
Quite a lot in The End Of Covid dealt with this myth. Also check @dawn lester

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Jun 27Liked by Dr Mike Yeadon

As usual I'm way past my allotted time, but things keep occurring to me... (muffled groans).

It's absolutely right that we get to the bottom of the mechanisms, but particularly so since we are in a time of war, and this may lead to strategies for self-defence against them.

However, zoom out to the wide shot. The science is still in frame, but a lot smaller. In this context the malefactors are far from penitent or on the back foot, as the depopulation in Ukraine and Gaza attests.

As far as the science is concerned they have decades of head-start on us, and it looks to me that we are flat out keeping up with their paper-trail. As Joyce wrote about "Finnegans Wake": "I've put enough in there to keep a hundred professors busy for a hundred years". And that in effect is exactly what they are doing.

Internal squabbling on mechanism theories that may at any moment be overturned in the flood of new information, distracts us from the fact that this is a fight to the death.

Against this wide-shot, it is highly relevant to step to the side, and suggest that we should be looking at what we should be doing to defend ourselves. I've said it before and no doubt I'll say it again:

Police your own streets.

Ensure your street's food supply.

Arrange all the services local government used to organise.

As a priority: Get to know your neighbors. You will be surprised to find they're ok. Identify the useful people.

The most revolutionary thing you can do is hold a street party.

On any pretext.

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It’s a very good idea, a street party.

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Here's one for Mike ! I haven't built it yet, but I might !


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Sorry, totally off-topic. Half of me lives with Vivian Stanshall, Dennis Potter and Mike Burton. Essence of England.

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I love Alec Zeck's video, spot on. I consider that it is fear that is contagious rather than anything. The fear in 2020 ran round the world at the speed of light (or mass media).

But then whether you believe the lies or not depends on your internal security, the terrain or the rock. I make Jesus my Rock and He has stood me in good stead through the COVID nonsense.


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Jun 26Liked by Tim West

"What else could it be?"

It was Munchausen-by-Fauci.

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Please explain what is happening,then, when one person contracts similar lesions from another after sexual relations? Is that not transmission?

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Of course it is. So are all kinds of serious and minor health problems, including good old non-specific urethritis etc . Also consider leprosy. I mean, you can hardly argue with a Leper, can you ? !


"Leprosy is an age-old disease and is described in the literature of ancient civilizations. It is a chronic infectious disease which is caused by a type of bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae. The disease affects the skin, the peripheral nerves, mucosa of the upper respiratory tract, and the eyes. Leprosy is curable and treatment in the early stages can prevent disability. Apart from the physical deformity, persons affected by leprosy also face stigmatization and discrimination."

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Stop googling!

Start digging deep.

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Fairy tales with NOTHING to back it up

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Look up "The Cruel Hoax called Herpes Genetalis" by Herbert Shelton (1983)

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Thank you. I agree with you. And it's a linchpin narrative, so many others rely on. In just believing in contagion, we set ourselves up for experiencing it. Belief is powerful. In addition to all the other factors that go into getting sick, I suspect there are even more. Interdimensional frequencies likely play a role. We are multi-dimensional electro magnetic beings.

It's less 'woo' all the time, as we know we can quickly change our own electro-magnetic fields through simple practices, (heartmath has proven this) such as gratitude, or a walk in nature, listening to certain music, etc. Those behind this insanity understand how to transmit frequencies, that if we resonate with, will impact our health, or thoughts and our feelings. It's not a stretch to speculate that part of the job of the jab, was to anchor in a frequency bandwidth that allows for stronger signals to be received, that are controlling.

Appreciate your voice.


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If there’s no such thing as viruses please explain the small pox infested blankets that were given out to the Native American Indians. Was that a coincidence too?

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So, you believe the history books?

There’s no evidence that happened, is there?

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Okay let’s say you’re correct about the smallpox blankets. Then why do antivirals like acyclovir stop herpes outbreaks?

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I tend to agree - some mass sickness events are too classic of presentation to be non-viral or not have a causative agent - smallpox epidemics, cholera, typhoid, legionnaires etc. I was once at the centre of an outbreak of the winter vomiting bug - in a hotel, in late December, and I can assure you that - whilst relatively trivial - it was very real! Mainly because it was so fast - within 24 hours almost all of us were vomiting, and it was a bit messy!

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You were all poisoned. Your contagious bug is pure fantasy.

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We were not. I can state that conclusively, because we all ate different foods and were in different parties. Look, the winter vomiting bug is a real thing, and it is quite funny and mild in most cases, but the fact is that we were all in the swimming pool and one person threw up - the staff cleaned it up, but within about 12 - 36 hours we were all chucking up like idiots.

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Yes. The power of nocebo combined with a belief in infectious pathogens, and common exposure to EMF, air food water swimming pool toxins is very strong.

No matter how strongly a child believes in Santa, whatever compelling anecdotal evidence he offers to show Santa is real - santa remains a story only

Like contagion.

It does not happen ever and never has except by transfer of toxins.

£5000 to you for even one single piece of evidence of any infectious pathogen.

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In London, Dr John Snow studied the spread of cholera in the Broad Street area. He noticed that the victims had all drunk water from the pump in the street. He persuaded local officials to stop people using the pump and the number of cases fell rapidly. I claim the £5,000 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zcrqjsg/revision/5#:~:text=In%20London%2C%20Dr%20John%20Snow,number%20of%20cases%20fell%20rapidly.

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Indeed. A very very very toxic pump it was.

But £2000 says you can’t find one piece of evidence that any infectious pathogen has ever existed.

If you post something that does not prove any infectious pathogen has ever existed I get £10

Up for it Rob?

Spoiler alert:

I would watch this first. I’m a kind man.


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No evidence for ANY of those.

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Are you seriously claiming that syphilis is NOT caused by a nasty STD?

(Have you seen a psychiatrist lately) ? !!!

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Are you seriously claiming Santa Claus doesn’t bring presents? !!

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Simply searching the words "the small pox infested blankets that were given out to the Native American Indians" in a search engine https://yandex.com/ leads to articles such as

"There’s evidence that British colonists in 18th-century America gave Native Americans smallpox-infected blankets at least once—but did it work?".....


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Smallpox was very effective on native tribes. See Norman Lewis "The Missionaries". One of the nastiest books you'll ever read, and one of the most necessary.

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I don’t believe these accounts. Sorry.

“History is written by the victors”.

The victors have planned to use injections masquerading as vaccines for significantly longer than a century.

It’s unsafe to read history and not to be aware that much of it reflects what was anticipated to be useful in the future.

This idea, that we Europeans wiped out Native American Indians and earlier the indigenous Central American population, comes to us down the ages.

We will never know what really happened.

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We will never know what really happened.

Just let me inform you that the germs theory regarding Nature American populations' demise is being contested within mainstream, academic history, dogmatic and ideological as the latter is. If one just looks for negative criticism of Jared Diamond's GGS, he'll find plenty of it. From the top of my head, an anthropologist Jason Antrosio pointed to the work of a historian Eric Wolf about the tremendous disruptions of the Native American ways of life which can explain much of their growing problems with health.

By the way, when we examine the veracity of the claim "HIstory is written by the victors," we can see it is often wide off the mark.

If one searches the phrase 'History is written by the losers,' one can find essays that argue exactly that point, making many good points.

One such essay was from Tanner Greer.

BTW, Greer is "rightwing," while those referred to previously are "leftists": I don't care about sides, only about the arguments.

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"The Missionaries" was written 1988 about events of the previous decade after much time spent in the Amazon where the events took place. It very much looks from the book that US agencies were behind the 2 bogus fundamentalist missionary groups involved. Inconclusive I know but I doubt people like the CIA waste time on ineffective methods. But then they pay people to stare at goats so who knows ?

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You doubt people like the CIA waste time on ineffective methods.

As a matter of fact, ex-CIA people make that exact claim.

Let's name names: Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern and John Kiriakou.

But one might say, "oh, they're "dissidents," they have their own personal grudges which color their judgement."

But if you read the late Charles McCarry, the ex-CIA, spy books author, who was totally defending CIA as populated with good guys, in an interview he says:

"I was having lunch with Richard Helms, a good friend of mine, several years ago. He was very upset with the younger generation. I said, “You know Dick, older generations have always been upset with younger generations.” He said, “Yes, but we have a lot more reason.” "


Let me make a step back, and then few more steps back, get back to the issue of existence of "viruses," and recall an old adage:

Science does not prove anything. Science can only disprove things.

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Colds or flu, whatever causes them, don’t kill people. In many cases the body kills itself by trying to heal itself…

Cold or flu related pneumonias and sepsis do kill people.

Advancing pneumonias can be easily verified not only with the deteriorating vital signs but also with x-rays. Simply put, when O2 saturation is dropping fast one can predict the pneumonia is advancing (fast).

Antibiotic resistance in bacterial pneumonia can be verified by the scientific method in the lab; i.e. it is easy to identify antibiotic resistant bacteria by exposing bacteria in the sample to different antibiotics. The bacteria that continue to grow, are resistant to medications. Once the right medication is found to treat antibiotic resistance, the pneumonia often gradually subsides along with sepsis and vitals sighs soon returned to normal.

Many lives are saved like that every day.

BTW: Zack’s claim that he doesn’t know what makes people sick and listing all those probable causes without even a hint how to verify his claims is pure ignorance, even if viruses don’t exist…

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I did some research into 'religious revivals' in my own small town of Kilsyth - these were three notable extremely intense mass-delusional events in which the poorly educated townsfolk started to follow charismatic preachers and stayed up all night in mass events, experiencing a kind of religious ecstatic experience, dancing, speaking in tongues, and generally behaving in a collectively insane manner. Interesting enough, whilst some preachers wanted - and still want - to keep this frenzy going, other, saner minds advocated caution, recognising the potential for serious harm.

I have no doubt that the massacres in Rwanda, the witch-hunts in Europe, and the Inquisitional reigns of terror were caused by similar factors - mankind is a very dangerous animal at times.

The excellent play by Miller - 'The Crucible' (which I directed in a local amateur production in the 1980's) describes these mass formation events perfectly, though he may well have been looking at the equally horrific McCarthy anti-communist era.

As soon as Covid came around it was clear that a large number of people had been sufficiently 'triggered ' to cause a major event - this time global. But it did have some basis in a bug - albeit a fairly trivial one. This then created a 'syndemic' with a mix of causes all producing a perfect storm.

I honestly hoped I would never see such horrors in my lifetime

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Those who follow the Baileys should carefully review their video on antibiotics where they claim that antibiotics work because they have anti-inflammatory properties but they stop short to explain the mechanism(s) by which antibiotics work or should work.


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Mike, listen to this doctor describing the unique symptomatology of covid that he had twice and that lead to him developing DIC with neurological consequences which were near fatal. Now tell me that this isn’t a unique pathogen, which can be very deadly ( to some with susceptible genetics)!

Please listen before you do your Delingpod interview.

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No anecdote will trump large amounts of empirical evidence.

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Obviously I know he’s running something other than a critical review of all the evidence.

The lack of contagion/ symptomatic transmission cannot be dismissed or ignored as it has been without something being seriously awry.

That is his decision.

There are no winners. He’s clear in his position as I am in mine.

I’m uninterested in public debates. None have ever changed anything & I’d rather do numerous other things instead.

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There is contagion and symptomatic transmission which I've seen through my own family, with those not falling sequentially ill either having been recently infected or having a different immune system and getting a different variant later. Have you read his prior article, written with your old collaborator Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, and read all the references? I was one of your early followers on twitter and you followed me back. I had great respect for your long, clear, logical explanations. I remember you saying something, a year or so later, along the lines of how you'd decided it might not be safe for you in this country anymore and that you could easily be swiped from your doorstep. I believe that subconsciously, having to live with the genuine paranoia that that would induce ( and I think you were correct) you have now allowed yourself to adopt the nonsensical position of no virus, as being ' one of those no virus people ' makes you mad, but not dangerous, in the eyes of the perpetrators and your life will no longer be at risk.

Please see my other 'new' comment linking to a video interview with Dr Shankara Chetty describing how twice he got covid and both times it gave him DIC with near fatal neurological consequences. That is classic of it being a new and different pathogen. For some unlucky ( in the genetic/immune system department) people, it is a very serious disease. You used to acknowledge this as it was the basis for your letter to the regulators in either late 2020 or very early 2021, where you pointed out all the unique features of the spike and how dangerous a vaccine based on it, would therefore be.

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Respectfully, your opinion that you’ve seen transmission is anecdote as easily explained in others ways.

I have no doubt you believe what you’ve written.

However, that doesn’t trump large amounts of empirical evidence to the contrary.

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If you were in a cult, would you like people to rescue you? And how do you think you would react to them trying to do that?

You used to be such a clear logical thinker and I thought you were one of the early heroes that was going to help get us out of this mess because you had credibility. Now I am really cross with you, you’ve let me down, and made me look a fool to anyone who in the past I recommended you too. Your belief in the no virus cult is just as bad ( and seemingly unreachable) as the belief in lockdown cult, the belief in the vaccine cult etc. you are one of them and absolutely no use to the cause, but a hindrance leading others astray. We will not win a war against the psychopaths this way and they know it.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 29Author

I regret to say you are badly mistaken.

I never jump to conclusions publicly which is why it’s taken me so long to reach the conclusions I have.

If you’re going to maintain that acute respiratory illnesses are infectious in origin and contagious, you will need to rebut the century of published, failed attempts to transmit the symptoms of such ilnesses from one person to another.

Please resist the temptation to divert to other lines of evidence until you’ve satisfied yourself that you can set this block of evidence aside. I cannot.

Best wishes


Ps: if you think one person subject to extraordinary censorship and smearing ever had a chance to “win this war”, you’ve not walked a mile in my shoes. The very best I and others can do is minimise the number of people who immediately walk into the killing machine currently being assembled all around us.

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I may be reading it incorrectly (and if so, I apologise!), but surely you intended to write "The very best I and others can do is MINIMISE the number of people who immediately walk into the killing machine currently being assembled all around us", as opposed to "The very best I and others can do is MAXIMISE... etc..."?

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You are gullible, LAZY, and irresponsible.

You have been presented now with enough material for you to ditch your pushing of pseudoscience.

You are NO different from those pushing lockdowns, climate emergency, vaccines or any other psyop.

You REFUSE to go in the room to see the elephant for yourself but instead pour scorn on those who have.

Shame on you CrossCat.

The perpetrators build their dreams of control entirely on knowing people act as you do.

Virology is a dreadful pseudoscience from top to bottom and to be unaware of this at this stage, on this platform is a sign of unacceptable laziness.

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Yes, well, that's the problem with non-scientists like me stepping in ! Don't we have any photos of the spike ? Wouldn't microscopy be useful ? I found a photo recently, but can't of course post it on Stack. Looked very much like the artists' renderings of the 'Coronavirus'. Professor Fukushima for one recently thinks the spike protein exists. Wasn't Luc Montaigner alluding to it ? Since our understanding is evolving so rapidly, isn't it possible that, even if it has been mislabelled Spike, that something exists that it is doing the same work ?

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Doing what work? There is no evidence of anything doing any work.

EMF maybe.

But aside from that, nothing spread. No virus, No spike, it’s all pseudoscientific gobbledygook

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Uttar Pradesh ?

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A little off-thread.

The argument between Graphene and Spike people is pointless.

They are both in the needles, and designed to do different things.

The spike to kill by autoimmune reaction, the graphene to cause localised damage and prepare you for future control.

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Personally I think now that they’re both PsyOps.

While there’s much talk of them, solid evidence is lacking.

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Pretty good stuff from David Nixon's (et al) astonishing microscopy, Substack.

He doesn't pretend to know exactly what he's seeing, and I like that. David, Shimon and Matt are observers working together and I like that too.

"The Microscope Does Not Lie".

You have to like that !

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Where is the evidence for ‘spike’

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Mike, what exactly do you think all the scientists working on elucidating the mechanisms of action of sarscov2 are working on? Yes, they may be using a lab cloned virus that they’ve acquired from another lab, but it still sequences roughly the same as what they are finding all over the world with different sequencing methods ( nanopore being one method I remember the name of). Over the last few years I’ve spent hours watching Dr Mobeen Syed (DrBeen on YouTube or Rumble) explaining in great detail ( and with beautiful drawings) what the latest research paper has found. Kevin McCairn can also explain how viruses do actually exist and did so years ago in a video where he answered a ‘Tim Truth’s’ questions.

Why can’t it be both germ theory and terrain theory? Haven’t you seen a recent research paper that elucidated the particular HLA status of people who don’t appear to even catch the virus due to an exceptionally efficient immune system in their airways/nasal mucosa?

I’m a retired GP and in Nov/Dec’19 my husband (who travels through international airports all the time) first became sick ( the worst I’ve ever seen in him in 26 yrs of marriage), followed by our youngest of 3 teenagers, then me. What I had totally confused me at the time as it was unlike anything I’d ever had before or known a patient describe to me. I could only move at the speed of a sloth which was something I’ve never encountered before. It was not shortness of breath. The rapidity of onset and severity of each symptom and the order in which they occurred were totally incongruent and when I stood coughing in my hallway feeling like I had shards of glass in my lungs after only half a day of cough I wondered if I was having multiple small PEs and thought ‘should I go to my doctor? What would they say? Probably that it sounds like a virus! Nobody will take me seriously that this feels different and wrong.’ The 3 of 5 of us that were ill, were fully ill for 2 weeks ( flu has only ever made me ill for about 3 days) and we all felt like we had a relapse 2 weeks later.

The eldest teenager fell ill during the delta time (July ‘21 ) and antibody test a month later was positive, the rest of us were negative despite her coughing all over me. In Dec’21 omicron BA.1 time, us first 3 and the 5th teenager sequentially fell ill, but no amount of coughing all over the eldest could make her sick or even get her a positive PCR which she tried to get twice so she could have a ‘proof of recent infection’ certificate! It is both germ and terrain theory, sometimes explained by external factors (such as mentioned in that 1 minute clip) and sometimes explained by the immunological status of the host ( recent infection or particular HLA type etc).

I understand why you join others in the denial of a virus thing because yes, I do think that most of the deaths attributed to covid were due to inappropriate/wrong/delayed medical care and faulty use of PCR creating casedemics, and DNRs leading to midazolam & morphine etc. I do however think that there is incontrovertible proof that a novel lab made virus, with its own particular way of affecting humans and which has continued to circulate the world and evolve, exists. I agree with you that probably ( with everything I’ve learnt about viruses so far) a true pandemic is not possible because nothing that deadly could spread so effectively. I’ll quote something drummed into me at medical school- Never say never, say rarely if ever!

Denying the existence of something because it’s inconvenient to your argument degrades your message to the point of being useless. Accepting the truth and saying that even, in spite of that fact, this whole thing was concocted and wrong will hit home with people.

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Why do you believe in these Santa like fictions? And why do you call those pointing out the reality Santa-denialists?

It is just silly at this stage to pretend viruses exist.

How are you unaware that they ate NEVER sequenced. They are assembled by pasting reeds.

It is time to get up to speed Crosscat

Pushing a climate emergency or viruses is itself denialism.

There is so much data.

Part 1


Part 2 in


Part 3


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What sarscov2?

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In the Cannon vid, at 18:15, the narrator mentions Yoruba voodoo. Interestingly (given the confluence of overturning events in 2020+) BLM's founding trio are documented to have based their methods and mantras on Yoruba principles.

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Integral to this discussion: https://nasb.literalword.com/?h=18&q=1+John+4 "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love."

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