of us "talking cows." So THEY feel that THEY are entitled to, and are FINE WITH, simply killing most of us off, so they can enslave the rest of us, chip our brains-- they've been working on these things for a long time, and they're so full of themselves and their entitlement that they feel RIGHTEOUS in simply slaughtering MOST of the Earth's people.
It's a War On Humanity. And since they breed themselves to have no humanity, I don't consider them part of Team Human...
This is so profoundly difficult to take in and actually believe it's REAL, that those who are unaware of the Evil that is going on (and has been for a long time), upscaled and enhanced, that they look at people like ME as if I am the crazy one. Well, it's a good plan, in a twisted kind of way, because they've learned a lot about FEAR and how to manipulate.
Just to add. You may not be surprised to hear this.
Psychologist Milgram found that 80% of the population do not have the psychological or moral resources to defy on the authority's order, no matter how illegitimate the order is.
There is an element of truth in this statement.
And obviously the people behind this cull theatre are aware of this aspect and twisted and weaponised so many 'positive' concepts (e.g. care for your family and neighbours).
If feels as though you turned the lights on and suddenly discovered the filthy dirt sitting in every single dark corner in your house.
Take care.
And let me add this:
I don't really give much credence to ONE psychologist saying most people are (translates to) screwed. Nope. It's the poor who have always been the first to revolt, simply because they have no recourse. And I'm always suspicious of those who try to make us all feel hopeless, too.
Absolutely agree. We’re still warm and well nourished. I don’t feel even close to defeat.
Watch them mess it up. Or not. But it’s certainly a long way from a done deal.
If this small essay does the rounds, it’ll irritate some who aren’t yet concerned as much as I think they should be & that was worth the few minutes it took to tap it out.
I've come across convincing arguments that there are no true revolutions.. successful revolutionaries tend to be factions already supported by deep pockets' laying of groundwork.
That's a completely different thing from the vast majority of people I've come across who are UTTERLY and COMPLETELY UNWILLING to even consider ANYTHING they've been told by MSM that might be a "conspiracy theory."
It's massive, pervasive amounts of brainwashing to a population TRAINED to be stupefied. So sad, but it seems to be easy to do, ie, brainwash a bunch of people who've been Groomed to be brainwashed... smdh Heartbreaking. But I will never give up HOPE, and I will keep trying to warn folks. I want to get better at doing that.
And then you have Bret Weinstein, who now believes the CIA has come clean after five years of denying the 'lab leak'. Bwa ha ha!
Thank you, Mike. Trusted voices are in high demand these days. Much appreciated. Best.
Evil extorts false trust.
True trust is all about Love.
Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.
Amen !!
The jab maims and kills
Thanks for the breakdown.
Completely agree that any "global blah-blah is a scam". Re aerosols - it doesn't have to be aerosolized nucleic acid. Why bother with something so sophisticated for poisoning? Aerosolized chemicals will do the job. Things like Novichok can be mixed on delivery from 2 legal agricultural chemicals. Chemical weapons have been used and they do exist.
Indeed, and I specifically pointed out that no Star Trek technology is required to poison us with chloride, phosgene or organophosphate nerve agents (OP agents) like Novichok.
I used certain well known OP agents in the lab while I worked at Porton Down around 40 years ago. Like many chemicals, the risk of their extraordinarily high toxicity translating into an injury depends on physical form, quantity and exposure risks, among variables.
Used in micro litre volumes of aqueous solutions from a small stock bottle of these agents while wearing good PPE, you’d struggle to injure yourself or anybody else.
As a voilatile or aerosolised solution, a very different matter.
Apparently washing hands was effective at stopping novichok:
Operation sea spray? Bothered them enough to kill folk trying to learn, st louis? NYC? They have been working all angles IMHO. Their plans call for a mix to sell us their shit stories to keep us at bay whilst culling.
The only way to distribute such a weapon is via injections. Billions of them.
I believe so, yes.
To clarify:
Aerosolized and/or sri fearmaceuticals are boondoggles with <.01 possibility of success - either as prophylactic health measures or as bioweapons.
Is that a correct conclusion of this article?
Is it the same case with aerosolized and edible vaccines? Should we not fear them?
Yes, I think so. And as WH says, just say no!
You don't have to fear the vaccines, just don't get one.
What if <.01 deaths is the goal?
Thank you Mike.. Your comments from the start have been a big heads up as to Covid bio weapon.. And the ongoing Crime of the Century.. I see this next Military Grade Bird Flu/ Plandemic Depopulation scheme as being a little more comprehensive than the Covid/Plandemic Iatrocide.. kind of a Hunger Games version where they reduce our food supply with the completely unnecessary slaughter of chickens.. We have to contact our various leaders continuously and let them know we're not about to cooperate on this latest version of mass murder... we have to stand shoulder to shoulder with the farmers, especially chicken farmers right now...
Big Brother is not going to stop unless we stop him... I have urged we open Nuremberg 2 for four years, plus... progress is being made, but like so many historic wars they last longer than we imagine they would..
I urge everyone to remain fully involved, prioritize this daily... recruit anyone you can.. politicians are moved by Overwhelming numbers only...
Thanks for keeping it real Doc.