Aug 1·edited Aug 1

Basically everything we see is Agenda 21 and 30. I’m not sure how familiar you all are with these. If not learn what you can.

Were the Georgia Guidestones true? Ask yourself that.

Many of you figured out making people “leave” is actually true. IMO many of you focus on the “how” and rightfully so. My posts are based on the “why.”

A blended approach is welcome in my world. It is critical to know the “how.” Understanding the biological and physical effects are a step to a cure etc. understanding the “why” is critical to treating the problem not the symptom.

My understanding of the “how” is macro. Take spraying for example. It’s taken years to acknowledge it exists which is a great example on mind control. I’ve seen video games with X’s in the sky. However Tennessee got the guts to pass a law saying no more spraying!

I understand much about that program and the “how.” But the real problem is it exists. The fact they can “swap out the tanks” at will is the problem because it is allowed to exist. What ingredients are in there are a moot point to stopping it completely. Why?

Because it’s OUR air.

Think compartmentalization. Spraying, gmo, jabs, 5G etc. work together. Spraying is not benign. It’s weather and more. Keep up the good fight!

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I was really hoping for a concise summary of the work of Sacha Latypova and Katherine Watts, but unfortunately these pages really weren't it. I really hope someone has the time to summarise the information in an organised manner that can be more easily shared with the wider public.

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